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Status Updates posted by Lvke

  1. Well, banned before I could even throw in my screenies of his PGing and general BSing.

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. LPT


      I agree with a few of your points, but it is not always best to call out a GM publicly.

    3. Minea


      I simply stated my opinion which I feel should be allowed, I personally feel it was a poor call. Im not insulting Cappy personally just the one call that was made tonight.

    4. Zeedus


      There is no rule in the TOS on how descriptive / Gory you can get with your RP posts. To ban someone for RP'ing is a load of bullocks and this was generally a bad call. If the RP'er behind the other person disliked the RP he should have spoke up before strait up saying "Making a ban report" You by no means have the right to ban an RP'er for Rp'ing if it's too descriptive / Gory let the person know and if they have any Rp integrity they will tone it down for the you...

  2. why is there so much wood elf **** in the wrong sub forum? is it for the sake of e-peens and feeling important or just not looking?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. OhDeerLord


      OP - Leyulin is a mixed racial town, we don't JUST have woo delves. We have a lot of dark elves and even some high elves, and then of course mixed descent.

    3. Sky


      We would have it named by nation names but Admins were sick of the constant changing.

    4. Birdwhisperer


      I asked them to change the subforums to Haelun'or and Leyulin, was told to stick with what we have. Currently Leyulin is a mixed race town so, no, those posts don't belong in the wood elf forum any more than they belong in the dark elf forum.

  3. I know I am new to the server, and RP in general, but serious;y, ARE YOU F**KING KIDDING ME! How uptight can you get! I am only 14, but, some of this is utter horse s**t! Abortion, I have no problem with IRL or RP. Hell, my char may even do that at some point! And, the whole "tone down the violence" thing, WOW! This is not a server for little kids! If they don't wish to engage in this RP, then avoid those scenarios. That simple. Calm down, and live with it....

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. problematic z

      problematic z

      LOTC is now a Disney Project, all RP is now to be rated E for Everyone, tone it down guys pls.

    3. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      From that simple paragraph above I now understand the issue.

    4. Lvke


      The status update was too big for the links to the topics I was talking about

  4. deliberately jumped off a cliff = suicide right? even in pvp?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Minniefox


      Or you could mind your own really, doesn't harm you one bit that the person jumped off.

    3. Lago


      Can you gyazo the whole thing including /who said it/?

    4. Praetor
  5. I really miss Elsyium. It was so much better than Anthos in my opinion.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. gingernut97


      I miss Asulon, it was my first realm that I played. But now I'm looking forward to playing more in Anthos!

      Asulon was bad in some aspects, I only love it for it's nostalgia value.

    3. lιoɴ


      I like the beginning of Asulon, and Anthos. All the mid-maps weren't as good in my opinion.

    4. Tigergamer


      Aegis was my favourite realm, however I'm enjoying Anthos. ^^ Elysium and Kalos were both fun for a short while but I got bored of them rather fast.

  6. Movie recommendations?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. ThatCanadian


      @Nalatac I enjoyed Now You See Me as well, its a good mind movie. Then there is also inception :P

    3. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      I thought Lone Survivor was really good.

    4. Anawkin


      Ride Aloooong.

  7. This happened in a school assembly today, with a few members f LoTc. James (AlpineAl) and Jordan (BigAssFrog) were comparing finger size, and and I compared my finger to James' after Jordan, and I say with surprise "Woah! Your fingers are really skinny!" and, James replies exactly like this "They're skinny so I can put them into tight v*ginas easier" So, I was just sitting there all like "Dafuq did I just hear?"

  8. I still wonder, what is the need for an alt account app? In all honesty, if you have already been accepted, why do you need to re-apply?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lvke


      Indeed. Silly new rules.

    3. nickdabeast135


      Silly until we have a buncha noobs because people claimed they it was just their alt account :p

    4. nickdabeast135
  9. Wut? Twa.t is a naughty word?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Evilbanana5757
    3. gingernut97
    4. Blundermore


      It means many things, that is one of its' meanings, another is silly bugger and another is generally an idiot. It is a british curse word

  10. Is acceptable to have Gaelic script engraved on a blade? For a Scottish character? I knwo that Gaelic is Irish, but the Scottish spoke a sub-form of it. Called Scottish Gaelic.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Blundermore
    3. Lvke


      Could this just be an un-common dialect, known only to the people of a particular region?

    4. Lvke


      Being that this char is based off of old Scotsmen, but with an English twist

  11. Minea, I wish a hard, painful and long death upon you. Mention SoS and QLD's winning streak to any NSW person, and they will rip your throat out.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Minea



    3. DRAGON117op
    4. Eetswa


      Queensland will now proceed to **** the NRL down your throat


  12. I want the White Rose to be a thing again.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Haribo


      stop putting on the nostalgia goggles, it doesn't do good

    3. MediocreGamer


      >Green texting on LoTC

      >Implying implicatory implications

    4. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      I'm fine with White Roses coming back, so long as everyone can be mature about things. Both from the White roses, and from other players. Neither side is an exception to the previous immaturities that occurred while they were around.

  13. The feel when people are telling you that a punch can't do such and such, or a kick can't do such and such, and you're like "I was selected to go fight professional UFC. I know this ****"

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lvke


      ames, you have never seen me in a fight. Feel lucky. And please Drazker, contain your jealousy.

    3. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      Heh. Sure Luke.

    4. Lykos


      Bruce Lee was here

  14. Gah. I get sick of people underestimating what a very fast, unamoured person with knves can do. Armour does NOT make you invincible!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Yoff


      Good point Talf. This might be a little sidetracked but I have seen a video of a long sword attempting to be stabbed into what looked like a plate of iron. Well, the sword bent almost half way and left only a small hole. Plate armour is seemingly invincible except for the joints which are made so one can swing their sword.

    3. Yoff


      Just something I thought I`d leave here.

    4. gingernut97


      If it means so much to you get more evidence and make a thread to prove your point, big whoop.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      It will be okay! Just drink orange juice and have panda's love <3

    3. ~≈Panda≈~


      It will be okay! Just drink orange juice and have panda's love <3

    4. ~≈Panda≈~


      It will be okay! Just drink orange juice and have panda's love <3

  16. Tiny. weedy musician doesn't get scared by a 6"7' big and broad warrior running around wearing an orc head. Legit.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lvke


      No, I also ran into a small child and they fearless faced me on.

    3. Steampunk Alchemist

      Steampunk Alchemist

      Then you slaughtered them, RIGHT?!

    4. Lvke


      Nup. Laughed at them, pushed them over, and walked on.

  17. Well, took the Mary Stu test for MacHadden, and he got -8. Dun worreh bug guy. I still love you.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Avacyn


      Misread. 16 is still pretty Sue-ish. I'm just confused why you're upset about -8 and excited about 16

    3. Lvke


      Well, 16 is good. I am actually /VERY/ happy that I got a minus -8. But, I kinda feel for him about how he will be hated b all, and is not special or stand-outish.

    4. Lvke


      10-20 means that your char is definitely not a Stu. 0-10 means that they are the complete opposite.

  18. Does killing someone who is wanted for execution/capture/dead need a VA?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SteelMarshall


      I believe trying to capture them is not provoking them, as they provoked you by being wanted for murder. If they attack you, then it is they provoking you

    3. SparehoeCakes


      No, The provoke rule, as said in the rules, is a 'only in that instance' type of thing. Therefore, being a criminal is not provocation for killing.

    4. SparehoeCakes


      "Provoked killing was made for when someone irritates and angers you to the point that there is no other idea in your characters mind(at that brief point of time and rp session) than killing the person. It is not in place for for like say, some people raid your village, then you raid them back. Or if something bad happens to someone you care about, then hours ,weeks ,months later, or IC years, you cannot go and kill them."

  19. Urrggghhh... My head..... So dizzy and painful...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ben-Powell


      -drags rocket to the courner still embracing him in his left arm, his right extends around ryski as he yawns cuddling them both either side mouthing ''I'm a pimp..'' to onwatchers.

    3. Ryski


      *cries on Ben's shoulder "LEAVE BRITNEY ALOOOONE!"

    4. Ben-Powell


      -pats and strokes head ''Yes, we should all leave britney alone..''

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sporadic


      It means some people will believe anything no matter how outrageous if it aligns with their confirmation bias

    3. Neri


      george bush eats babies!

    4. Aengoth
  20. feminism is ridiculous

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Phantasy


      misogyny literaly worse than hitler

    3. Esterlen


      well im glad i live in tatarstan, not a western first world nation!

    4. Ark


      Thats one of my triggers.

  21. Me am think: "Should I put a daily quote on the forums or not?" then me am decide to leave it to forums. Go ahead guys, should I or shouldn't I?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Purple Llama

      Purple Llama

      Yes of course! ^

    3. hjgklmn0ajuvxc


      Make a quote from Rydel or Leon everyday for the next 7 years and i'll give you a dollar.

    4. CloakandDagger
  22. I have 40 posts. I nly joined the server not long ago, so I feel happy about the number

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lvke


      *slaps Telanir's hand* NO! Bad Telanir! No lying OOCly! =P

    3. Telanir


      *gasp* Puwargaemur!

      u no give me time to respun. bad boy

    4. Lvke


      *lookss at the ground with tears of sorrow* I powergamed... I have shamed my famiry!

  23. Bloody hell. I think the forums are broken for Chrome users....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jraie45 (Larien Alfakyn)

      Jraie45 (Larien Alfakyn)

      I had that happen to me... But it was months ago, I fixed it when I cleared Chrome's cache...

    3. Will (TauFirewarrior)
    4. Lvke


      That... Was BEAUTIFUL! *wipes tear from his eye*

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