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Arcane Prosthetics - An Extension Of Arcane Puppetry


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"stone shields that are also arms" 


They are designed to be arms capable of being controlled by mortals, not machines like Golems. Use one as a shield at your own risk, one good strike from a mace and you gotta replace your arm

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Yeah I know- I was just giving an example of how it might possibly be abused- where someone can 'temporarily forget' how it's supposed to work, and block stuff they shouldn't be able to. Most lore can end up like that too- and mine is likely going to be no exception, no matter how hard I try.

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Wait, couldn't you just die in a war or something and regrow your limb do to monk magic's soul stuff? I recall looking at Freya's thread, and it showed that the soul of the arm or whatever you lost is still there. So technically, if you are killed or go see a monk by returning to the Cloud Temple about your damaged limb, couldnt you just regrow your limb?


Here is the thread for reference:




Im just giving my sense of things here, so please don't take it to far to heart.

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Yes you definitely can!


Noone is stopping you from canceling any and all damage caused by OOCly using the monks. Stuff like prosthetic limbs and such is only flavor for RPers who prefer to go the hardcore(See: awesome) route, and wish to make the damage done to their characters permanent.

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hex37, on 07 Sept 2014 - 12:30 AM, said:

Yes you definitely can!


Noone is stopping you from canceling any and all damage caused by OOCly using the monks. Stuff like prosthetic limbs and such is only flavor for RPers who prefer to go the hardcore(See: awesome) route, and wish to make the damage done to their characters permanent.


Yeah, to me, that just sounds like a form of powergaming of denying a form of lore every time you respawn. Though, unless you don't go back and respawn at the temple, I guess it isn't.

This is just confusing me a bit, so sorry about going a little of the topic here.

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Yeah I know- I was just giving an example of how it might possibly be abused- where someone can 'temporarily forget' how it's supposed to work, and block stuff they shouldn't be able to. Most lore can end up like that too- and mine is likely going to be no exception, no matter how hard I try.


It wouldn't be abusing the stone arm by using it as a shield. It'll just break if as Dizzy said, it were hit by a blunt weapon, or hit hard enough by a large, sharp weapon. With that being said, I don't think runesmithing or arcane prosthetics are just inherently magics that can be powergamed, but what exactly does this bring to the server that other magics do not? Why get an arcane prosthetic when I can get a runic arm, some weird druidic contraption, or my arm healed in general? What makes this magic a better option? When you actually can fully comprehend other magics, instead of just picking out what is good about them, what is bad about them, and what can be abused about them, you realize it's not as bad as you'd originally think.


With that, I don't think this server would overall become better with this add-on implemented, but I don't think it would have any negative effects either. 

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Yeah, to me, that just sounds like a form of powergaming of denying a form of lore every time you respawn. Though, unless you don't go back and respawn at the temple, I guess it isn't.

This is just confusing me a bit, so sorry about going a little of the topic here.

Yeah it sucks, but it is how it is. Personally my character ICly hates monks with a passion because of this.

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Don't stray off topic, you might get people confused.

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Yes, we shall continue to mention that people shot lasers at people with that lore hex. Because it can be done again and again and again. Its not your responsibility but if you enable them, they will do it.

I am going to ask as well don't make this a personal thing, I am disagreeing with you on lore and your proposition and not trying to ruin your life. I just don't think the creation of this lore will progress roleplay positively in a meaningful and balanced way.


Lago agrees with me, this is a runesmithing thing. Mages have the option of creating a prosthetic arm already of creating one and telekenetically moving it. The reality as well is that you are proposing lore that will for one eliminate the unique nature of a fake limb on someone, and make them common place and simultaneously desicrate a other RP factions area of RP so you can do more stuff!

We all know that people will just say they have a fake limb without ever going about getting one in roleplay. We saw it enough with people "getting" magic and such, and people already try to do it with runic limbs already. You are not generating RP for yourself in the long run, you are only taking it away from us. ( Us not only being me, but the D.O, etc.)


The freedom of roleplay argument thus comes up. At that, I counter it with this. We are all pieces in a game of chess, some are knights some are pawns and some are the queen and a king in each story that unfolds in the big book that is LOTC. People should be kept unique, and different characters equally seperate with maintained balance. If one side has a standard setup and the other a board full of queens which also have the knight special rule, its stupid, the game would be boring, over quickly and fruitless.


Creating cure all lore is going to diminish the server, and making unique traits openly available is just going to make them generic and the whole idea of them burn out. The lore contributes to this affect, and I would stand that if it is passed it will serve as nothing more but another note of where this effect of duling ideas occurred.


I thus repeat -1

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some weird druidic contraption

I'll note again that it hasn't really been allowed since Kefi.
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Oh lima, how predictable...




Yes, we shall continue to mention that people shot lasers at people with that lore hex. Because it can be done again and again and again. Its not your responsibility but if you enable them, they will do it.


No, it isn't- The same thing could happen with a runic arm at any time.

*Newbie mcnewb allows a crystal in his stone hand to glow, It fires a laser at you with RUNIC ENERGY!!!*

It could happen to any magic, at any time... How can you not see that.



We all know that people will just say they have a fake limb without ever going about getting one in roleplay. We saw it enough with people "getting" magic and such, and people already try to do it with runic limbs already. You are not generating RP for yourself in the long run, you are only taking it away from us. ( Us not only being me, but the D.O, etc.)

And? I don't... care if I'm the only one that makes these. Honestly, so long as the lore is out there for anyone to use, I'm happy.




The freedom of roleplay argument thus comes up. At that, I counter it with this. We are all pieces in a game of chess, some are knights some are pawns and some are the queen and a king in each story that unfolds in the big book that is LOTC. People should be kept unique, and different characters equally seperate with maintained balance. If one side has a standard setup and the other a board full of queens which also have the knight special rule, its stupid, the game would be boring, over quickly and fruitless.

That makes absolutely no sense. My limbs are actually weaker than golem runic arms... The only thing better is coordination. Even that is only near human standards. This downgrades a person.



Creating cure all lore is going to diminish the server, and making unique traits openly available is just going to make them generic and the whole idea of them burn out. The lore contributes to this affect, and I would stand that if it is passed it will serve as nothing more but another note of where this effect of duling ideas occurred.

Now you're just contradicting yourself from your earlier post. Either runic limbs are something you give to anyone- or they're something you're hoarding.


Even besides that, the server already has a cure-all-lore. Monks.

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Considering I wrote it, I can safely say it was.

I've got to admit it does fit perfectly in the existing lore, I just wonder why it wasn't explicitly stated from the get go.


Don't really see the point. Limbs can be re-grown through a few magics, and even if you can't get anyone with those magics there are already a couple of ways to do what you're proposing, except with a different material: runesmithing and I believe alteration. Basically I'm saying it's almost definitely not needed and it's giving powers that already exist in other people and magics.


Runesmithing's your classical magical cyborging, then there's some really high power Clerical that can regrow limbs (personally think Clerical healing shouldn't be able to do that), Alchemy (The Potion of Regeneration Kardel invented) also regrows them in a far more in-depth and fulfilling way, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Druids have done a couple of tree arms and an alterationist/enchanter has attempted it at least once.


In light of that, another way of using magic to replace limbs is just another piece of hay in a haystack and in of itself pretty harmless and the only reason I can think of of why you'd be asked to do a separate "addition" lorepost would be that it wasn't explicitly stated in the first place. In terms of lore there's no problem here I can see.


To those worried about the runesmiths:

While there are no shortage of prostheses they all do their own thing. Runesmithed ones, for example are big, bulky and look like golems or robots: they're clearly unwieldy, heavy, agonising to attach and uncomfortable but do the job. They're not suited to fine work in the slightest but they do have a crude sense of touch as far as I know. These ones are lighter but fragile, delicate, completely numb, and look like a porcelain doll. Still unsuited to fine work because it's stated to have no sense of touch (you do have a sense of position provided it's the same size as the original, that's not lore, that's biology). Compared to the dwarven ones they're still unsuited for fine work but they're also easily broken: they win out only in aesthetic and maybe a little in weight, even though they're actually more tiring (pretty sure dwarf ones are thanhium powered).

Plus, as Arcane Puppetry derives some magical principles from Soul Puppetry (don't ask me how, I don't see the connection between porcelain avatars and voodoo dolls) technically dark magic and vunerable to clerical, no?

In short, based on the lore and what Hex has said, the dwarves still have the edge here, they're not exactly going to be replaced by a storm of puppet limbs.

So lorewise we're solid. I'm a little worried about the attitude but that's got nothing to do with the lore itself.

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Provided that no prosthetic limb provides a character with an inherent advantage over other characters I'd say it falls under mech standard and you are free to do whatever the **** your heart desires.

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As I originally wrote it, provided you acquire that limb IC, correct. At least while Mech continues to exist: it's somewhat unpopular courtesy of some random staff member naming another rule exactly the same thing.


I will find that staff member.


One day...

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Hunt them, find them Lago, and kill them.


Honestly I doubt it would take RP away from the drawfs, if someone wants to go to an Arcane person for a new arm, then that's fine. WE're in it to provide RP to all, not hoard RP for ourselves. This magic unlike rune smithing is not limited to a race and if I wanted to I could send a PM to hex today, ask how to do it and create a new character who would know this magic. 


There is no such thing as taking RP from each other, we're not a bunch of companies. The lore has no benefits over any other, and drawf RP can work on proving their work is the greater work if they so desire.

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      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
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