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Status Updates posted by Ambduscias


    lmao any1 remember when they banned people who broke the rules and didn't invalidate the work of 160~ of their players

    1. Esterlen


      what about the other 200

    2. ferdaboy


      the 200 that lost?

    3. Esterlen


      @ferdaboys69 Yes, the 200 that lost. I am just highlighting that number of supporters is an entirely bad metric to use here – it is a very bad rabbit hole. 

  2. i like some of you guys, don't come to necromancer chat tomorrow

    1. excited


      We wuz Necromancahz 'n' **** you ***** ass ******.

    2. Kaiser


      do necromancers even exist anymore tho Sounds like cool magic that could be dope for rp but never even seen it.

  3.  ggt cena strikes back in hardcore dogging https://youtu.be/VY6Wx1t_SGQ

    1. Tirenas


      >I open the video in interest
      >OP Horse PvP on LOTC
      >Close immediately.

    2. Vamoose


      Put em on his feet, betcha he won't come close to L U N A R the M Y T H.

  4. Every time I look at the lore page and open something, I get hurt inside.


    Not because they're bad. But because they're not written by Swgr and they don't have Dark Souls OSTs.

    1. Jonificus


      "Ugh, wall of text.. maybe this spoiler will contain a TL;DR!-- oh **** me."

    2. Ambduscias


      Sounds about right, Jon. Sounds about right.

  5. houzi recruiting now join today to make those damn furless apes work the coal mines

    1. Ducklingator


      i asked three different houzi for a houzi skin and two of them told me to just look up wukong in pmc

    2. _Sug


      P O W E R F U L

  6. @Niccum does the concept of a lore team inherently violate the concept of the NAP?

    1. Ambduscias


      Isn't any selective moderation of content inherently aggression? Such as content like the techlock, a violation of personal literary liberty.

    2. Ambduscias


      I see. Thank you for the enlightenment.

  7. How long're the bans? Dwarf genocide 2op.

  8. I try to say I hope the warclaim was fun for all with that clever ruse from the Dwarves, and I get deleted..

    That's a pretty raw way to dog me, mods.

  9. *owo* wuts this? a courlandic rebellion?

    1. Vege


      I didn't see his coming :o

  10. nothing better than running off pure caffeine and self loathing for a couple of nights. as arkantos taught me, "new year new me."

    1. lawnmowerman


      You should resign.

  11. @Sporadic #help

    my chat style resets whenever i go into another channel


    also quotations style still requires a *in front of a full-emote to register as Not-Dialogue. pls fix

    1. Sporadic


      sounds like you want to be using emotestyle ALWAYS

  12. priceflash i miss you so much

    1. lev


      @Ambduscias please come back to me :(

  13. @Harrison where do i find the cute boy roleplay please help me with this i'm new i'm lost and i'm very very confused now

  14. when u try to sell freedom from oppression by monkey kind but they dont accept ur GENEROUS offers ....

    1. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      kill elves when?

  15. sometimes u just know u have to do it to em

  16. heated gamer moment

  17. Zezimus. I just want you to know that my heart was broken after I didn't see Wolfie_Seekar in any of those screenshots. 

  18. She is NOT a hero.

  19. so with it being current year i'm writing lore to repeal the universal monkcare act


    5 upvotes and it'll happen.

  20. dpmagician strikes back.

  21. @my emotional boyfriend

    i cry sometimes when im lying in bed at night

  22. Big day coming. Thanks @Kid Mackin.

  23. the host of jacques de felsen saves the day... just another job by the FELSEN WATCH

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