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Status Updates posted by Kvasir

  1. stop stealing my apps

  2. sug me

    1. _Sug



      You've been sugged

  3. that was exciting, please record that and send that to me, it will be my ring tone. Your rap was almost as beautiful as my character

  4. That’s the thing about these high school girls man. I grow older, they stay the same age

  5. The Media GAY


    ha ha ha ha

  6. the north

  7. they’re making me the new admin, not you, poser. 

  8. Uhh since when did the server have a 200 player cap? https://gyazo.com/4039f21174d88eb87556df037749b987

    1. Reno


      Yeah not thats gotta change back 

  9. unban dalek.

    1. Ambduscias


      why the **** is he even banned

    2. cmack1028


      @koko haram last summer the staff declared the halflings too inactive so for this OOC reason they took our region away from us and forced us to completely rebuild elsewhere only after finishing the village. it was handled miserably and me and dalek took it to the forums. he got a little rowdy tho

  10. ur a female

  11. ur a man

    1. BonesOfTheEarth


      Im an authentic internet gril

  12. ur pfp is gay lol...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kvasir
    3. Kaelan



    4. JokerLow


      never saw jasper calling someone gay, true chad

  13. What is the lotc discord

  14. what was the last book you guys read or are currently reading


    I'm currently reading  Le Morte D'arthur, which is about the stories of king arthur and his knights 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. thesmellypocket


      Letters of St. Therese of Lisieux, vol. II

    3. mmat


      @JasperJohnStormlight took a lot longer to get going, but it's pretty fun so far. I listened to mistborn before and so far I like the stormlight world better, even though scadrial was fun

    4. Polysemic


      @iMattyzI personally loved Mistborn, but I can promise you you'll absolutely love Stormlight Archive if you liked Sanderson's other books. It's really good. Like, really really good

  15. what+is+up+guys+;)

  16. whats your favorite play

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AgentMemory


      Super Bowl 42. 1:15 in the 4th. Manning to Tyree.

    3. Urahra


      A Doll's House, Heinrik Ibsen

    4. squakhawk


      the hanged kings tragedy

  17. where are you go ?

  18. where are you going 

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