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Re-Locking All Magic


Re-locking magic  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. Should magic be re-locked

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    • No and explain why in a comment

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You know what irks me about the staff? The removal of VAs and Magic Applications. They're amazing ideas, and would be good for the server.


If they actually worked they would not have been removed. VAs blocked the flow of RP and failed to regulate villainy. MAs overvalued magic and enabled staff-endorsed powergaming, and suffered from the fundamental flaw of a finite lifespan: T5 characters were so hard to get they never died and thus the server converged on a very large number of T5 magi.


We removed these things because we tried them and they proved ineffective. What little benefit they had wasn't worth the cost.

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If they actually worked they would not have been removed. VAs blocked the flow of RP and failed to regulate villainy. MAs overvalued magic and enabled staff-endorsed powergaming, and suffered from the fundamental flaw of a finite lifespan: T5 characters were so hard to get they never died and thus the server converged on a very large number of T5 magi.


We removed these things because we tried them and they proved ineffective. What little benefit they had wasn't worth the cost.

This too. 

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get the **** over yourselves and let people play the game how they want to


jesus christ

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If they actually worked they would not have been removed. VAs blocked the flow of RP and failed to regulate villainy. MAs overvalued magic and enabled staff-endorsed powergaming, and suffered from the fundamental flaw of a finite lifespan: T5 characters were so hard to get they never died and thus the server converged on a very large number of T5 magi.

We removed these things because we tried them and they proved ineffective. What little benefit they had wasn't worth the cost.

No. I agreed that the removal is good, we just need regulations to compensate for why they were proposed in the first place.

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What regulations though? Requiring teachers doesn't improve the quality of magic, it just cliques it. It's all pain no gain from a community perspective.

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yeah no, lol. let people do what they want without some bulls*** ooc restriction. if you want to be unique, go do something cool ic rather then brag about how cool your private magic is.


and if they abuse it, tell them theyre wrong or ignore them. people also abuse swords and bows all the time, should we start getting swordsman and bowmanship applications in, too?

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This. I hate elitism. Let people rp, no restrictions, no applications, just rules. No more MAT, no more VAT, just role-play."They'll abuse magic"So what, ignore them, magic was never special since Anthos, not because it was locked or unlocked, but because the good mages left.  Or got banned, or got magic stripped. Magic's not special, it's a rp style. Stop hitting a dead horse with a shovel to bring it back to life- wait, you can't, necromancy is locked. #UnlockAllMagicWhoGivesAHonestCrud2014."they're new players for the majority"Not at all, sure, some are, but most are old players who want to try something new."They abuse" then ignore them, or report them. You're making excuses to make yourselves the elite again, the people who people try to be. Locking magic is a big no-no, in fact, let's unlock all of it. I'm quite radical on this opinion, there's no point in ooc elitism again, it's stupid, it's annoying, it restricts rp for no reason than personal want to be special. I can respect you want magic to be special, but locking it won't do a sh*t. You have to do special things with it to be worthwhile, not have an accepted clique application.

Here's what I want you to do. Go play on Uthrandir for 1 week. Look it up you'll find it.

That's a MC role play server without restrictions. NOW do you want role play without restrictions? I think your mind would change.

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Ages back we made the decision that would mean the creation of the magic plugin that we know today.


Now we have it that everyone has equal opportunity to learn and use magic, there are no clique restrictions and there is no bias against any specific player. Magic now caters to the individual, the individual that is to learn magic has a choice of how they'd like to approach it. They mustn't wait for anyone to give them directions, but there are plenty of instructions available as guides or on the wiki if they feel it necessary. It is very spontaneous, which means if you're in the mood for a month to play a magic character, you can play them for that month until you get tired of it if that is what is fun for you.


Built on this premises was the entire magic plugin. So, we are not switching systems, but we are building on the previous one. We need a system that is both efficient and responsive, and that way you won't have to wait for the magic plugin like you would for a teacher. It can be very spontaneous, your persona can choose to learn magic as suddenly as they like one day. The more time you will spend on magic the more skilled you will become, and if you want to role-play magic you won't be restricted to just the spells you learned mechanically, but it is recommended you do.


No hard restrictions, you will simply have a tag attached to you that people will be able to see with a click of your persona. Magic level: (NONE, or NOVICE, or MASTER and etc.) very generic tags that can be applied by the common player that will indicate a level of power. The magic plugin is there to guide players into shaping up their role-play, as a result there won't be any instant masters, people will have to cultivate their mastery.


For those of you who want freedom, you get plenty.


For those of you who want magic to be sparse, it will be difficult enough.


For those of you who want an unbiased and spontaneous experience, plugins don't pick favourites.


But beyond all that text if you want a TL;DR version of why I really make the decision to make no changes, the magic plugin won't be changed after being developed for half a year. That's a bad idea if you want a quick release. If you feel that there is no relation between the plugin and roleplay, it is not so, with the plugin release it will guide and control the roleplay, but give you plenty of creative freedom.

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