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Everything posted by Javert

  1. Ragnvald Eiriksson strokes his beard
  2. Ragnvald would remind Lydia that even if Vangel did win, it was still fully within a Ruric's right to call a Kingsmoot at any time! Alas, he was nowhere near the woman and thus could not comment on it.
  3. A Call for Kingsmoot Issued this 9th of the Amber Cold, 70 S.A. Preamble: For many years, Norland has gone without leadership that can stand under pressure of foreign forces. With the extended regency of King Vane, it is finally time for the Rurics residing within Norland to choose a new King once more. Norland requires a King with experience in matters of governance, and who will not crack under intense pressure but rather pioneer a new Golden Age for the Kingdom of Norland. Therefore I, Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric, descendant of Eirik the Great and Javier the Undefeated, utilize my sacred blood to initiate the right of Kingsmoot. I furthermore put myself forward as a Candidate for the Crown, as I believe I have the proper values which a Leader requires. I have fought alongside my fellow Ashguardsmen during the numerous wars that our King has sent us into. I have given blood for my Home land, just as any other aspiring leader should. Regardless, I invite those Rurics living within Norland to come forth and elect a new King of Norland. Furthermore, I also invite the Vassals of Norland, those being Dunrath, Gransstad, Adunia, and others to attend the Kingsmoot so they may voice their own opinions. After all, if the voice of the Norlandic people is not heard or represented, then truly the Norlandic Crown has fallen from grace. Each of the Ruric Chieftains, along with the Vassal Lords, will be given coordinates to a discrete meeting location so we may perform this Kingsmoot without outside interference. Signed, Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric, Ruler of Eiriksgrad, Former Marshal of Norland
  4. To Brawly Scath, Your offer honors me and the many settlers that have come with me to reinhabit Rozania. I have heard much about you, both from my Father and my history tutors who have taught me much about the old Rozanian domain. I am willing to meet with you and discuss your offer further, if you are willing to travel to Roza City and meet with me within my throne room. Signed, His Highness, Armitage I, By the Grace of God, Prince of Rozania, Restorer of Roza City
  5. Henry Bishop grumbled as he was flicked upon the head whilst smoking a Premium Barclay Cigar™️. "Hey, du mind ihr manners. If mein Grandson wants to smoke, Ich say let him! Gutte stress reliever"
  6. Letter of Resignation Issued this 12th of the Sun's Smile, 70 S.A. To the People of Norland, Long have I hesitated in writing this letter. With the continuation of the war in the South, I felt that had I resigned earlier, then the Ashguard would remain unprepared for what lied ahead of it. Now, with the victory at Eastfleet, I feel our Allies are fully capable of winning the war with their forces, with or without the help of the Ashguard. I am certain that the current leadership of the Ashguard, and the King's Council of Norland, will find a worthy successor that will replace me in my duties to Norland. It has been Sixteen years since the time I became Marshal of the Ashguard, and my tenure has been nothing short of eventful. From Tribals and Svarlings to Orenians and chaotic Kingsmoots, the Ashguard has surely withstood many a foe in the field of battle both abroad and domestic. And, while not always victorious, our mistakes have allowed us to improve and build upon what we have learned from our defeats. I am beyond proud of all members of the Ashguard new and old. I am proud of them for their service to Norland throughout these dark times, and I hope that they continue to do so throughout the tenure of my successor. As for what I shall do following my resignation, I shall retire to my keep of Eiriksgrad. I shall continue to fight for Norland as a soldier of the Ashguard, but henceforth I will be retiring from military command both small and large scale. There has been no greater honor in my life than to serve alongside fellow Norlanders throughout my years of service, and for that, I am thankful to you all. Iron from Ice Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric, Ruler of Eiriksgrad.
  7. I believe in you Pinemaw!!! Good luck against Ebonwood!!!

    1. Shiredom


      I have halflings held at gunpoint to fight with me.

  8. TO THE PEOPLE OF ALMARIS The day has come! Soon, the people of Almaris will be free from the oppressive regimes of the Nobility and Monarchy! I, a normal man, a farmer like many, proclaim that no longer shall the poor people of Almaris suffer! Today, we rise against the Kings and Queens, the Princes and Princesses, the Dukes and Duchesses! Behold, for now I shall declare my manifesto upon this continent! Go forth, and take back the land that belongs to the common man! [!] A painting is placed on the other side of the missive!
  9. "Did we not beat these men in battle before?" Said an old Rozanian as he read over the missive "How things come to pass..."
  10. Anton Barclay sharpens his sword for no malicious reasons at all!
  11. The former Vice Chancellor of Sedan feels insulted and will not attend out of spite because he wasn't invited.
  12. We Stand United 12th of the Sun's Smile, 69 S.A. From the Office of the Marshal of the Ashguard, The People of Norland are no strangers to War. Almost since the beginning of descendant settlement of Nyrheim has Norland faced foes hell-bent on its destruction. Skanarri, Svarlings, Tribals, Orenians. Still, Norland and its people have persevered. Our dedication to our banners of Red and Black remains unshaken, and our blades remain firm in the palms of our hands. Even now, with Varhelm as Ashes and our people just recently settling into Alisgrad, we stand as united as we ever have. To the South of our nation sits our Vassals and Brothers-in-Arms; Dunrath and Adunia. Not only do they hail from their respective towns and cities, they hail too from the Kingdom of Norland. They answer the call to arms of the Tripartite Accord as does the Norlandic nation itself. We, Norland, stand against the aggression of Oren. We, Norland, stand side-by-side with our Tripartite Brothers and Sisters to drive back the hordes of the foe. We, Norland, raise our blades proudly as they are drenched with the blood of the Orenian. Oren sees our Nation as weak, incapable, unwilling to fight. I say to them, meet us on the field. Outnumbered, underequipped, we will fight to the end. We will not bend over to Oren's wishes as they demand we should. We reject those Rurics who believe they have the right to claim the throne when they kneel down to kiss the Emperor's ass. We are united, and we are Norland. Iron from Ice! Signed, Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric, Marshal of Norland
  13. With these new CRP rules I'm fully expecting a spike in Orc personas.

  14. What the actual **** is going down in Haelun'or? I thought Twi won already

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Samler


      Being out of touch with a community and claiming to be their leader seemingly doesn't work. 🤷‍♂️

    3. Samler


      I will happily continue to RP in my roleplay hub, Haelun'or has survived much worse than this lol.

    4. _Sheylo_


      Samler has got the right of it.

  15. The Marshal of Norland quickly edited the missive to rectify this mistake.
  16. The Raenrland Offensive 12th of The Deep Cold, 68th S.A. From the Office of the Marshal of the Ashguard, To the Citizens of Norland, the Ashguard is proud to announce the beginning of a new Offensive into the Mountains of the Raenrland. Last Stone Day, an Ashguard Saboteur Patrol of 600 men led by Marshal Ragnvald ambushed and annihilated a Tribesman outpost just south of where Varhelm once laid. No casualties were sustained, and the makeshift wooden barricade was burnt to the ground. With the success of the first ambush, The Marshal saw fit to organize a follow-up operation consisting of a larger force to clear out another, much larger outpost deeper in the Raenrland. The next Stone Day, a force of around 1,200 Ashguardsmen, 300 of whom were Adunian Volunteers, marched out into the Raenrland commanded by Marshal Ragnvald and Adunian Knight Edward Thuri-Elendil. Upon arriving at the outpost, the Marshal and Ser Edward realized it was too well-defended for an ambush, and so it was suggested by Adunian Squire Uther Gwathren to draw the Tribals out into open battle. The Ashguard formed ranks in a shield wall, with bowmen taking up positions behind the formation. As they slowly advanced, the Tribals sallied forth with around 800 men, all bearing spears. Using their uphill momentum, they advanced on the Norlandic formation as the Ashguard's archers opened fire upon the Tribal line. Seeking to deny them their uphill momentum, Marshal Ragnvald pulled the formation back onto flatter ground, and ordered the shield wall to hold and for archers to brace their melee weapons. The two forces clashed, and the tide of battle was almost instantaneously in favor of the Norlandic forces. Better equipped, better trained, and better armed, the Norlandic forces made quick work of the small opposing force. Those Tribals who did not flee were ultimately cut down, while those who did were finished off by arrow fire. Following their grand victory with minimal casualties, Marshal Ragnvald ordered the Ashguardsmen to burn down the Tribal's makeshift fort. The wood quickly caught fire as the forces of Norland cheered for their nation, and the wounded were quickly tended to. With this great victory having been achieved at the start of a new offensive, the forces of Norland returned to Alisgrad, where the leaders of the Ashguard began making further preparations to continue their advantage against the tribals. The Following Ashguardsmen performed exceptionally during both operations and have hereby been promoted: Astrid Ruric - Man-At-Arms Rohir Vaueryn - Footman Signed, His highness, Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric, Marshal of the Ashguard, Prince of Norland, Ruler of Eiriksgrad.
  17. Urugail Hailstorm, which missed the Coronation, cursed to himself. "Damn! Ah coulda fookin' sworn tha' it was goin' teh be tomorrah! Oh well, Narvok Oz Urguan!"
  18. "Well, boy am I sure glad they left when they did. Elysian internal troubles...we truly dodged a bolt didn't we Casimira?" Ragnvald said as he turned to his Edvardsson Cousin (@AstriaS)
  19. "NOOOOOOOO!" roared out the deceased Henry Bishop from the Seven Skies as his grandson was NOT elected!
  20. Rolf Perea, a Myrinian and Mareno loyalist, released a soft sigh as he read the missive. Unlike his counterparts, he had settled down quite some time ago. He had married, had two children, and found purpose in Savoy. Yet, his heart still ached upon reading the missive. "Darling, Dinners about ready!" came the call of his beloved wife, and the man released a soft sigh. "Coming, dear." replied Rolf as he turned to head inside inside the hut he called a home. "The End of an Era"
  21. Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric, who remembered flipping the setting on the music to 'loop', laughs maniacally as the music plays on and annoys all those present!
  22. Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric sighed upon seeing the smoldering ruins of Varhelm whilst atop his steed. All the memories, the battles, it would live on forever in his heart. But now, the Norlandic people needed to move forward, and so did he. Thus, Ragnvald gathered his children and set off towards Alisgrad. Towards a new hope.
  23. From the Marshal of Norland in response to the Ferrymen Invasion To the Sons and Daughters of Norland; My countrymen, friends, and family. Today, the Ferrymen have declared their uprising against the Regency of Casimira Edvardsson Ruric and the reign of King Vane Freysson Ruric. As Marshal of Norland, it is expected of me to take a stance, and so I shall. I speak to you now not just as the Marshal, but as your Comrade and fellow Countryman. From a young age, I have seen the pure devastation that the Ferrymen have committed across our Nation. At the end of the War with Oren, the Ferrymen turned on us. They harrassed, raided, and murdered Norlandic citizens in Elysium to the point where they drove our Highlander brothers away from our borders out of fear for their safety. The actions of the Ferrymen have left Norland suffering, and still they wish to see us suffer more. I first faced these Ferrymen when I was just a boy of Seven. I wielded a blade that was twice my size and armor that fit too loosely, yet even so I did what I could in my youth. Now, I stand as a man in my fourth decade, having seen things that peaceful citizens of Norland should never see again. I stood firm throughout my life, and I shall stand firm now in the face of overwhelming odds. It is true what they say. The Ferrymen are exceptionally skilled, I have seen it first hand. Yet, in the history of Norland, have we not fought against these odds before and come out victorious? When the Dwed of Urguan attempted to storm the Krag, our ancestors threw them from our walls and sent them back to their homes. When King Torsten rose against Renatus, he stood strong against the overwhelming numbers of Renatus-Marna, yet still he did not falter until the very end. Now, I intend to do the same. I intend to stand upon the walls of Varhelm with pride and drive the Ferrymen back from whence they came. Yet, as all know, I am a single man. I cannot fight the Ferrymen Army alone. That is where the people of Norland come in. Though there are many of you who have left your homeland in search of a better life, I urge you now to return and defend your place of birth once more. I urge those Highlanders who seek purpose to come before our gates and enlist in the Ashguard. I urge those Elysians who were born and raised in Norland to return to their birth land and pick up their sword. I call upon Canonists, Men of the Red Faith, Edvardssons, Camians, Freyssons, Eirikssons, Kvitravns, Haensemen, Elysians, Orenians, all those across the continent of Almaris to drive back this bandit horde that seeks to conquer our nation of Norland and reduce us to nothing more than a puppet state. I call upon the Vassals of Norland; Krew, Dunrath, Ironguard, and Gransstad to stand fast in defending our homeland. After all, whilst the Ferrymen have skill, they fight for their own ambitious ways. They do not fight for the people as they claim, and the world knows this. They storm Cities, slaughter masses of people, and for what? To fill their pouches with the Mina of hard-working folk? I say enough is enough. People of Almaris, stand with me. Stand with Norland, and stand against the Green Menace that is the Ferrymen. Do it not for the Regency, or the King. Do it for your Country, and do it for the future of Almaris. Iron from Ice! Signed,
  24. Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric, Marshal of Norland, prepared to meet with the new Ruler of Ironguard. Perhaps this new vassal could help combat the Tribal threat!
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