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About Elindor

  • Rank
    Wandering Philosopher
  • Birthday 08/18/1989

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    London, England
  • Interests
    I work producing Film and Television

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  1. Happy new year, a week late!

  2. This 'event proposal' is my idea drop. The scale of this is unrealistic and I have no expectations that it could be achieved at its most awesome level in the current timeframe, however scale down or leave it for next year. If a team of Event people really wanted to run with this, something could be put together in time though. I believe in you. What is important in this event is reminiscence as an opportunity to invite past players back to the server, even if only for a few days, anticipating that some will convert to playing again. So the event setup is just as important as keeping players informed about what is to come, particularly in the form of a mailout to all email addresses of LotC forum accounts. @Tythus probably needs to be on board for that to happen. Hence the intentional tie in to this time of year as distanced past players won't mind so much being invited to take a look at LotC again if its a festive celebration of our past. 12 Days of Christmas The concept is super simple. Every day there is something new to take a look at. Its like an LotC advent calendar. The IG setup is the sudden appearance of a mushroom house which has little inside it but many locked doors that appear not to lead anywhere. 12 to be precise. And at a designated time each day one of the doors closes and another opens, revealing a portal traversing space and time. Each day players can come and travel through that day's portal to a multiverse location. Some suggestions for destination will come later. An explanation is not entirely neccessary, though in this community it it usually sought after. So I'll happily get specific using someone that I know well, Elindor The Volatile. However a wizard from another realm altogether could be used instead, as Rasmot was introduced all that time ago. Seen as a return for me is at about 1% likelihood, this is a good opportunity for me to explain away what's happenned. Elindor dissappeared some time ago to traverse through time and space to another moment in the Universe which he believes requires him. Note: I have been playing Elindor as wholly believing himself to have travelled forwards through time previously, but in a manner as to call into question his grip upon reality. If LT decide that there is no way ever for someone to move through time, that's cool. [Stole this pic from an amazing artist on pinterest. I have no regrets] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Once a scholar, teacher, winemaker; a master of minds continued to press upon the boundaries of magical possibility, ever challenging the Void to rend his form assunder in an effort to overcome Time. Thrusting himself through centuries in an instant, the highly fortified mind of Elindor began to fragment. The wizard clung to memories with vivacious desperation in a bid to claw back his identity. His hermitage abode progressively reflected the intentional compartmentalising of his own consciousness, housing little more than bookshelves and doors. Until his will could withhold no longer and he abandoned his home to once again become a philosophical wanderer. Inexplicably the mushroom hideaway appeared out of the Void without any trace of its inhabitant. A sign hung upon the door reading "Merry Krugmas". ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Twelve Doors Each door contains a portal that leads to a location within 'memory'. These can be memories of past and future, as the timeline Elindor was last in may be centuries in the distance. So not every area would need to be from a past map, but obviously having many of them honouring the past of LotC creates a warm nostalgic vibe. Perhaps the last door could be a snapshot of a future realm...? Whether the portal is transporting travellers across realms (and through time) to a past location, or if the area has just been created like a vivid memory is not fully explainable. But every area is absent of the original inhabitants. It might be interesting to throw in an event creature or dragon here or there too. But mostly the intention would be to copy memorable areas from old maps and allow our players to explore them once again (or for the first time). The area sizes should be limited so as not to ditract too much from the server's normal roleplay. In terms of locations, AlKhazar in Aegis was very important to Elindor's emotional past. Aside from that I really don't mind where the other doors go. Practically just use whatever maps there is easy access to old backup files for.
  3. Do you have a separate explanation for the previous Hollows that created random structures and entities by telepathically reading those who entered its presence? Is there a situation in which this happens, rather than the Hollows which you have detailed? They were typically from Nodes upon which Mages had established themselves so it could have something to do with the tampering of the energies put out by the Node prior to it resulting in a Hollows.
  4. I like having side writing projects. Coming back to an unfinished sentence that reads "The darkness within quickly grew impenetrable". Story of my life! #JK #notdepressed

  5. The limit at T3 is the strength of a regular person. So in terms of what to be doing in combat, shy away from lifting any more than a (strong) person would be able to.
  6. This is how i imagine you

  7. This still doesn't seem balanced enough and would only be appropriate as an event playable creature. For its strengths to be all improvements upon the physical aspects of a normal player and its weaknesses to be only external influences, the benefits are way too badass. Adding to this that death just means reset and go again... I am not for the lore.
  8. Elindor

    Curse Words

    Swear words are often a way of accentuating emotional distress, adding character to your speech, or simply a demonstration of a lack of education. With a wealth of history throughout LotC there isn't much excuse for resorting to the first swear word that comes to one's mind while writing a sentence. So to enrich your arsenal, this thread will compile swear words that are useful within LotC and are not particularly race specific. If you have submissions please post them. Whether or not they are added will be entirely within my control so if you don't like it go suck Silvos' sweatpatch. Useful Swear Words Plough, Ploughing A commoners term for the act of sexual intercourse used as a common curse word for just about anything. Scar, Scarring, Scarrer Derived from the blah word “Skah” (similar meaning to plough) though in common it refers to the act of injuring someone without having the honour to kill them in battle. Dank Feces. Is a reference to racial prejudices against Dark Elves. In certain circles the word has had the opposite affect and describes something respected within popular culture. Spook Someone or something which continues to pester despite seemingly having been dealt with. Kha-bait A person whose personality is so unusual that one may expect them to have inter-species relations. Hobknob, hobknobber Male genitalia that is below the average size. Derived from the uncommon term for halflings: ‘hobbit’, and the shape of a door handle that may liken to the end of male genitalia. Vilar From the Elven word ‘valah’ meaning human. This is someone who demonstrates the opposite of valor, embodying all the downfalls of humanity: foolish, gullible, quick to switch allegiance. Bells, Lady Bells A woman’s breasts. Unconventionally "Archmage Bells" or "Arch Bells" can be used for the same body part that is of remarkable size and/or visual quality. Edgy Someone who makes incredible efforts to display superiority of character that they are an embarrassment. Nether, ie “What the Nether?” The realm of origin of all dark and hideous creatures, and the eternal resting place of undead. Poltroon A man who can be described as base, dishonoured, and a coward Vardak An exclamation for when things take a turn for the worse meaning 'rotting filth', though if you got to know him he was quite a reasonable guy. Enjoyable Expletives for the Gentleman or Lady By Blundermore’s Bollocks (or by Blundermore’s beard) The source of the thing to have caused such shock is assumed to be supernatural. The phrasing of "by [name]'s beard" expresses surprise and can have interchangeable beard owners depending on said person's notoriety within the culture of the speaker. Godfery’s Garters Referring to one’s private region. Great for use during formal engagements where vulgar language is unwelcome. Insufferable Lich Someone who makes one’s skin crawl at the thought. Their presence may be a drain upon the life force of those around them even though this is not something liches do. Loathsome Banshee A woman whose voice brings suffering. Her Whispering Isles A ladies genitalia Son of a Druid A bastard whose only parenting must have come from a tree, as demonstrated by their actions.
  9. The desire for fancy name tag grows...

  10. But like, how many days is it gonna take for me to be whitelisted?

  11. @CaptainSheepyDid you have any pics of Rasmot's Pooper? Couldn't find any in old albums.

  12. If you want some script writing or similar done drop me a line. I don't have a computer beefy enough to edit anything, so I am handicapped to help any further than planning. However for Christmas public holidays I could take a work computer and edit if there's a need. I'd just have to offline edit to work around slow renders. But is doable if you have some media collab ideas.

    1. ski_king3
    2. firespirit44


      Elindor why do you do this to yourself.


      Get a new computer bloody hell.


      And pass me your skype

  13. I've been looking to teach someone magic by Forum/Skype RP. If it is something you'd like to do give me a message

    1. MunaZaldrizoti


      Thanks for the offer! If I have the need to learn magic in the near future, I will be sure to PM you! 

    2. Elindor


      One has no need for magic. One simply /becomes/ magic.   Up to you. It shall certainly be enjoyable of that I can assure you.

  14. @ski_king3 you make me a little sad. Message me on my new skype sometime

    1. ski_king3


      I forget what it is, message me bud :P

  15. It may also aid in explaining why when shifting from one realm to another there were differences in the passing of time, and inconsistencies of the calculation of dates. As there were always a few fluctuating dates and changes in how long days and weeks were as we moved around.
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