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Ender VIP
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Everything posted by Moot

    1. Geo


      but it is day time

    2. AGiantPie


      there's a bathroom on the right

  1. The Trial GMs will either become full GMs, or denied on the 20th. That means I'll be interviewing, and looking through the GM apps. We're still in need of more GMs, I'd suggest applying!

  2. Why is Ollie getting so much hate, it's Alliser Thorne's fault, lets be real lol

    1. Jonificus


      Olly's a kid. I don't like kids in movies or TV

    2. Malaise


      or dont spoil that sounds cool

  3. And now my watch has ended...

  4. Now that, was a Dance with Dragons!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Gunner


      this is gm harassment i demand trial by combat

    3. Moot
    4. Narthok


      Damnit I can't find a place to watch it ;(

  5. Fallout 4 looks neat. I won't be blown away until I see some gameplay, though.

    1. IrishPerson


      Disappointed by the way the trailer was made tbh, I'll wait.

  6. rip seven kingdoms

  7. rip freema -.-

  8. Bunch of us are on TS!

    1. Arteh


      No we're not.

    2. drfate786


      Are we in the argument room! Oh goodie!

      We are in the TS.

  9. Nation Leaders please PM myself, or imattyz.

  10. Welcome to our three new Trials (:

    1. Merkaken


      Lark's GM

      All rejoice

      The promised time is nigh!

      Soon we will bathe in the blood of virgin penguins!

    2. Fireheart


      Welcome trials! Good luck, have fun. Word of advise, do good.

    3. Cyndikate


      thats nice

  11. With this current set of trials soon coming to a close, I'll have to be looking for a new set of trials for further addtions to the team. I'll be looking for three more trials in the coming days. I'd suggest putting an app up now, if you are interested.

  12. mfw Va's

    1. mitto
    2. Moot



    3. Avacyn


      hey thats me and matts meme :(

  13. GM App has changed. I suggest editing your app.

    1. Rael


      i respectfully decline

  14. "I'm a girl in real life" - Royum, 2015

  15. Everyone should go look at Reads profile.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Esterlen


      wasnt read a guy once

    3. Moot


      weren't you?

    4. Zarsies



  16. Good morning :D

    1. mmat
    2. Readicti


      Better. Evening. >:c

    3. Overland


      It's night time though!

  17. 7/10 frosties are the worst
  18. After a discussion amongst the LMs, this Lore is outdated. In fact, the majority of bardmancy can be done with just regular Sensory Illusion, along with some other magics for a more detailed arsenal. A magic type all on its own doesn't really help the magic problem. You can call yourself a Bard all you want ICly, that's not a problem! But Sensory Illusion would be the magic you're using, all the limitations and abilities applying (which means you can use it offensively...).
  19. I'll be taking a hiatus for awhile. Peace yo, be back soonish.

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