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saint swag

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Status Updates posted by saint swag

  1. can we have fts that take something fkn obnoxious like 10 minutes to warp because id rather that than having to hold down my W key for what feels like decades and getting lost because idk im either retarded or the signs suck ass

    1. Unwillingly


      signs do suck ass considering half of the time they're either misspelled, stop leading you at some point, or aren't even updated at all so you end up going to a place that's been defunct for like, weeks

    2. saint swag

      saint swag

      OK cool i thought it was just me holy ****


      admin pls fix

  2. freebuild was ****

  3. some of you guys are just straight weird i cannot lie

    1. Guzr
    2. saint swag

      saint swag

      i aint even see that, hilarious

  4. any u wanna follow my twitter ;3 ?

  5. who actually cares about the age changes what ahahahahahaha u guys are weird

    1. Laeonathan


      a lot apparently, it's just way easier to say 18 and that's it, quit crying people. grrr.

    2. Unwillingly
  6. mod management not make forum shitstorm 10x worse challenge impossible

    1. saint swag
    2. xo31


      oooo hit it little monkey ooo ooo 

  7. Lmfao cope and seethe



  8. i miss talking to u



    1. Parion


      I miss you too m'love ;o

  9. why tf do ppl be liking my old as **** posts

    1. Jaelon


      you got fans


  10. ok so instead of giving out harsher punishment to people who are trying to circumvent the rules by roleplaying in a language that isn’t english, we just removed every language that isn’t english.

    lol ?

    1. Harri


      remember not to roleplay on christmas guys

  11. What are you gonna do with that big bat? Gonna hit me? Better make it count. Better make it hurt. Better kill me in one shot.

  12. merry chrismtas

    1. lemonke


      merry Christsmosss

  13. alchemy roleplay here link in post

    Edited by _Hexe_
  14. shelf kha itll be really funny

    1. Sorcerio


      I khan’t believe you’re saying this...

  15. mayo is a fvc ing abomination

    Brazilian Slutwalk Flasher | Know Your Meme

    1. AmericanSimp


      I couldn't have said it better myself

  16. one eye open when im sleeping

    1. Child Neglecter

      Child Neglecter



      one eEeeeEEEeEeEeeYyYyYYYYyyYyeeEEEeEEEEaaaAAAeaAEEeEEEe

  17. .


    1. saint swag

      saint swag

      i gave this to you for free lol



  18. while u guys r checking my page over and over u could consider buying some of these magic internet beans that just keep making me money

  19. need male clothes skinner

    i pay pretty good


    hmu @ JAMES#2000, dm for anything else and i just block u

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