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[Lore] [Magic] [Complete] Void Translocation


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A common term within the world of magic. If you do not understand what the void is then you should read through the Magic Guides before continuing to peruse this lore.

Energy: At times throughout this lore the word 'energy' will be used to refer to the matter by which all living things are created. This is similar to 'mana' and may be referred to as such, though 'energy' should be thought of similar to atoms

Mana: Magical energy that exists within all things to a varying degree. Can be harnessed by a sorcerer as a source of power for their magic. No other uses yet known.

DNA: For want of a more accurate word, DNA simply refers to the energy signature of any object or organism. When something is converted into energy the individual particles retain the 'DNA' signature of their original form.

Sorcerer: Any user of magic who knows how to perform Disassembly and Reassembly

Entity: A 'thing'. Refers to both living and dead objects

The Void is a realm of pure energy. Simultaneously nothing exists while everything exists. It was from this energy that the Creator formed our world as we know it. The Creator alone has the power to wield the mana and energy of the Void to create something new. Not much is known about the Void and its elusiveness has made it near impossible to study. Yet the existence of 'nothing' within the Void that can become 'something' in the instant that a being with enough power willed it to be so provides a potential to lesser beings.

Evocationists borrow the energy from the Void in the form of a basic element, however what they summon must always return to the Void as it is distinctly different from anything 'real' in that it cannot exist separate from the void.

Some users of magic would claim to journey into the void themselves and be able to emerge some time later. Just as much as one being can disappear from our realm, be converted into pure energy and mana, and emerge again seemingly unharmed; so too can objects pass from this world and exist within the void.

If an object's amount of mana can be balanced by the mana of a sorcerer who has a connection to the Void, that object can be removed from being 'real' and exist instead in the Void.


1. Entities can be sent to the Void


2. They can be brought back from the Void at another time in another place




All things are made of small particles that exist as pure energy in the void. The larger and more complex an object is, the more energy it contains.

All things contain mana.

The combination of energy and mana forms the 'DNA' of that object that defines size, mass, consistency, etc.


Energy must not be thought of in a linear fashion. If x were to be separated from xyz then x does not exist as independent from xyz because its entirety is defined through the combination of mana and energy, so by removing a single part you do not get a part of the whole because the information is fragmented. If the leaf of a sapling were to be sent to the void while still attached to the rest of the sapling, then the combination of mana and energy has been disconnected from the whole entity and the leaf fails to exist, becoming meaningless energy in the void. If the leaf were to be disconnected from the flow of mana then sent to the void, the mana and energy is able to recombine in the leaf to create an individual entity that can exist separate from the sapling.

This may sound complex, but it simply means that a part of something cannot be sent to the void and then reassembled again. The object must be sent and reassembled as a whole. It is possible to partially disassemble something, though it will be converted into generic energies in the void and remain unretrievable.


Any object that has a fluctuating form likewise has constantly shifting energy and mana. Water that is not in a solid container continually redefines itself and therefore risks becoming nonexistent if sent to the Void because it is separated from a part of its' whole. Fire is also not at any instance 'solid' enough for its form to be understood.

Larger living animals are highly complicated entities and within every second become vastly redefined in terms of mana and energy as blood quickly pumps around their large bodies. It would not be possible to read as a whole and understand a large living being as it is almost immediately shifting, therefore the larger the being the more impossible it becomes to discern their form enough to send to the void at all.


Natural objects that remain in the form that they were at the hand of the Creator have a much higher level of mana than those that are reformed at the hand of man. When the form of an object is changed so too is the combination of energy and mana that defines it. A plank of wood has less mana but a more complex energy signature than a tree branch. Because the energy is no longer in its natural form when it is within the Void this energy is more distinct than others. A steel sword, for example, contains highly complicated energies that would be more difficult to define in the natural world but easy to discover in the Void. In the moment that something dies or is changed in some way (like melting iron) its mana begins to shift and be used up as the energy particles are redefined.

Humans as an entity have constantly shifting mana because of the complexity of the soul. Depending on mood, the connection to magic, physical health and many other attributes, the human body undergoes constant changes in mana that makes it impossible to define.


A sorcerer must first understand the object that they wish to send. To begin with the object or entity will need to be physically studied, then mentally studied, then magically studied. The entity in question must remain unchanging in form and mana while it is being studied, otherwise the shifting energy will make the entity too difficult to understand. Once a sorcerer adequately understands the entity they must use their own mana to match that amount of mana. Then, once a connection to the Void is established just as any Evocationist would, the object slips into the nothing and ceases to exist in this world.

Now that the entity floats around as pure energy in the Void the Sorcerer can get on with their day until such time as they would like to summon it back. Obviously the longer something is left in the void the easier it will be for the Sorcerer to forget the DNA of that entity. If such information cannot be recalled then the object will never again be seen in this world. However if such time has passed that they can remember the entity's combination of mana and energy, they simply establish a connection with the void again and imagine the entity in its original form, connecting with the energy and using the same amount of their own mana that it originally contained.




Based on the very nature of energy and mana and how they exist in the world there are some limitations:

Understanding or 'reading' an entity before disassembling it takes time. An entity can be moving in space but no part of it can be changing while it is being 'understood'.


Connecting to the void takes time to clear one's minds and senses completely. Reassembling an entity can never be done instantaneously. For a highly experienced sorcerer it would take just as long to reassemble something like a shield as it would take for someone to physically wield one.


When an object or entity is reassembled into this world, it is reformed as though it were frozen in time in the void. All reassemblies are motionless in time and space.


Only a master can disassemble or reassemble something without touching it because the connection to the Void must be created by the sorcerer.


A sorcerer must match the mana of an entity to disassemble and reassemble it, so any entity with shifting mana cannot be done. This includes but is not limited to: unconfined liquids, fire, living beings too large to be 'understood instantaneously' (larger than a dog), lightning, wards.


Magical items are protected by highly concentrated mana that may or may not be fluctuating. This makes it impossible to disassemble unless the sorcerer is in control of the magic/enchant themselves.


Humans cannot be sent to the void.


Tier 1: Disassembling and Reassembling small lifeless entities must be done near instantaneously so that one can practice discerning the form of an object within the void

Tier2: A lifeless entity the size of one's hand can be stored in the void for any length of time depending on one's memory. The object must still be handled before disassembling.

Tier3: Living entities can now be disassembled and reassembly becomes easier to perform. Objects that are not 'whole' can be disassembled (See Para 2 of "Understanding...")

Tier4: An entity no longer needs to be touched to be understood and disassembled, however it must be completely visible. A connection to the void can only be made in the near vicinity of a sorcerer. Entities as large as the sorcerer themselves can be trans-located.

Tier5: Multiple entities can be reassembled into one form. Reassembly can be performed at a distance from one's self, no longer requiring to touch an entity.




To encourage a greater understanding of complex entities, the following list has been assembled as a guide from simplest to most complex. The size of an object also has a dominant impact on how complex an entity is, however is not necessarily a factor in this list.

Lumbered wood



Leaf or flower

Smelted Steel




Small plant




Small animal (nothing larger than a bird)

Raw energies: fire, water. lightning etc. (cannot be reassembled)

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So...transmutation kinda?

Also, with Kalenz: I'm not up on the wagon when it comes to altering living people in any way involving the void. You can't send someone to the Void and expect to get them back, or any living thing.

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I'm with you all up until the 'living things' part. I'd personally think avoiding larger living things would be desirable.... i.e. No void trapping people.

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The complication with humans is that our souls create a constant flux in our mana. I just now realised I said that at no point


EDIT: La fix


I was thinking though that if the circulation could be cut off from an area then that part could be disassembled. But because it is attached to part of a whole when it is sent it couldn't be brought back. Probably a good thing. Who wants a severed finger anyway?


I also threw in a little bit about the entity remaining motionless while it is studied. This is chiefly to stop things like "giant rhino running at mage" "mage sends rhino to void"

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This is a very interesting subtype and I think it could work very well save the living things part. Even if you leave out void trapping people you still get this thing where you can in a sense conjure creatures that you previously trapped which is conjuration without control. Now done properly, and maybe I just missed something while reading, this could be really rewarding RP.

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How about convocation? Fancy word, sounds cool, synonym of Assembly.
Other than that, sounds good, interesting lore.

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I also threw in a little bit about the entity remaining motionless while it is studied. This is chiefly to stop things like "giant rhino running at mage" "mage sends rhino to void"

If you just cut 'living things larger than a bird' out of the equation then you could do things like... vanish arrows, flying rocks and the such... Having things need to be still is a large restriction.

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If you just cut 'living things larger than a bird' out of the equation then you could do things like... vanish arrows, flying rocks and the such... Having things need to be still is a large restriction.

I agree. How about:

Velocity +Size = Mana required




There does need to be a restriction, of course, but perhaps not as large as completely removing objects with motion out of the picture. Being able to understand and disassemble something while it is moving would be extremely difficult, and requiring large amounts of concentration of mana, hence the rule above. A Tier 4 user may just be able to do this, while a Tier 5 could perhaps do this with more ease, depending on the size and velocity. Hope this helps.

Call it Convocation!

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Division magic? Disintegration Magic? Interesting idea over all, I like it just needs a bit of work on what are its limits, and perhaps list them somewhere, and their drawbacks ect.

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I am confused. You state that humans mana and form always shifts and changes constantly, if that's true then how can they be deconstructed?

Or I am just getting confused with your term "living things".

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I've got a question regarding a person sent to the void, Does time pass in the void so he/she ages while in there? Or is it just like "Whoah what just happend?"

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Alrighty. With great emotional pain I retyped the middle section which was lost somehow when I made a poll and FMs couldn't seem to bring it back. Coincidentally enough that section contained some of the most important information, so if something still doesn't sound right let me know.


I am confused. You state that humans mana and form always shifts and changes constantly, if that's true then how can they be deconstructed?

Or I am just getting confused with your term "living things".

One can send themselves to the void. 'Living' embodies many different things. But a person cannot send anyone but themselves to the void. 

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Thanks Ptah for the name that I have swiftly stolen from the enchanted item event.



Whatever may be missing or excessive for this lore I would appreciate being told quickly. Unless there is something not right with the lore I don't see what would suspend a decision any further.

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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
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