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Everything posted by sam33497

  1. For the second redline I just wanted to clarify the line at which blinding is no longer possible so it isn't argued every single time.
  2. Sand blast has little counterplay and is typically not fun for any parties involved in combat. This amendment does not make the base power of the spell weaker but weakens the all-encompassing nature of the spell as a complete and instant disable. Original: New:
  3. I don't think conflict is particularly worse than it ever has been. If anything, the development and release of new conflict systems has led to a surge in conflict, while other aspects of the server, such as ST, have fallen far behind simultaneously. I don't think mods are at fault for any 'poor handling' of conflict. I think they do fine given a tough job. It is simply that there is not much else to do in LOTC at the moment. Eventlines are rather scarce, and the ones that I've seen hosted are essentially equivalent to player events. The world is not immersive, and you cannot find quality RP without being within a particular RP group. It is true that the new conflict systems cause nations to be more based around conflict and less around pure RP, but I wholeheartedly believe that if this was supplemented by a more active, living, and breathing world, that no one would think it too much of a problem. I don't think that being raided every once in a while is the death of RP. The current raid cooldowns are pretty sufficient. On the other hand, ST definitely needs to be jumpstarted, but I do not know if that means that there is an inherent issue of the server contained there.
  4. I will die for the greed of humanity. My last heartbeat can be a streak upon the canvas that you weave for yourself.
  5. Find something to say that doesn't have real-life implications or is a direct real-life term, and don't rp with OOCly racist intent. It's pretty obvious with recent stuff that people are using certain terms because they think it's funny to do a racist dogwhistle to whoever they're laughing with in VC. Don't do RP that will make people uncomfortable. I don't think the 'line to draw' conversation really needs to exist because it only really ever becomes a problem when people who RP racism don't respect the comfort of the people they are RPing with, either by insisting OOCly that they must be able to act in a racist manner because 'it's rp' or by simply ignoring the discomfort showed by the other party, unless it's the case that the issue is escalated. If you follow these rules, not using any terms with OOC significance, and the other party is made uncomfortable by your non-rule-breaking RP then just stop RPing like that in your session and apologize. (Sidenote: The term 'spook' might be a unique rule to this, since it has widespread use in real life as a term separate to its archaic usage as an offensive term)
  6. I love MRP! Thank you mods for this classification change, my immersion is rising through the roof. Stop hating!

  7. I appreciate this name change to MRP. If you're the admin who necessitated this name change in order to approve these changes, just know you've been duped.
  8. "He must have failed to account for the third possibility where the lorewriters named the stuff then people powergamed knowing their names." Thus proclaims a sorcerer!
  9. A tapestry unweaves and reweaves, and a wheel turns.
  10. this temp map is so shit can we please get new map implemented this shit should have been ready months ago

    1. TreeSmoothie


      I think theyre still working on a few pluggins, we'll be there soon

    2. Fireheart


      Yep! On track for a 2026 release date <3

    3. Laeonathan


      I bet the Techs would love your help fixing all the issues on the server.

  11. Lanre Cerusil hopes that he will one day be sufficiently undisturbed by the infinite to look upon the night sky and share in such beauty.
  12. "Let he who has not grossly failed his nation throw the first stone"
  13. Lanre Cerusil gorges on meat stolen from Haenseti cow farms, sitting leisurely on the side of the road.
  14. Dude this is devious I love it +1
  15. "This is truly a League of Legends." proclaims Jon Laurene Ashford de Rouen.
  16. Lanre Cerusil writes a letter.
  17. I like the concept a lot and I think its definitely something that should exist, however I do think this submission in particular makes it far too cheap and easy to close Voidal tears, I feel like that type of thing should not be easily reversible without much consequence or cost.
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