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Posts posted by Eddywilson2

  1. In the Mountain, the River Forms 



    Agreed upon by:


    On this 18th of Godfrey’s Triumph, in the Year of Lord 1908  | 18th of Malin’s Welcome, 112 SA  





    The Commonwealth of Petra and the Grand Kingdom of Urguan hereby referred to as “the signatories,” sign a military alliance between the two nations.


    I. The signatories agree to a military alliance.

    II. The signatories agree that an attack by a third party against one of them is an attack against both of them.

    III. The signatories agree to settle any dispute between them or in which they may be involved through peaceful means in such a manner that this alliance and the laws of the signatories are not endangered. 

    IV. The signatories agree to consult together whenever, in the opinion of either of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of the signatories is threatened.

    V. The signatories agree to keep the option available to expand this military alliance into a full offensive alliance whenever deemed favorable by both parties.



    The signatories agree that a pact of free-trade shall begin between both parties. In addition, former agreements between the Commonwealth of Petra and the Grand Kingdom of Urguan shall remain valid during the duration of this treaty. 


    I. That nation-affiliated merchants shall be allowed to trade in the other signatory’s nation without unnecessary tax or harassment.

    II. That each signatory shall receive one untaxed stall to sell whatever goods they see fit, so long as they do not break said nation’s laws.


    The signatories agree to be bound by the terms of this Treaty for a period of TWELVE years. The Treaty can be extended during or up until the last week of duration by both parties' approval.






    HER GRACE, Renilde I, By the Grace of GOD, Archduchess of the Petra, Countess of Temesch and Moere


    HIS GRACE, Constanz-Anton, Archduke of the Petra, Prince of Balian


    Agnar Grandaxe, Grand King of Urguan, Clan Father of Grandaxe,

    Defender of Kal’Ordholm, Master of Punji-Sticks, 

    Protector of the Dwarves

  2. The Third Mayoral Election of Valfleur



    On the 7th of Tobias’ Bounty, 1907. . . 








    By the UNITY OF MIND of the GOVERNMENT in PETRA, serving always CHIVALRY, LIBERTY and JUSTICE, the ARCHDUCHESS and ARCHDUKE do affirm this EDICT, delivered at MOUNT GARMONT




    of the CAPITAL of the COMMONWEALTH




    On the 7th of Tobias’ Bounty, 1907, we will begin to accept the first declarations of candidacy for mayor. The declared candidates will be eligible for the ballot in five Saint’s Days. The voting process will then last for exactly two Saint’s Days thereafter. 






    The following prerequisites must be met by candidates in order to stand for office:


    • Must have registered for the census here

    • May be of any walk of life (Royal, Gentry, Commoner, etc)

    • Must be over the age of 16

    • Must be acting in the interests of the State




    Applications for Candidacy



    First Name:


    Address of Residence (if you live elsewhere in Petra, where you live):


    Year of Birth:


    ((MC NAME)):






    OOC Disclaimer




    Candidacies are open from 1/14 - 1/18

    Voting is open from 1/18 - 1/20

    First day of office is 1/21



    -Any Petran citizen can run

    -150 mina weekly tax budget to do whatever you want

    -The mayor may appoint 3 deputy mayor positions and/or a city council

    -Four week election terms starting once successfully elected

    -Cannot levy taxes and affairs remain within the confines of the city with veto power in the hands of the sovereigns. Aside from that, go wild.


  3. The Second Mayoral Election of Valfleur



    On the 7th of Horen’s Calling, 1901. . . 








    By the UNITY OF MIND of the GOVERNMENT in PETRA, serving always CHIVALRY, LIBERTY and JUSTICE, the ARCHDUCHESS and ARCHDUKE do affirm this EDICT, delivered at MOUNT GARMONT




    of the CAPITAL of the COMMONWEALTH




    Voting Commences


    All citizens who have filled out the census will be able to vote for two Saint’s Days. Voting will commence now. You may cast your ballot here.



    Assuming Office


    Once voting closes, the ballots will be counted. A victor will be declared who will immediately assume office for a term of four years in which another election will be held. There are no term limits. In the event of a tie, a runoff will be held. 



  4. The Second Mayoral Election of Valfleur



    On the 10th of Gofrey's Triumph, 1900. . . 








    By the UNITY OF MIND of the GOVERNMENT in PETRA, serving always CHIVALRY, LIBERTY and JUSTICE, the ARCHDUCHESS and ARCHDUKE do affirm this EDICT, delivered at MOUNT GARMONT




    of the CAPITAL of the COMMONWEALTH






    On the 10th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 1900, we will begin to accept the first declarations of candidacy for mayor. The declared candidates will be eligible for the ballot in five Saint’s Days. The voting process will then last for exactly two Saint’s Days thereafter. 






    The following prerequisites must be met by candidates in order to stand for office:


    • Must have registered for the census here

    • May be of any walk of life (Royal, Gentry, Commoner, etc)

    • Must be over the age of 16

    • Must be acting in the interests of the State




    Applications for Candidacy



    First Name:


    Address of Residence (if you live elsewhere in Petra, where you live):


    Year of Birth:


    ((MC NAME)):






    OOC Disclaimer




    Candidacies are open from 11/25 - 11/30

    Voting is open from 11/30 - 12/2

    First day of office is 12/2



    -Any Petran citizen can run

    -150 mina weekly tax budget to do whatever you want

    -The mayor may appoint 3 deputy mayor positions and/or a city council

    -Four week election terms starting once successfully elected

    -Cannot levy taxes and affairs remain within the confines of the city with veto power in the hands of the sovereigns. Aside from that, go wild.


  5. A messenger rode through the streets of Valfleur, baring down on the city’s keep. Upon bringing news of the landing, Archduke Constanz would shake his head in disappointment. He would summon the Round Table, uttering his degree in unison with the Archduchess.


    “We just achieved peace in the Heartlands and will not be called into conflict when peace has just been made. Let it be known that any who join this cause will be stripped of all titles and possessions within the Commonwealth. This sham will find no shelter here.”


  6. The First Mayoral Election of Valfleur



    On the 5th of Horen’s Calling, 1897. . . 








    By the UNITY OF MIND of the GOVERNMENT in PETRA, serving always CHIVALRY, LIBERTY and JUSTICE, the ARCHDUCHESS and ARCHDUKE do affirm this EDICT, delivered at MOUNT GARMONT




    of the CAPITAL of the COMMONWEALTH




    Voting Commences


    All citizens who have filled out the census will be able to vote for two Saint’s Days. Voting will commence now. You may cast your ballot here.



    Assuming Office


    Once voting closes, the ballots will be counted. A victor will be declared who will immediately assume office for a term of four years in which another election will be held. There are no term limits. In the event of a tie, a runoff will be held. 




  7. The new Archduke of Petra nods in approval at his brother’s words upon reading the missive.


    “Well done, brother. An honorable act befitting of a future ruler. I hope you visit soon.”




    On the 12th of Horen's Calling, 1896. . . 








    By the UNITY OF MIND of the GOVERNMENT in PETRA, serving always CHIVALRY, LIBERTY and JUSTICE, the ARCHDUCHESS and ARCHDUKE do affirm this EDICT, delivered at MOUNT GARMONT




    of the CAPITAL of the COMMONWEALTH






    On the 12th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 1896, we will begin to accept the first declarations of candidacy for mayor. The declared candidates will be eligible for the ballot in five Saint’s Days. The voting process will then last for exactly two Saint’s Days thereafter. 






    The following prerequisites must be met by candidates in order to stand for office:


    • Must have registered for the census here

    • May be of any walk of life (Royal, Gentry, Commoner, etc)

    • Must be over the age of 16

    • Must be acting in the interests of the State







    First Name:


    Address of Residence (if you live elsewhere in Petra, where you live):


    Year of Birth:


    ((MC NAME)):










    Candidacies are open from 10/28 - 11/2

    Voting is open from 11/2 - 11/4

    First day of office is 11/5



    -Any Petran citizen can run

    -150 mina weekly tax budget to do whatever you want

    -The mayor may appoint 3 deputy mayor positions

    -Four week election terms starting once successfully elected

    -Cannot levy taxes and affairs remain within the confines of the city with veto power in the hands of the sovereigns. Aside from that, go wild.


  9. 7 hours ago, grnappa said:

    1. What is your first memory of me

    2. What is your favorite/iconic grnappa memory


    There's my first memory of you as a recruit and my first memory of you when you returned full time to the server. I prefer the latter.


    You had gotten into a bar fight in the capital and had to be bailed out of jail. I believe you took on multiple people. We later went back to pay retribution which I think may have kept you around for a bit longer. I always figured you would suddenly disappear as you had in the past, but this time, you decided to stick around. 


    I'm grateful that you did. We've become very close since you've been around. Luckily, I have your IP now so if you disappear again, Ark and I will track you down.


    My favorite memory of you is probably from the AIS war when you and I devised the strategy to target the lesser partners of the AIS Coalitions. Our raids on the elves, particularly the one where we snuck into their city and started to assassin creed their civilians, is my favorite.


    1 hour ago, Gridlock said:

    Been your loyal rabid lapdog since I first joined the server and not even an honorable mention smh.



    No mentions for people who change their usernames. #DeleteUsernameChanges


    But I will provide my favorite memories of you. First off, playing 20 characters in Siegrad only to break more laws and be offed is probably the most hilarious. I am glad you stuck around for those times. You made them a lot of fun.


    However, I have to give it to the Animal. One of Humanity's most fearsome warriors. The monstrosities that were committed during the Dreadlander and Courlandic wars were incredible and would not have been won without your help.


    1 hour ago, SortedJarhead said:

    do you still stand by this statement?


    ur a good man eddywilson




    I am on record that I was paid to say this.

  10. On 10/13/2022 at 6:35 PM, _Sug said:

    Petrus Watch Gang endures

    Gang Gang


    On 10/13/2022 at 6:36 PM, Borin said:

    how did it feel to stab that canadian guy in the back



    On 10/13/2022 at 7:10 PM, grnappa said:

    Can you dm me your mugshot after (allegedly) pvp defaulting that family of 4 back in 2015 after the Duke's War?

    Fake news, I gave one of the kids a chance to crp.


    On 10/13/2022 at 7:36 PM, moosehunter123 said:

    All the people eddy asked to disappear, I made happen what good times and all the Minas.


    Yes, those times were very [redacted]

    On 10/13/2022 at 8:35 PM, AndrewTech said:

    Hi Eddy! So I know you've seen a lot of wars. What were some of your favorite battles, and which were some of your least favorite?


    Additionally, what are some of the fond memories that you've had throughout both Oren and Haense's long histories?

    My favorite battles that come to mind are ones that worked smoothly on the server. The Battle of the Dreadfort in 3.0 was epic and well done. The Teutonic Order assault on Acre in 2.0 was a blast (throwback to when we had cannons). My favorite war period was in Vailor between the Duke’s War, the Dreadlander Wars, and the Courlandic Wars. This period on lotc for me was is almost constant warfare with an incredible group of guys and gals. Brings people close.


    My least favorite battle had to be the final warclaim of the Duke’s War. What was a decently run war (tensions were high on both sides OOCly), it came to an anticlimactic ending with an extremely laggy siege. The siege tower was TPed in randomly, lava was thrown everywhere, and the entire warclaim ended all at once when we all lagged out in lava. If I could cry over spilt milk, it’d be that one.


    Top memories of Oren and Haense hmmm…. (In no particular order)


    1. RPing as a new player in Renatus and Acre. Helping with the formation of Oren.


    2. Early 3.0 Anthos. My favorite map. Ranger guild and the distinguished Kingdom of Telemar.


    3. Late 3.0. Founding of House Othaman. First time playing a Northerner and leading wars against the Dwarves.


    4. Fringe and temp maps. CHANGING MAPS IS THE BEST. Dynamic RP, super cool situations. Brothels getting banned, Adunians, and the founding of the Imperial Army were all highlights.


    5. Establishment of early Haense with @Ark@JuliusAakerlund and @yopplwasupxxx


    6. Early Dukes War, continuation of Haense with the boys @grnappa@moosehunter123 @Flapman @jamyei
     @Gridlock @Birdman@Birdnerdy  @ave_imperium@Shadowhunter464and many, many more


    7. Gold Corps, establishment of Haense, the Northern Question, founding of the Kingdom of Haense.




    Just to name a few legends off the top of my head from then. 

    8. Founding the 5th (and 6th, haters gonna hate) Empire. Humanity had been getting wrecked by Courlandic Coalitions. Unification of man. The fight back. 

    @Thatpyrodude@nazdus @Tsuyose

    9. Stewarding Haense. For many years, I played characters that were simply interested in helping Haense. Maybe a bit of OOC desire bleeding into RP, but it was a pleasure helping in various ways so Haense could continue to evolve under so many great folks. 

    @Piov @Emenzi @AndrewTech

    @Ark @Birdnerdy

    10. The Rangers of Eastwood most recently. It was a nice break where we enjoyed RP, each other’s company, and the occasional piece of violence. Shoutout


    @Harald @alicia @Ticklem0nster@Birdnerdy  @KBR @grnappa and many more


    On 10/13/2022 at 8:57 PM, GMRO said:

    What's the thing that makes the nostalgia juices flow the most for you when you hear it?


    Whats a sage piece of advice you have to give?


    Nostalgia wise, anything that has to do with creating something IRP. I’ve always viewed LotC as a sandbox to try new things, governments, cultures, leadership styles, etc. Whether it was the original conquest of Oren with Mog in the early days or the conquests that led to the establishment of Haense or the deeds of various Ranger groups throughout the server, that will always bring me nostalgia. 

    Truthfully, the thing that brings me the most nostalgia and logging on and seeing Haense continue to be successful and thrive. It’s history and culture is incredible, and whenever I get the chance to log in and see someone else take that vision and make it their own, I can’t help but be happy. You’ve done a great job as king. Thank you for carrying on and growing to Haense’s legacy.


    As for sage, that’ll be up to you to decide. My advice would be to experience everything LotC has to offer. Don’t trade IRL experiences for LotC. Don’t trade LotC for IRL experiences that do not help you grow. LotC is a lot like a small high school. Everyone may have an opinion about you, but those opinions won’t matter as soon as you shut down your computer. You are who you are. Use LotC to try to discover things about yourself you didn’t know were possible.

    On 10/13/2022 at 9:30 PM, Emery said:

    Who is eddywilson1


    Gecko, and @Braxisalmost banned me for the misdeeds of the dastardly eddywilson1 while I was drunk at a bar.

  11. Over 10 years. Sheesh. 

    I don’t have a rant or any wisdom. LotC has always been a place to hangout with friends, go on adventure, and try new things. I’m very appreciative of this server, especially to the staff who constantly have seen over it. Whether you have a good opinion of them or not, they spend countless hours of their lives giving back to the server to keep it running. It’s no easy task. Thank you for doing so as long as you have.


    I’d like this to be about memories. Share one of your favorite memories on the server. If I get a shoutout for being part of it, bonus points. Feel free to ask my anything if you’d like, but I’d rather spend this reliving memories.


    Cheers, To Many More


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