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Status Updates posted by _mkkk_

  1. If I keep getting notifications about the magic plugin thread, I am going to explode.

    1. H


      Turn them off.

    2. Moochael


      what about status feed notifications...


  2. I want to edit my title... make more things to post on people! #needcontent

    1. mitto


      you need a lesson in shitposting 101

    2. tilly


      rejoin the AT and your content count will skyrocket 

  3. Anyone want to do art for my character Cirilla Seni?

    1. Space


      for a price



    2. _mkkk_


      Get out space, not youuuuu

  4. Stawp asking for GM's to free people from the depths of bans... you narps

  5. Harrison called for me but I didnt pick up someone tell him hello for me ;>

    1. Publius


      stop talking to that boy he's bad news!!!

    2. Harri
  6. This fad of making posts with complete trash titles needs to stop; it isn't cute 

    1. garentoft


      it'll stop one day, don't you fret

    2. Space
  7. Hi to anyone who sees this!!!! I’ve missed this server for the last 3 years, despite the good and bad, and currently I am applying to med school!!!!

    My previous main character, Ciri, has always been an outlet for me to express my sexuality, insecurities, and pain from reality so this server really was an outlet for me. I just got excited looking at the updates to Fjarriagua lore that I have not played since leaving and it was ultimately my biggest passion here on the server. 

    If anyone wishes to reconnect, just respond or message me on here!:)

    1. Princeton


      Hope all is well! 🙂 

    2. Samler


      Hey, good luck on the med school!

  8. Hmm... all I see is dirt though : 3 http://gyazo.com/d33889c40e30ee59e64c69e33650b8d2

    1. kingnothing


      kolohe's a whiny *****

  9. The fact that I had a robber SS out of RP that wasn't going his way. . . #gg #muchwow

    1. Samler


      That is against ze rules.

  10. When it's harder to get into Felsen than into Haelun'or. . . #gateplease

    1. Shalashask


      Swim around the back, you can climb up some steps on the docks

  11. Awe, the noob thieves of the server that RP in five word sentences then run from RP. . .

    1. HurferDurfer1


      gib me all ur monies

  12. Novaskin makes me hate myself sometimes. . .

    1. Parkins


      dont worry we hate you too :^ )

  13. When MAT's shoot up like fireworks b/c of a post

    1. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX

      I posted an MAT before it was cool.

  14. Itty Bitty Piggy -Nikki

    1. Nug


      eye win yew lose

  15. Why are there so many ban appeals right now? . . . What are you people doing?! Ahhhhh

    1. ShameJax


      It looks glitched, as basically only ban appeals are showing.

  16. Shhhhh, Disco doesn't know yet of his skin: https://gyazo.com/239eb33ea761d93ae0479d6a7703f6a4



      well i do now! eeeep, is so pretty

  17. This isn't calculus kids. . . let me have a moment in my life without numbers *_*

    1. AGiantPie


      f(x) = 3x^2 - 6x + 12

      Find f'(x).

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