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Everything posted by Lomiei

  1. Ser Erwin Bishop sat in the 7-skies with a quiet expression upon his face. As he watched over the events of that court session, a tear would minimally well in his eye; not for his own death, nor that of his squire, but for the pain he knew his koeng to be feeling. After a long inhale and a peaceful sigh, Erwin sent down a message, although no one would hear it: "You did well, my king." the spirit of the dead knight leaned back in it's chair, throwing his head back in a laugh. "Thats 3 less orenians that get sent up here to bother me!"
  2. [!] Soon after news of Ser Erwin Bishop’s Death, all of his worldly possessions were gathered and taken account of. The former matriarch-mother of House Bishop, Adelina, glanced under the bed to discover a box that had been laid there just after the move to Excitor was complete. Within, was a large number of signed and sealed letters, ready to be dispatched as soon as the box was found. It was obvious when that time was supposed to be. Ariovistan: @__DeusVult__ Helena: @Based1Salmon Cassio: @TescoBrandEboy Charelle: @spiciiRAMUNE Samuel: @Kutya Elias: @satinkira August & Franziska Bishop: @Keegan7om @Frank_Dog Vitalia: @AlissElyssia Andante: @WhereTheBeans Dracomir Rorikov & Shadow: @pheonixremi Koeng Sigismund III: @Xarkly The House of Ludovar: @Raijen Stars Ulrich Lothar von Alstriem: @LithiumSedai
  3. “Let it be known” There is a war to be had. A long struggle between fundamentally opposed lands. On the one hand, a collation of imperials who take wigs to dawn upon their heads; on the other, a flourishing nation that revels in the taking of wigs as a trophy. Both claim ownership of humanity’s bastion of class and faith. Both claim to act as God’s righteous hand. Neither, however, will cease in their attempt to undermine the other. Titles… Land… Sovereignty… What consequence holds these petty feuds in comparison to the lost lives of guiding fathers, loving husbands, and passionate brothers? Some would say boldly, it holds naught. While still others contend that war is not fought for any such theories. No. It is the honor of a nation’s people that seeks not to rend the resting men from their beds into the field of blood and death; rather the sense of righteousness in a warrior that breeds a disdain of respite, and propels him forth to the front-line of his home’s prosperity. “That upon this day” Erwin raised his eyes, finding himself in the indescribable scenery and beauty that was the 7-skies, engulfed fully in the peace that accompanied it. There he saw one familiar face among many, and approached the man who held his arms openly. "Hello, father" Erwin said as if there was not much else to say. As he delivered himself into his father’s arms, the aged knight took revelry in his progenitor’s words "you did well, my son." ( @Javert ) "There is so much more to be done." he said whilst a tear began to well within his eye, close enough so that Henry could see it. "And yet you have done more than enough." Informed the former patriarch with a chuckle and giving Erwin a pat on the back. The fourth patriarch of House Bishop opened his mouth to speak, but for the first time, could not find anything to say in that moment. Both he and his father turned to gaze down upon the realm of Almaris and its many denizens. In that time of silence, it had finally come to peace with Ser Erwin of House Bishop. ‘It is their turn now.’ Henry and Erwin said in unison as their gaze drifted from Ariovistan to Helena, then to all of the Bishop Household. “Ser Erwin Bishop” He was a friend to many. In his youth, he spent his days gregariously conversing with his fellow Haeseni in the tavern, always paying just the right amount for his drinks. The time he spent upon his feet was used to travel and make friends. And make friends he did. From the risen and fallen Rozania to the southern oasis of the Kharasi, and even some of the families in the empire which saw his end. ‘Now that-’ the man spoke, beaming with an unfamiliar joy at the thought of the court’s events "...was touching". As crowds of thousands gathered in the Orenian court, the Anathema Emperor and his privy stared from their stolen and still-bloody throne to scowl upon A knight and his Baronial Squire. "The two Haeseni will hang. My mind is resolved as such." ( @Nectorist )- Echoed the words of a man who attempts to silence the calls for reason. To Erwin’s profound surprise, men he had only days earlier been at battle against, pleaded with their imperial overlord to allow an honorable dispatch of the martyrs by the sword. Some even, appealed to His Imperial Majesty for allowance of leave and a safe home’s return for the two. And yet others further, pleaded for themselves to assume the knight's place at the gallows. But erwin knew as soon as his sword drew upon the Orenian raiding party, as soon as he gave his sister Vitalia a final nod with the lowering of his helmet’s visor, that the 7-skies had prepared a seat for him, and the dinner-bell had been rung. And so he sat at his first eternal supper. As he bowed his head in prayer, the usual formalities were all but eschewed. In their place, the names of those who stood to defend the knight's honor as well as that of his squire, and a plea for God's blessing to be upon them in turn. "Elijah.( @HeyitsNano ) Daiyanara.( @EmiliainWonderland ) Naric.( @ibraheemc2000 ) Faiz.( @adamc2000 )" -+- "...Thank you." “And his most loyal Squire Sigmar of House Mondblume,” @AmazingAzura “Have endured.”
  4. Hey there. Do you like events, specifically, do you like running events? Do you like minas? Well have I got the opportunity for YOU. Im looking for someone to host player-run events for a small group of players ranging from like 3-7ish. I will be working personally with you to theorycraft ideas and such, and organize them with the groups. The pay is negotiable, but im thinking around 100-300 mina per full encounter that you run, or alternatively (depending on how good or how active you are), a weekly stipend of ~200 minas or something like that. This is all negotiable. If youre interested in this, or might know someone who is, DM me @ Lomiei#5456 on discord. Avoid responding in comments, as I will likely not check them.
  5. skin: flushed florals bid: 200 discord: lomiei#5456
  6. Erwin Bishop sits in his new home, reading over the missive with a smile on his face. "Dobry vork, Lord Odistadt". He then passes the work over to his daughter Charelle ( @spiciiRAMUNE ).
  7. Erwin Bishop wonders how many of these points he's personally influenced. :)
  8. I wont even claim to be unbiased on this one, but anyone whos played on the server for long enough to have visited 80% of the nations and settlements will know that first point is objectively false. My first time in vortice, the people were incredibly rude to my character. And at the time, I was still a pink tag, so those ppl knew it was a new player just trying to sit and have a drink at a tavern, but outright ignored my character despite like 4 emotes of trying to politely interact and introduce myself to the group of 4 people. Didnt leave a good taste in my mouth. Every subsequent visit to vortice (granted it was only like 3), was racked by either inactivity, or raids by rustlers who arent very nice sometimes oocly. Except for @AnonymousAlexa, shes just an angel and has never acted badly in any way. Now how about Oren? I dont have much experience there, but that place - pre nectorist - was known for being high school levels of cliquey to the point where Ive heard accounts of 3 different families who I wont name (rhyming with Dasrid, P'aryn, and one I cant even remember) have done really odd things like kill, disown, or otherwise ostracize their own kinsmen irply because of disagreement or biases oocly that made those people distance themselves from that whole community. Not to mention the fact that orenian court (of which ive only been to 2, so take this with a picher of salt), have been rife with slanders and gossip about people both in #rp and #qooc. This is not at all to say oren is a terrible place, but saying haense has a cliqueyness problem and portraying it as one of the worst places on the server is legit unfair when completely ignoring oren and its 100 iterations over the time period of lotc. Just so this list doesnt go on forever, Ill just talk about the first iteration of savoy for a minute. In comparison to haense's openness to elves, orcs, and dwarves and their cultures (so long as they obey the law), Savoy is known and verified to be extremely racist irp and will LITERALLY kill your character if you dont agree with their 'based' opinions. Now some of the people there are pretty cool ooc, and its actually quite a pretty place now, but having both been there in the beginning, both you and me narthok know this to be true. TLDR, if youre looking for the worst or most unpleasant place to rp, haense isnt even top 3. P.S. some of your other points are valid though, but we will of course disagree on the degree to which they are accurate and portray the community as whole.
  9. luv DNN luv 'ugwan luv the laugh nuff said
  10. [!] An open letter is addressed to the nobility of the haeseni population. For far too long, the honor and dignity of my family has been insulted to a large extent. Now, this for the majority of time, has been directed towards myself. However, recently, some of this public ire has been passed down to my family. Which is in the highest sense, ret**ded. There are some among the higher echelons of society that use their status of nobility to justify heinous attitudes towards their contemporaries of lower status, which is what I acknowledge myself to be at this moment. And as such, with respect for the institution of nobility, and with full love for every citizen of the glorious kingdom in which I live… Shut. Up. Take this not as an insult, but as a point of view. For I have many loving friends and lifelong companions with noble status, all of whom I enjoy spending time with. However, not many… no, hardly a fraction of those nobles who speak ill of myself or my family have ever interacted with me or my kin enough to have reasonably formed such opinions. Be wary of those who take no hesitancy to speak about you, but hardly find the opportunity to speak with you. This should not be a trait of those who are supposed to represent Haense’s finest population. This should not be a trait of those who use the justification of blood birth to hold high positions in our government and public face. Be more Brave to confront me. Whether in public or private, to speak with me as I have with others. I do not bite. If any among my statesmen have a problem with me, make it known, and we can work toward a solution. Be more Loving. For do you not have compassion for those who share a vast swath of northern land with you? If it is so, why do you suffer to spend so much time in our nation’s capital, instead of sitting in your vassal holdings and being pampered and flattered by maids whilst having your hair done? Be more Tactful, for if it is befitting of you and your family to employ underhanded schemes and private gossip to diminish the popularity of a figure, would it not make such an endeavor more effective to wear a smile on your public visage, while carrying a snowball of toxicity behind your back, ready to launch attacks at your lessers as soon as their gazes are differently oriented? If the nobility is to be respected, they cannot forgo the responsibility of cordiality that is expected of them. However, no perfect man puts his quill to parchment at the time this is written. It is a certainty, on equal measure of taxes and death itself, that there will be those who disagree with this opinion. For those, I implore you, speak your mind to rationalize what about this missive you disagree with, leaving the reputation of it’s writer (however justified or unjustified it may be), as a distant detail - As opposed to the fundamental basis for disregarding, that those who even still will take into large account my reputation (however justified or unjustified it may be), will use. Signed, Ser Erwin Bishop The Headhunter, Patriarch of House BIshop, ((OOC: This parts prolly more important to read than the above stuff))
  11. Erwin Bishop is almost moved to tears as something within him tries to let him know that some random prince was sad about something. "Ich hope he regains his vigor.... Gott have mercy." said the man, penning a letter and sending it away with his son to deliver to a certain barbanov.
  12. half a gallon of shredded ....cheese
  13. this unironically made me lol
  14. [!] Some members of a strange and mysterious group conversing suspiciously Some of the guards on patrol throughout the Royal City of Karosgrad might begin to hear rumors about a strange organization who may or not be lurking throughout the kingdom. Some days ago, it was reported to some of our officers that a small group of hooded and suspicious individuals were seen conversing near the cave underpass on the main road to Haense. Strangely, they carried with them a large horse-drawn container, covered by many blankets and sheets to intentionally and non-subtly obscure vision from any onlookers. Any and all who passed by them would take notice, as when they approached, the group would cease their conversations and wait for any outsiders pass out of earshot before continuing to speak and point towards the Kingdom's capital. One of the men, with a face obscured in full mask, hood, and glasses, is often seen tapping a quill to a tablet of parchment and hastily scribbling some unseeable words and numbers upon it. It cannot be even speculated as to what the business these strange figures have here, or even from where they come. All that is certain, is that strange activity is afoot, and the protectors of the realm ought to be on their highest guard.
  15. If Erwin Bishop was not still in a coma... He still wouldnt respond to this
  16. [!] if Erwin Bishop was not in a coma, he would have reacted in the following way: Erwin Bishop hears/reads the news from his balcony as he sipped his carrion. As he looked between his bottle and the lively streets below where his kids played and his brother cared for his newborn, a small tear would slowly roll down Erwin's frowning face. All he could remember of the long lost uncle was the time in his youth where Luka visited him in reinmar and kicked his ass. Yet he for whatever reason could not bring himself to find only anger to his reaction of the news, instead some small glint of sadness befell him. "Ve could have loved, onkle, ve could have been freunds". Erwin blinked once more at the paper before looking to his kids again, with a long sigh, he spoke to luka now, wherever he was. "Dur vish ist granted onkle, mein kinder, und zheir kinder, vill know of our history... even zhe parts ich have avoided tellink undtil now."
  17. [!] If Erwin was not in a coma, he would respond in the following way: Erwin Bishop sits at his dinner table reading the news from a paper. Though he could be long winded at times, he had no words for the old uncle besides the calm prayer, "Gott's peace upon du, onkle". He then sighs, folding the paper to put it in his pocket and leaving off to the basilica for prayer.
  18. The once lively homes and peoples at the end Koengstriet road fell silent one evening of Grona and Droba. Some around the royal kingdom might start to notice some meetings unheld, the hair of some heads not ruffled, some hands unshaken. “Hehh… ughh” Eriwn Bishop tried to exude his usual confidence in humor, but to no success. A fit of coughing would befall the patriarch whilst his wife helped her struggling husband to his bed. “Helena was richt. Ich… i'm gettink old.” On the eve of the much expected siege of southbridge, the Bishop men and women departed to yong-ping to rescue his sister-in-law from her seclusion away from her family. After about 2 years of her absconding from Karosgrad, Her family were able to discern her location, and set out to bring her home. But perhaps one too many of the local treats should not have been taken to enjoy. But for certain, he didnt actually believe it. He was only 37, a strong knight by many accounts. How many heads of vile beasts and fearsome creatures lay on his wall, or his living room? Nevertheless, it had been a while. A time of inactivity in martial training, and plentiful nights of decadent feasts and treats had indeed left his immune system unprotected from the environments of the Western lands he had not visited in so long. By Godan’s grace alone, the combined strength of himself and his wife allowed them both enough time to guide the aching man to the side of his bed before he collapsed. Only 5 saint’s minutes had passed when his weary eyes opened strainedly once more. “Mmsssmsm” he mumbled, sighing afterward with anxious warning. “Ve need ein medic!” She remarks, glancing around hurriedly, “Please, get ein medic...” She held Erwin’s head a while, glancing upon his face and features with a weary look present on her face, “Du are fine mein love, du are fine.” Erwin then succumbed to his heavy eyes, wanting only to caress his wife’s cheek once more before he took his rest, though he was only able to reach his hand as far as his stomach when he fell into his comatose state. He expected to wake up with full health in the regular 8 hours, but it would not be so. [!] As per the emergency protocol, the following members of House Bishop, in times where their Patriarch is incapable of performing his duties, are tasked with the following responsibilities. Adelina Bishop, as Matriarch of House Bishop: Is entrusted with the maintenance of internal processes and their management, in addition to her ordinary duties of overseeing the development of their children and work with the Koenas’ council. August Beckhert Bishop, Designated Regent of House Bishop: Is entrusted with the maintenance of external processes and their management, in addition to his ordinary duties of economic oversight of the Bishop businesses, as well as representing the family in the field of economics. Ariovistan Devan Bishop, Heir Apparent of House Bishop: Is entrusted with the preparation of himself to be the patriarch of House Bishop. In addition to his ordinary duties of representing the family in the field of administration.
  19. Erwin Bishop looks at the posting around haense, laughing childishly on the inside but keeping a calm frown on his face, "How in zhe.. vha- VHAT ZHE HELL IST ZHIS?!!" he exclaimed, going around haense in attempt to remove copies of the document from wherever he could find them. "Vhere in zhe vorld did she get zis idea?"
  20. Erwin Bishop's face would twist and contort into odd shapes accompanied by many screams and shouts if he were to ever hear such things in person.
  21. Ser Erwin Bishop reads the missive, blinking.... Taking a long inhale he folds the paper neatly to place it on the table. With his exhale, he lets out a calm but measured response; "...DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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