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Everything posted by 1_Language_1

  1. Ser Abraham holds a thumbs up, his daughter Lucia Rutledge had managed to get the family name in the hearsay paper. Despite their estrangement as father-daughter, he was still proud of her. As for Matyas, though... "I hope Matyas fills in well as my replacement, that's why I voted him into the knight's table. He's my replacement, dammit. He better not mess this up."
  2. ye ye i just hadn't refreshed the page 💀
  3. Felt. Back in my day, a wiki team member would notify you, to tell you that your character was worthy of a wikipage, and then they would ask you to write information on it and they would put it on the wiki. So, I was told Matthias Rutledge had enough impact on the world of medicine that he was worth a wiki page....... I wrote the page myself, using the code I learned and manipulating it to get what I want :p but the worry is also on regular people editing pages. I know that I am on a couple of people's hate lists, thus my contributions concerning Ves have actually been erased or contributed to someone else. I don't bother to go back and change it, because I'd rather not start a feud.
  4. A previous life of Grigoryi might have mourned for Torsun, a close friend and social mentor. Alas, after Grigoryi lost his memory, he never knew Torsun. The elderly dollmaker sits there, turning about an unfinished doll from long ago-- never knowing it was Torsun himself; only just a cute doll.
  5. i can't wait to report posts for going r
  6. . "Can't even wait long enough to tear down the ******* city before plopping a name on it. I'm wondering if they're just renaming it to disown any of their current problems.. Oren's 'gone' now it's Aren." The old knight rubbed his face. When Oren coming back so many times, perhaps it'll be doomed to fail by way of the Name Curse..
  7. Grigoryi, known to Pyotr as 'Lev', rubbed his nose clean after mourning for Pyotr. "Damn, Ea velyzczmar, Ea oeermar tamort, va loe dravi.."
  8. . Ser Abraham laughs aloud at Oren's end, before sending a bird towards Ser Reinhardt (@Capt_Chief26). "Time for loads and loads of beer." . Meanwhile, Matthias Rutledge watches from the seven skies, the old doctor lifting up a single middle finger, as Oren finally met its end. "That's what you get for destroying my home, b-i-t-c-h!"
  9. "I will do my best to keep your library alive." Sadeeq whispered to himself and nodded slowly as he heard the news, the local library seeming so quiet without Feodor. The benevolent spirit moved to sit behind the desk in the library, going to finish up the old man's old work so that Feodor died without completing his duty. He gently scratched the remaining work in the ledger, before shutting the book and putting it away. "I just wish I could have said goodbye first. He was a good man." He stood quietly in the empty space, the new design seeming so cold and complicated.
  10. bro, let hughbie do his roleplay, i better not find him assassibanned like Twi was.
  11. bro i dont use the soulstone i use the one in the menu
  12. Mal is Short 220 Minae Language#1688 plz Copowl, this would be perfect for my Russian :(
  13. The only change I would make is making the Armor Category for RP-signed swords/chisels/shears/armor only. It blends in too much with the pvp-armor, so people often don't look. You can already find pvp armor everywhere, it doesn't need to be on AH. The AH let's us buy rp items that we're not going to be able to find in nations. I don't want to buy a gift from Haense for a Haense child because it can already be found in Haense. Now if you want to go nuts and "unique" with AH then you can make it where it's only enabled during the weekend
  14. Oh no, I know when Twi does it, it's a joke. I meant that this isn't Twi in terms of it being serious and harassing
  15. bro I don't believe this, this ain't like Twi at all. Also free LunaBurnFire, y'all falsely banned them as some random-ass alt even though they didn't have a PC until just recently 💀 Stop using Community Guidelines as a shit excuse to ban like y'all been doing recently.. y'all banned Twi for "harassment", even tho there are many people y'all could have banned for harassment.. but you let them run free? Free my boy Monke, stop trying to use moderation tools to kill playerbases you don't like--
  16. Ser Abraham smiles wide as he sees his future replacement is going to become a knight soon. "Good luck, young man. Come back to us alive, please." He taps his cane against the floor anxiously, hoping Matyas comes back whole.
  17. oh hey I found you, what a surprise 

  18. "What the f u c k?" Ser Abraham rubbed the bridge of his nose as he sighed. "There are some times where I am glad I am a not child, even though nobody would have let me play along." He grunted as the kid kingdoms get worse.
  19. Grigoryi reads over the quote, before coughing on his water at the question. "Godan- nie wonder Frederick hangs out with ve orcs so often."
  20. "Damn Ea wonder what Elysium will think." Grigoryi (otherwise known as Lev) hummed absently in thought, as he remembered that Elysium was being genocide'd by the orcs just recently. It was going to be interesting to see.
  21. Grigoryi var Ruthern shakes his head softly, not wanting to see anyone pelt his step-sister with rotten tomatoes. He snaps his fingers, knowing how to help. "Ea'll make her a hat, so that other women will niet tease her about her hair." The amnesiac smiled softly, hunting for his sewing kit.
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