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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. Welp, looks like the server just crashed a bit. I hope it gets working again soon.

  2. What anime do you recommend????

    1. Vaynth


      I’m probably too late here but it depends on what kind of stuff you like really. You can never go wrong with Cowboy Bebop. The English DUBBED version with Steve Blum.

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Godlike necroposting skills, I appreciate it. I’ll consider watching Cowboy Bebop.


      Also, what do you think of the Overlord anime? I love the premise, but I fear that the show will turn into a Power Fantasy gone too far with season 4. 

  3. What are all of them cool kiddos doing nowadays on LOTC.

    1. Llir


      creating fidget spinner factories

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      That sounds lore breaking

  4. What if the halfling race has been prospering this whole time and we just haven't looked downenough to notice it

    1. _Jandy_
    2. dogbew


      I don't know about you, but I look down upon halfmen constantly.

    3. NotEvilAtAll
  5. What is up with these ads. Is LOTC low on funds or is this something outside of our control?

    1. frill


      tythus just bought a new 70” monitor so the piggy banks a bit empty this month

    2. KeatonUnbeaten


      gotta build up the fat reserves for winter hibernation

  6. What is ur pfp from?

    1. Remyy


      Fruits Baskets

    2. armajesty


      I don’t check forums much but its from Fruits Basket 2019! Hands down my fav anime/manga.

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      Cool, i’ll check it out

  7. What is your favorite halfling village?

  8. What should I do for the next halfling festival?

    1. _Jandy_


      A science fair with prizes for the coolest discoveries.

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Good Idea, maybe with pineapples as well

  9. Whatever shall I do while the server is under maintenance?

  10. when did OOC banishment/evicting get allowed? should be changed back imo

    1. marikandaperc


      +1 its cring to ban people jst because their character switches sides lol

    2. Netphreak


      There are lots of things that need changing. Doo doo rolls downhill, as they say. 

  11. When everyone is getting ready to kill each other in the warclaim, but you’re just sitting around in Dunshire drinking some Ale.

  12. When will the halflings go on the mega crusade to convert all of the Bigguns to Knoxism?

    1. Arkelos


      your god is dead.

    2. Jakraes


      Poor halflings, y'all praising a blood mage, reeeee

  13. When’s the new activity data coming out?

  14. Where the heck is the nation plot auction for 7.0?

  15. Whether or not it's a good idea, a total ban on romance RP would unenforceable and a huge drain on mod resources to ensure that no characters fall in love with each other.


    I don't think that'd be the anti-pedo solution we're looking for

  16. Which one of you DDOSed the forums this time?

    1. MadOne


      mac face hacker group

  17. which one of you is running the lag machine this time

    1. simatra


      I promise it wasn't me this time. 

    2. _Jandy_


      my sources are saying sandk1ng

    3. simatra


      average sandk1ng behavior

  18. Who else is hyped for hours upon hours of boat RP fuN!

    1. TheWhiteWolf
    2. Nathan_Barnett36


      You mean hours upon hours waiting for the event to even happen.

    3. NotEvilAtAll
  19. Who here is excited for the potential Zizek vs Peterson debates in the future?

  20. Who tf do I gotta talk to in order to get my wiki account back. I have some edits to make.

  21. why all the lag?

  22. Why am I always the last person to comment on a thread?

  23. Why are y’all arguing about whether or not roads should be controlled by nations? Clearly the answer is just to ban roads entirely. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Beyonce4Pres


      roads are corrupt wtf??

    3. Fireheart


      !!! Roads should be removed like freebuild next map GRRRRR

    4. Its_Just_Leap


      The difference is that freebuild SHOULD be removed next map @Fireheart

  24. Why did space’s Antifa documentary post get removed? Is everything controversial being banned now?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. argonian


      as much as i love buzzfeed, milo is still not a white nationalist and disavowed the movement declaring himself "alt-lite" when spencer claimed leadership over it.

    3. Space


      i think the video addresses this you should watch it

    4. Zezimus


      Milo just thinks it's cool to be controversial and laps up the publicity, there shouldn't be any denying he's espoused white nationalist beliefs however.

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