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Status Updates posted by ferdaboy

  1. need writers for my milk bending lore submission

    1. TeawithFrisket


      Moo evocation

    2. greisn
    3. Onnensr


      Blood magic + tawkins your blood white

  2. why care theyre unpaid

    1. ferdaboy


      this is so embarassing i meant to reply to ur status update

    2. Greehn



  3. id like to thank those who consistently upvote whatever i post, no matter the quality. you know who you are.

    1. Dyl


      No one cares loser

    2. greisn
  4. real recognizes real. fire rep farm. wp.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sam33497


      @ferdaboyhow much rep did i get before it was hidden i was sleeping

    3. rukio


      2 less than me at 31 and 33 respectively @sam33497

    4. ferdaboy


      i upvoted at 29

  5. just sat here in the library thinking abt thedragonsroost. a pillar of our community gone.

    1. jdesarno


      Atlas was a fun time yes.

    2. tasty_cheesecake


      i almost totally forgot abt that guy

  6. new crp weapon unlocked 

  7. omg people r mad they cant say pvp wait till they find out they cant say the nword

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      slippery slope fallacy


      nobody is arguing for zero restrictions on what can be said in chat, only that "PvP" being word filtered shouldn't be one of those restrictions.

    3. Laeonathan


      4 hours ago, Harfleur said:

      Who let you access the internet.


    4. ferdaboy


      guys i took an L today

  8. she gudgeon on my pintle till i hinge

  9.  succubunnies is cannon lotc lore

    1. Mannamannaa


      ...Please No.

  10. the griefing is done in rp guys

  11. she gudgeon on my pintle till i hinge

  12. GUYS i need to know whos your favorite philosopher/thinker and if anyone says machiavelli i will block you

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Borin


      sean dyche

    3. xMuted


      3 hours ago, Borin said:

      sean dyche

      Sean dyche masterclass against city incoming

    4. ydegirl


      julia serano

  13. guys lets talk politics 


    thoughts on isreal v palestine? 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ferdaboy


      @Ibn Khaldun I see, when I read it I focused mostly on the social and religious aspects of the Muqaddimah


      I really found his approach to the secularism of the state and how being your own thinker within religion interesting



      Gotta understand OPEC & American interventionalism if you want to start tackling Palestinian Rights. 

    4. ferdaboy


      I do understand them both

  14. Coming full circle once again


    when will humans rally against every1 else

    1. chaotikal
    2. ferdaboy


      If ur gonna comment on my status updates u have to upvote

  15. would genocide be something staff would let happen in rp

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      You can try to do IRP genocide if you want but since monks revive the dead you can’t really have a “successful” genocide without OOC harassment to make their playerbase quit (which would get you banned obviously).

    3. argonian


      @NotEvilAtAllit's the thought that counts

    4. ferdaboy


      guys if ur going to freaking comment atleast upvote u freeloaders what the hell

  16. Why is my status update being hidden without a warning or message have I even done anything wrong

  17. guys how many warning points do u have

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Crevel
    3. Elite Snipes

      Elite Snipes

      9. I got two for posting a meme unrelated to the subject on Munas post

    4. Nord
  18. this apex update taking a while n now im on this **** website

  19. looking for rp family looking for someone to play their daughter (no incest rp)

    1. KaiserJacobII


      Why do you have to specify no incest?

    2. squakhawk


      5 star general (alex)ferdaboys69...? 


      I'll hook you up with an inbred room-temp-iq bastard, mayb familiar to an old friend ...

    3. monkeypoacher


      looking for rp family looking for someone to play their daughter (incest rp)

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