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Everything posted by Orphvius

  1. Almost joined the family at one point, alas, my mistake but different timezone rp availability.. very based family!
  2. A Tennallar daughter welcomes the alliance with a smile..
  3. Edlynne Mara Amador is ever proud of her cousin for succeeding in her dearest mother’s place as the grand court astronomer!
  4. Create a Halfling based off of Scanlan from Vox Machina..
  5. A fiery headed Adiler twirled a long crimson tress betwix his forefinger and thumb, mulling upon the innermost hollow of his cheek as he pondered the infamous ‘Auntie Blume’. Mayhaps a discussion with his Patriarch was in order now that she was no longer affiliated with the House of Roa..
  6. A small girl in red danced through the veil that outlined the seen and unseen, thin appendages gracefully clutching her favorite plaything before tearing out of view, hollow cheeks bright with a jovial grin. Edlynne Mara Amador hoped that she could attend!
  7. A small, flaxen haired Tennallar daughter drifted upon the crescent court that was the talonnii household. Trailing a palm just above the water’s edge she thought on the bright and narrow histories of her newly found family. The futures felt fierce and fickle before her; she could be anything she wanted to be, sharp opportunity and grace at her finger tips and all it took was a little effort and suppliance to whatever star or dark space betwix them she chose. Such was the fragile nativity of a ambitious child..
  8. A small girl of House Tennallar stirs the tips of her bare feet against the rhythmic waves of the tide, perched upon the docks of the Ember City she hummed a noturn tune; flaxen eyes growing heavy with the sullen warmth of the sun’s rays..
  9. My eyes are bleeding from this font
  10. Edlynne absolutely planned to attend the thrilling bee themed venture! Last time she attended a sleepover she scared a princess so bad that she bust her head open and at least ten guards came to the palace searching for an assassin; what a venture indeed..
  11. [!] A handwritten note lay scrawled in messy ink stains and childish penmanship upon dear Olessya’s desk [!] Dear Auntie, I know we haven’t stayed in contAct much over the years so I understaND why you didn’t include me in your will so I’m just here to say that all is forgiven! I didn’t wanna give this to you in person because of the priest watchdogs with their point sticks and dungeoNs but when you fall asleep you’ll be able to join me on the shelf for TeA! I pray for you in my heart and in your walls. With Patience, Edlynne Mara Amador [!] On the back side of the letter was a depiction, wrought from crayons, of a flaxen haired little girl and a ginger haired women enjoying a spot of tea. [!]
  12. Edlynne Mara Amador readies her finest crow, uselessly brushes her once flaxen tresses, and wipes away an ectoplasmic smudge of a tear from her hollow cheeks. After all, it wasn’t every day her dear cousins came of age!
  13. All hail the Goat
  14. A small dead girl waited patiently for her master’s return behind the front door of the manor..
  15. A Witch shot up from beneath the cowl of her bed, slamming her skull against the treated wood of the rough frame. It had become habit for her to take rest beneath the shade of her nest, the stark comfort of dust mites and darkness kept her company whilst she dreamt of her late husbands’ demise; but not tonight. Tonight she dragged herself up from the sweat soaked sheets, the pounding in her ears not enough to overbear the queasy feeling in her gut. After heaving over the sink and wrenching for the second round she’d place a bare hand against her infernal tainted spine. The faded tender pink of the script a welcoming reminder of the child she was to bare in a few years time..
  16. A Witch’s gleaming silver cataracts bled starlight as she gazed upon the heavens, the womb of the sky. Lofting a hand to her flank she’d flash an upside down horn symbol with a quick flex of her digits before retreating to her corner of the Wood
  17. “Bastard” The young Adiler snarled, carefully filing away the missive in his scrapbook
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