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Everything posted by Josif

  1. The Fishermen of Almaris! This guild was created by a small group of people with a mutual love of fishing! It started off as nothing but an idea among friends, but has now grown into a guild with branches in many-a places. Our aim as a guild is to simply catch, cook and sell fish and fish products. As we expand we aim to spread our knowledge and love of fishing to all those who are willing to learn, and we are always on the lookout for more fishermen or fisherwomen to join us! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- •◘• Members•◘• Lord Cassio Bishop - Harbormaster Fedinri Krikdrul - Dockmaster + Head of Vistulia branch Grubgoth Kog'Dol Mag'Dun - Guild Cook + Head of Krugmar branch Billy 'The Bozo' - Engineer Jarrad Munnel - Fisherman Aldrych Munnel - Fisherman Veihreys - Fisherwoman Felix Cogswift - Fisherman Ja'Runk'Ungri - Fisherman Fickle - Fisherman Leon Pebblebland - Fisherman Slith - Fisherman Arg - Fisherman Han Nowak - Fisherman Alina Vilchyc - Honorary member -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- •◘• Activities •◘• As a quite activite guild, we like to host many events as we can as it helps fuel the relationships and comradery between our members and builds trust. We hold events ranging from simple fishing, to cooking lessons, to fighting aquatic monsters! All of which are quite fun! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- •◘• Locations•◘• We have a lot of locations across the continent, a few are yet to be built, however we still have quite a few! We have branches in: -Vistulia - Headed by Fedinri -Krugmar - Headed by Grubgoth Kog'Dol -Helious - Headed by Lord Cassio -Hyspia -Nor'asath -Arlestair Soon we will hold an event where we go on a tour, fishing in each of these locations and maybe even appointing some Head of branches depending on who best suits the locations. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- •◘• Endorsements •◘• "Hmmm, Cassio's fishing zhing, ja? Ich dont even like fish. But he's gutte at decorating, und zhe events are alvays zhe best." -Thomund Bishop "Fishing can be boring, but moi think this guild is pretty cool. Tak Tak" -Alina Vilchyc "I'm giving it a fins-up!" -Maja Kos "Moi love using fishes from the fish guild to punnish moi cura forr missbehaving." -Casimir Vilchyc -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Founder of the Fishermen of Almaris
  2. Lord Cass thinks Sven's Day should be on a Wednesday instead..
  3. Lord Cassio Bishop reads the paper, throwing his hands into the air and yelling "WOOOOO!"
  4. SURNAME: Bishop FIRST NAME: Cassio ADDRESS OF RESIDENCE: Senna Circle 4 FACTION(NOBILITY OR COMMONER): Commoner YEAR OF BIRTH: SA 42 Are you registered and eligible to vote? Yes ((MC NAME)): Josifi
  5. % The Fishermen of Almaris! For quite some time, fishing has been a large part of the livelihoods of the residents of Almaris. But there has never been a specific group to manage the catching of fish. However I, Cassio Bishop, have decided to create such a group, introducing the Fishermen of Almaris! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The purpose of this guild is to manage the catching of fish and pay fishermen for turning in their harvests. Weekly events will be held weekly, including how to make a fishing rod, how to prepare fish to be cooked, or simply just fishing trips! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Founder of the Fishermen of Almaris
  6. Brigg crawls into a ball "NOOOOOO NOT KONK!"
  7. The Ratteweg The constant clashing of hammers on nails, and digging of dirt comes to an end as the construction of a large building finally finishes. Cassio Bishop sets down his tools, marvelling at the creation he had spent the last few months working on. Pieces of partchment are hung up across Almaris, advertising a brand new building in the United Provinces of Dunrath. "Adventurers! Come one come all, to the Ratteweg! A newly constructed hostel for all those in need of accomodation and relations! Located in northen Dunrath, atop the mountainside."
  8. Cassio Bishop Brigg 'The Intelligent' Stormheart Myron-Prax Karavia Josif R'ikarth Lubi Mezczyzn My reasoning (OOC) i think this is the right topic for this-
  9. IGN: csiosa Character name: Cassio Bishop Age: 24 Place of Residence: Robert street II Position: Maer
  10. Cassio cries, because he wasnt given anything to do because he misses his father.
  11. Cassio reads the paper and chuckles in nervousness "Oh no.." He sprints away in search of his little sister
  12. this is a controversial status update

    1. Javert


      this is a controversial status update reply

  13. Sir Galahad reads over the letter from his father and sheds a singular tear.
  14. Josif smiles in glee as he reads this paper “Yeah! Woo!” He skips away clutching the paper in his hands
  15. CHARACTER DESCRIPTION: RACE: Human GENDER: Male SKIN COLOR: White BODYMASS: Skinny HAIR COLOR: A dark-ish brown HAIR STYLE: Fluffy and curly FACIAL HAIR: None EYE COLOR: Amber CLOTHES: Surprise me PICTURE (If you have one): no picture sadly
  16. Josif


    Erwin was born in a small town in a small island to the north east of Arcas. He grew up like any other adunian child, until his village was torn apart by a mysterious group of soldiers with a strange insignia painted on their armor. He was left in a cave by his parents at an effort to save him. A farmer found him and raised him up to be a kind, honorable man not knowing his past. When the farmer died he told Erwin everything and gave him a pocket watch with the same insignia on it. He was to find this group of rogue soldiers and confront on why they did what they did. With the left over money from selling the farm he bought a ticket on a boat to the main land. All he wanted was to get justice for his town and mostly his parents. Using his guitar and his wit he would do whatever it takes to find the soldiers and give them what they deserve. A prison sentence.
  17. Josif


    Erwin was born in a small village on a small island to the north of Adria. His mother was an elf and his father was a human, most of the other children in the village picked on him due to him not being like them. When he grew up he fought against oppression in his village. After succeeding, he had an average life until his village was burned down by a mysterious group of soldiers. He was left in a cave by his parents with nothing but a guitar, a cloak and a pocket watch. He was found by a farmer and raised to be a honorable man. He left the fam he lived on to find his parents and make peace with his demons.
  18. Josif


    Erwin was born in a small village on a small island. He had an average life until his village was burned down by a mysterious group of soldiers. He was left in a cave by his parents with nothing but a guitar, a cloak and a pocket watch. He was found by a farmer and raised to be a honorable man. He left the fam he lived on to find his parents and make peace with his demons.
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