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Status Updates posted by Hanrahan

  1. I motion to declare Dingo as a landscar to be removed.

    1. Javert
    2. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      Sorry I only answer to Lord Quentin Brae. 

  2. I really think after like 12 bans for community misconduct, people really should just be permabanned..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tilly
    3. InfamousGerman


      eh, i've always been against the concept of permabans, especially on an mcrp server.

    4. Drelik


      Thanks for voicing your opinion 

  3. i see all these subtle 'hohoho' statuses but who's actually winning

    1. iris1612


      courland right now, they won the first warclaim and a 15v15 skirmish, but the warclaim was a defensive skirm and not a huge deal (though it was a major upset and a humiliation to oren due to their numerical superiority) and in the skirmish there were equal numbers and dwarves have pvp buffs. It could go either way at this point, I'm fairly certain Oren will win but hey im biased

    2. Mj.


      Coalition has won all fights up to this point out of three fights. The war claim, in which we were outnumbered, a 15 v 15, and a 15 v 50, which we also won. :)

  4. if i were you i would simply be an orenian bureaucrat and make my money that way

    1. rukio


      Will Oren have a library that needs staff this map? 

    2. Hanrahan
    3. Lubbie
  5. im writing lore and i think ive read more words for lore submission criteria than i would have in a used car history why is lotc like this

    1. Nug


      probably because joel and friends have yet to fix the mess of the lore forums post flamboyant :(

    2. AnonymousAlexa


      musket lore again? O_O

    3. Unwillingly
  6. is it true the Hou-Zhi are getting land but marna  had to fight for it...

    1. oblivionsbane


      The hou-zi shouldn't be around next map

    2. Skylez


      Hou-zi should stay on Axios, we don't need more inactive bloat races.


      Also I'm going to go chimp (no pun intended) if Hou-zi are getting land..............................................

  7. is lotc worth comming back to? should i remake adunia? where's the rp

    1. Publius


      Hanrahan, join the Knights Errants in the Yatl Wastes as we drive wraiths into the wall friendo

    2. Skylez


      Belvitz is pretty booming for human/peasant rp.

    3. rukio


      nomore adunia

  8. it’s so cool how the gms or whomever are deleted all mentions of how they protect literal predators and punish the victims

    1. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      i stand with you hanrahan i was an underage victim on another medium free tjb (underscore) minecraft he’s grown now!

    2. Punished_Pup


      How else is Telanir gonna complete his road to 500 if he starts banning people who are a threat to players on the server? It is honestly a shame that this **** keeps happening.

  9. its so cool how 5 people are the whole “we” of the server

    1. Unwillingly


      bold coming from u

    2. Harri


      LMAO how ironic is this post

  10. La Braxa strikes again.

  11. Let the best lore win

    1. Flugal


      Can the Devs please fix the server?

  12. LOTC: Where telling KKK Roleplayers to **** off gets you warned

    1. drfate786


      There's this magical thing called a report button, you should try it instead of being cringe.

    2. Bisscy


      Hey me to lol

    3. Carson


      happened to me one time way back

  13. Make an Adunian Today!

  14. man these mouse ppl are cute i love redwall

  15. maybe we wouldnt have so much toxicity if we didn't have an admin and dev team that said 4 votes of 75%+ didn't represent the players interets

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. argonian


      there was a dev post like a week or two back saying we're keeping dia armour and other nexus pvp elements, despite numerous polls showing the vast majority of the playerbase wanted vanilla iron armour iron sword pvp

    3. Telanir


      The main issue with diamond armor being the strength or the weight of it?

      As I was told, diamond armor has, or will have, the same strength as iron armor—with the exception of lasting longer (higher durability).

  16. mein kampf it's been like 3 months since the damn poll tell us if you think our primitive monkey brains are ready for the techlock or not

  17. Please use IST (Imperial Standard Time) in all Government documents.


    1797, 12st of Owyn's flame.

  18. Providence Vigilants have it 100% no way

  19. remember kids if u have news thats so outrageous u have to hide it maybe u shouldn’t be doing what you’re doing

  20. removing posts how original


  21. Second time 64 Bread that I paid for dissapears from my inventory. Giant map, and food vanishes from my Inventory, what the ****?

  22. Smaw for gm. Smaw for admin.

  23. so cool how ST finds time to stop 40 player RP but can’t find time to finish the loregames

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. NightcastorKitty


      Guns haven't been allowed ever and if you still don't know that when being a veteran on this server, that's your own problem. Despite what people think of the ST, that still doesn't give anyone permission to suddenly start rping what ever they want. 

    3. frill


      Is this still going? You're not going to achieve anything by continuing to flame after chomping at the bit to take bait.

    4. seannie


      2 hours ago, NightcastorKitty said:

      Guns haven't been allowed ever and if you still don't know that when being a veteran on this server, that's your own problem. Despite what people think of the ST, that still doesn't give anyone permission to suddenly start rping what ever they want. 

      We had gun powder cannons though. I personally find it boring that we’ve been stuck on the same technological level for the past 6 or so years, and that the people who are the most adamantly opposed to any sort of progression, are magic cliques, or small elven niche players.

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