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Everything posted by tadabug2000

  1. A babe within Valdev, having finally found some semblance of rest after the previous prophecy only hours earlier, awoke once more with a wail. She peered out into the darkness, clutching at nothing as her small form shivered. The young girl, just under two didn't understand these dreams, these prophecies. She knew nothing, in truth, save for that feeling of fright as she cried and cried. Would her mother tend to her or sleep through her wails still? Woefully unaware of the perils of her cursed child who wailed into the night.
  2. Within the confines of Valdev, of a house she has not seen the outside of since her birth, a baby - not quite two yet, awakes with piercing wails. Little fingers extend outwards, searching for someone or something there in the darkness. Her gaze fell upon something in the corner, empty to who all else would see it and yet, it seemingly calmed her. The childs gaze lingered, tears slowly calming. She stares, unblinkingly, into that corner for ages afterwards.
  3. Ofeliya Weiss marks the date. She is terribly happy to go and support her Uncle on his wedding day!
  4. Renata Alba avoided her twin like the plague after he so callously ruined his pair of pajamas for the sleepover! Hers had patches of white, after all, and she wasn't too sure they'd look good in orange . . .
  5. A FIFTH ROYAL NAMEDAY Of Rafael and Renata THE VICEROYAL HOUSEHOLD 11th of Javier’s Justice, circa 89 D.R. It is with immense joy that the Viceroyal family announces the fifth nameday celebrations of His Highness, Infante Rafael Arsenico and Her Highness, Infanta Renata Alba. They are of the first of their name, and we watch on to see the precedents they set for those to follow after them. The theme of the nameday celebrations is that of ‘A Night in Hyspia’, the meaning of such up to the attendees discretion, though heavily encouraged to come dressed in your best. The night will end with a sleepover for the children in attendance, so be sure to get your parents permission first! [A depiction of the celebrations to take place.] The Festivities The festivities will open with the introductions of the young royals to those in attendance, within the Palacio de Garisol. A series of tables will be set out, showcasing a series of different foods for the attendees to enjoy at their discretion, while a series of performances take place. Following this is a game of ‘Pin the Tail on the Bull’, the unveiling of a new game invented for this very day and the beating of the traditional Hyspian pinata! The night will close off with a sleepover in the palace, where it is encouraged to bring your best onesies to wear! For those seeking to bring gifts, the Infante Rafael is known to enjoy anything to do with fighting or to do with music and the Infanta Renata is known to love all things purple and anything that can lead to adventure. [Thursday, 5pm EST]
  6. [!] A missive would find itself in the mailboxes of all Lords, Ladies and Commoners in the realm. THE BURNING OF THE LILACS; And Planting of the Marigolds Issued by THE WEISS HOUSEHOLD Naf zwy 14th hag i Tov ag Yermey i 516 E.S. [A depiction of the newly planted Marigolds within the Weiss Keep.] With the disappearance of the Viscount Walter Weiss, a challenge is set forth from his heir, the Lady Ofeliya Weiss. "I have told you some years ago that I will challenge you when I see that your blade has dulled. I have asked you, even, after what I’d overheard in the square before the Voidal attack if you needed assistance. And still, you have left. Come back to your family within two Saints days, father, or I will sit upon the ivory throne within Novkurskain." As I pen this missive, the lilacs that are so beloved to you, burn within our courtyard. Flames lick up their stems, being directed in a way that only these flowers alone, burn and burn well. I will have no more of ill luck for the House of Weiss, and marigolds shall take their place. Should you wish to find all in tact, as I systematically change our keep and for the better, come back and sit upon the Ivory throne. Until then, this is my Pride, Lord Walter Weiss. Signed, The Honorable, Ofeliya Fabienne Weiss, Viscountess of Novkursain, Baroness of Zvaervauld, Curator of the Crowns Jewels of the Esrova Court
  7. THE LION’S CUB Issued by The Weiss Household ON THIS 2ND DAY OF GRONNA AG DROBA OF 516 E.S. The Lion’s Pride expands. It was upon the wee hours of the morning within the Staalgrav keep, that the hustling of a harried Valet, Grayson Marshall had soon woke those of the Viscounty. He had made way down to the servants quarters with a clipped pace, ringing a bell that awoke those there. The servantry of the Weiss household, a well-oiled machine, worked prim, punctual and without mistakes. Water soon began to boil, fresh towels were brought to the heiress tower and a sound unheard heard previously keened throughout the keep. Wailing. As the blazing, yellow sun rose overhead, one of the four symbols of the Weiss household shown true - showcasing the majesty of the moment and the righteousness of the heir of the heir born. A wee babe, no more than five pounds, swaddled within Weiss blue blankets. He held his mothers olive eyes, hosting a full head of hair and a pair of lungs that he certainly got from his father. Mother and father peered upon their heir, their child, and gave him a name amidst joyous and exhausted family and friends alike. “Karl Varon Christopher Weiss.” @CasChaos --- It is rumored that the Viscountess, and newly made grandmother, banished anything of perceived ill-luck from the room. Lilacs, primarily, amongst what was removed. One would think Marian to be a general of war, as she commanded the servantry and those of the household with such fluidity. Many of the Weiss, especially the new parents, were not seen for many days - held up within the keep as the roaring of the Lion’s Pride echoed through Staalgravs halls. The Viscount Walter leading the charge amongst them in the celebrations. The child was welcomed into this world amidst much fanfare, a baptism then held, officially welcoming the Lion’s Cub into the pride. Signed, Her Ladyship, Ofeliya Fabienne Weiss, Heiress to the Viscounty of Novkursain His Lordship, Christopher Fabian Weiss
  8. Viktoria af Brasca gaze fell over the missive. She knew deep down, when she left, that he may go for the girl. A sigh left the woman, but she found she wasn't as troubled as she expected to be. Her gaze fell upon her husband, Sir Gaspard, and a smile formed - watching as he tilled the fields of the home they claimed in their self-imposed exile. The missive is folded, and tucked neatly away. Afterwards, she joins him outside with a freshly made drink for both - urging him to come inside for a break. @M1919
  9. Renata Alba, the infamous and only Infanta of Hyspia would often find herself peeking into the young Princes room. She was curious, that was for certain. Her face would stretch out, and she'd poke at her cheeks, making faces for her cousin to see. If anyone were to ask her what she's doing, she'd run off!
  10. Renata peered up towards her father, sensing that he seemed different. She couldn't put her finger o the how or why of it, she was but a child - but her arms extended out, fingers curling against fabric as she called to him. "Padre!" It was her usual request, to be picked up and set upon his shoulders, of which she ca see the world from greater heights. Once picked up, she takes in the dazzling sights before pressing a big kiss against his cheek. "Te amo, Padre!"
  11. MC Name: tadabug2000 Discord: tadabug2000 Image: Description of Image: A portrait of Ofeliya Weiss. Dimensions: 2 high, 1 wide [1x1? 2 maparts]
  12. THE LION’S UNION Issued by The Weiss Household ON THIS 16TH DAY OF Jula AG Piov OF 515 E.S. Ar A depiction of Ofeliya Fabienne Weiss and Christopher Fabian Galbraith. Trials and tribulations pocket throughout anyone’s life, proven so with those born into the ongoing war. Strife, it bled and bleeds still throughout the cobbled pathways and alleyways of the couple's respective nations - and yet, amongst it all, they found each other. A simple greeting in the tavern turned a stolen day at Lotusgrad, the duo having rowed across the finish line through crystal blue waters. Their laughter rung free, and they grew closer, finding comfort in each other's company. From laughter brewed camaraderie, and the trials of war became trials of courtship. It was hard, difficult, but when was anything anyone ever wanted in life easy? Challenge offered and challenge met. It is with this, that the Weiss household announces their heiress Lady Ofeliya Fabienne Weiss impending nuptials to the Lord Christopher Fabian Galbraith The wedding will take place within the Edvardian Basilica within the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, to be followed by drinks within the tavern. [Feb 3rd, directly after Haense court] Formal Invitations are Sent to: His Holiness, Sixtus VI His Royal Majesty, King Aleksandr II of Haense and his pedigree Her Grace, Roslin Baruch, Duchess of Valwyck and her pedigree His Grace, Viktor var Ruthern, Duke of Vidaus and his pedigree His Grace, Alfred Barclay, Duke of Reinmar and his pedigree The Most Honourable, Otto Ludovar, Margrave of Kvasz and his pedigree The Right Honourable, Cassian Colborn, Count of Malkovya and his pedigree The Honourable, Walter Weiss, Viscount of Novkursain and his pedigree His Lordship, Henrik Amador, Viscount of Zvezlund and his pedigree His Lordship, Anatoliy Godunov, Baron of Verskaya and his pedigree Her Ladyship, Katrin Stafyr, Baroness of Thurant and her pedigree Her Ladyship, Irena Kortrevich, Baroness of Koravia and her pedigree His Lordship and Her Ladyship, Mikhail and Rosalind Valkonen, Baron and Baroness of Szargrad and their pedigree His Lordship, Fyodor Kovachev, Baron of Kovgrad and his pedigree Her Royal Majesty, Queen Sibyl I of Balian and her pedigree The Right Honorable, Count of Aquiliae, Johan Vuiller and his pedigree The Right Honorable, Count of Salia, Gabriel d'Arkent and his pedigree The Right Honorable, Count of Marsana, Demetrius var Ruthern and his pedigree The Most Honorable, Viscount of Tuvia, Ephrem Kervallen and his pedigree The Honourable, Marq-Barón of Montcoure, Dante DeNurem and his pedigree The Honorable, Baron of Cascanova, John Galbraith and his pedigree The Honorable, Baron of Enderoca, Robert de Lyons and his pedigree The Honorable, Baron of Valio, Casimir Vilac and his pedigree Lord Emilio Varoche Lady Arianna Denodado Lady Viviana Vilac Sir Milonir of Whitehall Firr Maxwell Firress Arcadia Ramnesius Firr Nikandir Firress Deia Firr Grayson Marshall Signed, Her Ladyship, Ofeliya Fabienne Weiss, Heiress to the Viscounty of Novkursain His Lordship, Christopher Fabian Galbraith
  13. Ofeliya Weiss soon heard the news of her cousin. She'd spoken to her a few times, and has begun to grow fond of her - she'd been so busy too, she wished she wasn't. She should of went to the sleepover.. She never got to give her the promised pink sapphire necklace either. Another person taken so soon from the world. When would it end?
  14. "Oh, Vicente, maravillosa!" The woman placed a kiss against his bearded cheek, as their three children ran rampant about. "You deserve it, mi amor."
  15. Ofeliya Weiss listened to her sisters song, and later when upon her lonesome in the keep, she too sang it. Such a beautiful song!
  16. [!] Flyers have been found about Hyspia . . . The Murietta family is a simple family that pours themselves into their work, having learnt to be jacks-of-all-trades in their humble way of life. It is in this that they offer their work for a small fee, the common family residing within Hyspia where the sound of a hammer pounding or the scent of something baked often seeps out of their household. Vicente Murietta II work lies in the chopping of wood, mining of ores and various repairs and projects as needed. Should furniture need to be moved? He is your man! Hiring him is but a simple bird away, making your day that much easier. Mariposa Murietta, the wife of the beloved construction worker, skills lie elsewhere. Whether catering to Hyspian feasts, aiding in the planning of Quinceaneras, the decorating of one’s home or the cleanliness of one’s household, she is your woman! The work offered is not kept to these alone, for the Murietta Rouseabout accepts all sorts of odd jobs for but a small fee - to be discussed between consumer and customer! Contact Vicente [Ragnarakajavvy] or Mariposa [tadabug2000] today!
  17. [!] Pamphlets appear across the city of Valdev. Each one-of-a-kind piece is twenty minas, and must be purchased directly through the Curator.
  18. THE ABDICATION OF BRASCA Issued by THE BARONY OF BRASCA It is with a clear conscience that I, Viktoria Helena af Brasca, declare my abdication of my title as Baroness of Brasca to my eldest son and heir, Jan Gaspard af Brasca. Years have passed, and amidst the turmoils of war, the time has come for my progeny to grasp the horns of the bull for themselves and step forth onto their paths, in either which way it takes them. Remember your history, my children. And make history anew. Signed, Lady Viktoria Helena af Brasca
  19. Ofeliya Weiss gave a general courtesy read of the missive, pausing heavily upon the first mention of gemstones. She was lost, then, having an entirely new aspect of gems to study into and made a mental note to change out what jewelry she wore frequently so she did not imbalance her humors!
  20. Renata Alba, newly-born Infanta of Hyspia wailed and wailed . . . and wailed. She was none too happy being awoken from her slumber, cheeks flushed and tears never-ending. The child will certainly offer her parents no quarter!
  21. THE HEIR TO BRASCA Issued by THE BARONY OF BRASCA Fifteen years ago, under the reign of the late Baron George and Viktoria af Brasca, the Barony of Brasca witnessed the joyous arrival of their first children. It was a time of celebration, and amidst the festivities, a decision was made. The heirship of the household would be of a meritorious nature, to be determined when the youngest reached the age of fourteen. Today, the Barony of Brasca takes pride in announcing the heir to their household and all that it encompasses: His Lordship, Jan Gaspard af Brasca @TheHunter38 In the fifteen years since his birtth, Jan has grown into a young man of promise. By no means has he been perfect, facing many challenges along the way but he has demonstrated a commitment to change, the upkeep of his family and a genuine care for his household. We look forward to the continued growth and success of Jan, to see where he may succeed and fail alike in the tasks forth, as he goes on to carry forward the esteemed legacy of the Barony of Brasca. Signed, The Honorable, Viktoria Helena af Brasca, Baroness of Brasca, Castellan of the Courts of Winburgh
  22. Viktoria af Brasca writes down the Hungry Hungry recipe to use for later, though she may modify it as needed. At least she finally knew a recipe approved by her allies that she can provide when they visit in Veletz!
  23. The Lady Brasca enjoys Sir Gaspards speech immensely as she often did! "Run e run, but who will save vy now?" Viktoria produced a newly made blade, proffering it to her eldest son. "Moy make them pay, Jan. E then moy celebrate."
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