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Status Updates posted by Harold

  1. 10 years coming down the track, August I will be back

  2. 2am **** posting, my favourite

  3. 5 days away from 8 year anniversary, jesus

    1. nordicg_d


      good to see you mr h.

    2. Harold


      It’s a flying visit 

  4. a gentleman and a scholar we say goodbye

  5. Abu Bin Korvic the Mighty Terrorist has won a decisive victory today.

  6. Add me to the Skype warchat

  7. admins making rash decisions and retracting them when they realise that they’re causing more harm than good...more at 11

    1. FreeHongKong


      What happened this time?


  8. all my enemies are dead

    1. rukio


      I'm still alive somehow

  9. And so we devolve to baser instinct once again, let it remain roleplay rather than an out of character affair. Too many people on LoTC now see conflict as a personal affront; this is wrong. This is roleplay. If you can’t accept this then you should really think about what you’re doing. 

    1. frill


      Consequences are an insult.

  10. And the LORD looked upon his flock and said “no dyes until next patch yeah”

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nug


      @NotEvilAtAlltheres bone nodes in the oasis hub place!!!!! dont waste ur time with composters anymore lol

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      @Nug ok that's cool. Tho if they ever make hoppers craftable I could turn the seeds into bonemeal AND get the nodes.

    4. Hiebe


      Theres flower nodes in the map along the roads to nations. You could also go and get the bone blocks from the south hub as well.

  11. Big brother is always watching!

  12. bring back admin updates

    1. garentoft


      harold they cant make an update about anything when they’re not doing anything!

    2. Scuba




      You are right

  13. Bring back the old guard staff that actually give a **** about the server.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      I agree in that slothaid and shiftnative are cool guys who genuinely had ideas for LoTC and should get admin back


      that being said I think most players, old and new, would do just as well as old staff if there wasn’t a jungle of bureaucracy influencing every decision. we still have to destalinize lotc by getting rid of old 501warhead/fireheart/telanir protocols

    3. ScreamingDingo


      we here because of the old guard




    4. Harold


      The current iteration of staff is enveloped by the punisher and fireheart ways of thinking. This puts red tape before players, spreadsheets before value judgements. There’s zero care for the community, and the belief that everything is black and white, wrong or right. I don’t see that Braxis is any different. The staff see themselves as higher than the players, when they should see themselves as players who help other players. It took months to fix this mindset of a bloated staff, doing minimal work for a jaded community for all the PEX perks. Corruption has returned, cronyism is at an all tome high. Bring back the old guard, who had a backbone who can fix this, not this bastardised Admin team who let it continue because it is the path of least resistance. 

  14. Can I have a boat lair now? Because I want a regioned boat in the ocean, and that guy just got a walking trailer. I’m very mistreated by my group and I have boat lore.

    1. D4NNA


      PM me, I’ve got a nifty place where you could have your boat lair


  15. can we go back to 2012 

    1. Chaw


      how old r u

  16. Can you tell me how my post broke forum rules?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. osumanduas


      Get your eyes checked zoomer https://imgur.com/JLqgPZr.

    3. Harri


      just making sure ?

    4. Harold


      My character is Ronald Dabber, check my card. He is the son of the dethroned true rightful emperor of Oren, Emperor Dabber I. Maybe play the game more and you would know that, millennials ruining our rp now. 

  17. chaos

    1. UnbanCharlesTheBald2021


      I used to think that creating chaos was funny but in reality it isn't, way too many people get inflicted by it. It is clear that for some people, even if it's "roleplay", chaos affects their lifestyle enough to be a disturbance.


      But here we are today, almost on our 11th anniversary and chaos is an important of the roleplay on LotC. Even if I get banned 13 more times, there will always be chaos created by members of the community.


      Trolls have evolved through the years, they aren't as blatant as me. They sneak their way into inner circles and community leadership position and love to make some people lives' hell but in a sneakier way. 


      There's a few name of people that while their roleplay quality is great, do no thing but complain and never improve things. When given a position, they never do the work promised but work on undermining others. 


      Those are the new age trolls creating chaos.

    2. Harold


      Good luck on your appeal charles

  18. death to the lore team

  19. Dingo hates basketballl because he was always picked last

    1. Qctho


      He's a halfling IRL, and he was turned away from his childhood dream of playing when he was young

  20. Do you remember when they said things would change when Telanir left?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AlphaMoist


      Doesn’t this sort of stuff take a minute or two

    3. Kvasir
    4. 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖌𝖚𝖘𝖍


      What can you expect? Telanir admitted he was disconnected from the game and failed at communication and was away too often, and to redeem himself by stepping up to taking action, instead made a council of admins to discuss the design of the game for him while he works on codes.

  21. Don’t post on the forums, if you disagree with the mods they’ll just warn you into oblivion zzzz

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KeatonUnbeaten


      nothing ever changes

    3. Bhased


      never thought id agree with harold. wild world this be

    4. rukio


      TRUE. bring back the good FMs lads

  22. Epstein was a LoTCer 

    1. BrandNewKitten


      Killed by them too.

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