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Everything posted by Heero

  1. A simple, lackluster advertisement is posted along the Cloud Temple market space. "Looking to purchase a pair of Wesley's Winged Slippers. A rarity from the Shop of Wonders. Pen your offers and contact information Signed, Aldranis of Taillteann"
  2. If possible, I wouldn't mind getting a commission for my Hiishtgûl, Dark Lieutenant, Harbinger; whatever you wanna call it. If you wanna work out the dets fee free to throw me a line on Discord @Heero#7850
  3. my friend what happened to you are you okay

    1. Porko


      no i died

    2. Heero


      well your mineman got hacked just a heads up

  4. do mobs still spawn naturally throughout the world?

  5. I'm sorry @Zindran but my statement stands with certainty that the Ascended have received exclusive treatment throughout the years. I made an entire post on the rampant abuse that's been circulating since Aegis. Even within the last few months there was a major incident with Fid and Jallentime over the monopoly opposing any other splinter-groups of Ascended forming, people being connected outside of the main Ascended cliche and under-handed OOC tactics to sleight any opposition. That's pretty gross and needs to stop. Edit: Outside of the toxicity of the group the **** that's gone on is absurd and needs to stop. The magic certainly deserves to be gassed and I'm hoping 2018 is the year it happens.
  6. Yes, because if a toddler is misbehaving they should be given constructive criticism. If this much drama came out of any other group the axe would've gone down hard years ago. I don't care for the Jallentine drama. He's whatever. He can do him. A large issue is that the Ascended claim to be the agents of the ALMIGHTY ARCH-AENGUL, THE EXARCH OF THE AENGUDAEMON DOMAIN, ABBESS OF THE HIGH HEAVEN etc etc you get it. When you have Ascended X acting all kawaii in New Malinor having a secret love affair with Necromancer_Jack and their daughter is a Shade and Ascended X does not believe in hurting spooks, we got a problem my friend.
  7. Nothing else on the server can come close to compare to the ridiculous amount of abuse that went into ensuring the longevity of the Ascended. They were an protagonist with a cool plugin in the days of Mineman's caveman era. The Ascended were scrapped once their mortal nemesis, the Undead, were defeated in Aegis. The fact they wanted to remain as an order and do them was perfectly fine in Asulon. Then suddenly they received a MASSIVE, and I mean, ginormous temple-city appeared in Asulon towards the end of the map's life span. But the best part? A GM at the time, who would later become an administrator shortly after, put an entry-deny flag on the region. Unless you were a member of the region (i.e. Ascended, close associates or the Mages' Guild of the time who was partnered with the group) could not enter the region. That alone is pretty wild. Even for those days. Fast forward to Anthos - on paper the Ascended are still just the remains of the protag group from Aegis. Somehow, by some miracle, they received an even bigger, MEGA CITY hidden under the Elven lands. The cherry on top is, it took up roughly a third or so of the Elven lands. All conveniently hidden deep underground with it's own special region. The region even was under ADMINISTRATIVE PROTECTION. Gee. I'm sure a lot of groups wished they had that. Said land was given by an administrator who had a secret alt which not even the administrators at the time knew of. This alt lead the Ascended IC and was conveniently given EXPLICATED ADMINISTRATIVE CLEARANCE WITH LORE AND OTHER GOODIES. And no, this isn't bullshit. FMs can check the IP and most staff members from around that time will recall the incident (shout out to my boy Leowarrior because that **** was partially underneath Lenniel). With all these new toys given to the Ascended they eventually had their magic begin to """kindle""" again because of uh. No reason. Just happened!1! Jumping into Athera where the Undead returned and the excuse could be made for the Ascended to come back - a player caught the attention of said administrator. Key aspects of the Undead antagonist was redirected solely to personal RP in which a player had Iblees tickling their noodle. This player was a close friend of our wonderful admin friend. Cool stuff. I mean, you have the literal incarnation of Satan, Allah, the Devil, Boogeyman; whatever you want to call it in LoTC's universe inhabit and mess with some little Elf girl just cuz. Dope. After the YEARS of drama coming out of the Ascended, I personally, loathe it. I believe it should be removed entirely from LoTC. As far as accusations of staff abuse or bias over the years it honestly pales in comparison to the Ascended's luxurious treatment since Aegis. Through countless interactions their playerbase has been exceptionally toxic. The group shouldn't have received the treatment it did. Gas it and be done with it.
  8. If anyone here skateboards, throw me a line. Got some questions

    1. devvy


      i can do a kick flip

    2. Its_Just_Leap


      If you actually have questions about it PM me on discord or on the forums. 

    3. Dumbrarere


      Yes, I am real man. Do you wanna go skateboards?

  9. remember when the lore team would say x piece infringes on the """"""nature"""""""" of lotc pepperidge farm remembers bring back that so we can have less of the weird whims like this
  10. dying of the flu does anyone want to donate a working immune system?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. rukio


      I've an autoimmune disorder, you don't want mine sorry!

    3. Nolan_


      Stop begging you gypo 

    4. devvy


      nah you can die

  11. this made me puke and i've been partying all week tf is wrong with you oml
  12. i don't see how this is going to accomplish anything except for the one time someone is actually dumb enough to get captured with their creacter/originator but hey the lt is still useless so why am i surprised
  13. Phil: tbh i dislike the power creep in magic also phil: i really like the power creep in magic
  14. Aurum's latent ability hails back to Lagomorphia's lore which set the ground work for a lot of the stuff (we **** on and) use today such as Golems, Thanhium and etc. The concept hails back from Asulon of how Golems used to operate. Cores of aurum were constructed and hammered into the chest of dying descendants to capture the soul. The entire concept of aurum being used to hurt spooks is the idea that a golden weapon, a material that can potentially capture and hold onto bits of the soul, is passing through an incorporeal figure, effectively tearing a portion of themselves with an attack. Things have certainly taken an odd turn by the Witcher-boos wanting anything like beasts to be hurt by Aurum but realistically any creature whose soul is being tethered by a means of magic should be vulnerable to aurum.
  15. I miss Elindor hope you and the fam are doing alright
  16. Looking for help building a PC, trying to take advantage of this Cyber Monday

    1. Space
    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      cyber monday is a tool of the capitalist white rich man to sell his products


      do not buy so you can support the end of capitalism being ruled by whites 

  17. @Telanir can we postpone this wc for next week? dcc567cd1563a5c7f015aa4311050879.png

  18. pool's closed see you all next weekend

    1. Swgrclan


      pool's full of screaming retards anyway

  19. megaman zero was pretty dope

  20. https://media.giphy.com/media/rxOema2dETPiM/giphy.gif
  21. This current Guild has been deemed inactive and has hereby been moved. If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.
  22. This current Guild has been deemed inactive and has hereby been moved. If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.
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