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Status Updates posted by Ducklingator

  1. https://gyazo.com/a02ac986a458f489ee718672a6ea7690



    ...Wanna tell us something, buddy?

    1. Ducklingator


      Wait **** I got the message order wrong



      @Kinslayer, wanna tell us something, buddy?

    2. Kvasir


      eyyyyyyyyyyyyyy mannnnnnnnnnnnnnng...

      gotta have some fun somehow

  2. Forums are back, folks.

    1. Demotheus


      Are they? I can't be sure...

    2. Chaw


      no **** sherlock

  3. lol, I know it sounds like a stretch but bear with me, what if an animal held you at gunpoint and (bear with me) you had to write a secret message on (BEAR WITH ME) some website to save yourself? like seriously bear with me guys

  4. i say we start terraria roleplay, who's with me

  5. i just woke up and its three am


    woo summer

    1. Nekkore
    2. Ducklingator


      update my tooth fell off after i tried eating a frozen schnitzel at five am

      good news though i ate the schnitzel

  6. So, how does non-magical mana exertion work? A mage that ran a marathon can't cast like a mage of equal power that just had a great night's sleep and a healthy meal, but they still have roughly the same amount of mana.

    1. BrandNewKitten


       If your body is sore you will end up using more mana compensating. A sore body is taxing on the mind as well. A taxed mind does not function at 100%. If your brain power is at 70% your magic will only be 70% effective. 

    2. oblivionsbane


      Someone said mana = energy = stamina or something like that

  7. fae01aca3a6b2a545c94cbc53725bec9.png


    This was a thing? First time it happened to me in my whole time here, huh.

    1. Nekkore


      yes it was always a thing

    2. Ducklingator


      i cannot believe those filths attempt to put boundaries on my LOVE

  8. halloween is over, christmas is coming


  9. any of you punchbags want to fight me? let us play bedwars to assert dominance over one another 

    1. rukio


      Warclaims should be settled via bed wars

    2. sneLf


      God praise the cuckio name

  10. i dont think ive had any good rp that lasted more than 10 minutes this month

    1. thesaintjaleel


      the month just started friend!

    2. Ducklingator


      month as in 30 days

  11. im gonna take a break


    might come back tomorrow, might never come back


    nobody die while im away ok

    1. mitch dharma

      mitch dharma

      cool thanks for letting us know

    2. Vindicant


      you'll be back


      they're always back



  12. 70 player online & nobody around where the hell are yall at

    1. KBR


      The orcs

    2. saint swag

      saint swag

      server boring

  13. will skin for steam money. if you dont need a skin i can also be a good & supportive friend my rate is 5$ an hour


    1. frill


      what’re u trying to buy on steam vro

    2. Ducklingator


      hitman 2 expansion pass because hehehe murder

  14. why is /r so busted ive sent like fifteen messages to the wrong people

    1. Hearth


      blame felsen

    2. squakhawk


      its been like this for half a year did u just get it this is some conspiracy ****

  15. Honestly why do you people care if we use magical AI? You don’t rp in arcadia so it shouldn’t matter. Go fix your lore then come back alright. Lore team lost all credibility till lore games are done.

    1. saint swag

      saint swag

      no context status updates make me mad because i’m out of the loop

      thank **** i am tbh

    2. Ducklingator


      i dont know what the context is either, i’m just bandwagoning for rep

  16. i want to make a human character can someone tell me what happened for humans in the last 3 years

  17. i think ive had five separate, small anxiety attacks over the course of today

    1. Ragnio


      Oh dear... *Hugs*

  18. not to be rude but despite not being vip can i join the server

    1. SocialTurtle808


      Yeah! I wanna join.

  19. hi mts not to seem rude or anything but this is the only ca you haven't looked over and you accepted (dark creature) apps that were posted after this


    just makin sure you didnt forget me


    1. Ambduscias


      Not all LT can accept all CA's, I don't think. You just have to wait for the one for that creature type to stop being lethargic and get around to it. 

  20. Anybody know why the server keeps disconnecting/crashing me?

  21. I've reached 500 posts! How do I change the 'Nobility' thing?

    1. Kim


      Should be under edit profile! Gl and hf :') 

  22. There was 1 post before I get to 350.

    1. Ducklingator


      appearntly, status updates are not 'posts'

  23. The whole server just popped! I just lost a carb warhammer, 14 stacks of damn wood, and some other good stuff!

    1. Ducklingator


      Phew, I got my stuff back. I just had a heart attack...


  24. I changed my sprite CA!

    1. Mephistophelian


      Thanks for the update! Will get right to it :)

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