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[Playable ET Race] Kalbasaun'Mat'ul

Man of Respect

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Those whom die and rot





Orgon sat upon his throne on his rotten realm, thriving ever-so-eternally with the sacrifices he had, he was pleased, but he's hungry. A bit too hungry. Orgon's hunger could never be satisfied until even dust could rot.


The great spirit contemplated then for a few minutes the blighting, deadly and poisonous plague. He felt like it was too... small.


  Orgon needed something to carry the plague so it could start on different places, so he tought, tought and tought, until he saw, walking upon his "blessing", a large wolf from the mountains nearby chasing a deer that went into the grasp of the deadly fogs to escape.


They both began to try to escape from the deadlands, until they found themselves completely lost, which was when they eventually both died. The great spirit watched the dead animals slowly rot, but he tought they could have a greater purpouse.


The fungi surrounding the animals began to slowly raise and wrap around them, a bunch of large beetles also came, wrapping both animals until they were completely underneath the earth. So it pulled.


For a hour, the animals were both burried, and then they both raised. Both of their eyes red and blood-shot, like they were about to jump off their head, their fur taken and mushrooms growing all along their now pale skin, both set with a purpouse anew; spread.


They both left the fog, and made their way... into the woods.





Those whom die and rot


Those whom die and rot are the unlucky ones whom hath died or have been killed on the blighted lands and are devoured by Orgon's "blessed" fungi, making it take control of the body, making it's skin pale and the eyes become red, large and swollen. Mushroom also grows on the host's body.


The Kalbasaun'Mat'Ul are by far the most dangerous and potent vector of spreading the orcish plague across the realm; such creatures being able only to be transformed by Orgon himself once the blight has reached far too large lenghts, they are capable of dealing great harm and havoc.


 To spread the plague, the Kalbasaun need to eat flesh, so they are on a restless hunt for flesh, being supplied by Orgon constantly with energy, making it hunt for everything. Once the Kalbasaun has finished eating, he vomits a large purple mass that slowly decays and begins to rot, acting as pseudo-seeds. Upon times that there is no more food for the Kalbasaun'Mat'Ul, it begins to eat it's own flesh to regurgitate more, until it's made all of bones, fungi and insects. Eventually, the beast's bones rot so far that it can no longer sustain it's bones any longer and collapses, dying.


The carcass of the Kalbasaun will act like it's vomit, decomposing on the land and tainting it.



Physical Characteristics and Infestation


Upon being infected, there's no large appearance on their build, but as time passes, they begin to lose body mass and have it replaced by fungi and mushrooms, which eventually takes all of the body and makes the mushrooms grow bigger and roll atop of the body, creating piles that can be bent. Mushrooms may grow on any and all ways: Sharp, blunt, twisted, gnarled and etcetera on it's body as they seem to be constantly rotting, all of a purple and black mixed colouration. The mushrooms may reach the size of half a feet in lenght, being possibly bigger conforming to the size of the host. The infestation has no point of being cured because the being is already dead, resulting into a druid being no longer able to commune with him. The mushrooms heaven their bodies.


They can't talk, but they can emmit noises into a very, very low pitched version.


Should it be noted that the Kalbasaun hunts everything, even orcs and the worshippers of Orgon themselves.


Stages of the Kalbasaun'Mat'Ul


Stage 1

1 Elven hour

The fur turns white and it's eyes turn into red bulbs, fungi has attatched to their skin, the Kalbasaun begins to immediately hunt after it's infected, eating all sorts of things. Smells of death already.


Stage 2

3 Elven hours

Mushrooms take over all of the body and slowly take different shapes, heavening the creature. It begins to rot on this point. The Kalbasaun can already spread the plague.


Stage 3

2 Elven days

The creature constantly hunts and regurgitates on a far more frequent state, fungi begins to wrap around it's bones. When there's no food, he cannibalizes on himself.


Stage 4

4 Elven days

The fungi is so heavy that the creature's bones will soon not be able to hold it anymore. It becomes fat and large, and then, collapses into a pile of fungi and bones. By decomposing, the creature taints the ground, having it spread slowly. The dead carcass can also spread plagues and diseases.



Strenghts and Weaknesses:

[+] The kalbasaun doesn't gets exhausted, seeing that it's energy is supplied by Orgon himself, so it may hunt and feed him back, it may also travel to great lenghts.

[+] To compensate their muscle mass, the Kalbasaun begin to grow a fungi that stacks, making a mass around the bones and allowing it to grow new possible body parts such as tendrils.

[+] The Kalbasaun is not affected by gold.

[+] Potential ET creature that can spread the plague.

[+] Stands alive until all it's body is broken. If you cut a human kalbasaun in half, for example, the legs will still be able to walk if it manages to get up; but blindly. The head is not an important factor and is only used for vision.


[-] The kalbasaun becomes slow gradually as it is also destined to "die", considering it's already dead.

[-] They are constantly rotting.

[-] Can't talk or feel anything else related to emotions.

[-] It attacks everything, believe me, everything... well, plants are an exception.

[-] Easy to break.

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it's beautiful!

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and I like


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Could do with some reform, and overall deeper lore, but otherwise an interesting aspect to the plague.

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I'd love to see something like this RPed, man... if I was a an ET I would RP this so often. Lol.

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tbh... I'm just surprised this isn't a meme

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I like it a lot, but it seems as if with them Vailor is gonna have no chance against the plague :/


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13 hours ago, Jentos said:

I like it a lot, but it seems as if with them Vailor is gonna have no chance against the plague :/


well i mean, ITS A PLAGUE


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I'm sorry to say this lore has been Denied.


You may send a PM to any LM to hear of the reasons.

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