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El Ricktador

Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by El Ricktador

  1. Bookshelves for minas. Will negotiate. IGN: i_am_Ricky

  2. clubs are **** and have been neutered beyond recognition

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AlphaMoist


      What if you just wait for the clubs to get better instead of immediately whining that they don't do what you want. I mean it's not like they're brand ******* new or anything. 

    3. El Ricktador

      El Ricktador

      they did what i wanted them to do when they were initially released you ape

    4. AlphaMoist


      You should throw a warhawkian powwow

  3. come home legoboy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. El Ricktador

      El Ricktador

      give him back how dare you

    3. Thornz


      Sorry he belongs alongside lion and cornivore

    4. Legoboy7984


      Why would I go back to OOC?

  4. could i be given some sort of semblance of permissions so that i can customize the club i made

  5. damn it'd be great if i could edit anything in the betterpitems club

  6. Did the EULA change? Otherwise, soulbinding weapons as a donation perk shouldn't be allowed from what we were told in the past few months.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      There is a very simple way to deal with this. Give everyone 1 or 2 soulbinds and simply allow donors more. Who cares about weapon soulbinds.

    3. Telanir


      I'll be resolving this momentarily. Mojang told us that if weapons are usable while soulbinded then it's against EULA. For the moment being I'll simply blacklist their binding globally.

    4. argonian


      way to ruin soulbinding for the rest of us

  7. Do possible tome locations have signs that tell you who to PM?

  8. Download the Optifine update that came out today for dynamic lighting with torches in your hand.

  9. elves fighting on two fronts. staff team and orcs.

    1. Guest


      where do I sign up against the staff

    2. Inferno_Ougi


      where can the orcs sign up against the gms

    3. Algoda


      Welcome to the real world. Every non-elf race has had this gm "front" for years

  10. Every unique snowflake represents a differently constructed feedback post made to remove swing timers.

  11. FOR DPMAGICIAN!!!!!!!!!

    1. Kiiwi




    1. Elvrohir Aureon

      Elvrohir Aureon

      What's he banned for

    2. El Ricktador

      El Ricktador


    3. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      Did he actually get banned, because I have piles upon piles of party invitations sitting on my desk and I sorta want to send them out already

  13. GM team has a logo now? Are they rebranding as a Minecraft ESports team?

    1. 501warhead




      in all seriousness it's a WIP concept idea

  14. good thing about the next map is that there are gonna be plenty of buttons between cities to keep me entertained

    1. Angmarzku


      im no longer working on 6.0

    2. El Ricktador

      El Ricktador

      @Ang but i've already requested noteblocks to be placed so that i could play the jingle bells :c

  15. Harold's name flashes between red and white so fast. Can't keep up.

    1. thesaintjaleel
    2. gamer124


      please help it gave me an epilepsy attack

      Edited by Hero_Prodigal
    3. Reckless Banzai Screamer
  16. Harrison is a good person. I like the UK. Iceland is a beautiful country with beautiful people.

    1. Harri


      can't say the same about where ur from............

    2. El Ricktador

      El Ricktador

      Hello FM? He's mocking my nationality. Can you protect me from seeing things that will hurt my feelings please

  17. Horse PVP ResidentSleeper

    1. ScreamingDingo


       i t


      o n l y


      g e t s


      b e t t e r

  18. how do i sign up for raomirs legion


    1. Raomir


      speak with the man on the right


    2. Inferno_Ougi
    3. Burnsy


      giv hi m love

  19. How has the charter system held up? I

    1. El Ricktador

      El Ricktador

      My status got cut off :C Anyways, I meant to say that I've been gone. So be as brutal as possible. =P

    2. BrandNewKitten


      Humans and dwarves were given too much land at the start of the map for it to be anything more than it is. All those small settlements that we talke about popping up did so in those spots of land. None of this is necessarily bad mind you and a lot of new RP spawned from it. Caliphate's new nation thing and Celien would have never existed without it. All of this seems like positives to me.


      Negatives are the lack of control over some nations and too much control over others.

    3. AGiantPie


      Charters were a good idea and have served their function. As BNK says, though, the established nations have mostly ignored them since they had more land than they would ever need given to them on day 1.

  20. hurferdurfer and imattyz had it coming. so did dpm

    1. H7R5
    2. HurferDurfer1


      Take that disrespek off my name u larvae 

  21. Hurricane Pike, XDDD

  22. I can truthfully understand the need to enforce community guidelines on players. My only criticism is that they should not be handled by admins. They should be the duty of GMs because they are frequently in-game and the limited time of admins is better spent elsewhere.

    1. dogbew


      Its actually handled by Admin and Team Directors, also its not really a matter of the Admin needing to be in game, anyone (for example GMs) could report bad behavior to them and it would be acted upon. The reason its only the "high ranking" Staff who can do it is likely because a Community Guidelines violation surpasses any Ban or Warning, and needs to be appealed before those punishments are appealed.

    2. WuHanXianShi14


      Personally I think that whoever hands out the guidelines violation needs to be easily contactable and also be upfront about the particular infraction, i.e when, where, and how it was made and provide evidence to the player, as opposed to having the restricted player needing to move mountains to get the bare minimum of staff communication, but thats just me. 

  23. i dont understand why isnt nathan unbanned when he said he was hacked? it wasnt him

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nathan_Barnett36
    3. argonian


      typical target banning 

    4. El Ricktador

      El Ricktador

      honestly nathan i dont blame them for doing what they've done. somehow you manage to get on people's nerves just by speaking. theres like a passive aggression that is present in all your text. i could feel it in ooc chat the other day

      but these community guidelines are not as concretely written as i would like them to be. they're made to be very ambiguous for a staff team that i dont fully trust the judgement of.

  24. I dreamt Malinor was recreated and we were raided by Dwarves.

  25. i even copied the typo in the title

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