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Status Updates posted by Mj.

  1. Anyone know when the AT apps will be reviewed?

    1. Readicti


      Next time I decide new blood is needed ;3 probably at the end of the month or so.

    2. EmeraldStag


      Do not worry. Apps will be reviewed in a timely manner. All there is need of is patients.

  2. Does anyone know how to get to Sylverport other than by boat?

  3. Don't join either of the dwarf clans :^)

    1. ThumperJack


      I feel like I'm being memely abused.

    2. Skippy


      Humans are toxic

    3. Harri


      dwarves are tiny though...

  4. gj menarra

  5. Good fight Oren, I can't wait to get back into some more raids! :D

  6. Has anyone else realized that we still have a section named Realm of Athera

    1. Lark


      Shhhhhshhshhh. We're totally not on a Super Athera I promise

    2. Fireheart


      That makes me think back to wander souls in Athera and how it said "Welcome to Anthos!"

    3. Gunner


      u-uhh uhm er erm ah, uh, oh.. uh um

  7. He is a god among mortals...he is...Filthy Frank.

    1. Kaun


      Anime sux.

    2. Heff


      welcome 2 the bandwagon friend

  8. How would one get teh gold VIP tag on the forums?

  9. I have to do half of the writing for my entire science project tonight, gib music ples to kill my boredom

  10. I want to be able to handle all of these new apps :(

    1. mitto


      wait my son, your time will come soon

    2. SpiltMemes
    3. James


      I'm in class :(

  11. I've found that rp riding an elephant makes people move aside for you much more often than a horse

    1. Trips


      irl horses are phucking horrifying

    2. Grouchy


      discreet powergaming at it's best

    3. KarmaDelta


      Well, my camel just violates anyone thinking they are an elven maiden.

  12. If I make lore for random floods, wouldn't it have to be accepted technically...

    1. Anderssn


      Floods don't spawn in randomly, unless someone farts with world edit.

  13. If you have spare leather armor, or are looking to be a leatherworker... https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/127744-looking-to-buy-leather-armor/

  14. im so boooooooooorrrrrreeeeeeeeeeed

    1. L0rdLawyer


      Im so hiiiiiiiiiigggggghhhhhhhhhhh

    2. Trin Keeper

      Trin Keeper

      your both soo wwwweeeeiiiirrrrrdddddd.....

  15. just came back to all this new map stuff and some of the stuff that I have seen must have been decided on by a child

  16. Just In! Apparently, dwarves lost to welves! wowowow!

    1. ShameJax


      In a 4v20 apparently.

    2. Greener


      After hearing this im leave the Dwarves **** em

    3. Elvrohir Aureon

      Elvrohir Aureon

      Even better Jax, it was 8v4 with at least 2 unarmed wood elves. And only 4 of us had armor lmaooooo

  17. Lol Dunamis legitimately thinks they win skirmishes. kek

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Heff


      im an orener and ill admit dunamis is p good at pvp and winning. stop being a cvnt aethos

    3. Birdnerdy


      You're trying to be the next Leric, top kek.

    4. ๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)

      ๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)


  18. lol nathan nice one

    1. Nathan_Barnett36


      thank you dirty troll

  19. lol the statuses from both sides

  20. MJ = Forum Scrub

    1. SpiltMemes


      Atleast you know.

  21. Mj.

    Msg me as soon as you see this msg please!

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