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About KeatonUnbeaten

  • Rank
    "someone in this channel is not gay and its not me"
  • Birthday 06/23/2003

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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Aedric Saxe / Kadrac Frostbeard
  • Character Race
    Human / Dwarf

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14775 profile views
  1. interesting community response to a valid concern. i guess its not a slur if its against white people?

  2. the only reason LOTC is the 'best roleplay server' is because there's no competition
  3. the old days of 24/7 warzones, limitless raids, and rewarding pvp are gone. buried by the rp-only elitists, poor (whether by incompetent coding or just successive rule changes) mechanics and systems, and win-hungry clickers. it aint LOTC pvp without Loads Of Twats Complaining.
  4. "Anothah great victoreh," states Kadrac Frostbeard gleefully.
  5. Kadrac Frostbeard admires his first diplomatic coup, noting to Garedyn: “Oi ‘ave that diplomatec rezz, yer Royal Majesty.”
  6. Promptly, a creased letter is delivered unto the Haensetian palace - written in the cheapest ink and on the rattiest parchment, both no doubt immediately apparent to the sophisticated appraisal of any courtier, official or royal - declaring in a most crude hand: "To 'His Excellency Fabian d'Arkent-Kortrevich', I am Aedric Saxe. I can ride horses good. I have done my whole life. I can teach. I can sword-fight. I am a man of many profishiensees skills. I ask for a humble daily wage. Please contempleate my offer. To 'His Excellency Fabian d'Arkent-Kortrevich' and the most illustreeus court of Hanseti-Ruska, From Aedric Saxe."
  7. yo faiz you got an early vailor map download?

  8. it used to be log on, warzone from dusk until dawn, log off, repeat now its
  9. Letssss... get ready... to RUMBLE!

  10. damn, a terrorist organisation? is macface behind this?
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