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Everything posted by creamynoteblock

  1. if anyone's interested in playing a construct pm me on discord @creamynoteblock

    1. Wizzar


      Are you the legendary Zahgorim?

  2. when will u teach me runesmithing
  3. "T'ats me! Fock yeah!" Uradan Starbreaker exclaimed.
  4. Name: Uradan Starbreaker Age: 102 Race: Cave Dwarf Nation Urguan
  5. Uradan Starbreaker watched as his father rolled the die, anxiously brushing his beard as the game ramped in its stakes. Once the die landed, and Norli had made his declaration, Uradan, too, joined. "'Er toes, too! Weh need t' take 'er toes!" The beardling cried, the once bustling and nervously chittering room of dwarves falling silent over the strange and out-of-place joke. Uradan laughed to himself awkwardly, glancing around as he caught strange looks from the other dwed present.
  6. "Ah think ye shouldn't go n' attack people on such a formal, lawful occashion. Ye got yer justice." Uradan Starbreaker, a Cave Dwarf, thought to himself upon hearing that Bakir Girlyvoice lost her hand.
  7. Taamnahkrin kills himself in front of everyone, as instructed.
  8. yeah man god forbid the community interacts with a new player making a forum post about looking for rp
  9. ON DA TWELFTH YEAR OF DA WORLD CAKTUZ TO DA PINKIE ANDREI BUKOSKI Da greatezt klan in all da Uzg, agh in all da realm fur dat matter, Klan Gorkil, iz zeeking out snagaz to work in da minez. Lat will be blezzed with AZH (1) ration per kaktuz day, bearin' ah loaf of bread, azh ztrip of jerky, agh a mug of water. If diz intereztz lat, zhow up to da Uzg within da next kaktuz week. DA WAGHGOTH Kho of Klan Gorkil, Da Fizt of Ugluk, Warchief of da Badlandz
  10. saw the new logos and i gagged a little

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Greehn
    3. simatra


      @squakhawkI think we should use it, solid design.

    4. simatra


      picasso been quiet since this dropped

  11. dont come to haense tomorrow

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pinks


      Hides crossbows and potions

      "damn he beat me to it.."

    3. Greehn
    4. Hermit_Jack
  12. open vaults

    1. amongus


      creamyvaultblock has spoken.

    2. Myleres


      reach out to kowaman for more information on when vaults are going to open

    3. Spoopy_Duck


      no I dont think I will

  13. creamynoteblock seasick merchant 15usd
  14. i will be your wife here is a self portrait i hope it is okay that i am male -tagaanmahniazheskeirahinni
  15. whhen does the new map come out

  16. been a farter for a long time
  17. whens the new map

    1. ferdaboy



    2. Hermit_Jack


      flight has been delayed until llir gets off of diablo 4

  18. dude that was so funny hahaha xd say it again
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