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Everything posted by Moot

  1. I like BNK, can we keep him?
  2. @BNK One reason I do like this Lore, is that it's not so Voidal based (because as the soul enters the Void, it would logical be resolved into bits of information, to never be reformed), it's mana based. Mana isn't Void based, and is only a fuel which can be utilized to fug with the Void. Although this is Arcane in theory, it's more so an understanding of mana. Technically, mana is soul based, so like this isn't far from being possible in that regard. But it would take some long thought process and lore to make happen.
  3. Shades reach out with their Shadows/Tainted Aura (or whatever silly term floats your boat), and alters aura into more Shadow/Tainted Aura. It should also be noted, aura is another "state" of mana. The more mana you use, the more aura you exert naturally. A good example to exemplify this is a camp fire; you put more wood on the flames, you get more smoke. The smoke being the aura, the side-effect of mana-usage. For a list of states: Passive Mana: This stuff is in the mana pool. It's used by the mage, and can be used for spells, enchantments and other stuff. Active Mana: When it's "active", it's no longer applicable for spells, or direct usage. This is to prevent mana gems which can fuel a persons own mana pool, like what people thougth mage gold did. It can however be manipulated by a Transfigurationist for the use of mana gems, and enchantment stuff. As long as it doesn't go back into a mana pool/mage. Aura: Like already mentioned, it's the smoke to the flame, the remnant of mana when it's used. Aura is primarily useless, aside from roleplay flavor, and Shades. So all in all, I don't really see how this magic could realistically work in terms of lore.
  4. My internet has been gone since saterday... So if you were trying to get a hold of me, that's why I wasn't responding! I'm back now though, thankfully!

    1. CosmicWhaleShark


      I thought you were dead.

    2. Moot


      I did too...

    3. Kalehart


      OH I GET IT.

  5. "You fucker, take the cowards way out. Go get your Frosted Flakes... God, this is cancer." - Man 2015

  6. Brings back VAT, remove it in a few days, get rep. Nice one community, you fell for that one.

    1. Space


      I knew it.

    2. Praetor


      i made mi sum good rep

  7. I'll be looking at the MAT apps tonight. If you have yet to make one, but have been thinking about it, I'd suggest doing so.

    1. Moot


      The rest of the MA's will be gone through near the end of the weekend.

    2. Space


      Sadly, MAs will also be gone by the end of the weekend :^)

    3. ShameJax


      *hopes his MAT app is accepted as he just want's to help :P

  8. I don't want another thing added to LotC that people can FTB with.
  9. The GM's started the biggest fire the North has ever seen.

    1. mmat


      Raev genocide best day of my life.

  10. I'm in need of a few players to test something out. Anyone online andn ot doing anything?

    1. Moot


      If so, message me in game. I'll be choosing 2 to 3.

    2. Lima
  11. Oh no, I'm getting eaten out by Roggvir... wait, I mean chewed out." - Freema 2015

    1. Roggvir


      didn du nuffin

  12. I need help guys... Which do I choose? http://gyazo.com/5b44f991787684bd4cb5bdd5916e3185

    1. dandan1350


      Gonna go for the second.

  13. Rip test

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Moot


      Look at the message directly after that, he was accepted to the server (:

    3. Salvo


      my orcs were killed by parents

    4. Rassidic


      my parents were birthed by orcs

  14. **** are the fart jokes of comedy.

    1. Moot


      I like this new censoring.

  15. "To be frank, right... I'm pretty easy." - Roy

  16. "I have to **** myself... I'll clean it up later." - Freema 2015

    1. mitto


      That could be a few words, I don't know which is the worst

    2. Raptorious
    3. Rael


      looks like I missed quite the shindig

  17. Mass dwarven Pk .. . . ..

  18. Thanks Kowaman

  19. Galendar requested a ban. He wasn't banned for using the Persona.

  20. I'm not cracking under peer pressure.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rassidic


      you're going to crack harder than jessie pinkman during season one

    3. mitto


      do it, do it now! - Arnold

    4. Heff
    1. bickando


      because everyone wants mina

    2. ShameJax


      I don't vote and I'm rich. Hue.

  21. This is your only warning. Those who continue to post nonesense about the logs, will be punished.

  22. That assassination was amazing, Coaster needs props. He could have just walked out of it, but instead he just emoted screaming. The coming conflict was worth it for the roleplay, have to be honest.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Praetor


      Yeah, its gonna be interesting

    3. Fireheart


      Hopefully despite the mass battles that are to come we continue on a high note as far as RP goes.

    4. Pureimp10


      All I can hope is that people won’t cause a ruckus over war claims which are bound to happen, I mean, there's definitely an RP reason to do so.

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