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Everything posted by Criala

  1. Rosalia didn't see Hook again, after rescuing him from the Elvenesse river. She didn't know of the poor Musin's demise. Every so often, she wondered if he was alright. If he'd been tossed into another river and if he had, if someone fetched him out just as she had. The piece of taffy he gave her was still within her dress pocket. ((NOOO! I loved Hook 😭))
  2. Skin number: Number one Bid amount: 90 mina Discord: Zadie#4764
  3. Skin number: Number one, Crimson Dragon Bid amount: 60 mina Discord: Zadie#4764
  4. I would have to agree with you about it being engaging for the patient, Latte. It also works in reverse too. I have multiple characters that are healers, all with different ways of approaching things and handling issues. Across all of these characters, I've had multiple people that, as soon as whichever medic or healer I'm RPing as, get there and tell me in LOOC that they're just gonna AFK through it. On my side, the healer's side, this is just kind of disheartening. You don't even get the chance to interact and involve the other person in the process. Something that I personally enjoy is fitting technique to the characters and wherever they live. Writing out medical things as that character is pretty interesting, in my opinion. Some of the most fun I've had with medical RP is teaching people how to do things and writing out things as that character would. It's also been a great learning experience. There are plants that I didn't realize existed in real life until people told me they were real life plants. Like Witch Hazel. I had no idea before RPing as a medic.
  5. Art by Elentori A ‘ker sat beneath a willow tree, her back resting against the trunk of it. A staff laid across her lap, dark oak with vines and lilacs going up it. The sun was setting, a mixture of red, orange and purple across the horizon. Things were calm. A lesson with Hareven finished not long before. He had gone off to do whatever it is he does. Whatever it was, she didn’t know. The man always just marched to the beat of his own drum, following wherever it took him. The one thing she did know was that, along the way, he found others and welcomed them into his family with open arms. Something she experienced firsthand. Their first encounter was an interesting one. Over a century ago now, and it was during her dedicancy. Someone, she didn’t remember who now, threatening her along with two other dedicants. Hareven pressed the person’s neck to a tree, with one hand, until a sickening crack came. And that was the end of the situation. Her teal gaze lifted upward, trailing along the leaves of the willow tree. Hints of a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. Her hands clasped together, resting on the shaft of her staff. While shocking at the time, she came to learn that Hareven was just Hareven. When first arriving at Linandria back in Axios, she was by herself when she stopped at those gates. No family, no friends. Just the violin, a sword and clothes on her back. Little did she know back then, stopping at those gates, how much it would change her life. An ‘ame was who let her in, a singular green eye visible. The other was covered by a green bandana. A brown coat on his frame, and an introduction soon given to her. Calius Terin. Cal. It didn’t take long for the two of them to grow close. A love for him never faded, even after a hundred years apart and other partners in between later on. Along with him came his twin sons. Ruin’nir and Tam’naeuth. Two young boys she quickly grew to love as her own, raising them as if they were her blood. “I think we’re the lucky ones, to be honest. We were small, motherless children. Then you showed up and fixed all that.” Even with two hundred years passing since then, they were still her boys. No matter how much time went on, the image of those young eight year olds stuck with her. Aspects help anyone or anything to try to hurt those boys or any of her other children. Miklaeil was a grown man when she met him in Atlas, within the city of Caras Eldar and the Sparrow Grove. That changed nothing about her eventually seeing him as one of her own. Something he said that she remembered so clearly. Within the walls of Aegrothond, seated a table talking with him and others. “She reminds me of my own dearly departed Haelun.” Aegrothond was where she first met Nenar. Ribs broken. She tried so hard to get her to stay, so that she could treat her injuries and so she could rest. But it didn’t work out that way. Artimec hadn’t been welcome in Aegrothond at the time, and so Nenar left with him. Thankfully, it wasn’t the last she saw the ‘ame woman. Frequently, she saw her at Aegrothond and the Mother Grove. The more time spent together, it wasn’t long before the two were bonded as family. Mother and daughter. A bond that could not ever be broken. What started as just being her step-daughter evolved into Eretria being thought of as her own daughter. Despite being divorced from the small ‘ame’s father, the two of them were still as close as could be. A mother-daughter bond that was as real as if they had been blood. There wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do for her. Nerrin, as well, was her family. Meeting Ara’nora took some time, but she adored her granddaughter with all her heart. The spitting image of her father and mother. Anything that girl needed, she would do her best to fulfill. There were only fond memories of Marie. How she missed that halfling. A sister she viewed her as. Attuned only hours apart, and by the same person. Kasfer. Often, she missed taking a stroll through the grove and running into the halfling. Too long it’d been without her bright presence. The heart breaking sorrow when she felt the loss. It was a void yet to close to this day. Over the years, there were glimpses of Evar’tir around the different elven cities of each land. But hardly any, if any at all, interaction with him. Not until he became Cal’s student. The memory of her first time talking to him was clear. Her, Evar’tir, Nen and Cal were all seated beneath the willow tree, just down the road from the Talus grove entrance. Now she was proud to call him her brother. Kasfer was her first teacher, and Guyden was her guide. Both were considered family to her from the years she spent around them. Concern peaked its head up every so often, due to how many years it’d been since she saw either of them. The only reason she knew they were alright was because none of the losses felt over the years belonged to them. No graves for them, so at least they were alive. Nowhere to be seen, but alright. Soon enough, she was pulled from her reminiscing. Quite a journey the last two hundred years had been. Plenty of highs and lows. It was worth it though, because of all the bonds she formed along the way.
  6. Within the Father Circle, in a home beneath a tree, was an 'ame woman, not a former or current member of the Father Circle. Perched on the couch, amber gaze watching the flickering flames of the fireplace. Her recent conversation with Syndra came to mind. "Rosalia, I didn't expect to find you still here." Only one thing kept her there. A promise of forever, to wait and to always find their way back to one another no matter what.
  7. Eraami was able to read the new treasury police. She is very proud of her former healing student being the Financier of Elvenesse.
  8. Criala


    Having been present at the meeting in which Evar'tir was chosen to be the next High Prince, the Lilac Druid and Terin Elder wasn't surprised by the news. Vienele gave a nod of approval, folding the letter to tuck into her pocket. "I've faith you'll do great, Brother." A thoughtful look came to her face, wondering if she'd be able to attend the coronation. Would a gift be needed for such?
  9. ((I thoroughly enjoyed reading this, great job, Sug! +1
  10. As her brother went on his way, to go wherever it was that he went, the Lilac druid offered him a simple farewell and to be safe on his way. She turned, teal gaze lingering on his back as he walked off. Often she wondered where it was he went. He was never one to sit still for very long, not in all the time since she'd met him. The answer to that curiosity was likely to be everywhere, for he marched to the beat of his own drum and let it take him wherever he wished. Sometimes it took him to good places, sometimes bad. It's just how life goes sometimes. But he was one of the most genuine and honest people she knew.
  11. Congratulations to @ScreamingDingo! Can't wait to see what you do with the Story Team and how all of this goes.
  12. Vienele paid her brother a visit that day, only to be met with his house full of origami animals. Amusement was apparent on her face as she looked at each one. "You'll have to teach me how!"
  13. Criala


    Take care, Rift. Hope you'll still around discord to chat still. It's been good having you on the server and as an Admin. But you gotta do what's best for you.
  14. Sobs echoed from somewhere within the temple of Thalassa, the sound carrying off of the stone. Following the sound of it was what led Estellise to Rhae. This was when she learned of what happened. The situation with Valerica wasn't something she'd known about, as she'd been spending most of her time at home, resting due to how late she was into her pregnancy. There was no hesitation to scoop Rhae up and hold her close, spending as long as it took to try to reassure her. Hours it took likely before the young 'fenn was calmed. It would have been a lie if she said she wasn't worried as well, but it was worth waiting to see what happened. Val was worth any wait they'd have to do. 'Please come home soon, Val.'
  15. A mystery. That's what Gino Falcone had been to Natalia. Her future father-in-law, and yet she hadn't really had the chance to get to know him. Any interaction between the two was a simple 'ciao, come va?' and didn't extend much further than that, resulting in little personal experience with the man. Regardless, her heart ached for her fiancé. It also ached for their son who would never meet be able to meet him, and little Ludovica who would grow up not really knowing her father.
  16. The room was empty, except for the mali’fenn woman who resided there. Careful steps took Estellise upstairs to the bedroom. Once she was there, she collapsed onto the bed into the blankets and pillows. Turquoise settled upon the ceiling above her. Slow, deep breaths. “Damned octopus…” It was muttered beneath her breath, which she’d finally caught. There were red marks all along her right leg, bruising already starting to show along them from where the deformed octopus had its hold on her. Her eyes closed, arm lifting to rest over them. Quite the ordeal, but she had survived. She’d gone through too much to be eaten by some deformed octopus. “He tried to kill me, Estellise!” The man’s voice was raised, echoing throughout the room. Amber smoldering, full of anger and rage. All directed at her. “I don't want anyone else to die.” Her words were barely audible, along with a slight shake of her head. But they were heard, and it caused a snarl to escape him. “Estellise, you said you wanted to help me, didn’t you?” “Y… Yes.” “Then tell me what I need to know.” A deep, growling rumble came from his throat. “I don’t know anything you don’t know!” “Disappointing! Then you’re on his side!” He stepped forward, which caused her to take a step backwards. “I-I..” Deep under the surface, yes, but he didn’t need to know that. “There has to be something you know. He was rather protective of you at the end there, before he decided to leave. Maybe something to do with that.” He persisted. “I don’t have any information for you. Nothing that you don’t already know.” She was adamant with her reply. Another growl escaped him, fueled by him not getting his way. That hate and anger filled gaze burned. And it lingered on her face. This lasted for several minutes, before he finally tore his focus off of her, and he let out a long, drawn out sigh. “Fine. But you will play your part when the time comes. Understood?” The anger and hatred had died down in his gaze, but it was now replaced with expectancy. “If you don’t…" He didn't have to finish his sentence for the threat to be real. A slow nod of her head. It was a threat that she knew he’d have no problem carrying out. But the nod seemed to be enough for him, because he gave one nod, then stormed down stairs to where his room was. ~*~ "The only reason we got back together was because I didn't want you to have any reason to remain loyal to Lothric. Are you aware of that?" There was no emotion to the man's tone, as they laid side by side. "...I thought that might have had something to do with it." The timing was what told her that. But... Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. "That's all it had to do with it. I didn't feel any sort of feelings towards you. I felt the same towards you as I did someone I've never met before. There was no love." "I... See." She hated that it hurt, that there had been a tiny bit of hope that the man she first met was still in there somewhere. She also hated that, deep down, she wasn’t surprised by it. He’d always just used her and used others to get what he wanted. "I was going to kill you and pin the murder on Lothric. Use it as a way to ruin Fennic and Irrinor relations further." Even the admittance of his plan didn’t shock her. It wouldn’t have been the first time he’d done something like that to someone. Why would she have been any different? ~*~ "No idea. Men are weird. Maybe you've got an issue with pride. Or..." There was a split second pause here before Rhae shrugged her shoulders, thinking better of it. "I'm not going to finish that one." "Finish it." was the reply she got from the masked and robe-clad figure. Wisps of black were leaking out from the visor of the mask. "No." The reply was rejected. "Okay then. Give the Parasite control." By the tone of his voice, it was meant to be a demand. "No thanks." A demand that was denied. "Does it really matter?" Estellise spoke up, arms crossed and resting against the top of her ribs. This ended her silence in the conversation, though her question was ignored. "Wasn't a question, Rhaella. Give control to your Parasite." Still, the man persisted, despite being told no. "Would really rather not." Rhae held her ground on the matter though. "I don't care. You'll either finish your statement or you will give control." Another demand. "I think I'll do neither." But she wasn’t having it. In a moment, the black wisps flowing out from the mask began to thicken, and the sense of dread in the room thickened and grew stronger, having an effect on those around him. Estellise pressed her crossed arms tighter against herself, breathing out a slow and shaky breath. "Nope!" Rhae spun on her heel, so she could face the doorway. That was as far as she got though, because a gloved hand shot out and aimed to tangle their fingers within her ivory locks. With the grip on her hair gotten, she was yanked down onto the ground as much force as possible used to do such. A shrill shriek erupted from her, likely heard throughout the entire Estate. A heavy thump came after when Rhae's back collided with the floor. Her hands shot up to her hair, one against her hair and the other searching for the hand clutching her hair. Estellise was frozen in place, her eyes widening and her mouth hanging up. All of her senses were screaming at her to intervene. But she knew what would happen if she did. He had killed her once, so she was told by Lockezi, and he wouldn't hesitate to do it again. He knelt down on the ground, lowering his head so that his mask was close to Rhae's ear. "If you are going to insult and belittle me, I do not care. But you will do as I say, and you will not try to avoid me to get out of it." Rhae grit her teeth, her eyes narrowing into a glare at the man. Estellise was only able to stare, gaze darting back and forth between the two in front of her. "We had ourselves an agreement, Rhaella. You will do as I say, and you will listen to me. Remember?" The grip on her hair remained tight. "Estellise won't do nothing for you. She will watch, and she will listen. I do not want to scold you, but you need to understand." "I didn't want to insult you! That's why I shut up!" Rhae squirmed, both hands moving up to try to loosen the fingers latched onto her hair. "I realized what I was going to say was bad, and I didn't want to finish it! You're really going to force me to insult you? Really? This isn't a Shade thing, so let me go!" "I want you to listen to me. Say what you were going to say, Rhaella Tathvir. If I were a Paladin, and you made the same slip, I would have done far worse to get you to talk." "It's not important! I'm not telling you! So, either let me go, or do what a paladin would do. Treat me as those idiots would, if you want. Or are you really that worried about your stupid manhood?" The words came out as a growl. Promptly, the man released her. Seeping out from his skin, within his hand, was a thickening mass of amber. "Fine." A feeling of relief spread throughout Estellise's body once Rhae was released, though she didn't fully relax just yet. Upon being released, Rhae turned herself over, tearing herself out of his grip. Daggers were still being glared at him. "If you really want me to shut up for paladins, just cut out my tongue, why don't you?" Any sense of relief was instantly shattered for Estellise. Her arm was snatched by him, his left hand tugging her in front of him. A gasp escaped her at this. She kept herself extremely still, aside from a slight upward tilt of her head, especially when his right hand moved close to her throat. The glare Rhae had faded, her eyes widening. She scrambled to get herself to her feet. As soon as she was, she launched herself at him, grabbing at the arm which held the amber. "Let her go!" She was able to grab his arm, but the stream of amber stretched out to wrap around Estellise's throat. Though his face masked, Rhae likely felt the glare and unamusedness coming from him. Rhae growled, her hand whipping down to her belt and withdrawing the wickedly sharp fork she kept stashed there. "Let her go." She raised it, the tines of it pointed towards his neck. The only thing Estellise was able to do in that moment was keep still and take slow, deep breaths. There was nothing she could do to retaliate. No weapons on her. Her medical satchel was down stairs, no use to her now. Fortunately, the tendril of amber released her, and from the grip he had on her arm, he yanked her to his left and released her. His attention was on Rhae now. "Are you threatening me, my dearest Rhaella?" Estellise stumbled as she was moved, sucking in a deep breath and her hand lifting to rub at her throat. "You're threatening my mother. So yes, I am." Her scowl deepened. "Shut up. Shut up." The grip she had on the fork tightened then relaxed, and then tightened once more. She seemed to be fighting with herself. "I am not weak..." The man simply watched her, his arms crossing over his chest. The sound of armored foot steps coming up the stone steps brought Estellise out of it. A sound all to familiar to her now. Her arm lifted from her eyes so they could open, turquoise meeting green. "Hey." It was a soft greeting from her upon seeing Taal at the top of the stairs. "Hey." He returned her greeting with a warm toned one of his own, something akin to relief on his face as he drew closer to her, standing at the foot of the bed. "Quite the trial... I was afraid for a bit there, you know. Not even the sea could stand up to me if something happened to you." "Don't worry. It takes a lot more than an octopus to get rid of me." She reassured him. Her arm lifted, hand reaching out to grasp his. Reaching for the light. And the light, her light, reached back, taking her hand, pulling her out of the dark yet again.
  17. ((I don't wanna know what lurks in Lake Eada. I've seen horror movies, i know where this goes. nice post tho +1
  18. IGN: Itsmearcher Discord: Zadie#4764 Skin: Wings Bid: 50
  19. The fire in the fireplace roared, flames licking at the air. The carved statuette on the table hadn’t been moved, still sitting there from when the news first reached her. Rosalia was seated on the couch, knees pulled up to her chest. Her chin rested on top of them, amber gaze on the dark oak statuette which was carved to be the likeness of Awaiti. If any one ever saw it, the attention to detail was in the face, hair and clothing. A spear was clutched in her right hand, a shield on her left forearm. It was meant to be a gift. She spent extra time on it, so it would be just right. Only the best for Awaiti after all. It was a long couple of moments before Rosalia pulled herself off of the couch. Shortly, she returned to it, but this time, there was a sketchpad in her hand. With a sniff and using the back of her hand to wipe any stray tears away, she flipped it open to a specific page. It appeared to be an unfinished sketch. She took a small sketching pencil from her dress pocket. It was only a few inches in length, an 'R' etched just above the leather grip. The tip of it was pressed to a spot on the page, and she began to sweep it across the page. This continued on for some time, her focus entirely on the page in front of her. But, eventually, her sketching pencil stopped. She tucked it back into her pocket, looking over the page. The final result was a full body sketch of Awaiti, holding a bow and pulling an arrow from her quiver in black and white. "... I'm sorry I wasn't able to give these to you." She murmured to the sketch, her bottom lip trembling with the effort to not tear up again. Taking a moment to compose herself, she sucked in a breath, setting the sketch down beside the statuette. She could give them to Irrin and Mordun. Yes, that was a good idea. Art by Nika Art belongs to @NomadGaia
  20. An audible, shuddering gasp came from the Lilac druid, her eyes widening at the deep tug in her soul. The loss, pain and sorrow enveloped her entire being, soon becoming overwhelming. She knew not who had passed, and the tears began to fall, dribbling down her cheeks. It would be later that she found out who it had been. Awaiti. Someone she hadn't known that well, spoken to only a handful of times, but the loss was felt just the same. The news hit Eraami like a hurricane. Flashes of that young 'ame girl she met over two hundred years ago went through her mind. Awaiti had barely been a teen then, and she'd had the pleasure of watching her grow into a young woman during her years in Linandria. Years it had been since she'd last seen Awaiti. The guilt... The gut wrenching guilt that she hadn't seen her in so long. And now... There was no chance to. No time to be able to take a few minutes to talk, catch up and see how things were, what she'd missed. "I'm so sorry, Awaiti." With an apology whispered under her breath, voice cracking with the effort to not just break down and sob right then, Eraami reached for a writing utensil and some parchment. A sniffle escaped her, hand lifting to rub at her face with the back of her hand. Leo needed to know. Leilani heard the news of Awaiti's passing when Lyemar did. It caused her to be still where she sat, a slow exhale going out. Tears began to well up in her eyes, though she tried her best to hold it in. There was a void now. A piece of her heart that she felt now missing with the loss of the woman she considered one of her own. A young teen Awaiti had been when she first met her within Linandria around the Caerme'onn manor. "Maybe she will, Lye... Maybe she will. I am sure Ara would be proud of her. I know I wa- am proud of who she became." It was then the dam broke, when she corrected herself. The tears began to fall, her hands lifting up so she could press her face into them. Not another one. Not another family member gone. But it was true. And this time it was Awaiti. Rosalia hadn't wanted to believe it, shaking her head and murmuring that it couldn't true the whole way. She only stopped once she was in her living room, her amber gaze drifting to the table in front of the fire. Upon the table was a statuette carved out of dark oak, the features of it having been carved to be that of Awaiti. It hit. As much as she wanted it to be not true, it was. Unable to hold it in any longer, she collapsed to the wooden floor, scooting back until her back was pressed against the wall. Her shoulders shook, shaky hands pulling her knees up to her chest. Tears poured down her cheeks, and she pulled her knees up to her chest so she could press her face into them. Sobs sounded out within the empty room. "Awaiti.."
  21. can a mod or someone delete my post that posted two extra times while i was having forum issues... thank you. ;-;

  22. It was calm and quiet, hardly a ripple in the water. Estellise closed her eyes, offering a prayer to Thalassa. A couple of minutes later, she opened them, settling her turquoise gaze on the water. She took one last glance over her shoulder at those gathered, Rhae, Valerica, Taal, Idril, Beowulf and Aurelion. It was time. This was the last trial to take. She focused on the water in front of her, getting into position. A couple of seconds later, she dove into the water, going beneath the surface. A bit deeper down she went in search of a golden glow. A couple of plants before she caught the glow, but once she spotted it, she was able to grab that piece. With that piece gotten, she turned, heading back up so she could surface. A few breaths, then one more, and down again. Any hints of that golden glow were miniscule, going out almost as quickly as she'd seen them. Her search continued for another couple of plants, failing to find any more, but there was no sign of that glow. The search would have to begin after she got more air. There was a slight burn in her lungs telling her that it was time to go back up. So, back up she went. Breaking through it, she emerged with a gasp. A few gulps of fresh air gave her lungs the relief they needed. She only stayed long enough before she dove down yet again, so she could continue. Under she went, keeping an eye out for the familiar gleam of gold. Luck appeared to be on her side this time when she caught sight of it. The golden glow. Reaching out, she grasped it to pull it free. A glance around told her it was the only one around, so up she went again. Another few minutes spent above the water before she dove back down to begin again. Under she went, going deeper than she had before in her search. As she swam further into the depths, there was a hint of the golden glow, glittering in the darkest corner of the waters. However, something was... Off. There was no life. No visible living being or living thing was there with her. Only that single stalk of sea gleam. A second later, and the sea gleam was gone, leaving only the stalk behind, and it appeared different than it had previously. With how dark it was down there, she caught sight of the faint glow of that familiar color. She swam just a touch deeper in, but something in her gut was screaming there was something not right about this. So, she didn’t venture any deeper, merely observing now. As soon as the glow was gone, she made her way back up to the surface, able to feel the burn in her lungs as air grew sparse. She broke through the surface of the water, a gasp erupting from her as she gulped in air to relieve the burning in her lungs. A good moment was spent doing such until the burn had faded away and she was ready to dive once more. With another deep breath, she dunked back down in yet another search for the glow. The waters began to shift from the abysmal depths of the ocean, but whatever caused it was unknown. From deep down below, there was only the slightest hint of a glow from a singular bean of sea gleam. The bean was all that could be seen, the stalk of it hidden. She was able to feel the movement of the water rippling and shifting up towards her, her gaze focused on the sea gleam. Slight movement forward, only a little closer, but as before, her instincts were sounding an alarm, a warning that something just wasn't right about that gleam. She began to drift backwards, keeping her eyes on that singular bean for a moment, before fully turning and not venturing any deeper into the depths. It was at that moment this creature revealed itself. An octopus with not just two but five eyes, two merged together, clouded as if it were blind. An abomination it was, covered in a vast array of tumors that gave the illusion of a sixth eye. As the 'fenn woman backed away, the chase started. It wasn't about to let its only available meal go free. She only took one glance over her shoulder, brief but enough to get a glimpse of what was chasing after her. That didn't stop her from swimming, if anything, it caused her to swim as fast as she could towards the surface and away from that thing. Faster and faster, the creature chased after her, more desperate than ever before. The moment it got into arms reach, a tentacle shot out to wrap around her foot, using the leverage to pull itself toward her. She felt the tentacle wrap its way around her ankle, left hand shooting up her right sleeve to pull her hidden scalpel out from within it. As quick as she was able, despite her air running low and the burn beginning in her lungs, she twisted her body to stab the blade directly into the tentacle of the creature. An attempt to make it let go of her. The blade pierced through the creature's webbed tentacle. Unfortunately this aggravated the hunger craved monstrosity. Even faster and stronger than before, the octopus wrapped its entire self around her leg. Another tentacle of it reached out to try to grasp at her face. She let out a few air bubbles as it latched itself fully onto her leg. The scalpel was yanked out of its arm, blood likely flowing out of the wound and out in the water around them. With it pulled out, she sought to plunge the blade into the arm that was reaching for her face to stab through it. The creature writhed in pain as its arm was struck, one of the hidden teratoma teeth infested eyes impaled by the blade of the scalpel. Having lost the will to keep fighting for its meal, the creature relinquished her, so that it could drift back down into the depths. Having been released, she surged upward towards the surface, her lungs absolutely on fire from the lack of air. A blur of another person shot by her on the up way, but she didn’t stop. The creature never got the chance to go back down into the depths. A large fork was drilled into its head, grasped within the hand of another ‘fenn. Electric blue eyes narrowed at the creature, now having a personal vendetta against it, despite it releasing her mother. With the fork still deep within the octopus’ brain, Rhae wrapped an arm around the corpse to drag it back up with her. As Estellise burst through the surface, she coughed out a mouthful of water, taking multiple deep breaths. In her left hand was the scalpel, extremely watered down blood upon the blade. She made her way to the shore, chest heaving as she pulled herself out of the water. “Damned octopus…” It was breathed out, the ‘fenn slumping onto the ground and dropping the dirtied scalpel beside her. Rhae broke through the surface, swimming her way back, so she could bring the octopus up onto the sand and rocks. Taal's attention was drawn to Estellise bursting from the water's surface, his features growing tighter as he noticed the scalpel. He gave a relieved sigh soon after, stepping forth with a look of concern on his face. “Thank the..” He rasped out, his gaze shifting toward Rhae dragging the cursed sea monster from the water. “A dead one.” The arms still wriggled, despite the fork shoved deep into its brain. Dropping it, she turned her focus to Estellise. “Are you hurt?” Idril’s attention fell on the dead octopus, soon pulling away to land on Beowulf. “Beo, what did you summon with your prayer?” “I didn't do anything!” Beowolf glanced anxiously between Estellise and Idril. “I just used the prayer for war! I don't even know what the hell that is!” Estellise leaned back against the upward sloped hill behind her, her breathing finally seeming to even out. “I don't think so…” She mumbled in reply to Rhae. There were some nice, reddening suction cup marks going up her partially visible right leg. She then lazily reached for the fallen scalpel to hold it up. “And this… is a good reason I keep this on me.” Back On The Surface Before Rhae Jumped In At the shore, above the surface unknown to Estellise and what chased her, a young 'fenn shifted in place, hand drifting towards the fork on her belt. "“Is it supposed to take this long?” “Nae..” A long haired, regal elfess admitted to Rhae. Idril soon made her way down to the shore. Rhae stood up right, fork in her hand as she stepped down after Idril. Her eyes began to scan the waves, looking for any sign of her mother hidden beneath the waters surface. When none was found, she casted a glance to her step mother. “Can I go in?” An 'ame stood just up the small hill from Rhae and Idril, his features harden at Idril's admission of this not being normal. His left hand lifted to unfasten his fur cloak and step forth to descend the hill. As he too scanned the waters for his fiancé, his hand was undoing his chest plate. Aurelion drew in a deep breath before he too stepped forth, eyes scanning the waters for sign of the 'fenn that swam beneath the waves. “You may.” Idril finally confirmed with a nod of her head to Rhae. “However if you spot her on her way up, well and alive. Do not interfere, and allow her to make her way up on her own.” Taal's chest and back plate fall to the sodden earth beneath, his gaze still scanning the surf for his fiancé. Within his right fist, he held his Thanhic-steel warhammer, his fist white knuckled upon its haft. Permission granted, Rhae wasted no time in running to the end of the stone bank and plunging headfirst into the waves. She took a moment to get used to the salty sting against her eyes as she searched for her mother. It didn’t take her long to notice Estellise struggling with the murderous cephalopod. Immediately Rhae shot towards them with strong, urgent strokes.
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