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A New Evil Enters

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   The young man gazes upon the ground, now red and black; the smell of scorched earth fills his nostrils; choking him with every breath. Dried blood fills his ears, an effect of the screeching of the monsters that have imprisoned him, and taken him away from his home. He closes his eyes to try to think back on what he could have done to deserve what is happening. 
"I am a good man, a good father, husband, and friend. Why have the gods forsaken me? What have I done wrong?" His mind wanders to the memory of when this all began...

   He was walking along the Anthos main road, heading from the cloud temple, North to the oren lands. It was an ordinary trip, peaceful and calm; he was armed in case of bandits, but suspected no real threat. As he proceeded he kept getting a *****, cold feeling up his spine that he was being followed, but when he glanced around, he was all alone. He shrugged it off and continued his journey, excited to be getting back to his family. As night began to settle in, he decided it best to push forward through the night and make it home by morning. But as he continued his walk a strange noise began to to fill the air. At first he thought it the sound of the wind through the tall grass, but as he looked up at the trees; he noticed them still and silent. He stopped walking for a second and cocked an ear, trying to listen to what it was.

   "Whispers," he said under his breath "Someone is whispering to me." He began to spin around trying to see what direction the noise was coming from. But as he spun, he noticed that it was all around him, the whispering was everywhere, as if he was in the middle of a circle with everyone whispering something different, the words jumbled, coming at him constantly, getting louder and louder. 

   "WHO IS OUT THERE! WHAT DO YOU WANT!" he screamed as he took off running through the trees. 
"YOU!" he heard through the whispers, the only word that he could make out. He continued to sprint, the night air constricting around him, his heart racing, a cold sweat began to come over him and the whispering still all around. 
"Umphhhh!" he let out a loud grunt as he tripped over a root from a tree, landing face first on the hard ground. As he climbed to his knees and got ready to continue his mad flight, he was stopped by an ancient, unearthly sound.

   A loud screech crippled his movements and kept him on his knees, forcing him down to the ground, as if gravity were multiplied tenfold.  He screamed in pain and agony as blood began to trickle from his ears. The sound got louder and louder, until finally it stopped. The relief was only temporary, for with the ending of the sound, the man set eyes on the thing that had been chasing him.

   In front of him stood a strange and horrible being, eyes crimson, covered in charred armor and robes. His body began to be overcome by fear; almost as if a cloud, an aura of terror oozed out of the figure and surrounded him. He trembled as the monster approached, the air getting colder, with the only warmth being the liquid running down his legs.  As the hooded being stood over him, the man examined the creature’s body; no feet touched the ground, and his hands were shadows blending in with the night. They slowly stretched out, like shadowed serpents, out towards him. Before he could let out a scream for help or mercy, his vision went black and the nightmares took him.

   As the caged cart he is in runs over a rock, the man is snapped out of his memory. Still trapped in this cage. He isn't alone, with him are an orc, two elves, and another human. He wasn't embarrassed at the fact that he soiled himself, as it seems the others did as well, even the orc. He grew used to the smell of waste, the stench of burnt flesh and death is what fills the air. The others never made a noise, there eyes fixated dully at the world around them. A hellish place, something from the darkest of dreams, a land as twisted and corrupt as the monsters who pull them. They were once inhabitants of  Anthos, but now they are twisted and burnt beyond recognition, skin has been replaced with armor, or is just missing entirely. 

   The inhabitants of this place are all the same, once familiar beings now disfigured and armed to the teeth. The signs are obvious that they are getting ready for something, lining up in front of a massive building.  The guttural growls grow silent; their eyes not moving from the doors. The cart stops in front of the lines, at the bottom of the stairs that lead up. He turns his head to look up at what everyone was staring at.

   There at the top stood several of the hooded and armored wraiths, and in the middle a man. Or what looks like a man, but could not possibly be. Black, scaled skin; eyes dark as the night, and a sharp, menacing grin that holds no kindness. He stops and looks at the cages that lay in front of him and addresses his army.

   "Yeessssssss," he says in a loud tone that seems to be coming from the sky, booming like thunder. "With this we now have enough. Go forward from Burzûmkûtotaz. Gather much more to become my slaves! Destroy those who are unworthy! The mortals of Anthos will suffer and die!"

   And with that, the creatures disband leaving the people in the cage, and the strange man, his lieutenants standing silently at his side. He looks down at them with the menacing smile from before,  and with that something beyond the man’s comprehension happened. The man changed, and before the prisoners could even put a thought together, darkness took them, and the smell of burnt flesh fills the air once more.

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((Wraiths, yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes If there ever is an opportunity for me to become a wraith I would totally take it))

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This is amazing, I truly hope some of us will get to become wraiths like undead. 

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And just when I thought I was safe.

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So much is in store... :3

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You peoples is silleh, the majority of the antagonists are the beastmen, there are only a few wraiths.

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Awesome to see Chaq's lore in action.


Do House Toov proud, Chaqery.

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