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Ashanaak, Chosen Prophet of the Holy Aengul of Purity, Tahariae


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Ashanaak, Chosen Prophet of the Holy Aengul of Purity, Tahariae





Basic Information


Nicknames - Prophet, Heshakomeu, Hesh, Heshy, Filthy Heretic

Age - 230

Gender - Male

Race - Mali’Aheral

Status - Enlightened, blind, and alive




Height - 6’5”

Weight - 200 lbs.

Body Type - Tall and lean; defined, if not impressive, muscles

Eyes - Both bear a faint white glow and are of an opaque crystalline substance, covered in sporadic, scattered tiny glyphs that glow slightly brighter. If Ashanaak summons forth his light, the eyes see, but otherwise, they are blind.

Hair - White, with mild platinum tint

Skin - Lightly tanned from living in the Caliphate

Markings/Tattoos - The right side of his face is covered in an angular network of thick scar tissue, almost as though it is an intentional design. The left side of his face, however, retains the regal, ageless beauty of an adult high elf. On his neck is a green brand in the image of a stag head, its antlers spreading across the front. On the rare occasion his shirt is removed, a thick line of jagged scar tissue would circle the joint between his right shoulder and arm. Wide intersecting circles are tattooed across his torso; more tattoos in Elvish, likely prayers, line the insides of them.

Health - Unspecified recurring heart complications ; blind

Personality - Enlightened ; distant ; meditative ; content

Inventory - A blessed staff of ironwood is typically held in his hands. The glyphs that cover it glow in rich hues of platinum, crimson, and lapis. An oaken shield rimmed with iron banding and bearing a thick round iron center hangs on his back. He wears a thick brown coat over simple cotton shirt and trousers, with leather travelling boots and thick leather gauntlets. Bound to his simple rope belt is a thick leatherbound tome; a light flanged mace with golden edges hangs from a small strap attached to it. Inside the tome are yellowed pages covered in intricate diagrams of the bodies of the many races, as well as copious descriptions of clerical rituals and spells. Numerous objects are stored in folds, pockets, and straps within the thick coat: a bundle of four white candles bound together with twine; two thin rods, one of flint and the other of steel; a small wooden canteen, inside of which is water; a small aurum bottle, inside of which is rose incense; travelling bread wrapped tightly in thin cloth.


Life Style


Alignment - Lawful Good

Deity - Tahariae

Religion - Cryptic Clericism

Alliance - The Clerical Order

Class - Master Cleric

Titles - Chosen Prophet of the Holy Arch-Aengul of Purity, Tahariae =+= Master Cleric

Professions - Adept Enchanter

Special Skills - A surprising knowledge of hallucinogenic herblore ; scribe ; extensive knowledge of clerical lore ; unshakable faith ; architect ; running away

Flaws - Emotionally distant ; recurring heart condition that causes blackouts ; blind




Current Status - Teaching, with five students

Arch-type - Clerical

Sub-Type - Tahariaean

Rank - Master Cleric

Weaknesses - War Clericism

Strengths - Ritual Healings

Current Spells - Priest Healing =+= War Clericism =+= Blessing






Fighting Style - The Art of Desperation

Trained Weapons - Light mace, quarterstaff

Favored Weapon - Staff

Archery - Sub-par




Parents - Akal’ahern, otherwise known as Verada de Nomos Shidari, and Campari de Sarash Shidari

Siblings - Campari de Verada Shidari (Half-Brother)

Children: Therren Sohae (Adopted)

Extended Family - Unknown

Pets - A carrier pidgeon




Ashanaak considers himself born upon Tahariae speaking through him for the first time in 1536, thus initiating him as a Prophet. There is no history but in His Lord.

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While I think this profile is quite impeccable I should let ya know that technically speaking you wouldn't be mali'aheral but instead just a high elf. If you at all care mali'aheral is actually only talking about those pure-born in the mali'aheral culture.  That is unless you were and then left. It's not a big thing but edumickation, ya dig?

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1 minute ago, BrandNewKitten said:

While I think this profile is quite impeccable I should let ya know that technically speaking you wouldn't be mali'aheral but instead just a high elf. If you at all care mali'aheral is actually only talking about those pure-born in the mali'aheral culture.  That is unless you were and then left. It's not a big thing but edumickation, ya dig?


I find that ridiculous. What is a high elf called in elven then? Mali'ame is wood elf, Mali'ker is dark elf and Mali'aheral is high elf. Unless you mean Mali'thill in terms of pure elf, yes? Otherwise, what do you mean?

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This is an interesting topic actually. I guess it depends on your character's view of themselves. Mali'aheral evolved into High Elf (mali'aheral meaning blessed elves) and those are the ones who think their blood is above other races. Definitely not exclusive to just Haelun'or Helves though. 

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omg chill bros


1) There's mali'ame, mali'ker, and mali'aheral. High elves named themselves something pretentious af. Pure ones are mali'thill. Bein a clerical heretical sorta folk, im mali'thilln, but I stick with mali'aheral, the general term for high elves.


2) Its his IC belief, bein a clerical heretical sorta folk, that Tah is an Arch-Aengul because all other aenguls are scrubs, and thus the title.


thank you for the feedback friendos.

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3 hours ago, Ventusyr said:

2) Its his IC belief, bein a clerical heretical sorta folk, that Tah is an Arch-Aengul because all other aenguls are scrubs, and thus the title.



Believe me, he is the religious psycho that Elvira will never ever be... but huzzah! Hesh finally has a profile on the forums.

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My Master Cleric had a profile before it was cool.. Now she's dead ;_;

10/10 needs more HERESY!!

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