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Dark Shamanism, Origins of Ixli, and More (Fixed!)


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The Origins of Ixli


(Ixli before his corruption)


When the ethereal dust settled with the birth of the Immortal Realms, Ixli looked out upon his dwelling with a swell of pride. After all, he was the Spirit of Truth and Judgement.


At first he ordered his lessers into one of his two domains, and instilled in each of them a task and a philosophy through which to live. They would scatter out into the world, looking upon mortals and uncovering and reprimanding deceit and trickery.


Ixli himself had other plans, and set out into the vastness of the world in order to uncover all which had remained hidden. It was his duty, after all, to uncover the many primordial veils that obscured the corners of the Universe.


And so his search began. Though rife with danger, Ixli threw caution to the wind and remained steadfast in his noble pursuit. He was one of the first Immortal Spirits to venture outside of the safety of the Spirit realms. In the vast, celestial expanse he was subject to the mortal coil, and any harm that came to him would indeed be irreversible.


He perused among the indecipherable remnants of creation, and basked in the eternal rays that illuminated his journey. He saw the most brilliants of stars, and the most hungering of voids. He happened upon unspeakable things, and witnessed histories that would ravage the sanity of mere men.


It wrought at his soul and diminished his resilience, and yet he persevered in his heroic uncovering. No stone would be unturned in the pursuit of truth, for it would save the lives of many who were undeserving of such harsh fates.


At one stage he found himself within a particularly large void, starved of stars and planets and near anything at all. It was as true a void as he had ever witnessed, and yet in its apparent centre an asteroid loomed.


As he touched upon the dust, he saw a temple that bore all the resemblance of the darkest chitin. It was altogether inhuman, and incoveibable to mortal eyes. As he ventured into the shadows of the strange architecture, he uncovered an entity, dormant in a throne-like platform.


The entity rose in its awakened state, the manifestation of Ihsesh, Vaasek’s greater minion.



(Ihsesh, the Greatest of the Kabalees)


It spoke not of any language Ixli had come to learn, nor the symbols of the hall any semblance of familiarity. Instead they bore a sick aura, one that unnerved even the Immortal himself.


Just as soon as the flames had risen, they were drawn into the creature, setting it ablaze. In a wailing rush, it advanced upon Ixli and stumbled before his feet. The fires charred at its bone and soon it crumbled into ash.


As Ixli took a step back, the ash drew up and merged with his soul. It dug into him like indomitable claws, and refused to allow him a moments relief from the pain that wracked at his core. He felt his mind succumb to foul intent, a more precarious iteration of itself.


He looked around him as the halls collapsed, and all of the energies of the room swirled into his being. He felt a rush of empowerment, and a subsequent fatigue that rattled his sanity. He began to hunger more. More, as the world beneath his feet crumbled and broke, and it was not long before Ixli found himself amidst the great void, alone with only his thoughts.


The many thoughts that ate at him and screamed within his mind.


Note: Ihsesh is the strongest of Vaasek’s minions, and is responsible for spreading many of the corruptive magics that plague the Universe- whether known or unknown at this present time.


In essence, these abilities are always presented as being particularly powerful, but inevitably reveal many more drawbacks that begin to weaken those who utilise them.


This is the ultimate goal of Vaasek, in an attempt to weaken mortals with the false promise of power.



The Origins of the Dark Shamans




Indeed, Ixli has been forever warped and changed by that experience. So much so that when he returned to his realm, a great wave of madness descended upon his subjects. All reverted to bastardising their former ideologies, each destructive and self-serving.


Ixli knew that his hungering was not for more power, or for endless spoils. Instead, it was for sanity. In a desperate pursuit to return his world to normality, he would offer all that he had uncovered in exchange for the state of mind he fantasises of returning to.


From this decision, the Dark Shamans were born. Ixli instructed one of his lessers to enter the mortal realm on his behalf, and to reveal to those more learned of spiritual energies, the forbidden knowledge he could barely allow.


For all intents and purposes these powers were shadows of those he had uncovered on the asteroid, those of absorbing the totality of material and absorbing latent energies. Weakened and yet formidable variations of his own ill fate.


They would come by way of the Tome of Ixli, a book that contained the indecipherable symbols presented in that far gone temple. Unknown even to the Immortal himself, it is only upon looking at them that the dark knowledged is seared into mortal minds. They cannot speak of how they function, and it is not something that can be passed on without observing the passages.


It is a knowing that is plagued upon the soul, one that begins a process of withering the mind and body of those who dare to learn it. The appetite for power comes at a grave cost, one that will take from the Dark Shamans not only their bodies, but their sanity as well.


However, this is not in the common understanding of sanity. It is instead one that pertains to a moral compass, and one of survival. Upon the descent of this madness, the Dark Shamans continue to forsake their safety as they lose sight of what it meant to have a mortal coil.


The Tome of Ixli is a Lesser Spirit of Ixli, and is therefore not literally a tome. However, it presents itself as a tome and does not often diverge from this appearance. For all intents and purposes it will appear as a usual book, but will have immense spiritual properties.


In order to understand the process of becoming a Dark Shaman, one must read the symbols that are represented through the Tome of Ixli. These symbols cannot be recreated or represented in any way, and the knowledge cannot be taught or expressed through any means. It is a process that binds to the Soul and begins to corrupt it, and is a process as natural as breathing for those that come to understand it. Due to this, it takes no significant effort to begin manipulating a Spirit, and instead is achieved through sheer intent or will..

Although the tome is actually a Spirit itself, it cannot be consumed by the art that it teaches. However, due to its nature it can be destroyed; a feat that would be particularly difficult as it can remove itself from the Mortal Realm at will.


The First Transcendence


Kurag the Bastard pressed his back against the cold slabs of stone that ran up the wall and arched over him, looming like the haunting images of his past actions. He sat in silence, disturbed only by the niggling droplets of water that eroded both the floor around him and his own patience.


For a moment he looked out in yearning, a wish to return to a former glory he could only taste in memory. His throat scratched with the niggling thirst of power, and soon his vision faded around him. At first it seemed he was merely falling asleep, but soon the passing of time presented another reality.


He emerged to a deafening silence, his vision perturbed on all sides by an encroaching mist. An endless, grey horizon presented itself before him, like an aged and dull painting. It lacked character, and so too did Kurag. He sensed as well that his ego had torn from his soul, a state of peace swathing over him.


He looked out in complete neutrality as the figure of Ixli, a familiar sight, descended upon him. Before he could react, flames engulfed his vision and he sensed that his entire form was searing with intense heat; At least, his mind told him to expect such things. In reality, there were no sensations of pain, nor any discomfort at all as he melted to within the fog.


For a moment his awareness expanded beyond his mortal cage, and he witnessed himself as a pile of ash, mixed slowly with the essence of his soul. Soon it began to rise within the surrounding fog, and soon his vision had returned to its former confinement.


He looked out before him, as the Tome of Ixli materialised. If one were there, a wry smile would have formed upon his lips. Instead, only a haunting chuckle escaped his new form, a newfound energy coursing through his soul.


Ixli had destroyed him, but with his broken form he had birthed him into something else entirely.


Something far more devastating.


The Withering


(The use of Blood Totems is especially important)


Perhaps the most poignant state of a Dark Shaman is that of his or her withering, in which the mind and body of the host succumbs to a state of decay. This occurs because of Vaasek’s influence, through Ixli, which gnaws away at the hosts soul and tears them asunder from their mortal coil, akin to earlier iterations of dark shamanism.


As the soul becomes more precarious, it loses its hold on all things mortal, and the body is often left behind. As this stage progresses, the Shaman will find their muscles weakened, followed shortly by their bones. Before long, their appendages begin to fall around them, and they are little more than ravaged souls and vestiges of sundered bone.


This process of opening up the host allows for mana to be more easily accessible to the Spirit, and is the reason why the Dark Shamans find their magical abilities enhanced in contradiction to their extremely fragile forms.


It is near impossible to revitalise the mind of a Dark Shaman, but the body is not beyond repair. Through specific rituals, these Shamans may rend the flesh of their enemies, and transfer these materials onto their bodies.


Additionally, as a Dark Shaman progresses, they begin to lose their sight as Vaasek attempts to gain further perspective on the world.


(Rending Soul Essence)


When a Dark Shaman has overpowered an enemy, he or she may begin a process of absorbing their soul essence. Their latent energies will begin to sap and will newly form upon the Shamans own skeleton in order to revitalise them.


Note: This process does not ordinarily kill the character, but will instead leave them in a considerably weakened state, almost as though they have swapped their former strength with that of the Dark Shaman. This usually persists for one or two IRL hours.


If a Dark Shaman does not occasionally restore their body, they will permeate the stench of decay, which will alert all nearby to their true state of being. Along with this, the decaying of muscle will prevent them from moving at any considerable extent. They will be severely impaired without this procedure.


The Shaman must find a person of considerable energy (an actual player) and draw upon them.


States of Withering:


T1 - Weakened muscles and occasional slur of speech

T2 - Weakened muscles and bones, slowed movement and mild hallucinations

T3 - Decaying muscles and brittle bones, and questionable moral stance.

T4 - Near-gone muscles, severely brittle bones and precarious sanity.

T5 - Virtually ghost-like, with mild bone tethering all together.


Weakened muscles and bones at T3 and beyond will persist through revitalisation, but will allow the Shaman to at least appear normal and without any kind of smell.


The Great Mist


Although the bodies of Dark Shamans can be repaired (up to T3), the mind is irreversibly damaged. This causes them to drift further from normality, as they come to question their own mortality and direction in life. At some point in their decay (T3) they are drawn by the call of The Great Mist.


The Great Mist is a realm unexplained to the Shamans, which consists of towering statues. In reality, this is a dimension crafted by the Daemon Vaasek, but the Shamans are manipulated into thinking that it is comprised of Spiritual energy. These stone figures each present an idea to the Dark Shaman, a way in life that they may choose to follow and enact upon the world. In response, they are awarded a respite from their madness. When Dark Shamans are not in a madenned state, they are unable to be detected by Shamans. Otherwise, a Shaman will known when a Dark Shaman is nearby.


With each task achieved, they can once more enter The Great Mist and meditate with these entities, in states of bliss. This will allow them to return to the mortal realm with clear minds for a few days. However, due to the cruel barb of fate, this will never be a permanent restoration, and is only used to stave off an inevitable decline.


After they have completed a task, they will be returned to normality for the three day duration, but will be unable to use any spells they are otherwise granted. If they proceed to use a spell, their mental clarity will break.


The three truths set by these entities and the powers they bestow are as follows:


The Way of Vision:


The ability to distort the vision of the target into seeing what the Dark Shaman intends for them to perceive. This may be used when the target is conscious or sleeping. For the former, it may shape the world around them into a horrific visage.


If they are sleeping, it may cause nightmares to stir.


-The way of vision is cast by dark shamans via an initial line of sight someone within 20 meters(20 blocks), and a series of maddening mutterings in the old blah praising Ixli which would seem to reverberate in the surrounding eight meters (8 blocks). This ability takes 3 emotes to cast, and as mentioned priory, can only be used once every three days, and lasts 2 IRL hours, unless ended early by the dark shaman. 

The Way of Violence:


The ability to provoke blind rage into a target, causing them to attack whatever is in the nearest vicinity to them, regardless of affiliation. If there are no targets in the area, the effect will cause them to run in pursuit of the nearest target.


This ability can be used on animals in the vicinity, and will even work on the pets of those around the Dark Shaman.


-They way of Violence is cast by dark shamans through an initial line of sight, and a rather loud chant of twisted old blah, giving blasphemous praise to Ixli loud enough for anyone within 20 meters (20 blocks) to hear, and a visible glowing purple and blue effect enveloping the dark shamans arms, which must be outstretched in the direction of the target. After three emotes of channeling, a fourth emote is done suddenly sending these glowing fumes forward, to fly at and seep into what ever was the dark shamans effect. This effect lasts until completion of the task, or 2 IRL hours after with no success. 

The Way of Misery:


This ability causes the victims tongue to turn black and sour, and will contort all words spoken into lies and insults. All sense of enjoyment will be removed from the taste buds, replaced by the same, foul taste; irrespective of what it is they are eating.


-The way of Misery is cast by dark shamans through an initial line of sight with a target, and a whispering giving blasphemous praise to Ixli, loud enough for anyone within 2 meters (2 blocks) to hear. There are no visual effects, and this takes three emotes of uninterrupted channeling, after which it takes effect and lasts 2 IRL hours, with no magical nor mundane way to reverse the effect. 


Note: Only one truth may be followed at a time, and once it is chosen it cannot be changed for another. These abilities may also only be used once every three days, in line with the period of rest that follows.


The Miser of Mist



When a Dark Shaman reaches his or her peak (T5), they may be replace what little form they have remaining for a permanent state of darkened mist via ritual. Their soul is when fused entirely with this mist, which is in essence a coil created by Vaasek that allows for complete spiritual manipulation. This allows them to avoid ordinary harm, but they will remain susceptible to aurum weapons and the addition of both Clerical and Xanic magics, which prey upon their twisted, incorporeal bodies; But by no means easily, as the miser is a fairly potent being itself. More ordinary ways exist of combating the miser, should a mundane metallic blade or weapon be swung through it, the miser will experience a brief rush of pain run through its, though not enough to initially stop it from continuing to cast, repeated strikes will gradually begin to show more and more effectiveness against the miser, which would appear to be growing less and less dense, where what is actually happening is that the energy holding the miser together is being torn at and spread out. As a result, it is indeed possible to beat back the creature with mundane weapons, though it has a fair few more weaknesses, such as the creature's susceptibility to strong gusts of voidal air, able to knock back and suppress the spectre to a very high degree of effectiveness. Atop this, the miser's physical avatar is susceptible to alchemical healing concoctions of all sorts, which, ends up 'forcefully'  healing the creature for but a few moments, and making exposed areas dense enough to deliver high amounts blunt damage.  the miser is also susceptible to the effects of anti-magic and resonant knights, who's powers are able to interfere with the miser's innate connection to the mist, making them unstable and as a result severely weakening the miser, cutting off its ability to cast and maintaining a connection to the mortal realm grows increasingly difficult, prolonged exposure to these will result in demanifestation. 


There may only ever be one Miser of Mist, as their abilities are far reaching. They are capable of using all three Ways, but must follow the line of only using one at a time and following standard limitations for usage periods. Due to their nature, they may manipulate their appearance at will in order to blend in. They have no smell or distinguishable odour, but if they are touched, the hand will fall right through the veil. Should a miser be beaten and ‘slain’ in some manner or another, they are instead beaten back into the great mists, where they linger for the next few elven hours (2 IRL hours), before they are able to re-manifest into the mortal plane.


Upon the ascension of a miser, the former dark shaman loses a few of the abilities they once possessed, such as the priorly innate ability rend flesh to mend their body, for there is nothing left to mend. The miser also only gets a single day, Instead of three, of sanity regained by using a truth. they do this to take the role as a watcher to their ilk, and to in turn gain the ability to summon and disperse the tome of Ixli on a whim.


The Ritual


When it is decided that a Shaman will become the Miser of Mist, they are to be brought to The Great Mist. All Dark Shamans currently active must attend with the Tome of Ixli, and sail the river of lies. At the base, a statue larger than all others resides. At the bottom is an altar, one that the chosen Shaman must be rested upon.


It is then that the opened Tome of Ixli will be set above his or her head, and all other Shamans will begin to process of rending his or her spiritual energies. When they are little more than a collection of bones, they are to be set ablaze.


Once their bones turn to ash, their ashes are poured into the river of lies. After a time, the energies of Vaasek merge the soul with the ashes, which are actually what the “Mist” appears to be when the Miser materialises. They will then emerge and claim themselves as Keeper of the Tome, where they gain the ability to summon and disperse it as they please.


In order to remove the Miser, the same number of Dark Shamans (Or if it is for the original miser, 6 shamans) must combine their mastery of the elements in order to capture the Miser within a container. Once he is stored, they are to set it ablaze.


This reversing process will result in the Miser losing all Spiritual influence indefinitely, and will cause them to become Spectres; a truely mad and powerless specter that retains its form and all flaws and downsides of such, yet none of its benefits since they have no body to return to.


Spiritual Manipulation


(Some Shamans will forsake their flesh for a horrific presence)


Due to their history and knowledge of the Spirits, Dark Shamans focus the brunt of their absorption on the dormant, or stagnant, Spirits that reside within every corner of the mortal realm.


Due to the intense concentration that it takes to absorb and manipulate the stagnant Spirits, these Dark Shamans are only capable of using one spiritual energy at a time. They are otherwise capable of using any Spirits.


When these energies are manipulated and absorbed, they are tainted within the core of the Dark Shaman. In this process, the intent of the Dark Shaman is placed on the spirits, and they are then sent back into the region they were from.


Emote 1:


As an example, a Dark Shaman may stand before a blazing fire. He may them begin the process of absorbing the energies within, causing the lights to flicker.


Emote 2:


The Dark Shaman will them put his focus upon the spirits, demanding that they direct themselves to the nearby Orc.


Emote 3:


As the spirits are returned to the fire, it is twisted and corrupted into black flame, and will sear with greater heat.


Emote 4:


As it flows toward the Orc, it burns wildly in the region. This type of flame cannot be doused by water, and will blaze for the natural duration that it exists.


This process affects the elements as follows:


Water - Thickened or acidic and discoloured, the water may take on two states of being, dependant on a rolling system. Anything below 50 is thick, mud like water, anything above 50 is acidic.


Fire - Blackened and unable to be doused, but likewise cannot spread outside of target area


Earth - Weakened and discoloured, the ground crumbles and falls to smaller pieces. If these are used, everything will be reduced to dust


Air - Poisonous and irritating to skin, this air cannot be breathed. If someone is in proximity and remains there, they will fall unconscious in three emotes.


Metal - Brittle and jagged, warped metal cannot be crafted with and will render existing weapons and armours  near useless, needing to be re-forged to truly repair.


Electricity - Becomes extremely erratic and may turn on the Shaman himself, takes on a darker colouration and appears gray   


In regards to Immortal Spirits, all spells that are not inherently destructive will take on damaging properties. For instance, if a Dark Shaman attempted to heal a wound using an Immortal Spirit, they would instead cause more harm due to their corruptive nature.


When stagnant Spirits are influenced, they can no longer be used by normal Shamans until the region is healed by considerable feats of Shamanism; I.E blessings


Weaknesses Summary and Red Lines


Physical Degradation & Blindness


Limbs and efforts that require physical strength are dramatically lessened as the Shaman becomes more Spiritually powerful. In later stages, they are on the cusp of being crippled.


T1 - Weakened muscles and occasional slur of speech

T2 - Weakened muscles and bones, slowed movement and mild hallucinations

T3 - Decaying muscles and brittle bones, and questionable moral stance.

T4 - Near-gone muscles, severely brittle bones and precarious sanity.

T5 - Virtually ghost-like, with mild bone tethering all together.


Weakened muscles and bones at T3 and beyond will persist through revitalisation, but will allow the Shaman to at least appear normal and without any kind of smell.


Additionally, as a Dark Shaman progresses, they begin to lose their sight as Vaasek attempts to gain further perspective on the world. At later stages, the Shaman's vision will rapidly deteriorate. Even with restored bodies, they will find they their eyes are hazed by a persistent mist. In these circumstances (T4 and above) they will only be capable of focusing directly ahead, and will otherwise see mist in all other locations.


Weakness to Certain Magic


When the Dark Shamans are not in revitalised forms, they are extremely susceptible to Clerical and Xanic magic, to the extent that a Ghost would be. It is imperative, for this reason, that they continue to revitalise their bodies.


When their bodies are revitalised, they are as susceptible to harm as any other mortal would be.


Spiritual Usage


Dark Shamans may only use one Spirit at a time. As with normal Elementalism, a Dark Shaman may not produce fire where there is none, and can only work with existing material.


Disconnecting a Dark Shaman


In order to disconnect the Dark Shaman, a collection of brethren (3 T3+) must drown them in the river of lies. As this occurs, the Miser of Mist must summon the Tome of Ixli, which will proceed to draw the knowledge from every gasp of breath the Dark Shaman makes.


Red Lines


Cannot use Way Spells more than once per day, and not when their minds are temporarily restored



Can only use one Spirit at a time, akin to a normal shaman though to a higher degree of precision. 



Weakness to Clerical and Xanic



-Miser is weak to gold as it as it would cleave through the miser much like a sword cuts through normal flesh


-The miser is susceptible to anti-magics, and resonant knight spells which weaken deitific connection.


Shamans feel very off put when around dark shamans, and even more so when around the miser; unless the Dark Shaman is in a restored state lower than T3



Death and respawn rates for Shamans and Misers apply as with standard server rules, though upon death, t3 + dark shaman corpses begin to disperse into mist until nothing but bones remain. Upon 'respawning', they loose what ever flesh they have rended, and regain their broken form. 


-The miser is also susceptible to repeated physical attacks dealt by metallic weapons, though not to the degree a normal mortal would be. Instead, each attack feels like a light cut being inflicted on their body, with  the initial and  first series of attacks by a blade only creating pain for the miser, yet should strikes not relent, it would noticeably begin to make the miser's form less dense, and feel like actual slashes, able to disrupt its casting now. Past this, the miser can be beaten back with relative ease (Ease is a relative term, it takes a substantial amount of effort with normal blades to beat one back), as it becomes nothing more then a loose shape of gaseous fumes.  


Uses all Magic slots



Being virtually incorporeal, the Miser cannot hold material things over 10 or so pounds in weight



Follows the guidelines and restrictions of normal Shamanism except where explicitly stated otherwise; this includes required emotes for spells



Written by Smawton,

Edited and expanded on by Lhindir

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This formatting is phenomenal. When it gets fixed up I'll give it a hearty read, but the art is rather interesting. My biggest complaint is the obscene amount of physical deformation the dark shamans will face. It feels as if a mix of necromancy and mysticism is occurring here, in terms of physical qualities once the magic has been practiced long enough. I believe it is important for mostly all magics to weaken the character in one way or another, but this seems a little obscene. 

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Smaw x2 + Lhindir charm.


1 minute ago, Skale said:

This formatting is phenomenal. When it gets fixed up I'll give it a hearty read, but the art is rather interesting. My biggest complaint is the obscene amount of physical deformation the dark shamans will face. It feels as if a mix of necromancy and mysticism is occurring here, in terms of physical qualities once the magic has been practiced long enough. I believe it is important for mostly all magics to weaken the character in one way or another, but this seems a little obscene. 


Power in the cost of mind and body!
It's the part I love the most.

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4 minutes ago, Skale said:

This formatting is phenomenal. When it gets fixed up I'll give it a hearty read, but the art is rather interesting. My biggest complaint is the obscene amount of physical deformation the dark shamans will face. It feels as if a mix of necromancy and mysticism is occurring here, in terms of physical qualities once the magic has been practiced long enough. I believe it is important for mostly all magics to weaken the character in one way or another, but this seems a little obscene. 


Unfortunately the LT saw an issue with the last iteration in that it appeared to have too few weaknesses.


In any case, I would consider all aspects of this to be productive to RP- which is the main aim. Ultimately, while a weakness is obviously detrimental to the character, it adds more RP possibilities for everyone involved.


It will help us steer from the mentality of most people which seems to be to play to win. In reality, RP should be different from an OOC perspective.

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Smaw, I would never argue that weaknesses aren't a good thing, honestly. I just feel as if the decay is extreme for the physical body. I do stand by the idea that the first iteration of Dark Shamanism as a whole was pretty good, but it was definitely lacking in some areas, which this has done a great job altering. I am just unsure if the progression of overall decay of the character is reasonable. But I can see the roleplay possibilities, so I wouldn't damn the magic personally for it. 

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Persistence is key. I think this is what, the fourth? Fifth? Good on you fellows.

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i cant read diddly doo but i know its good


*edit: I read the diddly do and it was good

Edited by Doom321
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10 minutes ago, Doom321 said:

i cant read diddly doo but i know its good



Formatting should be fixed now, first time posting lore.

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The song is kindled once more. 

Good work you two, in a character, the more flaws, the better.

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4 minutes ago, Jentos said:

The song is kindled once more. 

Good work you two, in a character, the more flaws, the better.


I live this in real life.


It allows me to justify my existence.



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no more dark magic no more holy magic no more arcane magic no more updates to magic just faintly tweak a magic


why is a rehaul bad you might ask?


  • tampering with conditions like these in a pre-existing setting isn't meant to be constant. people will go "oh well it used to be this way" etc, it literally makes no sense to happen so much
  • it's ridiculous to dismantle a magic completely and recreate it just to fit your own agenda and the agenda of the current people who have it. you can't just make changes to something constantly because you want to or because  you think it's cool -- once again, it contributes to a messy setting and it's no wonder people think magic if stupid when they see the same lore despots rewriting and retweaking every time they get bored or have a change of heart.
  • this is the 4TH TIME. magic doesn't miraculously change, it should be occasional, it's actually laughable that everybody is going haywire with their lore. don't expect people to be able to adequately role-play when all you do is constantly giving them a new learning curve.
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Current Dark Shaman speaking here.


My Current Dark Shaman character would never follow this path of magic and here's why. Orcs are all about strength, might is right and what not, this is especially apparent in my Orc who is a huge old hulking beast of an Uruk. (Think Uncle Iroh in Prison.)




And while I do think that Dark Shamanism is probably the weakest magic in the game in it's current form, I prefer it to this version simply because it is a battle mage magic, and that's how shamanism should be.


My suggestion would be to make a branch of the same magic that focuses more on imbuing objects with the stolen power of spirits and is focused on a spell sword sort of combat style, with no physical weaknesses, or reversible weaknesses. Maybe they go feral if they do not consume people or spirits, but eating a person or spirit reverts this status. (Which I believe is what DivineJustice was going for, but ultimately made the magic much too weak.)


I'd be willing to help write this addition with you guys as well, if you're open to the idea, however if you decide against it, that's fine too, I can shelf my character and no hard feelings.


Also, @Veist This magic does need a rework, the last forced rework/nerf gutted the magic and has left it a shell of it's former self.

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7 hours ago, Deano said:

Current Dark Shaman speaking here.


My Current Dark Shaman character would never follow this path of magic and here's why. Orcs are all about strength, might is right and what not, this is especially apparent in my Orc who is a huge old hulking beast of an Uruk. (Think Uncle Iroh in Prison.)

  Reveal hidden contents



And while I do think that Dark Shamanism is probably the weakest magic in the game in it's current form, I prefer it to this version simply because it is a battle mage magic, and that's how shamanism should be.


My suggestion would be to make a branch of the same magic that focuses more on imbuing objects with the stolen power of spirits and is focused on a spell sword sort of combat style, with no physical weaknesses, or reversible weaknesses. Maybe they go feral if they do not consume people or spirits, but eating a person or spirit reverts this status. (Which I believe is what DivineJustice was going for, but ultimately made the magic much too weak.)


I'd be willing to help write this addition with you guys as well, if you're open to the idea, however if you decide against it, that's fine too, I can shelf my character and no hard feelings.


Also, @Veist This magic does need a rework, the last forced rework/nerf gutted the magic and has left it a shell of it's former self.



that's the issue with rewrites to begin with, gutting, and that's the point of my vengeful grammarless paragraph

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8 hours ago, Deano said:

My suggestion would be to make a branch of the same magic that focuses more on imbuing objects with the stolen power of spirits and is focused on a spell sword sort of combat style, with no physical weaknesses, or reversible weaknesses. Maybe they go feral if they do not consume people or spirits, but eating a person or spirit reverts this status. (Which I believe is what DivineJustice was going for, but ultimately made the magic much too weak.

Quick quip, this magic already exists in the form of Spirit Smithing minus the negatives, as it's willingness in this case.

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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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