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Everything posted by MunaZaldrizoti

  1. OOC ((MC Name: )) Vandoria ((Discord: )) sunny25#6175 ((Timezone: )) EST (Eastern Standard Time) IN-CHARACTER What is your name?: Celia Aldirar Why seek membership to the Mages Guild?: I have been a learned mage for some time, and desire above all to not return to relative obscurity. I wish to contribute What arts, if any, do you currently practice?: Arcanism, of a hundred years or so. What position do you desire to attain upon acceptance?: Adeptus Minor When should you be contacted for an interview?: Any time that is available to the ordermen of the guild.
  2. Miss you! Snap me sometime bro ?

    1. blago


      Of course will keep in touch more 

  3. This is just a post written to everyone on the server. Regardless of if we’re friends or not, or we’ve never met. If you hate my guts, or consider me a friend. To every human, elf, dwarf, orc, halfling player and every other player who still does roleplay here or has moved on since. It’s early in the morning for me, but I can’t sleep, so I felt like writing this note to the server. I appreciate every single one of you, for making this community a community. I have a compromised immune system. A lot of my family are over the age of 50. I live not far from one of the first counties in my state that started the spread of COVID-19. And I am scared. At first, back in early February, I said that the illness wouldn’t spread to much, that it might slow down once they began quarantines across China and around the city of Wuhan. I was wrong. So many were wrong, and used this falsehood as a way of comforting ourselves, as a way to cope with something that, to many in our generation, has never made a huge impact on our lives for the most part. As the weeks keep passing, I go from worrying that it will never truly end to being confident that it will. And that stresses me out even more. Tonight, I saw a lovely video about a nurse in New York state, working 16+ hours at the age of 60, her life put at risk to care for people she doesn’t even know. It brought me to tears. Her optimism during this critical time in America is just a bright light during so much darkness. My mother lives in NYC, and this gave me even the smallest tinge of hope that she will make it out of this unscathed. So, if we have been friends for years, or said negative things about eachother, or have never interacted at all, please know that I am so grateful and appreciative that you, as an idividual, have contributed to this community in some shape or form. Made friendships, told stories, and just helped to create a space to go during all of this madness in the world. For me, my true lifelines have been @Dasdi, @Starryy, @Gilded, @Eryane, and @axelu. Talking to them, almost daily, and roleplaying with them helps me to relieve some of that stress and worry, even if for a little bit. I think it is important to identify the people that have been roleplaying with you, talking to you in discord, or just done you a kindness recently. Let that person know what they mean to you, even as a response to this thread. Because at the end of the day, even if we never meet in person, we can’t lie and say that the bonds we build on Lord of the Craft don’t mean something to us, in some way. If you ever wanna just message me, be it to vent about worries or to just talk about your day, my discord is linked to the left. Everyone needs someone right now, and a lot of us can’t see our families and friends during this terrible time. I love all of you, and I love everything this community has given me. Stay safe, wash your hands, even play some Animal Crossing. See you tomorrow ❤️
  4. Anna Maria, having lived most of her life amidst the smog of war and disarray, allowed herself a heavy sigh of relief. Surely, the future was brighter now.
  5. Emma Ludovar smiles down from the Seven Skies, fondly recalling her revival of the Barovifest whilst downing a bottle of spiritual Carrion Black with her father.
  6. Okay, cool, but does this mean we will have to put up with staff handling these reports poorly, like they did previously? We’re moving into a new decade, so I hope that brings along some kind of new strategy, if not directly managed by a team. To be honest, every time I see one of the top Admins make some sort of remark about this situation, it just seems so off-handed, like they can’t be bothered too much. It has continued to bother me.
  7. Helena would sit within her tower chamber, looking out over New Reza as the latter half of the winter years passed through the region. She’d read over the school initiative, which had been given to her earlier that day. (mcname: JoelTheGinger)) ((discord: JoelTheGinger#6175)) Name: Helena Vientos Age: 21 Relevant experience: “With years of intense study and knowledge in history, mathematics, flora, fauna, and voidal magic, I would like to continue expanding my mental compendium of information. I have yet to delve into astrology and astronomy, so I am most intrigued!”
  8. Helena, Court Mage of Hanseti-Ruska, vows to find this fiendish magician and bring him to justice!
  9. This is it. This about sums it up for me. @JuliusAakerlund shoulda made me queen of haense, that’s all. But I was just too much of a ‘mediocre friend’.
  10. RP Name: Helena Vientos MC Username: JoelTheGinger Discord: JoelTheGinger#6175 What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Haense Why Do You Wish To Come?: As the Court Mage of Hanset-Ruska, I would like to conduct research into findings in the fallen lands of Athera and represent King Andrik IV. I also desire to meet this dragaar, as the plague of draconic obsession has plagued members of my close family for many years. What Skills Can You Bring?: I have a vast plethora of knowledge in regards to history, as well as the history of my Horenic bloodline. I also have knowledge in basic healing and care for wounded. I am a proficient mage, with talents in the art of Arcanism. [!] This reply is scented with rose oil, the wax seal a cheery pink and bearing the symbol of a simple rounded pearl. RP Name: Vyleria MC Username: JoelTheGinger Discord: Same as Above What Nation Are You Affiliated With?: Sutica Why Do You Wish To Come?: To accompany the Head Conservationist in his inquiries into Athera. What Skills Can You Bring?: Knowledge in flora and fauna. Witty and blunt remarks and quips.
  11. I’ve already posted this in several discords, what a great reference! Thanks for this!
  12. The server, at least in regards to magic, has been on pause for over a year. Need to wrap this up before people start heading for the door.
  13. So excited to see Frost Witches on the next loremag! After such quick edits, I don’t see why it wouldn’t be, after such a long wait!



    1. ScreamingDingo


      circus music playing rn

  14. Having just helped Luv write a few final little tidbits as part of this piece, I really don’t see any further reason this lore need be denied. After having the frost witch community wait for up to 2 years and denying lore that has had such detail put into it by a player so dedicated to the magic, there is no reason why the community, and those who are eager to join, must wait another 2-3 months before even a trial period can be put through. APPROVE. THIS. LORE. +1
  15. I’m honestly so sick of seeing people comment on applications, basing their definitive opinion of someone on the words of their ‘friend’ or ‘group’. If you’re going to throw accusations at someone that supposedly are true and a reason for the person being so terrible, at least show up with receipts and proof. Give us a first-hand, personal experience of the person that you’ve had, or don’t comment at all. Because otherwise, you look like someone’s minion, doing their bidding.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Harold


      Atleast you didn’t have a moderator write an entirely separate post defaming you and spouting lies because they were upset. 

    3. MunaZaldrizoti


      @Harold Honestly, I’m sure I’ll get that thrown at me eventually. There is so much animosity directed at me because of a select few people holding sway over large groups of people, it’d make your head spin, so I get it.

    4. Nug


      i mean the system for feedback on apps is just **** as it is, any positive comments are usually just from a friend who the poster told to comment on it and is just kinda “wow this person is so good make them staff!” without any actual substance



  16. This really means a lot to me. Considering how many insults and false accusations I get thrown my way, be it for the characters I play, who I’m attracted to, or even the sound of my voice, the fact that you came on the forums and apologized to me after all this time truly shows that you have matured and grown as a person since the last time we spoke. You’re the only person thus far on the server to show me that kind of courtesy and respect after our history of animosity. Find me a character to play in Haense, and I’d gladly help you and that community bring back the glory days of the Axios era! Feuding with you over the obnoxious amount of land House Amador had at the time was always a highlight of my time back then! ?
  17. There is your confession from the offender. Is that STILL not enough for you?
  18. So...because my evidence was old, it doesn’t matter? I’m sorry that at age 16 I wasn’t able to screenshot and save every unwanted message and snapchat I was sent by several closet-case staff members and general players on this server. I believe the screenshots I provided MONTHS AGO had sufficient evidence in them, though I find it ironic that the Admin who was addressing my evidence is now removed and banned herself. You have SEVERAL people providing claims and evidence against the same person, and yet still you cannot fathom that this person could truly be guilty. I don’t just sit at my laptop and decide I want to call someone a pedophile, it really isn’t an enjoyable experience in the first place. I also believe Jandy extracted an admittance from Sky, which he shared in one of the previous threads. Do with that what you will.
  19. lol when you have 3+ people saying that someone tried to do stuff with them while they were underage, with included logs of evidence, but you still defend them...that’s so sad.

    1. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      WHERE IS YOUR PROOF?!?!??????

    2. MunaZaldrizoti


      @Luv Proof in 2 different posts, but I guess it’s personal preference if someone wants to actually look at them, or just act like they aren’t of any value.

    3. rukio


      Who is denying your proof. They’re getting the god damn rope some day.

  20. I didn’t even have to read this to know that evocation combinations is something I’ve wanted for so long!
  21. My pedo is still a member of the community, when I reported him he only got a staff blacklist. He has at least three accusers now. I’m sure he wasn’t too devastated about losing the ability to hold a staff rank on a minecraft server.


    The heads of this server set the example. If you’re lax on punishing these people, who threaten the further success and running of this server, those decisions will end up being the downfall of Lord of The Craft.

  22. Ya’ll better deal with these messy issues, before someone finally decides to get this server into some legal trouble.

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