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Hasheek Lore


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I realize this has a lot of information in it. If you have a concern about something being OP or wrong, feel free to PM me on the forums or post here. I spent a few weeks checking with various clerics/paladins/druids to ensure that they didn't feel it was OP, but I'd still like to hear feedback.


Tayl’s Gamble

“One must take risks in order to advance. Ridding the world of Aengudaemonic interference is not exempt from this.”




Almost all of the dark magic on the server is geared towards being mini-antag for the players in general, with none focusing solely on fighting back against the “good” side. THESE AREN’T DARK ITHAREL. THESE ARE NOT ITHAREL-ESQUE.


This is NOT an Asura revival. This is merely Tayl preying upon old followers of Asura.


This lore is meant to boost activity amongst the paladins, clerics, and druids, along with other deity groups and Fi users. Due to how it's set up, neither side will instantly win in a fight and should provide some more interesting RP. However, it still involves normal players and does not isolate them. Due to the nature of the magic, normal players will be brought into RP every now and then (such as with the illnesses and the corrupted touch).


The magic itself is fairly balanced and the restrictions make it so it’s not a pocket magic that dark mages hoard, as you can not be a shade or necromancer while having a Hasheek.


The Shyrrik are unlike most immortal pillars of magic (such as Wraiths, Wights, Keepers, Ascended) due to the fact they do NOT gain any new fighting powers that make them over the top/OP.




As Tayl observed the mortal realm from his domain, thoughts of how to rally the mortals and usher out the Aengudaemonic forces that plague the land. During his endless assessments, a conclusion was reached. In order to give the mortals something to rally against along with something to purge the current deity followers, his attention turned to the previous followers of Asura. Decided to make a calculated risk, he went to work.


A soft voice beckoned across the realm, reaching out to those who had followed her in days of the past. Those who heeded the call followed it across Vailor and stumbled upon a hidden temple. Deep within it rested a pool, much like the one Asura had used as her focal point within the realm. Beside the pool was a dark brazier, much akin to the four that Asura had. The few who had arrived found themselves drawn to the object. However, instead of being called to step within the device, a demon-esque figure appeared in a billow of smoke and flames.


This was no Asurian creation, as Asura had left the realm indefinitely with little power to interfere anymore. Unbeknownst to the few arrivals, this was a servant of Tayl. Tayl understood that if the descendents learned of his interference, his brethren would learn soon after. To prevent this, Tayl made sure that the demon did not reveal any specifics on who he was serving, just that he was there due to Asura not being able. The offer made to those present was simple, accept the demon’s boon and in return use the power granted to them to cause trouble towards the followers of other Aengudaemons.


The boon created by Tayl was based off of the shades, a parasitic entity that would attach to the user’s soul. Tayl determined that such power will likely hinder their ability to find companionship amongst others, due to the negative effects. In an effort to remedy this, he gave sentience to the parasites. Unlike shades, these entities did not try to overwhelm their host or take full control. Instead, these beings subtly wore at their hosts overtime, much like how water erodes at stone.




The Hasheeks themselves are intelligent entities, unable to communicate unless they’re within a host. Hasheeks are also the source of power for their host, able to open a connection to Tayl. However, in an attempt to conserve energy, the Hasheek requires power to maintain a connection. Thus, they require a constant source of mana that acts as a powersource. Due to this, the host’s mana is constantly in a state of depletion, which will result in mana exhaustion and death should the Hasheek not be properly maintained.


All Hasheek seem to have disdain towards Aengudaemons and try to convince their host that they must keep the deity followers in check, acting as a voice of Tayl. They also try to influence their host to act on their primal instincts, as they believe it’ll be easier to control the host once they disregard logic. There are three main colors that the Hasheek can bear, each with a different meaning.


Black: These Hasheek do not focus as much on the host's actions and instead focus more on combating deity users. They are bitter towards the users, especially clerics and paladins. Those with this color of Hasheek will find it harder to hold themselves back around deity users.


Green: These Hasheek influence their host to submit to their primal instincts more than the other two. Those with this color of Hasheek will find it harder to suppress their feelings. If something used to make them only slightly angry, the host would find themselves becoming infuriated instead. This is also spurred on by the Hasheek, making backhanded comments to its host to further goad him/her.


Gray: Calm and collected. These particular Hasheek are balanced. A healthy dose of influence towards both how the host acts and how the host feels about deity users is included with this colored Hasheek.


All: Each Hasheek has a different personality. Think of it like having another person within your mind, constantly thinking and providing input on the situation at hand. Due to this closeness, the Hasheek is able to wear at a person’s mentality. Ignoring something like this is not allowed.


Physical & Mental Changes




The Hasheek, upon attaching onto the host’s soul, infects one of their arms. It can be either, but it’s generally the dominate one. This arm is where the host will channel Tayl’s power, as it acts as a focal point of sorts. When using the this power, their arm takes on the appearance of what the user would appear like during stage 3. This involves darkening/more noticeable veins, withering flesh, and other such oddities that’d point towards the host being tainted.


The caster’s life-force is now dampened due to the presence of the Hasheek. If  the caster was a necromancer and attempted to utilize their own life-force, they’d find themselves unable to do so. Thus, necromancy is not capable of being used while being a host to a Hasheek. Forming deity connections and becoming a shade are impossible as well, as the Hasheek would conflict with it.


The Hasheek, seeking to protect its host, combats voidal corruption and temporarily halts it while it is supplied a steady amount of mana. This does not automatically grant the user the strength of a soldier, but as long as they continue to feed, they should be able to regrow some muscle. If the caster enters stage 2, the host will begin suffering the effects of voidal corruption once again.

The caster’s body also begins to react negatively to carrying the Hasheek in stage 2. Dark patches will begin appearing across the skin, the person will looked more aged than usual, hair will begin to whiten/lose its vitality, and they will lose their physical strength (even if they aren’t a mage).


Upon entering stage 3, the caster’s own mana is used to feed/power the Hasheek, causing immense pain over time. These spikes of pain, along with the mental effects, renders the host’s ability to perform voidal magic temporarily useless.





As the Hasheek is an intelligent life form, it is possible for it to transmit thoughts to the host and communicate with it. These thoughts are generally rather basic and revolve around acting on the host’s primal instincts. The longer a person carries a Hasheek, the more ingrained these thoughts and feelings will become. The voice, a soft whisper, is also constantly trying to coerce the host to enact Tayl’s will and spread trouble for other Aengudaemonic followers.


Over the course of time, the Hasheek will subtly transmit thoughts and feelings of hatred towards the “holy” magics, specifically the clerics and paladins. While the Hasheek harbors ill feelings towards all those with deity connections, it can not stand those who worship Tahariae and Xan. The Hasheek will attempt to sway the host into believing that the deity users must be dealt with, one way or another.


While in the presence of a cleric or paladin, the caster will be plagued with thoughts revolving around violently dealing with them. If not kept in check, their infected arm will begin to act on “its own”, often times attempting to attack the holy user with one of Tayl’s abilities. While these thoughts can be ignored, it will make it difficult for the caster to concentrate.


Should a mental mage enter the host’s mind, the Hasheek will notice and try to communicate with the mage through flashes of images and simple speech (essentially telepathy). The host will not be aware of this nor will the Hasheek notify the host of the intrusion.


Once the caster enters stage 2, their mentality suffers as they are plagued with thoughts about feeding the Hasheek. These thoughts are not overwhelming, but the caster will have difficulty focusing on other things.


Upon entering stage 3, the thoughts are no longer something that can be ignored. The host will find themselves unable to focus on doing anything aside attempting to feed the Hasheek. Voidal magic or anything of the sort will be impossible at this stage.





Those that carry the Hasheek are capable of channeling power from Tayl. This power takes on the form of a liquid substance. This liquid can be manipulated and compressed much like arcane energy/a paladin’s mist/a war cleric’s light. There are two kinds of liquids that the host can draw forth from channeling Tayl’s powers. The first liquid is more akin to a sludge substance-wise, referred to by the Hasheek as Limus. This sludge carries a special kind of taint within it and only harms those with a deity connection. It also can affect flora and fauna if a druid is currently or has within the last five minutes, actively manipulated it (such as using a root to try and skewer someone or making a chair out of vines).


The second is a clearer liquid, akin to water and carries a different form of taint within. Known to the Hasheek as Candiru, this can affect those with a deity connection and those without one. When applied on someone in low amounts, it directly affects a person's life-force, causing them to suffer from a pseudo-illness. When continuously applied to a being, the host is capable of isolating a person’s mana pool and harvesting it to feed their Hasheek. This has the adverse effect of corrupting the victim’s life-force, which results in death. This liquid is a more tiring ability and requires intense focus to use. It can not be used directly in combat due to this.


Mana Absorption


In order to sate the Hasheek and utilize Tayl’s powers, the caster must feed it mana, which is taken in through the infected arm. In order to prepare the being, a large amount of the clear liquid must be inserted into someone. This isolates the mana pool within a person and allows for it to be harvested. In order to collect the mana, the infected arm must have physical contact with the provider. Due to the intensity of creating and sustaining the Candiru, this is incapable of being utilized in battle or any other situation where the caster is unable to focus properly. THIS DOES NOT ALLOW FOR THE MANA TO BE USED FOR ANYTHING ELSE ASIDE FROM FEEDING THE HASHEEK.


How does this affect the victim?


The application of a large amount of Candiru causes immense pain at first before a numbing sensation spreads throughout the body. The large amount of channeled power that spreads throughout their body causes their body to act as if it was being filled with water, causing a fully tainted person to become a bloated corpse.


RP Example (Bold is the caster, normal is the victim):

*Bob’s free hand tightly grips the Wood elf’s shoulder to keep him pinned down as his infected hand hovers over his arm, a small orb of clear liquid in front of his palm.

*Wood elf struggles, but is unable to escape due to the wounds in his legs and being pinned down.

[!]The orb descends down, crossing the short distance between the two and begins sinking into the wood elf’s flesh. A darkened patch is left where the orb originally landed.

*Wood elf screeches in pain as the tainted fluid begins invading his body, writhing on the ground.

[!]The tainted spot spreads, soon covering the wood elf’s arm as the arm itself looks aged and wrinkled, as if it was sitting in water for too long. The pain fades over time as a numbing sensation takes over.

*Wood elf’s eyes widen as he begins to panic, the pain dulling as his arm is unable to move.

[!]The effect begins to spread throughout the wood elf’s upper body, soon pouring into his vital organs.

*Wood elf gasps for breath as lungs are filled with Tayl’s power, spasming a few times before going still.

*Bob's hand twitches a few times as he watches the tan body start to bloat, the effect now spreading across the elf's remaining limbs.

*Wood elf simply writhes for a few more moments before falling still once again, body appearing completely waterlogged.

*Bob takes a deep breath before his brows furrow in concentration, digging his fingers into the soggy skin.

[!]The skin's tone begins to lighten, beginning from the limbs furthest from the initial contact. A dark substance would be seen flowing into Bob's hand, disappearing within himself.

[!]After a few moments, the wood elf's skin would still appear bloated, but his flesh would appear lighter than before.


Candiru’s Malady


Candiru, when it comes into contact with a being in low amounts, affects their life-force negatively. This causes the victim to experience something akin to an actual illness, but with a supernatural source. While the “illness” incubates in the target’s body, they are physically weakened. Afterwards, they will regain their strength, along with showing the symptoms aforementioned.


This is transmitted through Candiru, much like how the Mana Absorption works. The caster focuses and channels Tayl’s power to form the clear liquid and must successfully insert the being with a small amount of it. This is not an overly painful process as it is not a large amount, but it will cause a pang of pain much like being pinched.


After an hour, there will be a bruise like mark on the skin of the victim, where the caster touched them. The veins around the darkened area will be more visible and the area will feel sore.


Depending on the experience of the caster, this can last from 3 elven days to 2 weeks. A cleric/druidic healer (not blight)/paladin/kha priest is capable of cleansing the body of the illness. They can do this by purging the darkened spot (which is essentially a blob of taint). If this is not done by the end of the 3 days - 2 weeks, it’ll fade away naturally.


There are five main “illnesses” that can take hold of the victim. What is chosen can not be controlled but is selected at random. (The person rolls a d5 and the illness is chosen based off of that).


The common cold

Symptoms: Runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, random chills, and minor fatigue.


Stomach flu

Symptoms: Cramps, nausea, vomiting, and low-grade fever.


Minor allergic reaction

Symptoms: Rash, irritation of the throat, difficulty breathing (to a small extent).



Symptoms: Patches of skin will develop an itchy rash.



Symptoms: Hair will begin falling out in clumps. This is only temporary and the hair will grow back once the curse has worn off or has been removed.


RP Example (Bold is the caster, normal is the victim):

*Bob regulates his breathing, brow furrowing in slight concentration.

[!] Large drops of clear liquid begin to appear on above the palm of his infected hand, shifting about slightly.

[!]These drops swirl towards each other, forming into a small orb of Candiru.

*Bob approaches Willis, moving to place his hand atop the man’s shoulder. “Excuse me?” As his hand descends, the orb descends down and sinks into Willis’ flesh.

/msg Willis [!] Willis would feel, for a second, a sharp pain shoot through his shoulder akin to a pinch before any notion of pain would fade [!]

/roll d5 ((Rolling for a self-check)).

Willis winces slightly, glancing over to Bob. “Ouch!”

*Bob smiles apologetically, motioning to the ring wrapped around one of his fingers. “Sorry, I think I scraped you with this. Do you know the way to the Caliphate?”

*Willis reaches up to rub his shoulder but finds no visible wound, dismissing the incident. “Yeah, keep following that road and then make a right at the fork.”

*Bob bows his head in thanks before pacing off in the direction given to him.


Afterwards, Bob would /msg Willis with what will occur over the next hour. This includes the formation of the mark and information about the illness/how long it will last.




After a few years learning to control the Hasheek's power, the caster is capable of manipulating Tayl’s power into a more physical state. Instead of channeling Candiru, the host will be able to summon Limus which is a sludge-esque substance. The caster can manipulate and compress this, much akin to how arcanism/paladins/shades function.


This sludge negatively towards those with a deity connection and when it comes into contact with a person with one, it hampers their ability to channel their deity's powers. This is due to the fact that when the substance settles in the target, it begins corrupting the connection to the deity, blocking it off. This is not permanent and can be removed by a more experienced person. For druids, one must understand blight healing, for paladins/clerics/kha priest one must understand taint removal.


This can also be removed by the user him/herself, but it requires focusing everything on channeling the power of their deity so that it eventually breaks through the blockage. This will be difficult for the deity user during their lower tiers as once the corruption has been overpowered, they'll be channeling a vast amount of power. Due to this, their body is not able to keep up and they will pass out from exhaustion. Upon waking up, they will find that they will still not be able to cast for the next four days (4 hours).


What can this do?


Weaponry – Deals blunt force damage and is not sharp, no matter the shape. Will become weaker upon each impact, as chunks of the sludge settles on whatever it hits. Limus (if a hitting a person) then begins seeping into the target’s body and starts to block the victim’s ability to connect to their deity.


Barriers – A barrier of solidified sludge that's capable of being used to block against all forms of attack, not just holy. It's weaker than an arcane shield though and will break apart if the attack is strong enough. Depending on the size of the barrier, it can take 3-6 emotes to fully form. Blocking an entire archway or hallway would require more than creating a shield-sized barrier.


Armor – Is not truly solid, only blocking attacks from deity users (exception are druids if they're using plants/nature). 5-6 emotes are required to fully form.


RP Example:

*Bob holds his hand out, focusing intensely as his breathing evens out.

*Bob’s hand twitches as a dark sludge begins to ooze out from his palm until it’s a tangerine-sized blob.

[!] The Limus thickens, soon the size of a softball before it begins to elongate into a rod-like figure.

[!] The substance begins to fall in on itself, condensing in place until the outline of a sword is revealed.

*Bob exhales quietly as the design is finished, curling his fingers around the hilt of the sludge-sword.


To anyone observing, the object in Bob’s hand would resemble a muddy blade, small bits of Limus occasionally dripping off



Effectiveness Against Deity Magic/Purging


Almost all of the mentioned abilities revolve around taint, which is something clerics/paladins/druids are capable of handling.


A Hasheek user’s ability will never be stronger than their holy counterpart who has been practicing just as long. So a caster with the same amount of experience will be beaten by a paladin/cleric with the same amount of experience if their abilities were directly fired at each other. For example, a weapon made of Limus will be broken by a holy weapon if they are both at the same level. Or armor will be pierced faster against someone of the same caliber.


A Hasheek user that has been practicing for a month would be a slightly weaker equivalent to a cleric who has been learning for the same amount of time, and a Hasheek user who has been practicing for three months would, powerwise, be able to overwhelm a cleric who has only been practicing for two months. This does not mean the deity user will always lose, as there’s more to a fight than pure magical strength.


Until the Hasheek has been fully ingrained into the caster’s soul, it is capable of being removed by experienced holy users. Depending on the amount of time the Hasheek has spent within the host, the caster will suffer after the removal. If the Hasheek was only recently implanted, then they'll mainly feel an empty feeling within themselves which can lead to a minor form of depression.


After the Hasheek has had a chance to settle in the host, removal will be a little more detrimental to the host. Mental problems are not uncommon upon the loss, often taking the form of paranoia or schizophrenia, in addition to the depression. This paranoia and schizophrenia bases itself around the belief that the Hasheek is still present and speaks the host.


In addition to all this, the person will be physically weakened for a year (one IRL week) upon removal of the Hasheek. This is due to how their body and soul have to readjust to no longer carrying the Hasheek


Stages & Feeding Scale




Stage One: Everything is fine for the most part, the parasite is sated. Body shows no physical sign of being tainted. Voidal corruption is halted due to the Hasheek, for now.


Normally, the caster will remain in this stage for one year (one week) before needing to feed again. This will be lessened should the caster constantly use the Hasheek to channel Tayl’s power.


Stage Two: The Hasheek requires food, thoughts based around feeding start to cloud the caster's mind. Strength is drained over time even if the person is not a mage. Body begins to show signs of carrying the Hasheek.


This stage generally lasts half a year (half a week), depending once again on the amount of power used.


Stage Three: The Hasheek is nearing its limit and begins to feed on the host's mana. This causes pain to the caster. The mind is now fully clouded with thoughts about feeding. It is now apparent that the caster's body is full of taint. NO VOIDAL/OTHER MAGIC aside from channeling Tayl's power can be casted during this time, as it is impossible for the user to focus.


Stage three lasts for half a year as well (half a week) before the caster slips into stage four.


Stage Four: The Hasheek shuts the person’s body down and places them in a coma, essentially acting as life support. It's only possible for another host to save the person at this point by channeling their own power into the comatose person.

The caster will remain in a stasis for 2 elven days before succumbing to death.


If the user is not saved, the parasite kills them (not a PK) and the host loses the Hasheek and the connection to Tayl. It's impossible for the caster to get a new one, due to Tayl’s belief that this being has failed in their task.


Feeding Scale


Those with a superior soul such as descendents can provide enough mana to fully sate a Hasheek. This is if they are fully drained, which means the victim dies.


Those with lesser souls (such as a cow) - 4 are required to sate the creature, but due to the quality it only lasts half as long. So if a human’s mana would last for a week, 4 animals would only last for 3 ½ elven days. The Hasheek is not happy feeding on animals and will mentally berate the host. Due to this, it is not possible to fully live off of animals/large trees.


Those with inferior souls - An immense amount would be required to fully sate the creature, due to the very low amount of mana. This is not a viable option for feeding.





Hasheeks reproduce asexually and can only do so once they’ve matured inside the host for a considerable amount of time. Once this has occurred, in order to fuel the creation, the caster must overfeed the Hasheek.


If normally one person is enough to sate the Hasheek, two bodies will be required to overfeed the Hasheek. The consumption of both must be within a close proximity of each other timewise, which is roughly 3 elven days. Once those days have passed, the Hasheek will have consumed the mana within to a point where it’s no longer full.


Once the Hasheek has been overfed and understands the caster wishes to create a new one, it will “shut down”. During the next two elven days, the ability to use the Hasheek's abilities will be nullified. If the caster is killed or heavily wounded during this time, the Hasheek will halt in its progress and the process must be restarted.


After the Hasheek has successfully reproduced, the caster has one elven day to pass the new Hasheek on. Otherwise their body will become overburdened, unable to supply both the old and new Hasheek with enough essence. This results in the host dying from a loss of mana, leaving behind an empty husk. Physical contact must be maintained during the transfer to the new host and it is akin to how the caster spreads illness. Instead of inserting Tayl’s power, they'll be inserting the new Hasheek. This is a painful process, as the Hasheek latches onto the new host's soul. During the next few elven days, the newly created Hasheek must be properly fed before the caster can utilize the abilities.


OOC consent is needed for the process to be done, no forcing it onto others.


Once the Hasheek has been in the host's body for an extended period of time, the soul has adjusted to having it around. One of the Shyrrik is capable of manipulating the other person's Hasheek so that it is fully ingrained in the caster's soul. This makes it impossible to be purged by outside forces and solidifies the person’s connection to Tayl.


Until this occurs, a cleric/paladin/fi is able to purge the Hasheek from the caster's body. This must be done by an experienced user (t4 cleric/paladin/fi) in order to fully purge it. An inexperienced one attempting to purge the Hasheek will cause it to wither, but will not be able to fully remove it. The Hasheek will need to fully feed before the caster is capable of utilizing it again. Effects of removal are detailed in a lower section.




First year of training. (Tier 1)

Mana Absorption: The caster begins to experiment with this ability, training on plants and animals. 5 emotes to fully taint someone and another 2 to remove the mana.

Candiru’s Malady: The caster begins learning this ability, solely using this on animals. Will not be effective against people yet and only lasts an elven day on animals.


During the following 2 years of training. (Tier 2)

Mana Absorption: Takes 5 emotes to fully taint someone and another to drain.

Candiru’s Malady: 3 days.

Ordnance: Beginning, training is for sustaining it.


During the following 4 to 6 years of training (Tier 3)

Once the host has progressed into tier 3, a Shyrrik may aid them in fully attaching the Hasheek to the soul. This means that the Hasheek will no longer be capable of being purged and can only be removed through a Shyrrik.


Mana Absorption: Can fully taint someone in 4 emotes, another to drain them at this stage.

Candiru’s Malady: The illness now lasts for 6 elven days maximum.

Ordnance: Can begin forming weapons out of Limus, along with shield-sized barriers.


During the following 8 to 12 years of training (Tier 4)

At this stage, the Hasheek has matured enough and is capable of reproducing. Only one can be made every two years (weeks).


Mana Absorption: Can fully taint someone in 3 emotes, another to drain them. Mastery.

Candiru’s Malady: Illnesses now last for 1 ½ years (weeks) before fading away.

Ordnance: Weapons can hold up for longer (3 hits) before vanishing. Barrier is now slightly larger than two tower shields side by side.


Upon training for this long, the host has mastered the art (Tier 5)

Mana Absorption: Can fully taint someone in 3 emotes, another to drain them. Mastery.

Candiru’s Malady: 2 years (weeks).

Ordnance: Weapons now last longer, capable of withstanding 5 blows before falling apart.

Barriers can now fill entire archways or block a corridor for a small period of time. The quality of the barrier has improved as well, taking a few more blows before breaking.


Restrictions/Red lines

  • The Hasheek’s influence can not be flat out ignored and will affect the host over time.
  • The changes that occur in all stages must be roleplayed, you can not pick and choose what applies and what doesn’t.
  • Necromancy, Shade, and deity magic are impossible to have/utilize while bearing a Hasheek.
  • ANY form of magic is unable to be utilized within several IRL minutes of channeling Tayl’s power. Using voidal/another magic during a fight in tandem with this magic is not allowed.
  • The limitation of Limus must be roleplayed, it does not last forever and it is not invulnerable to attacks. Weapons will break, barriers will shatter, armor will give way, such is the way of this magic.
  • Clerics/Paladins/Fi are capable of purging the Hasheek from a person, unless it has been fully attached to the user’s soul. In which case the host will be severely weakened and will need to feed.
  • An experienced caster is only capable of creating a new Hasheek once every two weeks.
  • If the host fails to feed their Hasheek in stage 4, they will be unable to get a new one after the Hasheek perishes.




The Shyrrik


Once a host’s soul has been a host to a Hasheek long enough, the Hasheek will attempt to take over. Generally, this is not done via force, but through coercion. The Hasheek will make promises of power, or something along those lines to try and convince the host to accept their advances.


Should the host accept, the Hasheek will meld with his/her soul and fully corrupt it. Upon doing so, the host is no longer a descendent and is more akin to a frost witch or another being with an unnatural soul. The host will retain all powers he had previously learned, but will also gain some new abilities, along with new restrictions. This change to their soul breaks the curse made by Iblees, granting them immortality so long as they keep the Hasheek fed. Failure to feed the Hasheek will result in a PK, instead of just losing the Hasheek. Other than being at risk of permanently dying, the Shyrrik follow the same stages as a normal Hasheek host.


A Shyrrik is not more powerful than a regular Hasheek, but is capable of channeling and manipulating Tayl's power with more accuracy than the regular caster. This does not allow for stronger abilities, but allows for a few more to be utilized, such as being able to hold more Hasheek in a host's body.




The process to go from a normal descendent to a Shyrrik occurs over the course of 2 elven days, where the user undergoes a metamorphosis process. During this time, the host becomes immobile as the Hasheek slowly begins attaching itself to their soul. Within half a day, their entire body will darken, as if they were under the effects of the Corrupted Touch. Upon the end of the day, the body will have hardened into a chrysalis-esque state.


During the next day, the person’s body undergoes extreme changes as they develop into a proper Shyrrik. As the second day comes to a close, the chrysalis breaks apart and the Shyrrik is released in their true form. Mana levels will already be low, requiring the Shyrrik to feed. They will automatically be placed into Phase 3 upon being “born”.


If killed during this process, the person’s soul becomes forfeit, resulting in a PK.


Physical Changes


Instead of just their arm, a Shyrrik’s whole body is affected by the Hasheek, from their bones to their blood. The color of their blood is now black, corrupted by the Hasheek (not actual taint, mind you). Their skin, when in stage two will wither and dark patches (more than a regular Hasheek user) will appear over the skin.


When casting their magic, their “true” form is revealed. While a Hasheek host’s arm will change while they channel Tayl’s power, a Shyrrik’s entire body will change. The flesh has become aged, the whites of the eyes darken, along with their lips/fingernails/gums. When they're in this form, small sized flora (grass, small flowers) withers when the Shyrrik brushes against it/walks on it. Each footstep leaves a darkened print on the ground and the shadows seem to be drawn to the figure. This is aesthetic and can not be used to harm people.


Mentally, the Hasheek now has a much more influence on the Shyrrik’s mind. This leads them to acting on their instincts and ignoring reason. Hate for holy magic is heightened from the onslaught of the Hasheek’s thoughts. It will be much more difficult to control oneself around a paladin or cleric




Due to the change of the caster's soul, they are capable of handling more Hasheeks in their body. A total of 3 new Hasheeks can be harbored in the body at any given time. The Shyrrik will have to feed enough to accommodate for their creation however, so the Hasheek must be overfed multiple times to create more than one new one.


A Shyrrik is also capable of manipulating another person's Hasheek. This encompasses the ability to forcibly remove the Hasheek from its host as well as well as aiding the Hasheek by fully ingraining it into the caster's soul.


Taking after an old ability of Asura, a Shyrrik is capable of manipulating his/her flesh and bone structure to an extent. These changes can not be major (e.g. they can’t turn their arm into a bone sword or make themselves as tall as an olog). Height can not be changed more than a few inches. This is not like frost witch shapeshifting, as the Shyrrik is NOT able to control his skin color, hair, eyes, or any other part of his body that is not the bones/flesh. This is a painful experience, leaving the Shyrrik in pain for a while afterwards. Due to the intensity of it, a Shyrrik may only bodyshift twice an elven day.


Restrictions/Red lines


Everything listed in the normal Hasheek user’s restriction/red line list.

Shyrrik are limited to not being able to cast any non-Hasheek magic within 20 IRL minutes of channeling Tayl’s power.

Fi/deity/necromancy/shade/golemancy/runesmithing are not allowed.

Shyrrik can only create 3 new Hasheeks before having to wait 2 years (2 weeks).

“Bodyshifting” can only be used twice a day and can only modify the flesh and bone structure (nothing extreme, must be within the regular parameters of anatomy). Using this to explain why anything else about the body (e.g. eye color/hair color/skin color) is not a valid explanation.

Bodyshifting can't be used to exactly copy someone's appearance.

Shyrrik can't produce any offspring.

Shyrrik must PK upon failing during stage 4.




Example of what the infected arm would appear like:




Concept Art of a Shyrrik’s True Form:







FlamboyantMingo (Writer)

@Ventusyr (Helped with giving the idea life through lots of feedback)

@Locklathlan (Gave the idea of the infected body part to further flesh the Hasheek out)

@ShameJax (For helping decide how the magic would appear like)

@Swgrclan (For looking the magic over and coming up with the idea of being mana based)


tl;dr Section




  • Deific creature that latches onto the user's soul after being spread by another host.
  • Each variation has an effect on the host's mentality.
  • All Hasheek drive their user to have a disliking for Aengudaemonic users.
  • Infects/corrupts the user's arm which acts as a focal point for the being, where Tayl's power is channeled through.
  • Can be purged by a Fi/Cleric/Paladin if not fully ingrained upon a host’s soul.



  • Requires a yearly (weekly) feeding to remain in stage 1.
  • One person will fully sate the Hasheek.
  • Animals only last half as long as a normal person and will need multiple, large creatures to become on par with a descendant due to the lack of a large mana pool.
  • A host will PERMANENTLY lose their Hasheek if they exit stage four without feeding them.



  • Stage 1: Everything is fine and the Hasheek is sated, taking care of its host during this time.
  • Stage 2: The Hasheek no longer combats voidal corruption and the body begins to weaken. If not a mage, the body still suffers.
  • Stage 2: The host begins to suffer mentally as well, having difficulty focusing at times and feels the need to feed the Hasheek.
  • Stage 3: The Hasheek starts to feed on the host's mana pool, making it impossible to cast any other magic aside from Tayl's. Mentally plagued with thoughts about feeding.
  • Stage 4: The host's body shuts down and falls into a comatose state. A fellow Hasheek user is required to save the comatose host. If not saved in time, the host perishes (not mandatory PK unless playing a Shyrrik) and loses the Hasheek permanently.



Mana Absorption

  • Mana Absorption requires focus and can't be done mid-combat like a necromancer's drain.
  • The process makes it so the Hasheek can absorb the victim's mana.
  • The mana can not recharge the host's mana pool or be used in any way that isn't feeding the Hasheek.


Candiru’s Malady

  • All illnesses are NON-LETHAL and are limited to the illnesses listed.
  • Can be stopped by a holy user/druid/fi.
  • Can be soothed, but not fully removed, through alchemical/druidic healing.
  • Is not something that can be used in combat.


  • Is not sharp in any fashion due to the nature of Limus.
  • The special taint only affects those with a deity connection.
  • Something made from Limus is inherently weaker than its holy counterpart if made by people with the same amount of experience.



  • Hosts that let their soul be fully intertwined with the Hasheek, changing it in its entirety. When casting their magic, their true form is revealed.
  • Is NOT stronger than a normal Hasheek user, merely has a few more abilities.
  • Can change mold their flesh and bones in small ways to appear different, but can only do so twice a day.
  • Can not change their skin color, eye color, hair color, or anything of that nature.
  • Follows all the Hasheek redlines and has additional ones.
  • Is immortal, but has a PK clause as stated above.


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I would love to see this added to the server.


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Big +1 from me. 


Not op and just outright sounds fun from both sides. I'd be excited to see this joining the server.

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Yus, please add this. I think it would be a great addition to the server.


It's clear that a lot of time, thought and effort has been put into this especially with making it so balanced. Would provide both sides with something new and fun.



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Doesn't cause any issues past interesting RP. I give my support.

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imo we have too much lore thats 'Go eat/absorb/kill other people to survive!!11!!!' There are probably ways to force interaction that aren't as cliche and ****.

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Oh yeah, this fully has my support, +1

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You have outdone yourself, congrats on the snazzy lore. +1



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2 hours ago, Space said:


We don't actually have that many lore pieces that revolve around that, it's mainly two groups (frosties and necrotic [necromantic? necromatic? Idek] entities) that do. That being said, I'll see if I can work on a way to change it so that it isn't like that.


As for the rest of you, thank you for the support! Updated the credits and reworded a section based off of feedback left in a PM.


Edit: If any of you have any suggestions pertaining to space's comment, I'd love to hear them. 

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Give it a trial period +1

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The LT can correct me if I'm wrong, but back in November they made a decision that specifically stated that Fi mage's can neither sense nor cleanse a soul with a shade attached. I don't know if this is something you should correct or not, because in the sense of the soul and taint they are similar in that regard only as far as I can see. Otherwise I really like what you've done and it is something unique and new, as well as being very balanced. It's a plus one from me.

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