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[Lore] Puvgump Fish [Fish/toxin]


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Came up with a small idea that I think could bring about some interesting roleplay. I based this loosely on Haitian voodoo and real life zombies. In short, my idea is a venemous fish found in the ocean near the Orcish deserts. The venom reduces the afflicted to a zombie-like trance where they are extremely open to suggestions. Overall, I think it'd be something neat for witchdoctors/alchemist to roleplay with. Could maybe lead to some fun events, too. ("Zombie" Orc vs Normal Orc war/battle, anyone?"


Note: To use the poison on other players, they must first know the effects, and the one administering must have a VA (probably kidnapping and slavery). 





When administered directly to the bloodstream, the toxin works quickly. Within a few minutes, the afflicted find themselves in a trance-like state. Their senses are dulled and their movement is sluggish. The victim is extremely vulnerable to suggestion during this time. 


The toxin can also be absorbed through skin contact, although it takes much, much longer than if it was introduced into the bloodstream. Anyone handling the toxin must take safety pre-cautions, else they run the risk of doping themselves up. 


The poison comes from the Puvgump fish's venom sac. If the sac is found unbroken, it will be filled with a clear liquid. If the sac has been broken, the poison will spread to the rest of the fish, spoiling the meat but also transferring any venomous properties to it. The meat can be dried and ground into a powder, although it will be far less potent than in it's pure, liquid form.


The effects last anywhere from one day to a month, depending on how large of a dose was applied. It is possible to kill with a large enough dose, it's just unlikely; usually the larger a dose, the longer the affect. 




  • Poison found in a sac inside the Puvgump fish; clear liquid.
  • Higher dosage = longer effect. Possibility to kill the afflicted, just not very likely.
  • Poison can be absorbed through skin contact/through stomach. Takes slightly longer for the effects to take place than if the poison was introduced into the bloodstream.
  • Afflicted are put into a zombie-like state: Sluggish movement, loss of sensation, dulled senses, open to suggestions.




The Puvgump fish is quite similar to the Puffer fish; both are capable of inflating their stomach with air or water, and both have large external spines on their stomach. The main difference between the Puffer and Puvgump is that the Puffer's poison is much more deadly. 


The two fish look quite similar, though the Puvgump is found only in the oceanic waters near the Orcish city of San'Orka. 


The fish's poison is found only within their venom sac, a small black orb within the fishes' body. The meat is safe to eat as long as the sac is not ruptured. When ruptured, all parts of the fish becomes tainted. The meat is still edible, although the consumer will gradually feel the effects of the toxin over the course of half an hour to an hour. The effects will last anywhere from half a day to a few days, depending on how much tainted meat had been eaten. 




  • Fish similar to that of the Pufferfish. 
  • Found only in the ocean waters near the San'Orca city/Orcish desert. 
  • Venom sac within their body. Fishes' meat is non-poisonous unless the sac is ruptured. 




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Are they mentally pacified to the point that they'd attack their friends if ordered to and how long would this effect the victim?

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Are they mentally pacified to the point that they'd attack their friends if ordered to and how long would this effect the victim?


Aye, they would. They (the afflicted) would still be rather sluggish though. 


Like, if I told someone... "Hey, go hit that guy." It'd take them 3 seconds to walk over and slug the dude. But someone under the effects of the toxin would take 5~ seconds for it to register, then 10 seconds to complete the task. 


I forgot to mention, to keep the "zombie"-like effect going, they would need continuous dosage of the toxin. If they ran out of poison, fish, or both parties agreed to stop the roleplay, it would eventually wear off after a time, depending on how much of the toxin was administered at the start (it'd probably be agreed upon in OOC by the two parties beforehand). 

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Interesting. I do not have any more questions, and the lore seems like it has potential to throw out some interesting RP.

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What about things that would go completely against the character's moral boundries, doing things which require VA, and the all very plausible to happen in this server for some stupid reason... trying to make them like or date someone, not speaking of the bannable offences.

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What about things that would go completely against the character's moral boundries, doing things which require VA, and the all very plausible to happen in this server for some stupid reason... trying to make them like or date someone, not speaking of the bannable offences.


I'd have to ask the VAT about this as I am not too sure.


I think the toxin would be rare enough (and limited by VA enough already) that those using it would be wise enough to not abuse it/bring about "poor" roleplay with it. 

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This is an incredibly powerful toxin if it can be administered simply by contact with the skin. It is worth keeping balance in mind. In addition, does this have a cure? After all, all good poisons have a cure!

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This is an incredibly powerful toxin if it can be administered simply by contact with the skin. It is worth keeping balance in mind. In addition, does this have a cure? After all, all good poisons have a cure!


It would require a long time to "soak" in, to balance that. So, say someone, I dunno, soaked a bandage in the toxin then wrapped it to someone's skin. It'd take an hour or two for it to take affect.


I don't think there would be a natural cure (besides time) found in the (figurative) wilds. Perhaps the fish would be /very/ rare? 

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Rare is not a particularly great barrier in my mind. If someone wants to RP finding it, they will... So you would have to control it somehow if you did that.

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We talked a bit in-game, but I'll post it here so that others can read it:


I've talked to Telanir and he said that he could add in (a) fish for me. He could probably make this fish extremely rare, as to limit the amount of poison in-game. 


I could then handle any modreqs for people that: a.) have a fish b.) have knowledge of the poison. I could trade out the fish for a re-named item, perhaps an ink-sac. 

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Perhaps instead of a modreq, eating the cooked fish will them the named ink sack?

Yet I don't know if this is possible.

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