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Everything posted by 1_Language_1

  1. In the distant corner of Haense, the silent specter listens in on the daily gossip passed around the citizenry, hoping to hear any worthwhile news. Though, his attention is piqued upon hearing the death of his granddaughter. Most would be mournful about it, and some would be grieving.. but the benevolent specter slowly cracked a soft smile, happy to know that his granddaughter had a full and adventurous life. To die of old age, to die with the greyest hair around, is to die with wisdom beyond your years. ----- Though, on the other hand, Matthias is happy to see his rebellious daughter. It was worth the wait. He only hopes that Vivaca had no regrets before her death. He regretted many things in his life, but since his death ultimately prevented many more, he wouldn't have died any other way. It wouldn't have been long until Vivaca was probably ambushed by her brother, who had been earlier killed by a terrorist attack in Haense. Vivaca had the privilege of being the only immediate family corpse left behind to for a funeral. ----- Gwynnestri, now known as Sister Elizabeth, falls pale upon the news of her colleague. She had no idea that Vivaca was alive, and felt guilty for not chatting with her. She softly curls her greyed hair around her wrinkled finger, before handing the missive to her son who she kept hidden from the world all these years along with herself. "Pour out a cup for Vivaca, she was stronger than all of us."
  2. Is Vaynth gonna be there then, they were an admin back in like.. Axios?
  3. I wonder what would happen if someone tried to do transfiguration on a musket, would it shoot balls of fire? How would it not explode with the gunpowder--
  4. Some of those images say medieval, but also https://www.medievalchronicles.com/medieval-history/medieval-inventions-list/
  5. We'd also have to get rid of compasses.
  6. Not opposed to your viewpoint, but with that point of view we might as well dispose of all atronachs, glasses, prosthetic limbs, mechanical golems, clocks, printing press, heavy plows, wheelbarrows, spinning wheels, astrolabe, arcane telephones, cranes, etc. Oh, and hot air balloons, and the dwarves' steam ships.
  7. Interesting viewpoint. From my experience, other servers have guns like muskets, flintlocks, set in the same era as LoTC and even some a bit later in years. Yet their playerbases use them responsibly. Let's hope the majority of LoTC players aren't childish enough to try and do modern shooting tragedies. It's a good thing you're suggesting a crossbow with a slow reload rate, instead of Crackshot which would cause major issues. My only issue is whether or not the players of LoTC are mature enough to handle a gun the same way people of that time did.
  8. I join nobody, but hey if y'all like ghosts I wouldn't mind creating some cozy rp over there. I have a specter (the nice ghosts). But if you want a scary poltergeist I think I could hook you up if you want that sort of rp.
  9. Is this a culture post or are you trying to get snow elves to be a race again? Just need some clarification.
  10. I just don't like how people snuff out people instantly because really it's not conducive to rp if we just kill someone pvply or poorly kill someone cause then they don't keep any injuries. So maybe instead of killing the necros and liches, just beat them within an inch of their unlife and cripple them so that it creates more roleplay. Torture them Everytime you see them, it creates a super slow death and gives a meaningful roleplay experience And actually can cause some sweet rp angst of the possibility the lich will come back for revenge.
  11. Abraham stares in disbelief as he looks over the medical device created by his great grandpa. "One-handed heart hearin' t'ingy.. I guess I's shouldn't complain about bein' left-handed when he w'us only one-handed."
  12. "Youse can't trust anyones in Providence anymore!" Abraham gasped, rubbing his eyes. "Grandpa's body is missing too! I hope t'ey find the corpse.. everyone should get a proper burial.. I hope t'ey don't disrespect t'a body.." The child bit his nails quietly, worried for the deceased Pontiff.
  13. Wait no what's the joke behind drfate LOL
  14. Wilheim Rutledge peers down from the Seven Skies, hoping that know one is using the garden's maze as an exotic hideaway! He rubs his chin, grunting quietly. "I must have made the gardens TOO pretty if couples are using it to make kissy faces.."
  15. ((For Americans, it's 5/16/2021)) Abram rubs his chin. "I's excited to meet baby, t'ey are chubby and cute. I wonder w'at I can give." The kid rubbed the back of his head, wondering what a baby would like. Maybe he should think about what the baby might grow up liking!
  16. Must no longer exist, like the War Team. The economy will stabilize into a crap-hole like it always does, because we still have voting money, and things are still priced relative to like the old days. If anything, I predict Oren will start charging more for their housing; they've already upped the tax by 10 minae.
  17. I don't know how long you've been actually playing, but you should know by now that LoTC's economy has always been broken. It corrects itself eventually, but it's always a fecked economy.
  18. As long as people aren't using copper to fake it being aurum. Yes thank God.
  19. Abram would watch out the window of the palace, seeing no other girls that were as dark as him. "I's shoulda brought my sister, she's pretty like t'a otha' girls." He sighed, rubbing his chin.
  20. "Takes a rusted bell t'a know a rusted bell--" Abram scrunched his baby nose as he crumbled the missive with his small hands, not realizing this was a piece of literary satire! He tries to toss the paper ball into the trash basket, only to miss. There was no sports gene in this child. Abram walks over and puts the parchment in the trash.
  21. Damn I forgot to come back and bid
  22. Abram already gave Petra a gift the other day ago, not knowing that her birthday was soon-
  23. Wilheim, though he was simply a normal citizen, is glad to see his favorite customer in the Seven Skies as well. "We've all been waiting for you, Queen Mother. No longer will you know sorrow, for Godan will wipe away your tears as he has wiped away ours."
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