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- Aether VIP -
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Status Updates posted by blago

  1. selling dewper’s rp items

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Burnsy


      This changes nothing.

    3. Heero


      @Syfyvery much interested in that mace ??

    4. Guest


      He don’t have it bro. It’s an ss

  2. Seventh, dear friend – Add me on discord please; Blago#8194

  3. Sleep well my Prince 

    1. excited


      i'm alive, ALIVE!

    2. Tiresiam


      much love for johnny dragon

    3. blago


      I'll miss you Benny boy 

  4. Slide to the left, slide to the right

    1. ScreamingDingo
    2. Rusty Derringer

      Rusty Derringer

      Do the cha-cha now.

    3. Statherian


      Please tell me you still have that video

  5. solid meme

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. blago


      this morning was bad dude but it warmed up, if it snows just watch news ok? dont go to school

    3. blago


      hm okay well Im in Brantford friday so I will reschedule to more easy time for you

    4. blago


      yo its ******* snowing wtf 

  6. telanir please im so desperate for my aether back. My IGN is GirlFeetPlz

    1. alexmagus


      sorry i eated it..

  7. the tables have turned

  8. Though I may be biased due to our rumoured relationship, TrendE has been the greasiest RPer I’ve known with his investment in conflict RP as a character who’s purpose is to serve a chaotic field. Not only is the RP always good quality, but he keeps it to a serious note. 

    When the defending players don’t express an issue with it, it seems that the acting Moderator was acting on personal opinion instead of professional. You’re suppose to investigate the whole field, not just whip instantly. With the way Conflict Blacklists are being handed out there’s actually no standard. You just want the whole server to avoid any character feelings of conflict. 

    The way the server has being turned to avoid more pvp goon influence was honestly one I support, but you’re enforcing it the wrong way and against people who only contribute to a good time on the server.

    @Telanir Please be fair on this, and look into the situation as whole because as a poor farmer victim of TrendE, it was the best RP I’ve had since Axios. 

  9. War discord, please.

    1. Fireheart


      Talk to Tornado.

  10. We fuckin dying out here ✊?✊???????

  11. Where is yurd 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Gustando


      Flays are past, reivers are future 😔

    3. Bhased


      stay free comrade

    4. blago


      To return to the prison of mcrp,  this bellowing hellhole of masochism 

  12. Who makes skins? Offering 3k mina.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zacho


      i can make them, dunno how good it'll be

    3. blago


      Axel is making it for me - Thank you, everyone.


  13. Why were my posts censored you god damn commies. Is it cause I said bum? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HurferDurfer1
    3. NotEvilAtAll


      “Communism is when you sensor people on Internet forums; the more people you sensor, the communister it is”

      -Karl Marx

    4. blago


      Wise words by our messiah 

  14. Wish I was in the GM snap group

  15. With some of our brothers passing away, we'll be looking for more applications soon. Be sure to apply for GM if you believe yourself capable. 

    1. GloriaPreussens


      Rest in peace, those we've lost.

  16. You gonna come farm with me?

    1. rukio


      When Burnsider gives me the last biased warning point I 100% will 

  17. You guys remember the Krugmar cobblestone box tower lava pit siege?

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