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Everything posted by Nectorist

  1. why do the players want carts? soulstone pillars and hubs are all they need


    oh shoot i have some rp to get to let me tp over there

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nectorist


      sorry guys but i (1hr of playtime this week) have a better grasp of what rpers need and want. stick to the roads.

    3. LatzMomo


      delete roads as well tbh, why people need roads to guide them? they betas or sumn?

    4. MRCHENN


      bring back speed buff

  2. +1 I can see this being especially helpful for newer players who have next to no familiarity with legal rp.
  3. Galar enters the front door of the Ithelanen shadow tower (tm), carrying an empty carton of juice. "Dad! Did you drink all the-" He begins to shout before coming to a sudden pause. The tower was empty of its inhabitants, and the only sign of their departure was a single, solitary note as well as a handful of Imperial marks left on the kitchen table. "Will be back later. Had a business meeting. Drank all the juice- didn't want to be thirsty on the walk. I've left you some money to buy some more. See you soon, Dad"
  4. ive heard this guy isnt very nice!

    1. MRCHENN


      im a good boy

    2. sergisala


      he's a good kid

    3. Shmeepicus


      I heard he smells

  5. Ik it’ll never happen but plz LC would be such a boost
  6. this is a kiwi-free zone tyvm
  7. Robert Francis somberly takes the time to reflect on the words and deeds of his mother-in-law, wondering if the example she had set would be a lasting one.
  8. I think being able to dual-wield muskets should be the human’s racial buff +1
  9. Application to Join Group Name: The Bern Victims Discord: You got it Starting Point allocation: 3M 5S 2W Starting Location: Burlington, Vermont
  10. i promise you guys, good road rp is totally real running to settlements is an enriching experience 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LatzMomo


      even kings road rp rarely happened besides occasionally me stopping people and robbing their mina

    3. ScreamingDingo


      kings road rp yes my favourite past-time of getting no-rp'd by random undead lightning strikes and seeing brothels on my way to alkhazar

    4. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      11 hours ago, ScreamingDingo said:

      kings road rp yes my favourite past-time of getting no-rp'd by random undead lightning strikes and seeing brothels on my way to alkhazar


      ah, mexico!

  11. Albatross Volaren wonders why his dad was at the store for so long, but is excited to see him regardless.
  12. “Lots of big words there, kiddo. Makes sense, though,” says Albatross, the man, though not scholarly or overtly pious, approvingly mightily of his daughter’s work.
  13. Unwillingly, when you opened up for Travis in Boston I was in the pit almost front row dancing and loving life then right after drip too hard you pointed at me and said “look at this fat boy dance” and people around me laughed at me so I went to the back and watched the rest of the show from a distance.... my question is why did you do that?
  14. A certain prince, his big mace having struck down one foe that day already, seeks to make the guilty party the victims of his next bonking.
  15. Philip Amadeus begs his tutors to allow the publications of the Economic Forum to be added to his curriculum.
  16. Nectorist

    On Grass VIP

    *signs the petition
  17. 1. How long have you been playing your character, and how have they changed and developed RPly? I've had my Volaren, Albatross, for years at this point. The guy is a few centuries old. Has seen everything I've seen on the server. He started off as a character for me to do bandit goonery, but I decided it'd be cool to flesh him out, show him how his bandit ways affected him as a person, how living among bandits affects his worldview and psyche. He's never a character that I'm able to settle down for a long time, unfortunately, but he is cool to pull out and RP in a pinch. He's gone from a young and violent brainwashed brigand to a man who left that sort of life for faith and family to an old cowboy who's lost all of that and is looking for a purpose. Fun stuff and it's been cool to see the many different people he's interacted with over time. 2. What are some small nuances or details in your character that might not be so obvious to other players upon interaction? For example, I often use the hand movements of my snow elf to express certain metaphors or his state of mind. People tend to take characters at face value a lot of the time. I toy around with this by having a lot of what he says, does, professes, etc, be some sort of lie, fabrication, or compensation for a weakness. For a period of time he'd go around fighting in a destructive, terrible manner, talking about the "honor" and "skill" that it required, when the truth was that he couldn't come to terms with his aging body and his lessening strength and reflexes. For another point of time, he told people that he was wandering the world to look for his lost brother, when in reality he just wanted to excuse himself for having abandoned his family. I usually try to show the truth behind his actions at various points, whether it's him contradicting himself, lying poorly, or accidentally revealing too much, which is always fun to do. 3. Does / Did your character have a strong bond with another character that you found to be memorable based on what it was founded on? (Characters who had a brotherly relationship, romantic, rivalry, etc.) I don't think I've played him consistently enough to really have had a strong relationship with individuals, as his character is more about how he interacts with the changing world around him. The one character he has a semi-consistent relationship with is Benelux's dark elf. There's a funny dynamic where he keeps promising to marry her before finding an excuse to run off because he's scared of commitment. 4. What's the most badass thing your character has ever done? He once helped kill a wyvern by stabbing through its jaw or something. Also led a few skirmishes during the War of the Two Emperors and was a solid commander there. 5. Character Art? You'd kill me if I showed it. 6. Anything else you'd like to talk about regarding your character? Bird boy
  18. i played a character named fent biceps for months and somehow didnt get banned ama
  19. can u give me my bioncles handbook back i need to freshen up on the lore
  20. i dont think this accurately covers weaknesses. maybe in 2-3 more rewrites you'll get it.
  21. a drink that would make my parents love me
  22. lol which ones of u fell for the annual musket shitpost 

    1. rukio


      ez rep farm

    2. Nectorist


      Just now, rukio said:

      ez rep farm

      it's like lucy w/ the football these ppl just keep kicking at it

  23. the persians shouldnt have been legally allowed to bring higher numbers to thermopylae subscribe if u agree

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Narthok


      idk if we wanna allegorize an LOTC faction as a pederast empire

    3. BenevolentManacles


      vikings sacrificed babies

    4. Narthok


      good thing i don't rp a viking

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