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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by meg

  1. I hope everyone enjoyed the ruse cruise....

  2. I literally had nothing to do with the creation of frost witch lore. The original creator doesn't even play a frostie anymore. But that's beside the point. My point is that simply "I want to play this creature because it is cool" is simply, in my opinion, not a good enough reason for lore to be accepted, maybe to exist, but what does it offer in RP? What does this lore add to the server at all, other than allowing certain players to play them? Does it add to world building? Does it offer eventlines and interactions? Outside of that, the lore is rather basic. Where do they come from? You say they live in jars and bottles, are they tiny? What's the average size? If they're poisonous, are they commonly eaten? If they communicate through pigmentation, how can they learn common? Are they hyper intelligent? How long did it take them to develop lungs? Why? How long have they been here?
  3. It begins.

    1. Cordial__
    2. Zindran


      May god have mercy on our souls.

  4. To be blunt, you shouldn't be submitting lore because you want it, you should be submitting lore because it adds something to the server. Also please find a picture that doesn't have uncovered breasts. :/
  5. Hm, tinkerer is kind of a weird profession to level. It has a lot of stuff that either takes 0 crafting time, or a ton of time. At least at what level I'm at. 

  6. http://i.imgur.com/8kqUu2F.png Why is this possible lmao

    1. Neri


      [EVE flashbacks]

      Wait no I'm STILL queening skills in EVE...

    2. Algoda


      Because last time i asked, kowaman said he wanted it to be like that.

    3. Jistuma


      Probably because you have Inept skill at it. Legendary take like 1 hour.

  7. Anyone who needs to get in contact with me, please send me a pm on the forums rather than a skype request.

    1. Shar'ku/jenspelao


      jroy96 said he wanted to add you back

    2. FORƎST


      how about snapchat ;)

  8. Alright.

    1. Rassidic


      Sooooo... Matt and You? (jkjk).

  9. God bless Dohvi's events. God bless the frosties. I can't stop laughing.

  10. I almost want to hibernate for a good few months....Then I can binge watch all of my favorite shows without having to wait...

  11. I am very tempted to remove all my friends to avoid these notifications.... 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MetaSolaray


      No one said that shouldn't take long to delete all your friends D: Darn....

    3. Space
    4. Heero


      Do it. No balls, wench.

  12. memes aside, I think the general consensus seems to be that plague events just aren't fun. I never experienced one myself, but regardless of "doing it well," I think, at their core, they just aren't fun.
  13. Gatchaman Crowds and Insight is one of the most criminally underrated shows of the past few years. That is all. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. excited


      Whenever people talk about anime I think they're speaking in Morse Code. RIP

    3. EmeraldStag


      Piercing that's a pretty useless comment since the subject doesn't really involve you :P.


      Anyway Megu, yeah I can see that. I guess I was a bit too action hungry with all the transforming that happens lol.

    4. excited


      then msg eachother on skype instead of making a status jee wilikers

  14. Well, time to replay ME3, see you all in a few days! Woo! I am so ready to get emotionally attached to video game characters and then have my heart broken again. WOO!

  15. ****. heero has me listening to disney songs again. CURSE YOU HEERO

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anderssn


      Just let it go Meguzara!

    3. Crowbill


      Those songs are just Bare Necessities, Meg!

    4. Swgrclan


      abstain from this cancer

  16. weeb anime suggestions for recent summer 2015 animoo: Overlord: Like sao and log horizon, but better. based on a really good light novel that's worth the read. gatchaman crowds and gatchaman crowds: insight: insight is the new season, but you need to watch crowds in order to get it. it's absolutely worth it. there isn't a lot of action, but it's honestly one of the most  "up to date" anime I've watched, like it tackles "now" issues such as the internet effects on democracy and overall attitude. worth your time. 

  17. God bless Nummy's art

  18. I ******* hate getting madoka'd....

    1. _mkkk_


      The fact I only know that due to watching lilypichu's video cartoon of star guardian lux. . .

  19. now that gw2 is f2p, people need to play with me...


  21. oh god, you can upvote statuses...this is weird...

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