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2733 Divine

About Blundermore

  • Rank
    Wizard Of Peace
  • Birthday 03/01/1990

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    Using my Palanthir Computer

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  • Character Name
    The Wizard Blundermore

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  1. There won’t ever be a way to define roleplay into a neatly explained package as the permutations involved in every unique situation would go on into the infinite of possibility. Common sense and co-operative roleplay was always championed in the past, something the newer generation of LOTC must learn once more it seems.
  2. How are things... haven't looked on here in a long while. Also I realise now that I never did get Aether status on the forums. Not that it matters too much now

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sorcerio


      2 hours ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

      server is at war


      we just updated to 1.14.4


    3. Blundermore


      3 hours ago, Telanir said:

      What a wonderful surprise to see you around again Blundermore! Sure I’ll set you up with that Aether rank that you’re supposed to have, strange… anyway I hope you are doing well. You’re always welcome back in here. ?

      I haven’t really been able to come on the server due to events that happened in game really, and I just don’t have the drive to start a new character once he’s gone, if he’s gone... though the staff seem hell bent on making sure he stays gone. 



    4. MadOne


      Still waiting on some mysterious thing to dawn on me that ur wizard said would happen...

  3. Posted this late last night but The_Mystery_man’s voidal tear event was really fun! can’t wait to read his writeup of it. 


  4. What is the point of consistently posting the same post several times in several different forum threads when there are already two sizeable forum threads on the subject already? What is this post meant to do? Why couldn't you have just added it to the other two, now three posts on raiding?
  5. custard...


    1. James


      i want to hit it with my chainsword

    2. Blundermore




  6. But wait... Leylines have been a thing since Aegis and is what partially forms "pools" and "lakes" that we call Voidal nodes. Are you telling me they don't recognize that lore anymore? Leylines crisscrossing across reality forming a next of which all of creation is pretty much based on as a foundation that keeps the world intact through mystical means?
  7. I never realized how much making children and who can make children mattered so much on this server... I mean especially these arguments about biology it seems. You do all realise you're on a fantasy server with magic right? Science doesn't hold as much credence as it's being given credit for. I have to agree with some of the comments here, some people on the server really do need to stand back and actually read what they're typing and ask themselves what the hell are they doing.
  8. I mean it's been established in a lot of pieces that Ascended artifacts for the past six years usually require Ascended blood/the Power of Aeriel in order to properly activate them, and though that has changed a little bit for some of the new infusions this specifically isn't an infusion. Anyways the purpose of all this is for internal Ascended management, not to write another weapon amongst all the copious methods and weapons that exist to murder Ascended and things similar to it already. As it stands anyways there's no point giving it the ability to be used by non Ascended, as most likely than not you will never even see one of these things, the need and will to disconnect Ascended rarely if ever comes up, and when it does come up the affair is entirely internal, and handled with the utmost discretion. There's no point really, that and again, there are already several other methods to screw with Ascended without us writing in our own thing to screw with ourselves as well really. There's already enough in the Ascended lore that serves to be a detriment without adding more.
  9. I don't suppose you could help me out on a project I'm working on, I just need people to answer a very simple stawpoll question. The Question is out of the options presented which do you think gives the most aesthetically pleasing surface result. Forget about the colours or the texturing or any of that thing because that doesn't matter at all, all that matters is which surface looks the best out of those listed. If you want you could also send me private messages answering why in more depth you think something looks particularly good compared to the others as that would help as well. 

    Links have been provided below for both the strawpoll and the options presented:


    Option 1: https://i.gyazo.com/24116f16a513004ae5a91ee01edc5d37.png

    Option 2: https://i.gyazo.com/48d67012c084c0cec99b2c2abd57c44f.png

    Option 3: https://i.gyazo.com/1484390873e4ee9ef2ee97d0454401e5.jpg

  10. Phoenix Book was completed yesterday 


    1. Archipelego


      now if only i could find a damn phoenix

  11. Finished writing the In RP Phoenix guide.


    1. AlphaMoist


      Have they all been found 

    2. Blundermore


      Not that I know of. 

  12. We were told in the most recent Ascended rewrite by the lore team that the Soulstream, aka the Realm of Aeriel exists on the moon. Hence why I made the comment about the AnguelDaemonic Beach resort on the sun. Because it was certainly news to us that Aeriel's Soulstream is on the moon.
  13. I'm not quite sure on other deity based lore for magic but I'm pretty certain that under the current rewrite for the Ascended a Divine Scoundrel would be able to steal the magic of an ascended, but would lack the means to use it. In order to use Ascended magic, a Descendant must go through a process of rebirth, that has them being taken by Aeriel in both soul and body and effectively rewritten to become a physical extension of herself. Because of this, the powers the Ascended actually wield are not theirs to call their own, the Ascended instead are merely borrowing power from Aeriel however this power in order to be utilized requires the means that only an Ascended can produce. As they act as conduits in which the powers of Aeriel are drawn through using their own ember. Effectively, though perhaps a Divine scoundrel could perhaps steal the power of Aeriel, which in itself seems a little silly how you would divert that power to yourself from a literal Anguel connecting to a physical extension of herself, you'd effectively have the nail but not the hammer to use it. I.e. without the extreme soul and body changes an Ascended goes through during rebirth, a divine scoundrel would never be capable of using Ascended magic. Divine Scoundrels lack the Ember within them to even call forth the power of Aeriel to begin with at will, meaning they lack the means of which to use Ascended magic even as a Demi Ascended, whom possess a small Ember in their current state. This also pretty much makes Demi Ascended and their weaknesses completely nonsensical if this lore is passed. You're pretty much Demi Ascended but better really. A Demi Ascended being a being that cannot produce a full ember within themselves but instead can learn Arcane magic. Limiting their abilities within the Ascended quite significantly. From what I'm reading you do not gain any such debuffs at all. So effectively under this current write up your lore makes the entire purpose of the Demi Ascended pointless, everyone in the Demi Ascended might as well be Divine scoundrels. Which is silly because Divine scoundrels lack an Ember completely yet somehow are better at Ascended magic than a Demi Ascended? That's just nonsensical nonsense sorry. So to end, this lore pretty much completely writes around the issues faced by Demi Ascended without being impeded at all in the same way Demi Ascended are. If Divine Scoundrels are to gain Ascended abilities without any sort of debuffs then I do not see why the restrictions on Demi Ascended should be imposed at all. One rule for us and one rule for everyone else is not how it works. This lore, questionable whether or not you could even steal the power, does not give you the tools to use the powers of an Ascended, meaning that a Divine scoundrel could not ever steal the powers of an Ascended and use them
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