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Everything posted by MailC3p

  1. me, in the last war trying to purposfully annoying to Urguan and ended up leaving the war with 2 new tripartite friends
  2. also shmeep, since you're clearly awake rn, mind hoping onto lotc rq and help me break into the remains of Reutov? i need a mod to watch me lockpick chests.
  3. yes of course, though i will be real with you Shmeep, 3-4 hour CRP is not my thing man... not my thing but still, i was told people where OOCly upset, not your guys, mainly just Vuiller people.
  4. i've seen jack shit in terms of ooc, the most heated i've seen it get was in the wiki discord earlier today when i said "L, one man house" To Grnappa, obviously day 1 of the war was the most heated, i had 20 people in my DMs asking me what the **** was happening and people from both sides asking me to join them, and with the sacking of vuillermoz i know some people got upset at that becuase Vuillermoz had yet to pick a side in the war, but besides that i've seen practically nothing in terms of ooc, most of my friends are still my friends, though some people have left my discord server because i support Lion and they support Jay. as well as what Shmeep said in his response, i was also pretty dissapointed when i saw people from my own side calling jay supporters 'peterphiles' it just seems really tasteless, especially considering the 2nd to last Emperor we had. also, to people like @Shmeepicusand Ave, and just anyone who was my friend OOCly before this war but are now on the other side, i'd just like to say that i do not care for your IRP position, because i find it really silly to suddenly hate your OOC friends because they IRPly like another guy who you do not like is just next level dumbassery, but at the same time if you are someone who suddenly OOCly hate someone you where friends with because they IRPly support another guy, perhaps you should just leave lotc and go touch some grass, maybe learn how to allow friends to have opinions that aren't the same as yours.
  5. Staff really partitioned the WT like Poland was by Germany and Russia during WW2.
  6. After a long consideration. I have decided to betray. After receiving multiple death threats from [Insert Triparite / Rebel shill here], I’ve learned that the Empire is actually corrupt and Urguan is the only way forward. Urguan had lots of [Active and engaging RP] such as [PVP] and [More PVP]. I am now a dwarf peer. Good bye.

    1. UnusualBrit


      Welcome to the Dark Side we have cookies.

    2. Shiredom


      Welcome to the club, Mail.

  7. MailC3p

    An Inquiry

    ah yes, bring back nexus (historically shite system from what i've been told)
  8. Arthur Komnenos looked over the missive from his office in St. Lothar, as he read it over he looked over at his wife, asleep in her bed “I suppose you can no longer say you have ferrymen friends dear.” he whispered to himself in a voice that she could not quite hear “goodspeed ferryboys, we fought many battles against eachother, i wish you luck wherever you may go.”
  9. Looking for webdesigners and or graphic designers?? well, i took a class in college about graphic design “I suppose I’m something of a graphic designer myself”
  10. I will only +1 if you hack into lotc and give me admin role
  11. Baron Arthur screamed in victory as the final remnants of coalition forces was killed in the holdings of the small yet impossible to break into wooden box, he removed his helmet so that he could see once again, his entire suit of armor, as well as his sword, was covered in blood.
  12. Arthur reads of the missive while sitting at his desk, his helmet sitting eight next to him as he did so "hmmm, let's see then, they need four nations, two mercenary companies and a shitty settlement to become a threat towards Oren, truly a shame, it will be fun killing them"
  13. yes, how does it feel to spend a year on here? -MailC3p, a player who's been on here 3 years
  14. "How pathetic the rest of the world is" Arthur said to himself as he read over the missive from his providence balcony, his blood stained red with the blood of his enemies from the battle "A coalition of professional forces lead by Haense, Urguan, and Norland just barely killed a handful of more men when their enemy was that of mere bandits, a handful of levy from Blackvale and that of a barely rallied ISA, what a shame the rest of the world is so weak"
  15. i haven't had the glitch in a while, i find if you stand 100% still you will not take damage
  16. The Baron St. Lothar looked over the missive in his bedroom, a smirk formed on his lips as an idea came to his mind. "well, this will certinally be an interesting devlopment for the empire, maybe i could get them to teach the ISA how to fight, maybe my free company as well"
  17. A old and decrepit man would be sitting in his house somewhere in the orenian countryside when this missive, like many others, made it's way to his manor, a servant would begin to read it for him as his eyesight wasn't what it was when he was younger "interesting"
  18. Out of all 10 years, how many do you regret being here?
  19. sounds mad that you can't get **** or *****
  20. Name: Miryias Race: Elf Age: 101 Gender: Male [[OOC]] Username: MailC3p Discord: 𝓜𝓪𝓲𝓵#2767 Timezone: EST
  21. tfw person not fighting in war and who's nation has not been raided during this war complains about lack of war. you can easily bandit people on horses with a copy pasted emote
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