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The King Of The Moon

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Everything posted by The King Of The Moon

  1. A message is circulated across Almaris. Maddened scrawlings carved into the faces of walls of alleys, the faces of rocks and the barks of trees by a myriad of oft unseen spectral critters. To most, the script and whatever meaning it held would be an unsolvable anomaly. To others, however: an invitation.
  2. The Count of Izvoroshu commends the fine work of the scientist, being sure to pass on such findings in the field of zoology to his peers.
  3. Sir Vulpe Hazmezul does and says nothing in response for he is not one of the lucky few privy to such information.
  4. Speaking from the perspective of having written the Material Alphabet singlehandedly, and the current Alchemy lore with additional input and support from others, I personally feel this is an unnecessary change that causes far more problems than it solves. At the extreme opposites of the scale alchemy and void magic should be incompatible, yes, which is why I wrote such for Afflicted. For the core potions though it's just drastic overkill and a misinterpretation of larger scale clashes in lore being applied to the surface level. I wrestled with this exact concept when I was writing the current Alchemy, on the back of the concepts set out with the Material Alphabet, and decided against it in the first place for two main reasons. Firstly, I came to the conclusion that not only would the lore argument that 'alchemy and the void cancel eachother out completely' be a pretty big stretch due to both the five or more years of precedent set with old alchemy, but it would also invalidate the existence of one of the five elements of alchemy - Aether - which represents mana and most if not all things 'magical' in existence. The existence of which, established in some older lore by Phil, being a direct consequence of the void's corruption on the material plane. Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, I realised that in doing so I would have been actively weaponising my own OOC distaste for the RP of most void mages and their attitudes to alchemy, as well as my own IC-based beliefs about who 'should' and 'shouldn't' use alchemy, to invalidate the RP of others. Something I think - subconsciously, I hope - this amendment will also bring bring about. Yes, the esoteric high-brow minority of alchemists might vocally want this change, and to some extent so do I. I understand it's difficult to grapple with seeing the lore you care about most on the server - and oftentimes, lore you yourself wrote - be misused, or poorly represented by a community of 'quirky' anime elves that brag about walking on the surface of the void whenever they're not ERPing, I really do. Though we ultimately need to take into account that that is the vocal minority on the other side of the spectrum, and what this amendment strives for will hurt a far larger portion of the community in a very misguided way. I believe the real solution to the 'lore' arguments for the material and immaterial clashes brought about by void magic and alchemy should be building on what we already have at the extremeties of each area of lore. For instance, when Hexe and I rewrote Affliction, I came to the conclusion that as beings who inherently understand the world through the laws of equivalent exchange and the material alphabet, afflicted individuals should in turn be unable to comprehend the void, if not actively discomforted by it and the material alphabet's antithesis - moonspeak. I also came to conclude that Red Oil, as the fuel for Smoggers and a manifestation of the material's raw energy potential, should in turn be subject to volatility in the presence of voidal connections. Therefore, I personally would love to see amendments made on the other end of the spectrum with voidal extremes. Some offhanded suggestions might be Atronachs being incapable of learning alchemy, or practitioners of certain voidal feats being incapable of learning further alchemy. You get the idea. In light of the aforementioned, I wholeheartedly feel this sort of blanket destruction of alchemic creations that is being added in this amendment is not only grossly inconsistent with the years of RP precedent, but it is also - in my opinion, and I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings here - a perversion of my own lore in stretching one concept to bring a mostly IC ideological divide into the OOC realm of lore factionalism and group gatekeeping. This is all without going into the semantics this lore suggests about CRP, wherein there's no real reason mages won't be given immunity to alchemy, and realistically no logical way in which you could balance this to just be the intended 'no mages carrying potions for combat' without them also being fully protected against potions in combat. You simply could not explain away such niche caveats with lore and this would ultimately serve better as an OOC rule than a piece of LoTC canon. Again, this is all without taking into account the existence of Aether as a concept in alchemy, as well as potions intentionally designed to work in a certain way with magic such as Auric Oil or, as a historic example, Ruibrium. I'm also somewhat disturbed about the anti-minmaxing argument. Whilst I know for a fact there are plenty of min-maxy mages I'd prefer stayed away from Alchemy, the problem of potions being used to minmax CRP extends far beyond voidal RP. In fact, I'd argue the amount of problem players when it comes to alchemy are underrepresented amongst the voidal playerbase. Void Mages are really the tip of the iceberg and this amendment does nothing to address the main problem that's arisen from 'technicalities' in magic slots and CA loopholes. We all know, to the extent I don't have to name names, the real minmaxers are Chi, Kani or Necromancy wielding Heralds of Azdromoth with Affliction or other mutations, carrying around a stockade of blood magic items, armour made from bullshit supermetal #23 atop being alchemists desperately trying to get their hands on Tawkin, Golemancy, Animii Crafting and other slotless intricacies, who carry around every combat potion and every event item they can get their hands on at all times. I am speaking from experience as I've fallen into one or more of these categories before. These are the true manifestations of minmaxing, that avoid void magic like the plague because they want to do their big muscles RP, and this amendment will do nothing but empower them more when contrasted with the magic playerbase.
  5. OOC ((MC Name: Mordu)) ((Discord: Mordu#6495)) ((Timezone: GMT)) IN-CHARACTER What is your name? Sir Vulpe Hazmezul, Vode Izvoroshu Why seek membership to the Mages Guild? Looking to deepen both my and the guild's understandings of the material and immaterial. What arts, if any, do you currently practice? I am a master of Cigam Udrom and Alchemy, and an apprentice Transfigurationist What position do you desire to attain upon acceptance? Practicus When should you be contacted for an interview? Now.
  6. This Lore has been accepted. Moved to Implemented Lore, it will be sorted to it's appropriate category soon. Please note that if this is playable lore, such as a magic or CA, you will need to write a guide for this piece. You will be contacted regarding the guide (or implementation if it isn’t needed) shortly.
  7. Name of Potion: The Muritor Elixir Brief Description: An ancient drought thought lost to history, the Muritor Elixir is the only known cure to the vampiric curse of Corcitură. Whilst common understanding suggests the recipe was first concocted by a medic of the Order of St. Lucien, or a potions master of the Marked Men, it’s true - unknown and unsung - creator was in fact the Archon Solomon, the Scholar, who designed such as a means of quieting the Corcitură pandemic as it swept across Hazmstadt. Recipe: Saltwater (Base) Aether - Purity x3 Aether - Clarity x4 Blood (of the Corcitură’s descendant race) x1 count Effects: When administered in full to a Corcitură who has lost ¼ of their blood, the elixir has a chance to purge the curses of Eireamhan’s bloodline from their host. This process, if successful, would be cripplingly painful to the Corcitură, forcing their fangs and claws to manifest. Over the course of six narrative hours (or one IRL hour, whichever comes last), the Corcitură would be kept in a state of delirium, unable to retract their elongated nails and canines for the duration whilst devolving into a desperate rage, unable to recognise friend from foe and more desperately seeking to consume mortal blood than ever before either by force, begging or blackmailing and being rendered incapable of abstaining from any fresh blood spilt before them. Should this thirst be quenched before the transformation is complete, the potion’s effects will be nullified by the imbibing of mortal blood, the Corcitură’s curse will prevail, requiring another attempt at curing. If, however, the Corcitură can be kept from feeding for the complete duration, they would eventually collapse, their claws and fangs finally retracting as they are relieved of their curse. Redlines: -The Muritor Elixir has no effects on non-Corcitură, as well as Corcitură who have not been sufficiently bled before administration of the potion. -Corcitură who have received the Muritor Elixir and not been cured will develop a temporary tolerance, rendering the potion completely ineffective when in succession within one IRL week. -The act of administering the Muritor Elixir does not require OOC consent, however the Corcitură’s OOC consent is still required for the curse to be lifted even if they have been deprived of blood for the duration of their alchemically induced rage. -Blood utilised in the potion’s creation must be from the Corcitură the potion is intended for’s initial race, and donors of this blood cannot be themselves cursed as Corcitură. -This potion is ‘rare’ and must be taught through sufficient roleplay. -Requires ST signage. -T3
  8. Astley Wick shimmies melancholically in an alleyway, knowing that despite his countless promises, he had let Ludwig down, given up on and deserted his family name. Deep down, the estranged Wick was glad he hadn’t had to formally say goodbye, knowing the tears he would’ve caused.
  9. >complain about Musin not being able to do magic >get told "they can do alchemy and kani instead" >slides into Mordu's DMs asking for kani OOC >gets ghosted for some reason? try to pull up Mordu's alchemy lore instead >seems like Mordu had prepared for this by hacking the forums and changing the background colour of spoilers some months ago ago >I can't even ask for alchemy OOCly either since I can't read black text >tricked into malding on the forums about how the ST have yet again foiled my magic rodent RP >mfw
  10. "But why? Was her mother pushed off a balcony by a pack of musin at a party? If so, completely understandable... Though even then, how am I meant to claim a reward from an anonymous bulletin?" Sir Vulpe Hazmezul, the Count of Izvoroshu, inquires.
  11. Ah yes, Necromancy is bad because the players behind it aren't opting to practice on a PVP server for 2 hours a day and are instead roleplaying, yuck!! You told them @drfate786, what a flaming hot take!
  12. [!] A note is spread out among the various caravans, merchant fleets and even occasional highwayman of the realm, hoping to find it's way into the hands of any and all it may concern. "To whom it may concern; Presumptive lord of chaos, master of disorder, harbinger of doom, et cetera, I have recently come into possession of a variety of artefacts once belonging to your bygone patrons: the demons of Moz Strimoza. Speaking plainly, I wish to re-appropriate these items to more deserving hands than my own, to be deemed by right of coin. Should you be interested in purchasing these hellish relics, please make it known so that we might pursue a more intimate negotiation. With optimism, Kain, The Thief of Fire."
  13. I don't need a crystal ball to see this getting denied...
  14. Read 'Purpose' before making generic assumptions, I beg you.
  15. Corcitură The Cursed Line of Eireamhan Pronounced: Kor-chee-toruh Plural: Corcituri Origin Explanation The Condemned Siliti The corcituri are the cursed descendants of the silit archon Eireamhan, the Hermit. Unlike the immortal siliti - the full-blooded heirs of the remaining eight archons - the curse of the corcituri is a mongrel taint upon the souls of otherwise mortal beings, setting them apart and beneath siliti as a corrupted variant of descendant, as opposed to another creature entirely. Feeding Weaknesses Cursing Cleansing Signates Age In the likeness of their higher race, corcituri solidify in power over time and gain traits through maturity albeit paling to their kin. They are measured in weeks since the posting of the FA. All boons and banes will be retained in perpetuity from the tier they were acquired onwards. For instance, all boons and banes gained at Tier 2 will still apply to corcitori of Tier 3. Abilities Derivative of the traits granted to all greater siliti, those of the cursed bloodline - the corcituri - are only capable of harnessing a handful of lesser boons, slightly enhancing their mortal longevity and recovery along with the ability to partially harness a predatory transformation. Longevity (Passive) Recovery (Passive) Transformation Red Lines -Corcitură is a feat and will require an accepted application. -The terms corcitură and corcituri are not commonly known and must be learned through roleplay; those bearing the curse are most suitably referred to as ‘vampires’ by the general populace. -The origin of the corcitură along with the terms silit and siliti are not known or used in roleplay whatsoever and doing so would be considered metagaming. -Only Humans, Elves, Orcs and Dwarves (or mix breeds between those four) can be cursed as corcitură. -Halflings, all CA races, as well as Paladins, Templars, Heralds of Azdromoth and Druids cannot be afflicted with the corcitură curse. Further, corcituri cannot become any of the aforementioned, with the exception of evolving into full siliti via the rite of rebirth. -The boons of Corcitură cannot and will not override the weaknesses of any other magic. In the case where beneficial overlap might occur, corcitură boons are to be nullified in favour of said magic’s detriment. -By becoming a Corcitură and posting an application, players agree to the same hard shelf (soft PK) clause outlined in siliti lore via the rite of restraints. Outside of being locked in a Crimson Coffin or Mictlanti’s Fetters through roleplay, however, Corcituri are subject to the same death rules and monk revival system as other descendants. -An ST enforced blacklist from the Corcitură feat extends to a blacklist from the Siliti CA. Purpose Compatibility (Clarification + Marriage Pieces) Any magic not listed below is to be considered incompatible with the corcitoră curse unless clarified otherwise by the ST. Kloning is the only CA that is compatible with the corcitoră curse at this time. Miscellaneous Shamanism Affliction Written by Mordu and Zarsies. Referenced Lore:
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