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The People’s Republic of Xie




The People's Republic of Xie are very grateful to the federation to their help and begin to toy around with the quantum communications and sending signals in all directions in hope for a response from other civilizations. The Republic of Xie also invites the allies to their land. 





Population: 28,000 on the station, 97,500 back down on the planet. 



4AP Finishing the factories. 





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New Sephoria


By the end of the year, New Sephoria can celebrate 220 new robotic inhabitants. With 200 Mk. I Labor robots and 20 Wardens, life should be quite a lot easier and safer per say. Not that there were many threats to begin with.


The expansion of the mentioned mining facility goes as planned, but no substantial gains are made, given the little resources allocated and how intense in time the construction of the robots were.


Sensor arrays and observation stations do strike out, as after years of silence a foreign vessel has been detected, entering the solar system. Appearing to be the size of a battleship, it seems to in a survey mission, as smaller recon crafts can be observed scattering from it throughout the system. It will only be a matter of time until the colony itself is detected.


The Holy Kingdom of Eadn


At last, the population project is complete. It took plenty of resources, had a couple of setbacks, but in the end it was done. At least no flaws were detected in the "newborn" children, and they would become productive members of society at some point for sure.


They have managed to extent the capacities of the energy and fuel reserves substantially, but the intended goal is not reached. At least now, the craft is capable of traversing the whole system within a day and still able to make it back to the colony to land safe and sound. Extended runs are not quite feasible still.


United States Of Arcturus


Whilst the principles of gravity are understood, the artificial creation of gravity without the utilization of different forces, by generating a field of gravity so to say is a difficult task. Doable, so claim the scientists, as they show overly complex theories, principles and calculations at the end of the year. We are about halfway there. Earth's research was invested in this, as to make it feasible for the colonization of the moon and mars and so forth. Give us more time, a third scientist claims. Time and resources.




Without specific focus on what should be improved this runs into the sand. The engineers murmur about the impossibility of making something cheaper and more powerful and lighter and more efficient at the same time. That just does not work. And also not with the allocated resources.


Robotics are not entirely new. Manually controlled robots are about in plenty, some bigger automated machines utilized in farms are also present, humanoid robots with specific levels on independence require a lot of work. Some preliminary designs were set out and drafts were made, but nothing substantial come from it, given the huge task of dealing with motor systems, limb coordination, storage capacity, energy consumption and so forth.


Whilst they do not encounter any... hostile fauna, they do find a strange egg-laying worm. Out of curiosity and because one of the guardsmen forgot his rations, they plucked one of the eggs from the nests they have found in those small artificial caves these worms have made and broke it open. The blueish slime inside did not appear poisonous and soon enough they made themselves couple of big pans of fried egg (It's one big egg).


The year comes to an end, and the first Corvette of Aurora leaves the shipyard, proceeding to continue up into orbit, ready for further orders.


People's Council of Utopie


The Protorian Council is not interested in any kind of vassalage. They leave the People's Council in peace so they may prosper on their own terms.


The farms are expanded with the excess storage of seeds. Growth appears to be well and rich crops are being harvested this season, enough to almost double the rations for every citizen and still have supplies left. This should definitely give the population a morale boost.


The energy appears to hide potential energies within. How to utilize it, might be the question.


Much alike their colleagues of Aurora, the task appears to be impossible with the given resources, so many problems ahead, so little time to take care of any of them.


Imperial Republic of Mankind


Alexander remains in charge, as the populace appears to agree with his course of actions, or at least got used to his rulership.


The field tests of the warp drive in the outer system work with great success. The corvette's structural integrity holds together, the ship exceeds all expectations. Morale is high, the people are eager to find new grounds and perhaps find their lost kin out there in the galaxy. They have not given up hope that there may be more humans left alive.


Considering that Earth weaponry does work in space quite alright, this task is obsolete.


If there is a sufficient energy supply, the engineers note, then it should easily be done, slapping a mining laser onto a spaceship. The corvette might prove to be a bit too small, unless they improve their "laser technology" to fit it onto the small vessels.


The first dark clouds are observed in the sky of the colony's planet, as years of straight forward pollution and greenhouse gases have begun to accumulate. And then a bit of rain falls. Water droplets, pitch black from the dirt they carry, fall to the earth, painting it ever so slightly.


The Saga Initiative


The WARP drive research comes along nicely and by the end of the year, they are prepared to install their first prototype drive into a recon vessel and launch it into the stars. So to speak.


The testing shows some success, with improvement rates of about 10% to the old systems. Smaller versions have not been done yet though, that will take more time to give an infantry man his personal assistant.


Silver Knight Company 


The layout for the foundations are complete and the exterior structure is halfway done. More materials and workers are required though to finish up the latter and get to the internal workings and utilities of the facility. Only then they might be ready to start producing the first machines. Two years, the chief engineer mentions.


With the candidate chosen, the construction proceeds as planned. Within the coming year they should be done with the first outpost on the rock, more facilities, such as a refinery and ore processing unit planned in later years.


The Terran Federation


By the end of the year, the small exploration freighter is finished, ready to utilize its newly installed warp drive to travel where no man has gone before. The Confederation of Xaplonius has placed a few observers to the whole task, not interfering, but watching how mankind would take its first steps to the stars, here.


The crystals prove to hold huge potential in terms of energy. Harnessing it has to be figured out, but at least we do know, that channeling focused light into it causes violent eruptions and damage. This stored potential energy should be sapped slowly and not released abruptly.


Hephaestus Holdings Incorporated


More and more of the planet's surface drown under the mass of industrial complexes and factories, as the newest project begins to chew itself through the rather plain landscape. Building an entire district certainly takes time, but the first set of factories are ready to produce.


There are various ship producers in both the Confederation and the Tassaran Republic, which, privately owned, do sell smaller civilian ships and freighters. All of the ships come fitted with warp drives, which appears to be the standard for space travel all about. The Grgl and Tassaran drive models work quite similarly at similar prices and quality.


The People’s Republic of Xie


The vast factory complexes are finished by the end of the year, ready to assume production. Not much else to say here.




Population growth


Republic of Xie - 135,500

Imperial Republic of Mankind - 131,500

Terran Federation - 131,000 Humans, 1000 Grgl, 750 Tassareans, 50 Human-Tassareans

New Sephoria - 150,500

Silver Knight Company - 131,500

United States of Arcturus - 138,500

Aurora - 143,000

Hephaestus Holdings - 129,500 Humans, 3,000 Grgl, 2,000 Tassareans, 750 Human-Tassareans

Saga Initiative - 133,000

The Holy Kingdom of Eadn - 96,000

People's Council of Utopie - 129,500

Order of Malta - 120,000

The Remnants - 120,000




Galactic Assembly - Founded 2115




The Galactic Assembly is founded by the Protorian Council. With ambassadors from following nations, each holding two seats:


Backhatta Hive (low) - Confederation of Xaplonius (High) - Redon Imperium - Republic of Galaron - Protorian Council - Human Colonies - Tassaran Republic - Libellan Union.


The seats for the Human Colonies have to be decided upon by vote through all human colonies. All get one vote for which colony they wish to have representatives from. The first and the second choice get a seat each on the Galactic Assembly. The Protorian Council hopes for participation.






The Galactic Assembly is founded. The Terran Federation, Aurora, Hephaestus, Xie, the Remnants, Silver Knight Company, Utopie have contact to eachother now, as well as the nations listed above for the Galactic Assembly.


A foreign ship is detected the system of New Sephoria.


Combat between the Republic of Galaron and the Karass Dominion continues. Neither are making any substantial gains.


The Tassaran Republic proclaims its encounter with the so-called Corrupter Dominion. For all matters, they appear hostile.




Map update!






Year 2116 by Earth's calendar.

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Imperial Republic of Mankind


Location: Novam Domum, outside of the domes 

Novam Domum, a planet filled with vast amount of minerals and one of the first planets to be attempted on a huge scale by mankind.

Yet most of it is a barren planet full of deserts as far as the eye can see at most places.

This changed a few years ago when mankind first landed on this planet.

Now it is partially scattered with: biodomes, mines, factories and trains yet this planet had never seen any rain drop from the sky for millions of years since there is no atmosphere.

Yet from the sky in a place that no one saw or anyone had seen the first drop of 'rain' in ever rained down close to the colony.

It was ink black and painted the floor black.


With surprise on their faces if you looked outside or on the news network then they could see what they had always been told but not always believed could have happened.

Rain, the proof that humanity could regardless of circumstances and the environment always adapt and survive.


This momentous occasion was celebrated all around the colony with many a man and woman dancing on the streets wishing each other good luck and looking forward to the bright new future.


Location: Novam Domum, Imperial palace

Alexander Varellion looked onto his reports and smiled though his frown conflicted with this.

This was because there was both good and bad news.

Mostly good news since Alexander smiled yet there were also a number of bad things that happened.


This was so since the beginning of an atmosphere was starting to form and it was proof that his efforts were paying off and  slowly making sure that Novam Domum could be livable.

This was also accompanied with the warp drive proving successful and morale being hugely improved with the prospect of exploring space.


Yet a lot of material and effort had been wasted and whilst the research into leaser weapons had not been totally wasted adapting earth weaponry to space turned out to be a case of materials and effort.

This severely frustrated Alexander since he severely disliked wasted resources and would rather like to use the things he has and improve it or make it better.

This fed into his weak point and nervousness that he was not a good enough leader and that whilst his people liked him he was not the best leader they could have.

Still he reminded himself everyone made mistakes at some point and as long as a person does not make the same mistake again and not improve or try to avoid the problem everything was alright.

His most positive point was however that he had once again won the election and he was happy with that and was happy with the polite and civil election with a respectful and honorable opponent who he really liked and had also made friend with with the time they had talked off-stage.


Now that the it has started to rain and that he had been re-elected it was time to fulfill on his promises and to progress the colony even further.


As he thought this Alexander readied himself and walked over to his computer and gave orders to his people and get ready to make the planet truly livable.


Since Alexander was not happy with just black rain drops sometimes coming out of the sky he wanted to have a green planet where his people could walk outside without a suit walking over green hills and picnicking over the trees.

Now it was time to make Novam Domum a true home.



3 ap is spent on constructing and designing machines that plant oxygen producing plants that do not require a lot of water and that will travel around the planet without needing a lot of support and only need to restock and then continue their work.


1 ap is spent expanding the domes and making more rooms for families to grow.


(I don't know if this needs ap or not.)

the corvette is send off the explore and scan the nearby moon 



5000 men are in the Imperial guard 

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The Sovereign Military Order of Malta




The Knights of Malta had finally found their new home on the planet they named Rhodius et Melitensus, and as they launched from the orbiting SMOM Lepanto onto the planet, they begin construction of the first of their Houses of Malta, the House of Roma. It, modeled after the projects Malta had undertaken across Earth, would be a towering city center complex, complete with control facilities for airports, malls, and other attractions. This complex would be surrounded by large apartment-style buildings to house as many members of the Order comfortably as possible, and the complex surrounded by a large layer of wind turbines, then a layer of factories, a layer of townhouses for factory and energy workers and farmers, and finally farmland and more wind-energy depots. The apartment buildings not only have above ground levels, but also underground floors for the lowest class housing. As a member of the Order gains distinction and power, their only substantial upgrade in living space is the floor of their building, and a slight size increase in accommodation. The inner area of the first layer of turbines is equipped with four stadiums and four churches, one church for each cardinal direction and one stadium for each intercardinal direction. The central complex of a House of Malta generally has movie theaters, malls, parks, a sports arena, and general facilities in the lower levels, laboratories, commercial offices, and general government and governance buildings in the middle levels, and the Order's House Command, or in Roma's case, High Command, in the upper levels. While airports are generally situated near the outermost layer, the farming layer, their overall controls are monitored by the House's command center. It is because of this that each House is fully self-sustaining, and because its governing 1st Class Knights can exert full control but almost always do so in the interest of the people, that each House can be considered an enlightened despotism.


Biotech by AlbyU

A picture of the House of Malta in Ireland, circa 2103



A House of Malta central complex's movie theater.



An airport and mall in an outer layer of a House of Malta in the Midwestern USA, circa 2097.


Additionally, it is ordered that a mask that filters water particles out of the air while still allowing easy communication and connection to the SMOM Lepanto's servers be created so that the citizens of Malta can be better connected and move better in the humid environment of Rhodius.


AP Usage:

Beginning of construction of a House of Malta. Construction starts from the outermost layers to the innermost. (3)

R&D of a humidity and communication mask. (1)


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Die Volksrepublik (PAR)


Events were moving so fast, it was hard to keep up with all of it. Thanks to the Protorians, instant communication was a thing. It was in fact apparent several other colonies had been established. The people were elated to know that some other ships made it. It seemed like ages ago, that final moment of leaving earth. Remembering all the fear and suffering....


The People's Council granted had kept people in order. But their control was too tight, they dared too much. And indeed it was the People's Council that first acknowledged these problem. The council, or the inner circle, was all top military minds. They had been determined to bring their German peoples into order. Chaos would of killed them all. But now they saw that their control was cracking. They could not keep ruling like this. Especially when they lay within Protorian borders. And so they had made a public speech, and then stepped down. The entire People's Council was dissolved, the rich and craft losing their power. 


It was handed to the people, as it always should of been. Returning to their socialist roots, a new government is made. The People's Agrarian Republic is voted into existence. Every single citizen is allowed the right to vote, with a few rules. A few of the simple ones are being above the age of sixteen, etc. A body is formed to maintain the administrate and diplomatic ends of a government. Mainly powerful (at least in influence and status amongst the colony) citizens find their way here.) It is their job to conduct diplomacy with other space faring nations. The rest is to guide the people, in suggesting courses to vote on. They are the think tank, containing some actual powers. They can block votes -if there's a unanimous vote against blocking it- if they are too out of order.


More and more will be thought out, but the groundwork is there. And the government opens the first round of votes. It is focused on what the next few steps of the colony should be. A few rounds are cast, as they have to get used to this new concept. People are eagerly lining up at the polls, shaking off memories of the People's Council. And so the near future of the colony is decided by its people...


The bonus of so much extra food and luxury crops was amazing. The people could live in comfort, knowing they would not starve. They are more and more less concerned about old manners. Such as droids, laser weapons and that lot. The people needed to focus on building a strong foundation of humans for the next step.


And so the farms are planned to expand. Already the valley Utopie resides in is parceled out into farm country. With the surplus of seeds (and it's made sure every harvest a good amount is stored) more farms are made. A farming committee is very strict on how the farmland is shaped and cultivated. Organic methods are used, to ensure a sustainable cycle. More people are becoming farmers, moving out of the city into the valley. Within the city the people more steeped in technology reside. Utopie becomes smaller, but gradually more advanced and well run.


Large term expansion in agriculture (3 ap)


Scientist begin to test different ways to harness the energy in the crystal. Aware of the danger they work on it remotely and with robots doing the hands on work. (1 ap)


The Protorians are asked if they would provide any gifts in the form of agriculture improvement. (Mod Please)


With communication now possible, the PAR greets all the human colonies. They share a brief history of events leading to now. The other colonies are encouraged to share their experiences and findings. Alongside that a diplomatic branch from the colony is elected into a committee. They are to be the people to hold a galactic seat. The other colonies are asked to vote for Utopie. They reside within the Protorian's borders, and are on great terms with them. Utopie would try to ensure benefits for every colony, even those who don't vote for it.









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United States Of Arcturus


Arcturus system










The USS Intrepid drifted silently through the void. Nearly 300 light years from Arcturus and two years into their mission, having surveyed hundreds of systems, investigated every possible avenue and they could find nothing. The crew had gained a monotonous attitude towards the mission. Perhaps the signal was a fluke, maybe they miscalculated its origin. Who knew… they had done the jobs and tried their hardest. As the USS Intrepid fired up it's warp drive as it prepared to go home the crew wondered. Would they ever find anyone, maybe they truly were alone…


The year was one of a solemn attitude for the first time in a long time nothing of note happened. Other than a bleak harvest, which foreshadowed their search for the signal. Mines continued drilling, animals continued to graze. People went to work and school, children were born and people died.


President Hallsworth was a graying man, the stress from the past years duly took it's toll on him. His security team stood guard at the door as he stepped into the room, air conditioned and moist unlike the outside heat which could be seen radiating off the dunes through the window. The lab was empty aside from the project lead who stuck his hand out to the visitor.




“Mr President welcome to the new Science And Engineering Institute Of Technology, I hope you enjoyed your flight out here.” The trip had bored him quite much actually, if it were up to him he would have never flown out here, but the doctor insisted he do so. “Yes the flight was fine, very relaxing. I heard there was an urgent matter doctor, what can we do for you?” The doctor nodded flipping over a board full of calculations to show them to the president “Straight to the point, fair enough sir. Look here.” The President nodded “I have no idea what any of this means doctor…” the doctor tilted his head as he spoke with a hint of excitement in his voice “It means it's workable sir, the math checks out. We CAN build this thing. That's what it means sir, with more resources and maybe a year more we can perfect this.” The President sighed “More money? Is it really wort-” The doctor cut him off in an affirmative tone “YES it is Mr President. With the correct conduction of electromagnetism we can alternate the gravitational field of an object. We can bend gravity to our will, think about what can be done. Massive ships, changing a building on the planet to zero G. If we can perfect this we will be…. YEARS ahead! Sir, I promise you. Fund this and you will not regret it, we cannot afford on others to make developments sir, we lead our own paths.”

President Hallsworth bit his tounge and replied “Very well doctor you will get what you need.” He was right, the President pondered. They were on their own out here.





4AP into research on the gravitomagnetic field generator….again (damn scientists)









-200 US Navy sailors

Shipyard level 2







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New Sephoria




Date: February, 2116

Location: Council Meeting Room

Documented Event: New Sephorian Council meeting regarding Alien Presence in the Angelos System


Director Rosita starts off the meeting. "As we all know by now, an alien ship has entered Angelos-4. We knew of the existence of Alien life, thanks to the robots we discovered, but this is different. These may be living, breathing aliens."


General Luciano nods. "We cannot show weakness, but we shouldn't flex more muscle than we need. We should show that we will fight to defend ourselves, but that should always be the last resort."


Pope Rolando nods. "Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the presence of creative alternatives for responding to conflict. We will prepare to defend ourselves, but we will withhold hostile actions until it is necessary. Then, and only then, we will fight to win."


Head Researcher Maria looks around at the other council members. "Uh... Yeah. Kind of hard to say anything inspiring after you three. So, we'll send a representative, while preparing our forces to defend themselves?"


The rest of the council nods.




(2 AP) Preparing the Military of New Sephoria to defend the colonies, should the need arise. All 21 Wardens would be deployed as well, to assist in defensive efforts, should the need arise.


(1 AP) Sending a representative of New Sephoria in a shuttle to greet the Alien ship.


(1 AP) Production of Mk. 1 Labor Robots




Human Population: 150,500


Advanced Alien Robots: 2


Inferior Labor Robots: 201


Military Robots (Warden): 21




Alien Language (Demotic, Ancient Greek, & Latin similarities)

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Hephaestus Holdings Incorporated

Insurance, Banking, Shopping, and More!




"Bloody hell, Phil. Have you seen the names of these buggers?"

The office of Steven Penrith was filled with all manner of data print-outs. Steven preferred paper over electronic screens, despite the obnoxious cost of wood-based products. It gave his office an old-fashioned vibe of business, and screens gave him headaches anyway. Phillip Narau was sitting in an armchair on the opposite side of Steven's desk quietly thumbing through the papers himself--coldly and silently absorbing the information. The person in the room no-one was acknowledging was Milly Price, who was currently sitting in an armchair next to Phillip fiddling with her laser-pistol.


"The aliens have rather colourful names, yes."

"Damn stupid names. Like the one that sounds like a bowel movement."






Steven waved away the comments of his two employees, and shook his head.
"No, no, no. I'm talking about these other human colonies. Aurora Imperium. The Remnants (That's a bloody laugh). Silver Knight Company. And the list goes on, and on. Now Hephaestus Holdings, there's a proper name..."


Milly sighed, and put her gun back into her pocket. "Why are we here, Steve?"

"Mr Penrith," Phillip cut in, glaring at Milly briefly, "requested my presence, due to the upcoming choice for representation in the galactic assembly. I requested your presence because I'd prefer more opinions. Mr Woolard would be here too, but he's busy with his mining expansions."

"Politics." Steven spat the word with considerable ire. "Wish I could just buy the bloody assembly. Then we wouldn't have to talk about it anymore." With a sigh, he scooped out his synth-coffee mug and leaned back into his armchair. "So which one of these goofs are we voting for?"


"I would suggest the Terran Federation. They gave us a complimentary warp-drive, and it would be best to foster relations with them. Hopefully we can steer them away from supporting any regulatory measures that could slow business."


"Ah yeah? Good blokes, them. Saved us lots of time. Still need the fellas down in R&D to take apart a Klingon ship to get at those lovely false-gravity systems. At least we won't need a warp drive, though! They do have artificial gravity, right...?" 

"I have no data on that yet, Mr Penrith."

"They probably do."


"Frankly I wish we didn't have to deal with these damn xenos at all. Sick of seeing those freaks walking about our business complexes. Why can't they just leave us be and rule their own bits of the galaxy? That's what I want to know." Milly folded her arms with a glower, which was quickly intercepted by Steven.

"Yeah, but they're our customers, so..." He shrugged, and twirled his chair to look out his window. "Anyway. These other human buggers. Anyone we know?"

"No organisation that I recognise off the top of my head. There's a name that looks familiar, however."

Steven nodded absent-minded and taking a sip of his synth-coffee, looking over the entertainment district beneath his window. "That Belgian girl I met in Antwerp? 'Lona,' wasn't it?"

"A Mr 'Edward Armathwaite.'"

Steven performed a sound that resembled a llama gargling acid, before spitting his coffee all over his window. He spun around in his chair bearing a face that showed both bewilderment and rage.

"THAT ****?!"


Action List:


Work would continue on the expansive heavy industry district, doubtlessly at greater speeds due to the factories recently completed. (-3AP)

Hephaestus representatives are now looking to purchase a ship with some variety of 'artificial gravity' that isn't a centrifuge model. ("I don't want 2001: Space Odyssey , I want bloody Star Wars!" -Steven Penrith, CEO of Hephaestus Holdings Incorporated) (-1AP)



Population: 129,500 Humans, 3,000 Grgl, 2,000 Tassareans, 750 Human-Tassareans


Military: 8,500 security forces, after voluntary sign-ups.


Fleets: One drive-less colony ship, sitting idle.



Accumulation List


Mining: 8AP

Manufacturing: 11AP

Advertising and Market Research: 10AP


One disassembled jump-drive sitting in some engineer's basement.

Fully-functional laser weaponry


Warp-drive technology (Gifted unto them by the Terran Federation)





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The People’s Republic of Xie



A peace had settled over the large moon and the space station. Ho Chi Minh's face was still commonplace, beaming toward everybody. Lately though, there was a lack of a population and a workforce, even with over half of the population working in the mega factories the construction of weapons and new drilling equipment suffered from a lack of workers, they looked to the future. A world of automation, they look to industrialize the solar system and so a project is developed for creating new colonies and fighters. 

A probe is also sent into space with the new quantum technology, the people on board the ship of highly trained astronauts are sent in sleeping pods and also contain an accomplished diplomat to the Auroran Imperium.


Population on the space station: 30,000

Population on planet: 105,500



3AP researching, developing and starting construction of huge new carrier ships, although this time equipped with warp drive mechanics, 30,000 factory workers are dedicated to this project of 3 huge carrier ships for the transportation of seeds, eggs and sperm and a small population of human carriers. As well as a flight and crew of around 200 people per ship. 

1AP introducing a scheme to attempt to increase fertility rate by implementing government run systems for free education in the fields of military training and work in factories, contraception is made illegal with a hefty fine placed on those selling contraceptive methods.


Image result for Spaceship carrier concept art









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The Terran Federation

3.08.2113, Sol’s Rebirth System, Planet Terra

“There is nothing to fear but fear itself.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt


With the recent breakthroughs with the discovery of the potential energy to be gained by the crystals, the Science Division is given orders to continue, as it could very well replace Fusion for energy.


Otherwise a great many Colonist along with Grgl and Tassarans gather about social hubs in the colony as the Federation's first Warp Capable ship is preparing its maiden voyage as it is given full attention. Live feeds show the crew and the ship as it pulls away from orbit.


Vira stands in the control center looking at a large screen “Alright Quinn, take it easy this isn’t just a test run, once you arrive at your destination just do a quick scan of the system and return. This will determine the success of our scanners and Warp Drive..”


Quinn smiles for the camera showing off abit. The vessel holds 3 crew, the pilot, the sensor operator, and a communications operator.


The Nebula Freighter adjusts its course as it’s engines fold inward to position as it prepares to test its Warp Drive. “Alright Lads and Lasses! Today we make history.” he winks at the camera.


Vira watches the screen shaking her head “Oh no...what is he doing?..” she asks. Quinn goes over the console “Engines are green...Warp Drive is warming up, Comms?” he asks as the Operator nods “Comms are Green.” he glances back at the Sensor Operator “Sensors are working and running.” she says as Quinn smirks “Good..good...alright! We can’t make history without...a little tunage..” as he inserts a data chip into the main console…


Quinn shifts in his seat to the song as he makes for the edge of the system “Engaging Warp Drive!”


Colony of Terra

Capital City, Sol


Freighter Class Shipyard - Emmerson Science & Research Facility

Notable Locations: Sol Colony, Crystal Chasm

Population: 131,000 Humans Grgl 1000, 750 Tassareans, 50 Human-Tassarean Hybrids



2 Caterpillar Class Freighters

1 Nebula Class Freighter (Warp Capable)




The Terran Federation votes for the Aurora Imperium to have a seat in the Assembly.


The Xie, Silver Knight Company, Haephestus Corporation, Utopie, The Remnants all receive schematics for Warp Drives from the Terran Federation.


The Warp test is broadcasted live for all Federation and Grgl Observers to see. They are to warp to the next nearest system and back to judge its success. (2 AP)

The Federation Science Division continues its research into the Crystals to create a new energy source. (2 AP,  3 AP previous)

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The Remnants

Image result for Space Flags


"Shoot for the Stars, and for the head."  Commander Eli when he lead the Remnant's into space.



Commander Eli would awake slowly as the sounds of music came from his old fashion alarm clock. The music would be a classic that his Grandfather once showed him. 

Commander Eli would begin dancing around his room in New Bayside,the first colony of the Planet named by The Remnants as Zeta Prime. Commander Eli would still be dancing around when he'd hear the sound of knocking coming from his door. He'd go to answer finding one of his advisors, Cellestia King, standing there with a straight face. Eli would still be dancing as he'd welcome her in. She'd goto sit as he began to speak, "And What do I owe the pleasure Cellestia?" He'd say with a smile on his face. Cellestia would sit down at the table in the corner of the room going to speak, "Well, Comander Colton I-" she'd be cut off by Eli, "Please... call me Eli." he'd say jokingly. "Well then Commander Eli," She'd continue, "We have only been here for a month and we have already received contact from the other Human Colonies it seems. The Terran Federation has gifted us with the schematics of a warp drive for more advanced ships capable of things of unimagin-" she'd be cut off yet again, "Blah Blah Blah, Cut to the point Cellestia. What is it you came here for?" He'd say making his way towards the kitchen. "I am Saying that we need to begin working we've been here to long doing nothing and as the Leader of our people they look to you for orders." she'd say slightly aggravated. "Well then," He'd say opening his arms to her as he'd walk backwards, "Let's get to work."



Commander: Eli Colton

Planet: Zeta Prime

Colony: New Bayside

Population: 120,000

Fleet: 1 Colony Ship, 2 Shuttles



Military Research:Commander Eli has the Remnant Military begin refitting the original Colony ship into a capable Military Carrier. (2 Ap)

Image result for Colony shipConstruction: Commander Eli would command his construction team to begin work on creating a basic ship yard. (1 Ap)


Research: Commander Eli would have the best brains of the Remnants begin on working with their mining lasers to try and learn how to create laser projectile firing weapons. (1 Ap)


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Aurorian Imperium


The council of Aurora would not meet as much this time, simply sending messages between one another as they all have important assignments to oversee. The planet would be surveyed completely and Fernando’s people would be working on many new projects in their large science labs with the help of Cynthia’s engineers who help with the robots.


With the colonies first vessel now in space plans to survey the various planets and moons in the solar system are made however they would not begin the exploration, instead they would focus their efforts on the things on the planet. Fernando and Cynthia’s crew would be the busiest they been in a while now, this year working together to create the humanoid robots. They would also begin to work on creating a high tech VR headset that would go along with the robots to have sort of pilots for intense situations, meanwhile both crews would work to try and improve the Zeus Rail gun rifle’s energy problem; trying to solve this in any way they can think of as long as the rifle could still be carried around easily. The cooks of the Aurora cafeteria staff would be given half the gathered eggs after some intense gathering operations to grab as many eggs as they could find; half of them going to the cooks to make food for the people out of them after making sure the eggs weren't dangerous. The other portion of the eggs would go to the research and agriculture teams to try and find out if they could hatch these creatures in a controlled environment.

Note: After some debate the council and Aurora itself would give its vote to the Terran Federation for the council.(Voted for Tyras)




~Ap points~

  • 1 AP put into focusing on the Zeus rail gun rifle’s energy problem first.

  • 1 AP is used continuing to make the humanoid robot’s, if finished they would try and create about a dozen of these humanoid robots some plans being made for them in the future.

  • 1 AP is used beginning to create the colonies very first virtual reality headsets, the idea is to connect the soldiers to the robots and later provide them to the public for entertainment purposes.

  • 1 AP would be to inspect the eggs, even snatching a few for research purposes and possibly to try and hatch one of these worms in a control environment.



Mining Operation: Commencing more mining operations, going deeper Small-medium Ship Assembly(In the ground)

  • Population: 143,000 Total Population

Normal Pop: 15,005

Scientist pop: 35,457

Worker pop: 35,457

Engineer pop: 35,457

  • Military: 20,624 soldiers

  • Some armed with Zeus mark I rail gun


  • 1 Corvette
Edited by Angel~
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Silver Knight Company 






Chief Executive Edward Armathwaite

Security Chief Lyle Morgan

Chief Engineer Shinzo Sato

Chief Scientist Miranda Keynes


Colony Stats 


Population - 131,500

Silver Knight Company Security Forces - 25,000

High Skilled Workforce (Science and Engineer Corps, Executives and Administrators) - 25,000

Low Skilled Labour (Farmers, Builders, Factory Workers etc) - 50,000


General Activity


Construction on the Manufacturing Fabricators continue, the vast amount of resources and manpower being poured into the project to ensure that these fabricators can begin work. The project continues as expected and with the same budget of resources put into it as planned. 


Construction of the Asteroid base continues and the first outposts are completed within the first year as expected to do so. Construction of the base continues as planned. 


The Executive Branch of the Colonial Government of the Silver Knight Colony choose to vote for the Terran Federation to represent humanity at large on the Galactic Assembly. 


Activity Points


Construction Continues on the Manufacturing Fabricators (2AP)


Construction Continues on the Asteroid Belt Base (2AP)

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Image result for Space Flags


 "God's speed Commander Eli. May you have Clear skies."  A voice would say sounding as if from a transmission. "And to you too, Commander Eli Out" - There would be a sharp buzz and then silence. "Cellestia, Send in our vote for the Galactic Assembly." she'd look to Eli and nod for waiting for further orders. "We vote for the Aurora Colony." she'd nod and send in the vote.

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Sage Initiative 

A man swiftly walked through the hall of the central control tower of the Initiative, he was tapping his fingers in an upbeat nervous pace as he walked closer to the council chambers. He was delivering news where he knew Ben wouldn’t be happy at this sudden change. As he approached the door he stopped himself and took several deep breaths before knocking on the door and stepping in, “Excuse me sir.. I have to give you a message, Dr. Needler is stepping down. Immediately. She said something about getting extremely sick, and the need for her to find herself and that working would end up killing her quicker.. I am sorry sir, she gave me who she believes who should be her predecessor. Much like Lucas did. That remind me, they have finished the first prototype of the warp drive, and it should be ready for testing as well after we outfit a ship with it.” He would let out a deep breath and a sigh of relief, he was obviously nervous about the upcoming reaction. 

Ben took a deep breath as he tapped the side of his leg, and then clinched his fist as he took in the news. “She really just dropped out of thin air like that? Did not even have the courtesy to let us know herself? Shame. Let me see this list.”  As he grabbed the intern’s pad he inspected the list, “THESE are her candidates? One qualified guy is on here. He’s actually worked on these projects before. Looks like Heath Kennedy is the new head of our science department. Anyone disagree?” He looks around the room as no one nods there head in disagreement. “Tell him. Then let’s get started on this Targeting System and then let us explore this vast system we have testing our new Warp Drive prototype.” Ben would set down his pad and get up out of his seat, “Ladies and gentlemen the new era is about to begin.” He would smirk and then walk out of the meeting room. 

Building a scout ship retrofitted with the warp drive (1 AP)

Placing additional resources into finishing up the advanced targeting system. (3 AP) 

Population: 133,000  

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      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

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      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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