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Everything posted by ReveredOwl

  1. "Null and void? They do remember why it was formed in the first place, right? This seems awfully like the begining of another schism, might someone remind the Aaunites how the last one ended." remarked Ser Andrik.
  2. "They wanted independence and freedom yet rely on our military support? Bah." sulked Ser Andrik in his home.
  3. whats the difference between a TOS ban and a moderation ban?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Crevel


      Yes, that is why I acknowledged those are Moderation ban reasons. It's only the severe situations like severe harassment, grooming, leaking sensitive information etc. that require the intervention of Administration to be directly involved that have the ability to result in Player Conduct Violation or Safety Violation bans. I've never spoken to an admin about it so I can't say for certain why the system of an email appeal is in place. My go-to theory is that it's more of a PR issue and it's better if they're able to handle it privately without the possibility of public outrage given that these situations are generally more sensitive.

    3. lemonke


      Like Creval said, moderation ban is for the common stuff but then there are admins bans, which are most of the time permanent and is what may be going through, right now. Lastly, TOS bans that break the safety rules such as pedophilia etc..

    4. Demented_Delila


      You can appeal a Moderation Ban, you cannot appeal a TOS (or CGV) is the big difference. It tends to be indicative of the level of fuckery.

  4. Doesn't Hyspia already have full, if not, near full, autonomy as a Haeseni vassal, whats the need in creating another new human nation on a tile already owned by one?
  5. "Everybody knows that Lurin is a den for the foul and degenerate, they knowingly allowed a gaggle of frost witches to construct a coven in their city, and once publicly known, gave them chance to leave before burning the cove simply so they could act innocent, which everybody knows they are not." remarked Ser Andrik.
  6. "What a farcical man, demanding duels from others yet refusing my challenge to him, bah!" barked Ser Andrik.
  7. "Wasn't there a whole argument about the bandit Mareno's residing in Veletz, to which they denied, and yet they included their signature in this very missive." remarked Andrik var Ruthern
  8. idk why people try to murder or abduct people in the middle of a city and expect people not to see them, its stupid that they can stall emotes and lock the crp before anyone really has any time to see whats happening its dumb, remove crp lock!
  9. "Duels are often used to those who bring into question the honour of another, which is what he had done when he did that I had dishonoured myself. No Knight Paramount should be refusing a duel." remarked Andrik.
  10. Letter to the Royal Duma: A LILY-LIVERED PARAMOUNT Issued by Ser Andrik var Ruthern To the members of the Royal Duma, I serve as a Knight of the Marian Retinue, one of the last Marian Knights currently left within the Koengzem, thus it is my right to attend and sit in on Knight Table meetings, in truth I attend so that the table would have more than two attendees present. I have attended Knight table meetings for a long while as a Marian Knight and none have took issue with me doing so, I had taken a squire from this meeting and taught them as a Marian Squire, but they would later become a Crow squire after the Retinues reformation. I am sure you are all aware that Ser Audo Weiss shall soon go through the ritual of the Drowning of the Blades, a ritual that would elevated him to the position of Knight Paramount. A Knight Paramount must have strong conviction, courage and must be able to defend their words with steel. Ser Audo Weiss is a lily-livered imbecile who was just recently demoted in the Brotherhood of Saint Karl for the enslavement of a fellow soldier, amongst other things. I had previously had altercations with Ser Audo Weiss who has routinely questioned my honour and commitment to the Crown and Koengzem to which I am sworn, I have challenged him to a duel once before only to be met with an abrupt refusal from my fellow Knight; he gave in after public ridicule over such cowardice. Once more have I been slighted by Ser Audo, a Knight who has previously been the subject of great conversation on the Knights Table for cowardice, he claimed that I had dishonoured myself and that I was no true Knight as I refused to sit on the Knights Table, as I am a Marian Knight. Once more did Ser Audo refuse my challenge to duel, but it brings heavier doubt onto his character now that he is to become our next Knight Paramount. It is my desire for the Royal Duma to summon Ser Audo, before his Drowning of the Blades ritual and question him over his dishonour and cowardice. With a nation in the grip of a constant winter storm and the encroaching threat of the Aaunish and their Veletzian hounds, we can not have a Knight Paramount whose cowardice is so evident, leading the next generation of Knights, lest we end up with a laughable gaggle of lap dogs rather than a pack of ferocious wolves. Ser Andrik var Ruthern
  11. "This coven has been known about for weeks, chances are they simply burned an empty coven after letting them all escape." remarked Andrik var Ruthern.
  12. "Let us not forget, those same bandits who were dispatched from the Aaunic regency, laddered over our palace walls after being refused entry and only fled after they heard the bells toll." remarked Ser Andrik.
  13. "They, like much other nations, don't want your people near their lands because your city is rife with foul beasts and dark magic users." said Andrik.
  14. sad to see a large chunk of questions were ignored after people started speaking, i thought they'd all be answered after that part was over?
  15. "And now they bow to them." remarked Andrik var Ruthern.
  16. Well its almost been a month... anything happen as a result of this thread?
  17. "We've had experiences with these nuns, but Petra ought give a description of them lest people would be killing genuine nuns." remarked Ser Andrik.
  18. "Idiotic for these demons to think they have any chance at prevailing against the Canonist League." remarked Ser Andrik.
  19. Its a sad state of affairs when they don't even bother to update their PMC page... its got pictures and a video from 2 maps ago... it takes like 5 minutes to fly around with some shaders on and take some screenshots. Why has nobody ever bothered to update these basic things that are the key to drawing in new players? https://www.planetminecraft.com/server/the-lord-of-the-craft-3970151/
  20. never thought I'd see the day when @AnonymousAlexawould advocate for VAs... Aside from that, raids should require some form of notice beforehand, it makes no sense they can march across the land and enter a city when there isn't anyone around, cause there would be and it would allow for gates to be open to new players. Additionally, the devs put a lot of time and effort into the pvp plugin, which works great, but what about other plugins that would make this a unique rp server? The cooking plugin, for example, whats happened to that? Perhaps there could be some form of farming plugin wherein the ST, or whoever it is that create nodes, can turn a field like this Into something that actually works and are harvestable and can then be used in conjunction with a cooking plugin, same with vineyards where grapes can be used to brew wine, barley can be harvested to make ale. Believe it or not, we had a brewery plugin back in Anthos where you harvested barley and stuff like that with a sickle. Why can't we have PVE events anymore? Now that the server has a server side resource pack for the pvp plugins weapons, why can't more be done with it to create custom mobs and harvestable items, it would make the server so much more fun and unique, instead of just the basics But, I don't know why I event posted this because nothing is ever listened to or acted on.
  21. now all we need is the cooking plugin

  23. thas how they get to 500, they'll get MRPers joining soon!
  24. "You joined their war and picked the side of their enemy, what did you honestly expect to happen?" asked Ser Andrik.
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