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Everything posted by Slorbin

  1. The RedSHROUDS begin searching for LEGAL basis to SUE...
  2. bro did they really make burnsider mod again lmao

    1. Mannamannaa
    2. saint swag

      saint swag

      everyone who hatemailed his app is on a list

    3. TeawithFrisket
  3. all characters should be subject to a PK clause, UNLESS they have a legitimate means of revival: sorvianism, klones, druid trees, etc
  4. the future is now, old man, they were removed due to staff incompetence
  5. Can we get a vault timeline so we can expect to know when it opens up again?

    1. creamynoteblock


      Hello all, this is Kowaman speaking. I’ll be blunt, we’ve had an issue loading vaults. Specifically, the files where we stored all the vault data were not properly backed up, and the main files were corrupted. It seems that someone was able to vault an item with a bugged description that prevented us from even accessing the file. The items are gone, and while we are trying to find a way to recover them it’s unlikely we ever will. I’ve spoken to story team and moderation and they are working on a solution, but so far the most popular has been to just have a fresh start with the timeline of the server. That’s all I know on that front, but I’ll keep everyone updated. -Llir

    2. squakhawk


      Hello all, this is Kowaman speaking. I’ll be blunt, we’ve had an issue loading vaults. Specifically, the files where we stored all the vault data were not properly backed up, and the main files were corrupted. It seems that someone was able to vault an item with a bugged description that prevented us from even accessing the file. The items are gone, and while we are trying to find a way to recover them it’s unlikely we ever will. I’ve spoken to story team and moderation and they are working on a solution, but so far the most popular has been to just have a fresh start with the timeline of the server. That’s all I know on that front, but I’ll keep everyone updated. -Llir

    3. TreeSmoothie


      Hello all, this is Kowaman speaking. Poopy farts. -Llir

  6. HIGHLY recommend Bobby as well
  7. f-list is down the hall and to the left
  8. His personal rules should be respected because he made the ******* assets.
  9. Not necessarily, his other builds have explicit writing saying you can't (ultimate survival world). We don't entirely know what the deal is with this.
  10. I’ve been informed that they properly paid for it. I think. Not sure if they had permission. My apologies for any misinfo I may have caused. in any case: they should have been more upfront about this with everyone ahead of time. Especially the ST who are caught in the crossfire.
  11. In a google doc in case it is deleted. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nShb01Rotc84tdTUe-g5iNxx6KbhUJOqjIMUp0seRZU/edit They stole the temp-map from a youtuber named TrixyBlox. Well, or at least heavily plagiarized it, just //replacing the stone to be more.. ‘nethery’. If the link goes to the beginning, start at 15:46. You'll REALLY see how similar it is when you get into the 21 or so minute mark. Think of redtown and bluetown. It is worth noting if you want to play the map you HAVE to play TrixyBlox 5 dollars on patreon to unlock it. Do they have permission to use the build? Well, the answer is quite dubious! I’d like to see some proof from staff that, you know. They paid for it/have permission to use it. Another great temp-map!
  12. +1 VERY good. answers so many ******* questions about how my sorvians actually function
  13. kaktus green ISNT addictive bro i SWEAR bro this is INDICA not SATIVA bro its DIFFERENT
  14. human supremacy yes dwarf/elf/orc supremacy no i will not elaborate any further
  15. got banned from the forums for 1 month and quite a lot of horrible shit has come to light lmao

    1. argonian


      didnt know they still did forum bans

  16. voidal magic is dumb ******* evil sorcery bullshit and it's an irreparably shitty system of magic. literally the only way to fix voidal magic would be to remove it entirely and introduce manamagic
  17. I’m going to expand my point a little more. Kani makes it so you can fight pretty damn excellent with your fists. It should be a trade off as opposed to a straight up buff- that’s something that LOTC likes to stick too. Currently Kani is a bit too much of a straight-up buff and banning holding metal weapons fits with the theme. However, mina is more just a technicality. I think mina is so small and insignificant that making people not able to carry food cash is just kindof annoying- if Kani had some sort of plugin that made it IC more valuable to have it instead of mina sure. I guess the same can be said of weapons because sometimes you’ll get into pvp. really like 99% of all balance issues could be fixed with a simple magic plugin.
  18. Mina is OK I think, stowed weapons not really because then they can just unstow them. 3 is too high, 2 slots seems fair.
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