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Everything posted by Greehn

  1. GREEHN POSTING!!!! Alchemy Bags Above you will find a small demo of a plugin I've been working on. With the use of bags that you can carry around to store all of your herbs, organization and collecting of these materials have never been easier. While the main functionality is done, I am not ready to release it as I need some feedback from all of you. Mainly whether or not you all like this or want to see this on the server, how expensive this should be to craft, if you want multiple tiers or not as shown in the video etc. If you have any input, ask any questions related to this plugin or want to give it a thumbs up, I ask you to pop into our tech discord and type your hearts away: https://discord.gg/ZjT24mx NOTES: - You will not be allowed to hold more than 1 alchemy bag at a time. You can create others and store them, but you can only carry 1. - Right-Clicking a stacked herb will only move 1 item into your bag as opposed to moving the whole stack. Works vice versa. - Lots of measures have and are being put into place to prevent duping of any kind. - I had to restart this plugin once because I was getting too ahead of myself. - Gelunite, a new alchemical herb, was showcased in this video. Credits: @Apotolofo- Original Idea @squakhawk- ST Admin Approval @RaiderBlue& @Xx_BloodStalk_xX- Insight @greisn& @Juno. - dumb
  2. "Finally, he is back. With milk too, it seems." A young Azdrazi, Vahlok, commented on the matter.
  3. yo if i get a few signatures and promise to be active can i get a realm too

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Java17


      only if it can be a human settlement 

    3. Aengoth


      but how interesting and unique are the reasons for your new culture to not be able to coexist/grow in another nation

    4. Greehn


      i'll have to get back to you on that

  4. "I wonder why it took this long for these fools to be condemned. The X*nnites were never here to help you." Vahlok, an Azdrazi, made sure to frame this missive somewhere within Tor'Praeth.
  5. thank you guys for all you do for the server, i'm excited to see what comes next out of story team. love you guys
  6. thank you Xarkly.
  7. My (and others') frustration stems from the sheer amount of new settlements that pop up and then die off a few weeks later. Do not get me wrong, I am an advocate for new settlements that bring something cool and unique to the table that cannot be accomplished within a nation already, but this realm application doesn't seem to be that. As far as I can see and as far as I can recollect, all of the players signing this new realm application basically all came from Nor'Asath which itself seemed like it struggled to carry activity by itself. (Meaning Sakuragakure is not included in this.) It has been a trend with all these new realm applications to have a million signatures on them yet never seeming to carry that hype a few weeks later, which leaves the server with empty realms and buildings save for a few determined souls. My only question is why not just vassalize again? There are existing nations with similar niche's that could benefit from a group of players wishing to join under them.
  8. can someone make a post about the overwhelming number of realms pls
  9. "wait what the ****" said Donald af Don as he looked at the map, confused
  10. "Seems their Marshal needs tae take up bakin' tae. Maybeh we all need tae take up bakin'. Et es all in th' bakin'." Sigmar Baruch rambled on and on back to the Grand Prince.
  11. "JEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYY" screamed out Sigmar Baruch as he cheered actively in the tavern. He seemed a bit too drunk.
  12. items that have the significant lore item tag (stuff u cant put in enderchests)
  13. holy festive spirit! so jolly!
  14. Hello everyone! It is me again. Below you will find information regarding Item Edit GUI along with a new plugin currently on main! (also i'm sorry for breaking the server yesterday.) Item Edit GUI Item Edit GUI is now released onto main! WOO! A few minor changes have been made to the plugin along with some new features: -Custom RGB coloured names will now be a VIP perk -You are now able to add links to items! Adding links to items can be found in the "Item Extras" menu. For now we have limited links to only Gyazo, Imgur and LOTC for everyones safety. In the future if it is requested, we may add support for other websites. (YouTube and Discord will not be added.) To view a the link associated with your item, simply Shift+Right-Click with it in hand and it will send the link in chat. /showitem has the ability to prompt users to open any associated links on your item. All they have to do is click on the item name when it is showed to them and they will be prompted to open it! Please also send any bugs you find to my DMs or open a tech ticket. Introducing Wrappa! For the holidays, me and @JuliusAakerlundhave been working together to remake a plugin that was on the server long ago. A plugin where you could take an item and wrap it as a gift to give to others! To wrap an item, simply hold it in your hand and do /wrapgift and it will prompt you to pick a gift colour/type to wrap it in! If you wish to add a note, all you have to do is add your text after the wrap command. Example: /wrapgift To my beloved. Merry (insert lotc lore equivalent of christmas here)! I hope this is what you wanted this year. Afterwards a gift will appear in your inventory that you are able to give to others. To open a gift, hold in in your hand and Right-Click while looking in the air and the item that was previously wrapped should appear in your inventory. You may wrap 1 - 64 of the same item within one present. You may not wrap MArts, Significant Lore Items, etc for obvious reasons. It is a small plugin, but one I hope you all would like and would actively use in roleplay. Not just for gifting, but perhaps opening a shop that offers 'mystery boxes' to sell to others. Other wrapping mediums will become available later on if requested by the community, so make sure to voice your ideas in my DMs! (greehn on discord.) Let your imaginations run wild with this one. Other than that, happy holidays to you all! Credits: @JuliusAakerlund- Idea for Wrappa @The60th- Looking over my shoulder
  15. about to crank some 90's in the forests of veletz, lmk
  16. Greehn

    As the Sun Falls

    A less-than-desirable position they had seemed to be put in. Potions, curses, X*nnic spells, they did not falter. Wounded and tired, the troops of AZDROMOTH continued. The original fight, interrupted by the dark forces of GASHADOKURO. Eventually, it was too much. The An-Gho's form crumbling after taking cannon fire, swung around like a child's toy in the tentacles of GASHADOKURO's minion. The Heralds, tired and hurt. How long has it been? He was more wounded than he would like to admit. It was time to go. The Heralds made their retreat with the prophet in tow. But the octopi saw through this. The cannon was grasped between its tentacles, the weight of the cannon seeming non-existent to the octopi. It wanted the An-Gho. His revival may take a bit longer than usual, he thought. Blotches of black painted his normally red scales. He wondered if the Heralds could get out in time. He wondered if his brothers could get out in time. He looked back at their original goal, seeking to work with the dark forces to rid him and his fellow dragonkin. And finally, back to the octopi. Vahlok rested between the cannon and wall behind him, his arms outstretched. He watched as the Heralds carried the crumbling An-Gho away to safety, leaving the rest to them. Beginning to feel the pain of his torso or lack of it, his lids began to close. Finally, he could rest, until he was called upon once more.
  17. Sigmar Baruch, a valiant member of Yacht Team 6, looked upon the ruins of old Brasca alongside his brother and his new mentor. "What the **** happened to that manor? How could anyone live in that?"
  18. Though Sigmar Baruch was off fighting his own battle alongside his new dwarven friend, Sigrun Stonehammer, he applauded the effort of Vasiliy 'The Gateman" for his efforts.
  19. Sigmar Baruch was excited to finally have a naval force. He always wanted to go sailing. Maybe this was his chance.. "Ah dinnae even know 'ow tae swim. Yet."
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