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Status Updates posted by Katherine1

  1. Server? What are you doing? Server? Come back!

    1. Katherine1


      Thank you server~

    2. Bethykinss


      The server answered your plea~

    3. everblue2er101



  2. Looking for someone who wants to RP the daughter of Daniel Baelish and Kinra Stark: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/90973-ooc-looking-for-someone-to-rp-lily-baelish/

    1. XkynarethX


      What about the Baratheons?

    2. Katherine1


      What about them?

    3. XkynarethX
  3. Come on... anyone want to RP my younger half-sister? :D

    1. Emenzi
    2. Lago


      Nation, age, more information.

    3. Katherine1


      Oren, about 7, female. Related to Kinra who is wanted by half of Oren... Lily Baelish

  4. Wow. Make a frustrated post about trying to get over to where another one of my characters is, and it gets a bunch of replies and gets locked and deleted before I see any of it o.o

    1. Hanrahan


      That was kind of my fault..I'm sorry!

    2. Aislin


      It got deleted? damn.

    3. Katherine1


      Yup. I was given screens of it, though. And now that I SSed over to spawn to go around, I am on my dryad! For now... no one around over here either. Just a slow night in general.

    1. Ford
    2. V0idsoldier


      Better skies was the best thing that happened to minecraft. Ever.

    3. ghskilla (Nyx&VraZhix)
  5. Apparently growing a Nut Tree is hard.

    1. FORƎST
    2. Kaiser




    3. Roxforbraynz


      You could say it drives you... nutty.

  6. Okay, new apply thread under a dummy account so that I can update stuff like the dryad list without hacking Ever.

    1. ToenailTickler


      No! USe ur hax0r skillz!

    2. Katherine1


      B-but Ever is my friend! I dun wanna hack a friend :c

    3. ToenailTickler


      Remember #Yolo, now go and hax my child, go and make me proud.

  7. I think something weird is going on: http://gyazo.com/a5d422033a6022bfa781fcffdc0c9520

    1. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      People are being silly, if it interrupts your rp then go ahead and contact the GMs.

    2. Bethykinss


      It's happening to me as well, all of LotC seems to be getting this pm problem o.o

    3. Katherine1


      And now all the immature kiddies crashed the server. Greeeat...

  8. The Druidic Library is flly backed up and ready for 4.0 :D

  9. Why can I only get a tiny render distance on the server? :(

    1. Space


      Tech ****. Bother the tech taem.

    2. Overland


      If you're referring to the chunk loading distance,it's to prevent lag.

    3. Katherine1


      I would rather have a bit of lag then a tiny chunk loading distance. You can barely see anything on tiny.

  10. Remember: Once combat is started, the type of combat can't be changed unless everyone agrees, even if it's changing it to PvP!

    1. Destroyer_Bravo


      not if the other guy is powergaming

    2. zaezae


      But, the rules clearly state that once it starts, all must agree to a combat change.

    3. Dohvi


      It does indeed. Yet some gms are going around saying pvp shouldn't be a first resort, and should be saved for when people are powergaming and arguing. By which point it's too late to change.

  11. This current outrage is just the community's way of saying "Happy 5th birthmonth to LotC!" You guys really need to find a better way to do that then calling for the removal of staff who removed staff.

    1. Space


      I think people are calling for the removal of staff that don't seem to do much, who seemed to be part of literally a PLOT to boot off 2 staff members because they called out their bullshit. I'm sure that some of what Tythus said in the one topic clarifying why he kicked them was true, but I'm certain it wasn't the whole truth.

    2. mmat


      Get mad or get sad

    3. Elanion


      For real now iMattyz...really considering yourself capable of being server staff with that attitude?

  12. I could use screenshots of various LotC Elven styles of architecture for reference. Does anyone have any good screenshots from any LotC time period?

    1. Kaun


      Well, the main Elven style has always followed along elegancy, and free-form. Message me later and I can show you a few Malinorian methods if you don't want to free-form it.

    2. Katherine1


      Well, what I want is a reference so that I can get an idea of what I'm doing, and the architecture does differ greatly between the three subraces. I just want some stuff that's representative of the styles as a whole. If you're willing to show me a few things, I'd love to see them.

  13. Druids are illusive.

    1. ConnorMagill


      Druids are helpful! *He says sarcastically

    2. Katherine1


      When you can find them. I swear I'm the only one around 80% of the time. I'm only a dedicant, which makes me not very helpful.

  14. Can it be assumed that libraries will carry books other then the specific lore books listed, such as a book on basic first aid?

    1. everblue2er101


      It can't be assumed that any library would. A library solely dedicated to magic probably wouldn't, for example. But if it was a large library with many books on a variety of subjects, that should be fine.

    2. Katherine1


      Like Malinor's public library?

  15. Offering to MPM enable people's skins. PM me if interested.

    1. Aislin


      Gronkk was made fat.

    2. Katherine1


      You said the fattest Orc ever, I made him as fat as I could :3

  16. I don't get into fights that often on the server, but when I do, I use dice rolls to determine outcomes. I find it to be fairer then pure RP, but not dependent on OOC skill. So why would the admins decide PvP is the best solution?

    1. Lago


      They didn't. Read the last post.

    2. Katherine1



      I still advocate a dice-based system.

  17. Are there any books on basic cryptography IG? If not, I may write one...

    1. VonEbs


      There is one explaining how to solve the Mathic Code.

    2. Katherine1


      Not what I meant. I take that as a "we don't do encoded messages on the server right now." Type of deal. Makes sense since people send pm birds rather then actual players running around as messengers. Still... cryptography, gonna make a book.

      Most names are obscure enough to leave as is, but the Caesar cipher? Hmm... Caesar -> Horen is probably good.

  18. So, earlier today we were out helping a dryad, and a creeper attacked. A CREEPER O____O

    1. gingernut97


      New antagonist revealed!

    2. Kim


      We're all doomed.

    1. Lark



    2. Lym


      I told those pesky dwarves inventing "creeper missles" was a bad idea!

  19. Why do my redstone circuits keep breaking? :I

    1. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Because you did not go to college to be an redstone electrician Hehe. You need a degree!

    2. Katherine1


      I'm a Computer Scientist. Close enough! Doesn't tell me why my redstone circuits keep popping off the ground, though.

  20. Of course, I'm somewhat wrong on the partial key. The correct decryption doesn't occur regularly enough, which means "gold" is likely repeated in the key, which means my estimate at it's length is probably wrong.

  21. I just can't seem to get animted gifs to animate as my avatar.

  22. I'm calling it. The abyss and the hellscape near it are evidence in support of the Myth of the Great War :P

    1. The Druidic Order
    2. bickando


      You know, I /did/ find the antagonist region...

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