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1912; Armageddon


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United States of America

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E Pluribus Unum

Early & Late 1916

White House, Washington DC, January 1st, 1916


A new year had started, 1916, and with it, a new president came. Last night’s new year’s eve party at the White House hadn’t been like other years, there was an overall mood of sadness amongst the attendants as Roosevelt had announced his stepping down as president, sticking around until twelve o'clock before being lead out by his doctor for a brief talk before heading to bed. The next morning, Hiram Johnson was officially inaugurated as the next president of the United States of America, only to stay around for a year, as he did announce, like all other prominent Progressives that they wouldn’t be running for president this year. Johnson said some nice words, both about Roosevelt, who stood by his side, as well as America itself, most remembered were his words about the world war: “May we stand unshaken, amidst a crash of worlds.”

After the inauguration, Roosevelt agreed to speak to a few journalists, immediately being interviewed by one of the New York Times. “Mister Roosevelt, you said you were planning to live out the rest of your days in peace, but the general populace doesn’t expect you to, despite having TB, be sitting behind glass until your passing. Is this true?” Roosevelt made a sign of needing a moment, taking out a handkerchief to cough into, coughing up some blood. “Ahum.. cough cough that’s true I suppose.. I wish to cough see some o’ the world while I still can.. Cough cough cough.” The journalist nodded, giving him some time before asking his next question. “Where will you be going sir? And will we still hear from you?” “I plan on cough headin’ down south, the Andes mountains.. Cough cough. I don’t know if you’ll still cough hear from me specifically… But surely you will from my travelling companions which inc- cough include my… my sons..” He wheezed, coughing more blood onto the ground, waving the journalist off. “God bless you, mister Roosevelt..” He said, taking a step back. “God.. Bless.. America.. COUGH cough cough” Roosevelt brought out before the journalists were shoo’d away by guards and Roosevelt was helped inside by his doctor.

Roosevelt at his home in NY after packing up, about to leave for S. America


U.S. Army Recruitment Office, Fayetteville, North Carolina, April 28th, 1916


Fayetteville, North Carolina was suddenly a city that was in all the major American newspapers.
Named after French nobleman Marquis de Lafayette who served as a major general in the American revolution, the town was made the center of a new recruitment drive for a military division with a similar name: The Lafayette Division of American Volunteers to fight in France. Newspapers tried to appeal to young men all across the country with lines like “Do you want to fight for freedom and friendship? Aid France in their hour of need like they did for us; join the Lafayette Volunteer Division now, and start your mission before the end of summer!” The first shipment of volunteers across the Atlantic was scheduled before christmas.



Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic May 5th, 1916

In late April, the Dominican Republic’s Secretary of War, Desidero Arias, seized power in the country and overthrew the government. To protect the Democracy of the Dominican Republic, the United States sends an invasion force of 1800 marines as well as a sizeable portion of the navy, under the command of Admiral William B. Caperton and Vice Admiral Harry Knapp. The commanders positioned their fleet some ways in front of Santo Domingo, demanding for Desidero Arias to leave the city and hand himself over while having his militia of 1000 Dominicans surrender. If he were to refuse, Santo Domingo would receive a Naval Bombardment, and the US invasion force would go on land, decked out with the best equipment available, ready to take out the military dictatorship by force if needed.


Kingston, Territory of Jamaica, May 15th, 1916

It came as a huge suprise, though president Johnson quickly accepted it. Apparently, Theodore Roosevelt had been having talks with the British crown regarding a certain island in the Caribbean, and out of the blue, he called the American government from Peru, saying he would like to offer his old friend Hiram Johnson the island of Jamaica, as a parting gift from Roosevelt to the United States of America. President Johnson didn’t believe what he was hearing at first, though after a long phone call explaining it all, interrupted by oh so many coughing fits, Roosevelt managed to explain that he had managed to buy Jamaica off the British crown for 53 million US dollars of his own money, and that he now wished to give the island to the USA as his parting gift, his way of truly saying goodbye to the nation he loved, before setting off to spend the last of his days exploring the Andes mountains of southern America. Johnson thanked his old friend dearly.



Fuel Administration, Washington DC, June 31st, 1916

To further organize the army and it’s mobilization, as well as being an organization for nationwide projects, the Federal Fuel Administration is founded. It’s main goals include keeping a steady supply of coal, oil, petroleum and the likes, while it also introduces measures to decrease civilian fuel usage. For example, daylight savings gets introduced, giving people longer days in the summer months so they have to use less fuel for lighting.



Guantanamo Bay, Guantanamo, Protectorate of Cuba, August 19th, 1916

In Guantanamo Bay, on the Protectorate of Cuba, a US military base is formed for the newly founded ‘Caribbean Division’. This division is to represent  Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico, letting citizens of these American dependencies join the US Army with men and boys from the same area, fighting together in the name of freedom, under the star spangled banner!




The Oval Office, The White House, Washington DC,  September 10th, 1916

On September 10th, 1916, the Jones Act was enacted by President Hiram Johnson, this was to both appease and further integrate the Caribbean territories of Puerto Rico, Cuba and Jamaica, as citizens of these territories that were born there and speak English, are given American citizenship. This means that any residents of these islands can go to the nearest post office, and fill out a form to ask for U.S. citizenship, this gets looked at by the local governance office and either approved or denied based on some research into the person’s background. Those with American citizenship can call themselves Americans and experience all the benefits of being one. Furthermore, each of the three islands gets a proper US National Bank.




Roosevelt Expedition Camp, Andes Mountains, Peru, October 3rd, 1916


Theodore Roosevelt, his sons and their guide had taken their baggage off their horses and stood up from briefly sitting down for a drink. Roosevelt wheezed loudly before pointing at one of his sons. “Kermit.. cough cough cough… You, your brother and Javier.. Cough cough.. Go set up camp for the night… Wheeze I’ll take the ol’ winchester and see what I can find for dinner.. Cough cough” Kermit nodded before turning around to the other two to start giving directions, Roosevelt slowly climbed onto his horse called El Jefe, the boss. He’d ride off into the woods to hunt, the last time he’d be seem alive.


The coughing fit lasted a while after he climbed off his horse, eventually he gathered himself and kneeled down to inspect what he saw. Bloodstains. All over the place, accompanied by deer tracks. He’d follow the tracks for a bit as they lead up the mountain. A foul stench filled his nostrils and suddenly, behind some bushes he came across a half eaten deer carcass. “Cough better than nothing..” He mumbled as he took out his hunting knife and started cutting off a big piece of meat. Then he heard it. A rustle in the bushes, followed by a growl. He immediately knew what it was; a cougar. He took a few steps back silently, hiding behind a tree as a cougar emerged from the bushes, sniffing the carcass. “Stay silent Theodore..” He thought. Right after that, a deep cough bursted out, and he ran.


"I’ve found him, amigos!” Javier shouted to the two sons. They ran up the mountain to where Javier was and in the distance, covered in the sunlight of the morning, they saw their father, dead. He laid against a rock, staring off into the valley to the east with open eyes, a tired expression on his face. His arm was badly wounded though it held the Winchester. A few feet away from him laid three dead cougars, bullet holes in their skulls, two laid some ways away from him, one almost right next to him, a knife stuck into the side of it’s head. “Father…” Kermit sighed softly.


Roosevelt stumbled back against the cliff, he’d shot the first two cougar, including the one that bit half his arm off. The third slowly approached him before jumping at him, knocking the sick man back against the rocks. Roosevelt acted quickly, stabbing his hunting knife into the cougar’s head, causing it to fall away from him. He shot it between the eyes before collapsing against the rocks. A few feet away from him, the sun started to cover the rocks after a while. He crawled over to it with the last of his strength. Maybe he could get back to camp? No… he was done. He wheezed loudly and coughed a bit before laying back against a rock, staring off into the valley, looking at the rising son. “Cruel ,cruel world, I’m moving on…” He wheezed, looking at a deer down in the valley. He brought out a tired smile, the expression that remained rested on his face as a last wheeze brought out the last breath that came from his black lungs.



San Salvador, El Salvador October 27th, 1916

El Salvador had always been politically unstable, they obviously needed a strong nation like the United States to keep them in cheque, otherwise bad things happen. Like the time the assassination of the Salvadoran president caused the Central American union state to fall apart. The United States of America would have it no more. A purge seemed to be happening in El Salvador, presumably executed by the army, nobody knew what was happening, but various government figures, including the president, had gone missing, or been assassinated. The U.S would not let her neighbouring country suffer from instability like this, thus their military intervention came conveniently at the perfect timing, weird how that can work out, huh? American troops entered the country from Honduras and Nicaragua, as well as through a marine corps invasion. They headed straight for the three biggest cities, San Salvador, Santa Ana and San Miguel, to get the operation over with swiftly.



The White House, Washington DC, November 6th, 1916

It is election day, and in the White House, tensions rise between candidates Woodrow Wilson and Charles Evans Hughes, as the latter seems to have the upper hand in the polls…

The gathering the two stood before was a merry bunch of Democrats, Progressives and Republicans, the Democrats and Republicans were arguing slightly, the Progressives mostly kept their mouths shut and enjoyed the show. Wilson began calmly “After 1912 I went hard at work...” “A-After 1912 I went hard at work!” Hughes chimed in. Wilson frowned and continued. “I finished up my plans and I practiced governance..” “I practiced governance, he worked nextdoor..” Hughes said with a smirk, pointing lazily at Wilson with his thumb. Wilson squinted, turning away from Hughes and everyone but the Democrats, starting to complain. “Even though I started at a much earlier time, Charles Evans Hughes began to climb… How to account for his rise to the top?” “Man, the man is non-stop...” All the democrats huffed together with Wilson.

“Gentlemen of the Senate I’m curious, bear with me. Are you aware that we’re making hist’ry?” Hughes started speaching to the Progressives and Republicans. “This is the next era for our grand nation, the liberty behind deliberation.” “Non-stop!” Wilson’s running mate, Thomas Marshall, exclaimed.
Hughes continued undisturbed. “I intend to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt against this fake candidate-” “REAL CANDIDATE! HUGHES SIT DOWN!” Wilson shouted. “You’re going to turn things around after you win, pretty obvious. That’s all you had to say.” Hughes rolled his eyes and tried to continue. “O-kay.. One more thing-” Wilson would have none of it. “Why do you assume you’re the smartest in the room? Soon that attitude may be your doom. Why do you write like you´re running out of time? Write day and night like you're running out of time? Ev'ry day you fight, like you're running out of time. Keep on fighting. In the meantime.” “Non-stop..” The other democrats sighed, as Hughes simply continued.

“Corruption’s such an old song that we can sing along in harmony, and nowhere is it stronger than here in DC. This country’s economy’s increasingly stalling and.. Honestly that’s why public service seems to be calling me.” “Non-Stop...” Wilson shook his head, leaving the stand to sit down next to Marshall. Charles Evans Hughes grinned and, indeed, didn’t stop. “I’ve practiced the law, I’ve practic’ly perfected it. I’ve seen injustice in the world and I’ve corrected it. Now for a strong central democracy if not, then I’ll be Socrates throwing verbal rocks at these mediocrities.” With that final word he casted a glance at Wilson with a grin: the polls were in…




-The reforms from the Second Square Deal are worked on getting through congress before Johnson’s term is over. [MOD]
-Mobilization continues. [MOD]
-Caribbean Division is founded to further mobilization and give Caribbean Americans a chance to fight with their own men. [MOD]
-Fuel Administration is founded to further mobilization. [MOD]
-The US Army Engineers continue the US tank programme as well as other innovative measures. [MOD]
-Jamaica is bought for 53 million USD by former president Theodore Roosevelt and becomes a territory of the USA. [MOD]
-The Jones Act is enacted by president Johnson. [MOD]
-El Salvador is invaded to ‘ensure political stability’. [MOD]
-The Lafayette Volunteer Division is founded to fight in
-The Dominican Republic becomes an occupied zone of the USA. [MOD]
-Elections are held between Democratic candidate Woodrow Wilson and Republican candidate Charles Evans Hughes. [MOD]



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Victory, Endless Victory onto the Vaterland


German, Austrian, and Italian troops pushed further into france. Giving their blood to fight back against the Tyrannical Entente and their Russian Puppet.


The German Soldier was the embodiment of the Kaiserreich, holding the Russians back in the east. Forcing them to give ground with blood. Danzig had not fallen even when it found itself surrounded. They fought on! A Superior people against a numerous, honorless, inferior horde.


Upon the hills, through the steets, across the fields Proud German Soldiers fight a real battle without a proper defense. Mobility was everything, and despite the Russians gains they could not break the line. The Germans had superiority in the air, using every advantage they had to push forward or hold the line.



France was falling apart internally, the Germans had taken Paris. The ultimate victory ever since the Franco-Prussian War, The French have paid the ultimate price for their murder of the Bavarian King.


Long live the Kaiserreich! Long live the Vaterland!





The Mad Project Continues (Mod)


German Army Engineers are ordered to find a counter for the metal beasts that beat back their forces in France (Mod)


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1916 (Later Months)


The war grinds on as massive Centralist and Entente armies clash and position. In Portugal the British in a properly cheeky move proved they still ruled the waves. Led by her Queen Anne Dreadnoughts she retook a cordon of waters near Portuguese coast. Holding it for days against Centralist probes enough time is bought to send Jan Smuts an actual army. Tides turn in Iberia, and ebb elsewhere….


The Russians push deeper into Russia, having all of Prussia. The rag-tag German conscript army could do nothing but hold. In the process however the tag team of Hindenburg and Ludendorff were Germany’s rising stars. It was through them (mainly Ludendorff) that the army stayed intact at all. The Austrians (As can be seen in the Global Times News) launched their own across the line offensive.




In Spain the rising movements in Catalonia, Navarre, and political parties grows. The Draft, entry into war, and change of government is leading to dangerous Socialist, syndalict, unionist, and republican discontentment.

Caucasians, Soviets, Italians, Austrians, Serbs, Ottomans they all push into Russia. Will the Duma survive, or put an end to it’s short but powerful story?


Elsewhere a few global scandals are revealed. In Vladivostok a curious crew of americans were detained. They had claimed to be socialist supporters, and shipping oil to the port. Stalin taking them for their word recruited them, and detained the oil. Putting them in a detainment center for further questioning, almost all of them are reported as dead from cyanide pockets hidden in a fake tooth. No reports are made on if any survive….




In Brazil the recent rebels admit to being funded by U.S representatives. Many see this paired with the Vladivostok scandal and invasion of El Salvador as justification to their anti U.S views. More members join the American Trade Pact.


WWI: HMS Hampshire sinks, having hit a mine off the Orkney Islands, Scotland, with Lord Kitchener aboard.


At least one shark attacks 5 swimmers along 80 miles of New Jersey coastline, resulting in 4 deaths and the survival of one youth, who requires limb amputation. The shark is rumored to be a socialist….


 In San Francisco, a bomb explodes on Market Street during a Preparedness Day parade, killing 10 and injuring 40


In Ontario, Canada, a lightning strike ignites a forest fire that destroys the towns of Cochrane and Matheson, killing 233.



Mary, a circus elephant, is hanged in the town of Erwin, Tennessee for killing her handler, Walter "Red" Eldridge.

The first true self-service grocery store, Piggly Wiggly, is founded in Memphis, Tennessee, by Clarence Saunders, opening 5 days later


Friedrich Adler shoots Count Karl von Stürgkh, Minister-President of Austria.




An armed confrontation in Everett, Washington, between local authorities and members of the Industrial Workers of the World results in seven deaths.


The British Sopwith Camel aircraft makes its maiden flight. It is designed to counter the German Fokker aircraft.




Propaganda for a United Iberia is well received in the more Imperialist scions of Spain. However in Portugal it merely enrages them. Spain invaded THEM. This was not some “British Proxy War”. It was Portugal defending her Republicans values from Spanish invasion.


For now no one is really inclined to care about the flag, there was still a war to win!


The Football league begins but waits for peace.


500k more men are conscripted, much to the outrage of Spanish liberals. By now in areas like Catalonia and Navarre people were in open revolt. This clearly conservative and Imperialist cabinet was a cause for much ire. These men will begin 6 month training and be ready by 1917, and will need to be properly armed.


POW camps improve, the Portuguese actually well received and treated.


Portuguese reply to Great Britain


They will HOLD and FIGHT, waiting for their ally to rescue her.






Population, Industry, and Economics grow in slow fits and starts in Greece. Since 1912 she had almost raised her total industry by 15% a massive feat. 


A bid to reimplement Latin is only taken seriously by the Royalist. At the King’s lavish parties they spoke in Latin, danced, drank, sang, and had o- oreos.


Rebuilding plans are halted in cities as riots seem likely….


Greece begins limited highway projects to connect her main cities.


Train production falls flat.


With the new King’s seizure of power things seemed RED in Greece. The Liberals, Entente supporters, and men who fought a pointless Greek war were angry. Now a Centralist King had taken over and was installing a Latin-Greco elite regime. To say the least it was unpopular amongst democrats. A broad band of Socialist, Democrats, and Liberals ally to start opposing the King in government. Elections will take place next year…..





The General Elections were a hotly contested matter. Serbs wanted a ‘Greater Serbia’ and following the second candidates rhetoric would do not good. They were not a nation on its knees trying to appease. They were Serbs! Montenegrin-born Major-General Vasko Aleksic seemed like their last hope. He had a relatively clean record (He was good at hiding HIS Bulgarian genocides), and a wonderful military record. As a result he and his party's voted in. They face heavy opposition and are a minority party, but have a clean slate.


Albanian resistance is cowed as Serbian veterans of four wars decimate them.


The Serb revitalization of captured ports continues and thanks to the now peacetime Logistics Corps does so fast. However Serbia can only export as far as the CP navy controls. Her markets reach scant few besides in the Med sea.




4th French Republic


With the 4th Republic wanting and end to the war, and opening it’s arms to French, plenty join the new regime. Hundreds of thousands of French citizens pour in. Maybe not exactly all Socialist, they want peace, land and food.

Following this declaration many socialist on the continent flock to Paris. Literally in the middle of a war zone, they leap to its defense.


The propaganda begins to take root in many’s hearts. Support after such bad French defeats grow. However many are also mad with the new regime making deals with the Germans. This begins with the first wave of Republican counter propaganda.


Mainly using workers from unions, Belgians, and French/English POWS the Socialist begin to repair the means of production so they can seize it.

Up to almost one million men the army is in desperate need of reformation. The official foreign legion is made for the 4th Republic, where all 2nd international and other foreign volunteers from the globe go. The main NLA will be all French, and begins reforms.


Plenty of pictures from Charle’s famous trip circulate the globe. Here a picture of him giving a speech to politicians from his train. There him helping an elderly french peasant repair her fence amidst the descturnio of a battlefield.






Following recent improvements of ship hulls, and amphibious craft, the RnD is actually praised by the navy. The more hardline army rejects letting scientist and ‘godless men’ dictate their way of life. As a result the navy informally adopts the RnD, and begin to work on great things.


Thanks to Chinese conscript labor the port is back up and running in no time. It will take six months to be fully running again.


The not blatant Japanese propaganda in schools has great effect. Many chinese children were never taught the isolationist Qing way of life.


This resurgent Pan-Asian ideas praised by the Japanese is massively popular. Many asian states to this day feel the European yoke. 


Ironically this ideology is taking root in China. The Socialist were by no means a ravenous horde of commies. The


Chinese people had spent hundreds of years being tinkered with (Granted by the **** as well). They wanted education, a chance to grow, and an empire that won’t fail them. The Rice Paddies grow…..




With the brief civil war concluded, the Industrial, mining, and agriculture reforms continue mainly along the coast and cities.


The National Guard Brigades form and become a great sense of pride for each region. Good natured rivalry forms as each province makes their own unique plumes and bands. However arming them alongside the logistical problem of finding and maintaining enough horses and roads for them to be effective is a harder problem. For now they will be semi armed foot.


The shockingly liberal reforms to the Brazil governance upset some. But by and large the Trade Unions, Socialist, and others were happy. They had even narrowly passed women’s suffrage. As a result socialism and republicanism surge, ironically garnering more support for them then the revolt did.


Brazilian cities under regulations begin to slowly help. However favelas in cities are a common thing.

With the war done foreign investment trickles in.


Ships begin being built.


Education reform is very slow, and costly.


Without the experienced pilots or airplanes, the aviation wing exist on paper.
Repair of what is left of the navy begins. From original numbers of 2 Dreadnaughts, 2 Pre-Dreadnaughts, 6 Cruisers, 15 Destroyers, 24 Torpedo Boats, many were lost. The French had all suffered, but the slightly inferior Brazilians in a stand up fight preformed far less effective.


1 Dreadnaught, 3 Cruisers, 9 Destroyers, 24 Torpedo Boats


Election Results; Conservative Party - 180 Worker’s Party - 130  Liberal party - 65


Conservative Party is by and large social by European Conservative standards. But they wish to retain the majority and power within the Portuguese and Aristocratic families.


The Worker’s Party indeed has true bonafide socialist in it. The Trade Unions are a byproduct of it, while the Republicans were also opposed to monarchical rule.


The Liberal party is faltering as the two polarizing ends of the Government recruit them from their moderate stand points.






Bands accompany the streams of Austrians heading to the Eastern Front, where daily reports stream back of advance.

The act of separating their troops by ethnicity helped the Battalions perform far better. The problems that arose were lack of communication between different battalions without translators to relay to the men over the din of battle.


The deal with Serbia smoothly transitions. Though some Imperialist were irate at giving Serbia land, many had already swallowed a bitter pill. Austria had been given nothing. Sure maybe a billion or two pound sterling. But what was that to land? Buying peace with Serbia allowed Franz -the Man with the Plan as he is starting to be called- to focus Austria as a unified mass for more interesting foreign pursuit.


Language Equality is one praised by the minority groups in Austria, who see little help. For now many suggest turning from languages to signals and colored flag sequences.


Austria’s factories more and more shift to the cogs of war. She (with german help) is actually beginning to become industrialized in parts other than Austrian cores. Since 1912 Germany has pledged aid in many forms to Austria to compensate for her lack of territorial gain, will this treaty continue?


Franz’s moves to alienate the Austrian elite and consolidate power in the army were worrying some. Paired with the assassination of a minister, the elitist were on edge.


Romania lodges a formal protest of the Austrians moving troops through their land, and petitions for reparations from all the damage and casualties.






Volunteers flood in as the Duma exerts it’s power in it’s own land. Thousands of men are also drafted to fight to fill the numbers. But they all knew what was at stake. The Duma’s core army of veteran armies were off fighting, as this new, rawer, volunteer/nationalist army takes shape to combat the Soviets.


Russia in the midst of civil war and external falls short in forming the basis for actual corps like this. However women do begin to enlist and do volunteer work which helps to lay the foundation.


The expensive work of modern trains continues, taking slightly away from other Infantry production. Factories continue to work on Russian models of planes. For now they are relatively limited to recon and light bombing roles.


Food budgets tighten as the wars grind on. Many subsistence farmers were moving to cities, conscripted in the army, defected to the soviets, moving to Ukraine/Finland, or dead. The Duma more and more has to supplement her harvest with foreign import.


The call to end the war gains support for the Duma. Granted she was the one who secretly plunged the Union into this war. But places like Finland and Ukraine were happy to compromise and end it now.


Fear of Stalin and the Russian Soviets is growing, as they advance into the Ural mountains. Many even flee or leave the country. However it also stiffens many staunch Duma supporters resolve. They will fight until the end.


Tank progress for now does not happen as the Duma is too busy fighting a 3 front war and arming it’s new armies.


The Cities continue to become hubs of population, industry, learning, and filth! 




Great Britain


Talks of Independence for Ireland begins as a response is awaited to see what they think of the British offer.

In a shocking 180 the British parliament shifts back to Baldwin and the Conservatives. He begins to steer the British Ship back on course!


Canada is not exactly happy she lost land to the Americans for pounds in return, to shrug off the Empire’s debt. Great Britain was reaching a heightened state of political activism and her colonies were no exception. However most of this was positive for the Empire. They had all band together to fight in the war.


Not at her budget capacity to begin with the army shrinks after being paid off. Wages as a soldier were dismal (in all of Europe) and many troops were shell shocked or discontent. These millions of men now came back looking for work, some of their work “stolen” by women. However the disabled soldier act made the army begin to feel while the Liberals would throw them into trench grinders, the conservatives looked out for them. Haig throws his lot in with Baldwin from the start, zealous denouncing Lloyd. 


In a highly praised move the Taxes are cut as the Empire begins to relax and recover from the war.

The plan should work as global trade resumes, 3 years it is!


3rd French Republic


The Lower Taxes help ease some civil discontentment. However the Republicans find the same problem the socialist have. With empty coffers both factions were importing in equipment at debt ridden rates! While the Socialist had more industry but needed food, the Republicans had more food but needed industry.


The medal of motherhood is taken in good and bad light. Many with sons dead see it as ironic. Others actually want to grow the French family to recover.


One of the last trusted French Republicans, the medal helps somewhat with morale.

This No Retreat Doctrine is enacted.


Republicans policing the Martial law were a little depressed treating their own people as occupied cities. It has it’s merits though, as plenty of Socialist guerrillas try to operate against them.




Trans-Caucasian Socialist Federation



The Caspian sea and Ottoman merchants were making a fortune while arming the Caucasians. The Oil in Baku helped pay for this, still in Caucasian hands. The army stockpiles equipment.


A contingent of Caucasian delegates heady by way of rail to Paris, the seat of the 2nd Internationale. 

Relatively organized the Federation begins a conscription campaign. Using their gains up to the Ukraine border as propaganda they recruit socialist, and draft conscripts. The armies swell with new recruits over the offensive. 




The swirl of Italian politics was a tricky one. Nationalist were gaining ground but the Liberals in power allied with Socialist and Trade unions had conducted the war. The victors were under their belts. Elections would be held in 1917 to decide who gets power in Italy. Vigorous campaigning begins… fascism is indeed a rising ideology in Italy however.


To upgrade their entire fleet just after repairs and add 5 more dreadnoughts and some cruisers into the mix was too much. Instead shipping committees delegate to star retrofitting the current fleet with newer technology.


The Increased garrisons, tax cuts, and commercial incentive is leading to a growing Italian mainland, while the new colonies are in a sort of confused chaos.


The vatican opts to remain silent. Italy alongside horde of Ottoman Turks had just spent three years trying their best (and succeeding) in killing British and French armies.


Ottoman Oil paid for mostly by the raised Suez income fuels Italian….lamps! However as the navy retrofits it will soon have more use.




United States


Traction is gained as the splintered geo political landscape of american starts to recuperate. However all sides aren’t too eager to champion it right before elections. If they failed it could look bad in the polls. Women suffrage seems more looming however. Plenty of women were protesting, writing senators, and marching.


Worrisome to some, the United States army keeps going. Though still a logistical bog, actual recruitment goes smoothly. One rising problem however is the unwillingness to enlist. Many americans did not want to volunteer or accept a draft. The war department was also scattered, only men of stature like Pershing getting anything done. Regardless the army grows step by weary step. The Lafayette Foot Division of volunteers heads to France on british ships!


Largely national guard units besides the official 1st Caribbean Division, these units are small and neglected for now. Racism and class divides played a part. The effort to change though was there as many enlist in the 1st with good hopes for the future.


The domestic rationing though not popular helps fuel the gears of a wartime economy. Reserves begin to crop up as the army uses it for their own means.


The isle of San Domingo surrenders with little fight. However at this point the U.S heavy handed intervention was sparking discontent across the islands.


El Salvador is a densely populated nation, and relatively unstable. As preliminary U.S forces advance, marines clash with Salvadorian irregulars. This foreign threat and blatant invasion was the rally call to band them together. The main army and the irregulars begin a desperate defense.


With not much besides one battle, the MK I tanks only see a general improvement of function.


Many Jamaican citizens opt to leave, or stay as British citizens. The U.S citizen deal was taken by the more practical or less stubborn residents. Overall the isle is a peaceful transition.


With the progressive party lacking leadership, the Republicans managed to sway many back into the fold. Hughes properly supported by the RNC begins a series of fiery rhetoric and campaigns. Effective, he garners much support from sectors of the States. Wilson and his Democrats seem to be lagging behind, and likely to lose.




Ottoman Empire



The transition of Azerbaijan into the Empire goes smooth. However they stop short of Baku and it’s defenses. For the next five years it would be in Trans-Caucasian hands.


The Mesopotamia drilling operations now under the UPC continue progress. Though making good stride, it is apparent they are reliant on foreign business to keep them afloat and up to date with technology. 


A ‘Renaissance’ of muslim architecture starts to grow in the more prosperous cities. Pan-Arab movements and Islamic worship are at all time highs.


Every Centralist nation works on their respective bit of the railroad, getting it ready for the final phase of completion.


Pan Arab and Islamic movements are spreading throughout the empire. Many wanted a united Islamic Caliphate while not exactly keen on an Ottoman Turk dominated one. There is a treacherous road to walk, bewteen readclasimin, and united movements.




MAD Project indeed does continue! Massive strides this year as the war grinds on.


German units found the best way to counter the slow tanks was heavy artillery. If they broke down or got stuck they were especially vulnerable. 

Edited by GrimBeard
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“Peace In Our Time?”


January 1st, 1917. The summer offensives of the belligerent nations in the Great War had a tinge of desperation to them. While many stunning gains were made, peace was broached by Great Britain. They would not accept separate peace, instead a peace with the Entente as a body. The Central powers were inclined to agree. They were resting on some victories, but also starting to feel the blockade’s effects.


Meeting in Geneva, the Titans of Europe and beyond convened. It was clear Great Britain, France, and Russia would support each other. The Central Powers meanwhile seemed a little more fragmented. More various agendas, and perspectives. Regardless, it was clear the Central powers was dictating the peace. 




They secured control of the Mediterranean, Suez, but the British keep Gibraltar. Spain got minor concessions, and will be addressed later. In North Africa the Italians and Ottomans become the dominant powers. However a growing divide between natives and a mix of old French/English and new Italian/Turk settlers is a brewing conflict.


Germany makes Belgium little more than an Imperial Puppet. She is stripped of her African colonies, and penned in to Europe. The King abdicates, leading to a growing Belgian succession crisis, many Socialist trying to grab control and instate a Republic under the German umbrella.




The Ottomans also gain control of Azerbaijan, and all its wealth. However Baku firmly remains in the Transcaucasian Socialist Federation. Concessions are also made to Germany in Vietnam, and politically/economically to Austria-Hungary.


In Poland Austria, Germany, and Russia agree to pull out and allow a referendum. It is a messy subject, as thousands of Poles had moved into the Republic in it’s short time. The options are also unsettling, join the Austrian-Hungarian Empire and face possible monarchy, or remain in the Russian Union. Pilsudski and his nationalist party were swaying more moderate socialist coalitions to the Russian fold, who had promised increased liberty. As a result it seems Poland will opt to shun Austria, and remain in the Russian Union.


There were far more other smaller concessions each with their own array of effects. But the Treaty of Liege is signed by every belligerent nation, besides Japan who was little involved in the war.





One might say up to 3.5 million soldiers died in combat alone. Not counting the millions of wounded, civil war victims, and civilian deaths. The effects of the war ending are pretty immediate. European markets hurt by the war are allowed to resume global trade. Imperial nations assume control of their new colonies. Large payments of Pound Sterling is transacted. Nation’s industries geared for war now have no target for these massive stockpiles of arms. One result of this is plenty of older Great War equipment is being sold off to minor powers.


Millions of soldiers return home, with harrowing tales, disease, shell shock, missing limbs, and new ideas about the world. Nationalist, Socialist, and Fascist ideologies are spiking in numbers. The Central Powers comprised of almost entirely of Kings, Emperors, and Autocrats have kept their old ways of governance alive. Republics are a dying breed in Europe. As a result the social divide between landed nobility and royalist against worker unions and republicans is growing. Women's suffrage is a growing movement.






Can it be said this was the war to end all wars? No. This form of total mobilization was never before seen. But it did not grind nations into dust. The powers of Europe had concluded the war before it had become all out global war. Many pillars of the military were the same. 


Trench Warfare and Defense now seems a forgone conclusion in this new light. A nation being able to field most of her population available in a fight and keep it supplied seemed to be the winner. Combat doctrine is still by and large the same, just adapted around trenches. Things like air forces, combined arms, creeping barrages  and specialist infantry were never realized [or perfected], and now seem further away then before.






The French Revolution of Socialist was becoming a global rallying call. From the 2nd Internationale’s ceremonial seat of Paris, spans an entire network of members. Leon Trotsky and his inner circle were busy in many sectors, always moving to stay safe.


In France itself the two dominant powers are left to settle their own internal affairs. The Socialist 4th Republic in Paris and the 3rd Republic in Toulouse. It was an ideological conflict, and garnering global attention. In Caucus the Socialist federation also fights for the cause, against a Russian Duma.




In South America things are entering a whole new level of Politics. In Brazil, Socialist have almost reached a rival number of seats to the Royalist. They were working together however, putting Brazil first. In Argentina the 1916 elections have ushered in the ‘Radical Civic Union’ party. Inspired by the French Revolution, they are members of the 2nd Internationale. Gaining control in Argentina they begin more liberal and welfare reforms.


In Chile a more democratic parliament shadow led by Oligarchs remains in power. They continue their support in the ABC/ATP pacts. This year marks the beginning of a more firm Latin Coalition




The American Trade Pact had many members, all gradually benefiting from it. This year Argentina, Brazil, and Chile reaffirm their stance against U.S aggression. Mexico is to be given aid in her domestic and military industry, and a defensive pact. Brazil herself guarantees Mexican sovereignty. Bolivia, and Peru also enter this new web, being promised mutual assistance and defense.


Many in Latin America after seeing the European war wanted peace and stability. Reform was a big issue, as the 2nd Internationale based in Argentina and Brazil were rather busy.




In Catalonia and Navarre Socialist and Anarchist movements have turned into actual rebellion. The King and Conservative Parliament were reeling from little gained in the war but African land. Relations with Portugal were ruined, and the Republic was offering aid and refuge to Spanish Republicans. The Mobilized Spanish army begins to disintegrate, while the core volunteer army under the King begin crack downs, and a surrounding of Catalonia land.


A socialist revolt in Sweden takes place in 1917, and gains some traction. Soldiers occupy post offices, armories, and ports in the capital. An increased surge of revolutionaries had been sheltering in the city for weeks preparing.

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United Provinces of Ireland



    A large crowd is gathered around Pope Benedict XV, who is together with Eoin MacNeill and his family and surrounded in many friends and family and even total strangers. They are all gathered around the Lia Fáil in Tara. Today marks a historic day for Ireland in which an Irish King has his coronation there and gets crowned King of Ireland. There has not been an Irish King in Ireland for 800 years. It seems only fitting that Eoin MacNeill. A devout scholar of Irish history and advocate for the revival of the Irish language and culture should be the man crowned at this location. As he was crowned and the ceremony was complete he placed his hand upon the stone and gave a speech. It is said that when Mr. MacNeill did this the stone gave off a loud roar. Legend says that when a king worthy of the stone stands by it that it will either roar or sing. Whether this is true or not cannot be confirmed. But I guess we will have to see if the stone was right. After King MacNeill’s coronation ended there was a huge feast and partying into the morning of the next day.


A new day was dawning for old Ireland. She had gained her desired independence, with all of Ireland under Irish control again. Though it was not assured how long a peace would last between a united Ireland. As the bro British majority in the north only barely voted yes to a united Ireland under an interesting system. The country would be divided up into its old 4 provinces(mostly). with the addition of the 5th historic province of Meath, and 2 federal cities of Dublin and Belfast which would be the nation's co-capitals with the legislature and executive based in Dublin and the judiciary in Belfast), making for a total of 7 federal entities. Ulster would remain, nominally, the 'Protestant province', and each province would have its own legislature allowing them significant freedom.

Furthermore, it would be suggested the mandatory inclusion of a Protestant party in any government in order to further assuage any concerns of the Protestant north.

The languages of Ireland would be Irish and English,  with the addition of Ulster Scots, and there would likely have to be no official religion, or legal recognition of both Catholicism and Protestantism. Though the government is expected to allow peaceful coexistence of both and not favor one or the other.

The inclusion of Meath is firstly to prevent Leinster from being too large, and secondly to give a home to Cavan and Monaghan, two provinces which have a strong Catholic majority despite being historically part of Ulster.


    The executive branch of the new government would see Arthur Griffith as Taoiseach of Ireland. There would be a Taoiseach, or Prime minister, and two houses of parliament. The Seanad and the Dail Eireann. The real power between the two being in the Dail. The Taoiseach appoints some of the members to the Seanad. The other members of the Seanad are elected via universities.(pretty much exactly how Ireland elects people today and instead of explaining all of that just google it if you need to).


So Arthur Griffith is Taoiseach, and prominent members of the Dail include Éamon de Valera and many others, but both parts of parliament are filled with moderates and some liberal unionists as well.



Internal Reform

    It has been reported that thousands Unionists leave Ireland in the first few months after the islands independence, many others are disgruntled . And to that The Government said “Ireland does not need you, if you wish to leave and you cannot live amongst us Irish or assimilate then you are more than welcome to return to England where you will most likely receive a nice welcoming from the Brits.” And there would be a zero tolerance policy for groups like the Ulster volunteers. The second they attack anybody it is ordered that the perpetrators get deported. But likewise with Irish people, anyone committing crimes against or inciting violence against unionists will be immediately arrested and imprisoned for hate crimes. “The goal is to live together in PEACE. Not to kill your neighbors for being different than you.”

In Other News Ireland's lack of industry is a main issue that is started to be addressed. Any available funds are to be spent on developing Industry for Ireland. As well as start up companies and capitalistic business ventures are heavily encouraged. “It is time for the people of this nation to not only farm, but to work in factories and create goods and live in this new modern world in which we all live.”

    The Government also heavily promotes the growth of population in Ireland, though this is directed towards Irish families and not unionist families, “Irish Mother and Irish Father, Ireland needs you to have a family! Irish Mother for the sake of Ireland have as many kids as you can to do your part to save Ireland!” . This is one item in the new Great Gaelic revival plan the government begins setting up. Irish mothers who have the biggest families will receive the highest honors a civilian woman can get “ Gaelic Cross of Honor of the Irish Mother.” and can have bragging rights and feel a sense of accomplishment and pride. The goal is to accelerate population growth quickly and continuously. The Irish Government also puts into law that all schools are to teach Gaelic for all primary years of schooling. And it is heavily encouraged to be used at home and in social gatherings with friends and family. Also within schooling changes a new curriculum for Irish history is put in place to make teach children about Ireland’s full history and many of the battles that defined her history. Hopefully this would get more kids interested in their people’s past and make them feel more nationalistic. The Gaeltacht areas are defined, And there is a massive public campaign to teach Gaelic to everyone and speak it daily to everyone. Every school on the island is ordered to start teaching Gaelic. From the first level of education till the very last year. All children going into school must learn Gaelic. There will be a transition period of a few years to prepare the teachers and the children currently just starting school, then after this every class will be taught in Gaelic and English will be learned as a secondary language and taught after students have learned Irish but English will be taught alongside it until the completion of secondary level schooling. After this if students choose to go off to university/college Both languages will also be mandatory taught there if you cannot speak them. The Importance of Education is felt throughout the current government as most of them are scholars and historians and educated men.



    Meanwhile Farming in Ireland is massively overhauled with new technologies and farming methods. Mechanization of Farming plays a key as well as higher yield crops so Ireland is able to comfortably feed its population as well as be able to feed the future generations and in order to do this it is also imperative that the Irish learn from the mistakes of the past and not heavily rely too much on one crop. Farmers are urged to plant other easy to grow multiple crops that way if the potato fails again then people won’t starve.

    The next issue to pop up is the growing dominance of the automobile over the horse. More and more Irishmen and women have gotten one in the wealthier counties. So public works programs are set up to build roads to accommodate the use of the automobile. This is just one out of many new public works programs the north and southern parts of Ireland are implementing to create jobs while also improving infrastructure. These programs will continue into the foreseeable future.

    And finally the government of this new Ireland sets its trade policy to Free trade and will trade goods with any country including Great Britain, hopefully this will cause the opposite of the standard economic stagnation of countries who favor protectionism and while import tariffs are good, keeping them minimal means that Ireland would still get the tax on goods coming in while getting the benefit of actually having foreign goods flowing into the country.


    Foreign Policy

Ireland announces it wishes to keep close relations with Britain as they are their closest neighbor and hopes that the nations can be friends someday. The government also sends ambassadors to Germany, and Italy. Furthermore any country that wishes to be friends with Ireland is welcomed to and any country that wishes to start trading with Ireland is gladly welcomed. Let the whole world know Ireland is open for business!


Ireland will also have it be known that she will defend her borders. The country forms its own military mainly recruiting from the large pools of Irish Republicans. Some include Tom Barry, Dan Breen,and Eoin O’ Duffy, Richard Mulcahy, Michael Collins and a few more. Ireland's army turns in about fifty five thousand men.


(Irish national Army soldiers being inspected by the minister of defense)





  • Ireland starts working on starting up her industry [MOD

  • The Great Gaelic revival begins throughout Ireland, including  massively promoting Irish population growth, increasing Gaelic speakers and its prominence throughout the daily lives of the Irish, making road signs and public buildings names in Gaelic and giving schools more funding to make more interesting curriculum’s for teaching it as part of a Gaelic cultural plan that has started being taught at school, Gaelic sports are promoted also. All of this is to be pushed for heavily to progressively expand the gaeltacht areas. All schooling will be done in Gaelic by 1922. [MOD]

  • Massive reworking done to the economy to modernize Ireland, Free Trade is Ireland’s new trade policy. She is open for trade with the world. [MOD]

  • Public works programs are started across every county in Ireland to create jobs and improve infrastructure to connect the country further.

  • Farming in Ireland sees a large effort from government and the people to be mechanized and new methods of farming to heavily increase yields, minimizing tillage(soil loss during plowing),planting cover crops,diversifying with multiple crops in one field, and promote crop rotation to have healthy soil in areas where it is possible, also important is that the farmer must stop soil erosion as best as they can. In Cork work has begun on something said to be the future of farming. The Tractor is in development at a Fordson assembly plant.


  • Trade and friendship are what Ireland seeks, Let it be known that Ireland is open to the world for business and friendship.

Many Thousands of dissatisfied unionists start to leave Ireland and head for England, This trend becomes very common with unionists. [MOD]

Edited by Otto Hohenzollern
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Imperial Armies parade throughout the Empire as the citizenry rejoice as The ‘Great’ War comes to an end; though it was relatively a stalemate, the Central Powers came out on top in regards to the Treaties signed at the Conference of Geneva.


Though Austria itself did not play a major role in the Conference, its recent successes prior to the Armistice had proven itself to be a force to be reckoned with. Imperial Soldiery had retaken Galicia-proper and pushed deep into Ukraine and Poland, threatening to encircle Union Armies on both sides. The Imperial City of Lamberg was splendidly retaken, though much of it lay it ruined after the Operation was completed. Acceptable losses by all accounts, Imperial Credibility had been restored.


Riding on this high of Imperial success, the newly crowned Emperor had free reigns to begin the restoration of his nation’s prestige and status among the world powers. Hungarians be damned, he would remake the Empire into the finest state it could ever be.



Military Affairs


The Jagdkommando are refined. The Polish Front had provided the Austrian Military Command with the much needed information it required in order to further improve upon these specialized infantry units. Now dubbed Shocktroopers, these specialized infantry are now under strict standards, as the Austrians attempt to present the world with the finest troops the modern era has seen.


Various Military Academies are constructed throughout the Empire, in locations such as Galicia, Hungary, and Bohemia - their progress subsidized by the Imperial Council as Russian War Reparations fill the Austrian Coffers. The Academies are tasked with the making of proper Imperial Officers, going as far as even having mandatory German Language classes, though the rest of their studies are in their own native tongues. Academies already established are improved further upon.

All current Imperial Officers, regardless of their nationalities within the Empire, are sent to German Language Lessons within their respected Academies, an effort subsidized by the Imperial Parliament. Alongside this effort, each divisions are expected to have a unit of soldiers able to speak basic German for the betterment of communications.


The entirety of the Conscripted Army Corps are disbanded and returned to their natural ways of life. But capitalizing on those who wish to remain within the military, recruitment stations are set up throughout the Empire.

The Imperial Armies of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire undergo reforms in order to facilitate overall improved quality as it plans to rely more on well-trained career soldiers rather than conscripted civilians. Squad-cohesion is improvised upon, each Platoon expecting to have a machine-gun crew while each Battalion will eventually establish a communications crew. The Army Training Camps are vastly expanded upon, most central Bases capable of holding an increased amount of trainees up in the thousands.


The last funds dedicated for the Military Budget is funnelled into various projects regarding tele-communications. Based upon the issues brought up during the War, the projects aim at improving the rudimentary radio-systems used, and hopefully achieving a portable radio that infantrymen can carry eventually.


The matters of Aviation and the Navy will have to wait for the next year as all focus has been put on improving for the Army this time around.


Civilian Affairs


The far eastern Imperial Kingdom of Galicia-Lodomeria had been devastated in the prior. Though the Russians did not outright raze the land, the combating forces of multiple millions of men along a vast stretch of trenches tore up the land. As such, in order to restore the Kingdom to its former state, a portion of the incoming Russian reparations are used to rebuild and bring people back into the fold.


The United Imperial University of Scientific Research is opened in Budapest by Franz Ferdinand himself - planning on bringing the brightest of the entire Empire into a centralized location, they will be responsible for ensuring the modernizing and improvement of the Empire.


The assassination of Karl von Stürgkh throws the Imperial Parliament into a temporary chaos. The killing of such a high ranking official in a clandestine matter had been unheard of in Austrian Politics so far. If God [Mod] willing, Friedrich the Assassin would be hunted down, trialed, and executed immediately. The death of Karl made it apparent, designated Politicians would need guarding, a situation in which the Emperor was more than happy to capitalize upon. Portions of his Imperial Guard Regiments are tasked with the security details of most Politicians that could face potential threat.


Societal reformations will have to another year.


Foreign Affairs


The Romanian reprisal is completely ignored by the Austrian Parliament, who are more than content with ignoring their complaints. Nevertheless, a sizable chunk of the Imperial Standing-Army is stationed alongside the border just in case they need to suppress any insurrectionist ideals.


Emperor Franz Josef issues an official Imperial Statement in regards to the matters of Socialism - condemning its practice on grounds that they will bring about the downfall of world order and bring about an era of woeful tyrants. No Socialists will find safe haven within the Austrian Empire.


The Empire partakes in the resumed economic trading between all the Central Powers. From Istanbul to Berlin, commerce flows without issue.


The Imperial response to the Polish people is amiable, they are congratulated for their capability of deciding their nation’s fate by themselves. And as promised, Austrian armies stay clear of the border as no military actions are taken against the Republic.





  • The Imperial Armies of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire initiate a grand effort for modernizing and improving.

  • Austrian Central begins the groundwork of Operation Falk. Highly confidential and known only by a select few.

  • Imperial University founded for centralized technological advances.

  • Imperial Condemnation of Socialism.

  • Restoration of the eastern Imperial frontier.

  • Trade is established with the Empire of Brazil.


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The Kaiserreich came out of the war victorious, and had many gains. Germany, outnumbered and surrounded fought against the Entente with sheer grit and determination. Eventually the Entente sued for peace, German Soldiers marching through Paris would forever break the spirit of the 3rd French Republic. Now it suffers civil war and economic failure.


American, Brazilian and a number of other nations flood the docks of Germany as the economy and country begin to rebuild. Germany had earned its existence in this new path of Earth, it wasn’t about to squander it’s chance to rival the other world powers.


With the men returning home, jobs would be flooded as the women had worked hard to ensure the war continued. It needed projects and new expansions of a civil nature to nurture it’s weakened state.



Young Brave Germans, returning home to rebuild their lives and to rebuild the Vaterland



With the annexation of the Congo from Belgium, Germany had gained a substantial amount of land in Afrika. Rich with resources ready to be exploited. However with new land came the responsibility of the locals, thus the Reichstag has formed a Colonial Government to handle all Afrikan administration. To handle and represent the tribes and people in the local government to better control the flow of resources back to the Vaterland.


Hermann Wilhelm Göring


Hermann had distinguished himself in the Weltkrieg with over 20 victories in the German Imperial Air Force. With the end of the war he pushed to having a political career, he was decided to become the Statthalter of Mittelafrika.


It could very well be the first step in his career, or his quick end in politics. Only time could tell.


Kaiserliche Marine



Tirpitz is the Secretary of the Navy, he had pushed the the Navy Bill in parliament with much success again and again. Once again he argued with the end of the war Germany needed to maintain a High Seas Fleet capable of defending Germany and it’s lands abroad.


Not only did he plan to rebuild the fleets to their original size when the war broke out, but argued it needed to be expanded further. The Navy would receive heavy focus, though he had some competition for Germany’s military budget.


Alfred Von Tirpitz


Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte


Manfred Von Richthofen


With his recent promotion as Commander of the Luftstreitkräfte otherwise known as the Imperial Air Force, Manfred von Richthofen along with numerous other pilots and pioneers had brought a new front and face to warfare. While the Army and ground warfare wasn’t seeing any change it was clear for both the army and navy alike (whether they liked it or not) the Air Force holds an undeniable place in the future of warfare.


Taking the Air Forces major project originally being designed and tested by DELAG the Air Force and Navy would work together on a more reasonable design. Perhaps Glockner’s design was simply ahead of it’s time.



With the war over, the government requires progress as a military junta wouldn’t be appropriate in the Post-War Era. As such, a movement begins to take root to give more power to the Reichstag to allow for better representation. The Kaiser while still holding an amount of power would become a Symbol and Figure for the people. (Mod)


Women's Suffrage has become an increasing strong movement, many argue if they hadn’t stepped up the war could not have been won...why not support it? (Mod)


DELAG begins to explore the civilian sector with it’s Zeppelins as Passenger Ships and Cargo Vessels (Mod)


Using the original project as the inspiration, the Air Force and Navy work together on a new project (Mod)


The Kaiserreich moves workers and materials to aid in the construction and efficient expansion of the Berlin-Baghdad Railway (Mod)


The Kaiserreich reduces it’s military to a total of only 425,000 Soldiers..disarming the nation so that it’s sons may return home to be with their families and make new ones. (350,000 in Germany, 50,000 in the new German Afrika Colonies, 25,000 spread out amongst the Indonesian Colonies)


The Kaiserreich appoints Manfred von Richthofen as the Lead Commander of the Luftstreitkräfte (Mod)


The Kaiserreich once again devotes its resources to the navy, to build a High Seas fleet to rival Great Britain's (Mod)


As part of a previous deal Germany sells excess and surplus Rifles, Machine guns and Artillery to Brazil. (Mod)


The Kasierreich establishes Deutsch-Mittelafrika, establishing the Reichs-Mark as standard currency. More info in post. (Mod)

Edited by Sovereign_of_Solaris
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“God shines upon those who show charity and mercy to those less fortunate than themselves, but he also strikes down those, who by greed, lust and a wanton desire for destruction and power take advantage of those weaker than themselves, intent upon subjecting them to their will.


Not only does the United States launch unprovoked invasions of El Salvador, they are not content to stop at that! No! Now the US perform atrocities and hideous acts of violence, they terrorise the populace of El Salvador with rape and murder, they fire upon and turn away merchants attempting to deliver humanitarian supplies, such as food and medicine! The pinnacle of democracy, of freedom! And yet that pinnacle seems obsessed only with their freedom to use their swords against those weaker than their own nation.


The world watches as brave Salvadoran soldiers fight and repel the troops who so cruelly molest their homeland and their citizens, with bated breath they watch, in awe as a tiny nation fends off a major power.


Are not the El Salvadoran people our template? Our supreme example? They show what a Latin American can do when united! Unity of purpose and unity of arms is the driving force we require - together, there are none who can stand in the way of Latin prosperity.


I bid now the people of Venezuela, of Colombia, of Ecuador, of Guatemala, of Paraguay and of Uruguay, but most importantly of all, I ask the people of Ep Salvador, join the Latin Coalition, not to wage offensive wars far from home, but to guarantee non interference in Latin affairs - to be allowed to peacefully dwell in this world filled with blind imperialism, we must declare our determination to defend each other - until the death if needs be! United, we stand, divided we fall.”

-Emperor Pedro III [MOD for effect]




Admiral Frontin sat silently behind a desk, resplendent in the white uniform of the Brazilian Navy, the Imperial sash draped over his chest. Carefully he puffed at a cigar, while twirling whiskey around in a tumbler. Most of his guests performed similar actions, waiting on the last of their number to finish surveying the treatise before them. “Well, gentlemen, your thoughts?” A long silence followed.


“An interesting idea, Admiral.” The Argentine General Uriburu was the first to break the silence. “If such a League could be achieved, then we would be as mighty as any Great Power.”


Several others, including the Peruvian and Bolivian ambassadors to Brazil, shifted uneasily in their seats, unsure of themselves in this situation. It was another general, the Mexican Pablo González Garza, who would speak next. “I see the merits of your plans, Senor Frontin, but I fail to see how you intend to achieve them.”


The Chief of the Brazilian Naval Office simply smiled, bowing his head slightly. “Firstly, my friends, we must publish this paper, and introduce our citizens and our governments to the idea of a strong South America…”







As a part of Brazilian militarisation, Almirante Pedro Max Fernando Frontin, Chief of the Naval Office, has developed a major naval expansion plan, designed to make the Imperial Brazilian Navy a feared and efficient force.


Naming the United States as the most likely belligerent against Brazil, Frontin declared that to defeat the US Navy, Brazil must have a powerful Squadron of 5 dreadnoughts, and another Squadron of 6 Battlecruisers.


Additionally, the Admiral has stated that the support fleet itself must be massively strengthened - to this end it is decided the Brazilian Navy must quadruple her destroyer flotilla, double the number of torpedo boats in use and have at least 20 cruisers in commission.



In an attempt to create a relatively competent Air Wing for both scouting and artillery spotting purposes, the Brazilian Army buys in a large series of two seater biplanes.


In addition, the Mondragon Semi-automatic Rifles possessed by the Army are handed over to the Air Wing and fitted with 30 round drum magazines, to allow for more efficient in flight defense.


A Brazilian Military Aviation School is set up, and civilian instructors are recruited to teach aviators how to fly.



Published in every Brazilian paper is an account of American atrocities and their denial of humanitarian aid before their defeat in El Salvador.


Trumpeted over radio stations, the brutal American actions are continuously reported to the populace, and articles begin to be published in other South American newspapers, outlining hideous American attempts to brutally subjugate the Salvadoran people.





-Pedro makes a speech, attempting to unite Latin America. [MOD]

-The 5-6 Plan is launched, Japan is contracted to construct the primary goal of 4 Dreadnaughts, 2 Battlecruisers and 5 cruisers.

-Articles about US war crimes in El Salvador hit the news. [MOD]

-A major armaments deal is struck with Germany, and Brazil begins to purchase the huge German excess of rifles, machine guns and artillery. [MOD]

-Brazilian industrialisation efforts continue. [MOD]

-Deforestation efforts continue. [MOD]

-In an attempt to improve the living standards of the working class Brazilian, Pedro builds a number of towns on land reclaimed from the rainforest - from his own fortune and Industry is constructed near the new settlements. [MOD]

-As the first of the German arms rolls into Brazil, Brazil launches moves to fully rearm her own army, and to rearm (even with excess Brazilian arms - if there aren't enough German) the lesser forces among her allies. [MOD]

-Work begins to establish the Brazilian Army Air Wing. [MOD]

-Unidade e Fraternidade is published and begins to spread among Brazilian politicians - even as it begins to be published in other Latin Coalition states. [MOD]

-Articles regarding American atrocities in the El Salvador War are published and spread across Latin America. [MOD]

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The Third French Republic


colonialist pigs.png




The empty coffers are burdensome, they limit the military’s capacity of functioning properly, and it was decided after George Clemenceau’s latest visit to Washington, that a new loan would be granted to the Third French Republic, it would be sufficient enough to maintain all expenses of the civil war for at least another two years.


Soldiers will also be supplemented with 10 percent higher salaries than previously.




The French Armee de l’Aire (air force) has undergone a prolonged campaign of spreading propaganda, French planes can be spotted almost everyday flying over Socialist occupied urban areas like Paris, dropping these leaflets depicting the evils of socialism, and the betrayal of the unrecognized 4th Republic to France by making a deal with the German enemy.

Image result for anti socialist french propaganda

Image result for anti socialist french propagandaImage result for anti socialist french propaganda


September 22nd marks the return of the French ships after their handoff to the Royal Navy. The French ships were given a warm welcome, and personally inspected by newly a

promoted grand admiral Louis Bertrand.


A deal was brought with the USA earlier today, large quantities of luxury goods will be occasionally dropped to the French army with the hopes of boosting morale, cigarettes, chocolate, and coffee can be expected.


Condoms, which were issued to soldiers on a monthly basis along with specialized military brothels, will undergo some changes. The prostitutes will be selected to be rid of any contractible STDs, and the soldiers undergo regular health checks by qualified doctors.




Loan taken(more details in first paragraph)


Soldier wage increased


Parade for recovery of navy


Propaganda leaflets dropped using planes targets are  socialist controlled urban areas and distributed in liberated areas.


Brothels and healthcare for the army


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The Empire of Japan




The Journey of a thousand miles start with a single step.



THe city of Tianjing, once a 



The Shipyards of of the empire are used to build ships for the Brazilians. This will be done in return for a payment by the Brazilians. This is seen as a profitable deal by the empire.


In order to reduce radicalism in Japan a plan is set forth. This plan involves the media spreading a more moderate and pan-Asian ideology. This is mostly targeted at the young generation and the middle-aged. Seeing as the older generations are more stuck to their ways the Japanese goverment does not target them. Rather, the government has an attitude of. ‘The significant traditionalists anyway, we just need to wait some time for them to die off due to old age.’ In short, media is used to support moderate ideology and the education in all of the empire is changed to reflect this new ideology. [MOD]


The Japanese high command has recognised that the war of China is no longer a physical war but an ideological one. This war will not be waged with guns but with the hearts and minds of the people and the shows of succes. Thus the plan to develop China is further expanded as well as a more active propaganda effort:


First of all the subsidising of the creation and expansion of business is continued. As well as the continuation of building schools in CHina. With the goal being that at the end of the year every settlement which has a population larger than 1000 having at least one school. This is to make sure that the Chinese people are properly educated. [MOD]


ON top of that, making use of Chinese conscript labor and POW’s, a set of railways are constructed throught the occupied territories. THese railways would connect the cities of China with each other allowing for a more connected territory. [MOD]




Finally the Japanese propaganda machine gets rolling. In an effort to increase the spread of the now named ideology, Tanoism, new posters are made. These posters are made to help support a more Pan-Asian identity, emphasising the need of Asia to stand strong against Western Imperialists. On top of that certain figures of charisma and who are proven to be ‘missionaries’ of the ideology are sent to Indonesia and Socialist China. They take with them pamphlets and copies of the 2nd edition of the Tanoist manuscripts.

In Indonesia their goal is to promote the idea of Indonesian independence with the guiding hand of the Japanese aiding them. They will here also contact local indepdence groups and try to sway them to Tanoism and the Japanese ideology. 


In Socialist China their task is similair but, different,  here their goal is to act as part diplomats whilst also spreading the ideology. They are to act whilst reluctantly accepting socialism in certain aspects but also supporting the Tenents of Tanoism. Which are primarily the need of a pan-Asian state and the system to increase local wealth accros China with education and good business practices. Here they preach the need of peaceful integration between the two nations and a strong Asia to protect against Western aggresions. Citing examples like the Opium wars and other European Imperialist action. 



Furthermore, with peace signed the Japanese economy is transitioned back to a civilian economy. Allowing the economy to fully prosper once more [MOD]

Edited by Roberik
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United States of America

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E Pluribus Unum

Early 1917

White House, Washington DC, January 31st, 1917

Charles Evans Hughes was the new president of the United States of America, with the Republican party back in power. Hughes wanted to blow a fresh wind into the US, he showed this primarily in his four year plan concept. This entailed a four year long plan, the length of his term, during which he promised to boost the economy, increase welfare and wealth and overall improve living conditions within the United States of America. The USA would once again isolate itself from the rest of the world, the City upon the Hill would distance itself from the valleys of chaos once more like it had done in the past and look inwards rather than outwards, growing ever stronger like the sleeping giant that it was, not to be awakened by the rest of the world. Of course this didn’t mean Hughes planned to close Heaven’s doors, he made clear during a summit in New York. He explained that he wished to instead boost immigration, stating: “If they’ve come knocking on Heaven’s door, it’s time we let them in.”



London, Greater London, Great Britain, February 12th, 1917
White House, Washington DC, U.S., February 11th, 1917


During the Great War, the United States of America had sold tremendous amounts of supplies and equipment to Great Britain for their war effort. Now that the war was over, American companies and the US government were calling for payday. The British, decent folk as always, readily obliged and paid off what they owed to the American manufacturers and the US government. To the latter they paid both in money as well as land. The United States were sold the British territories of Belize and Vancouver Island, as well as a sum of one-hundred million American dollars. In response to the good deal and proper handling of payment, President Hughes stated he looked forward to further cooperation with the British government in the future.

Furthermore, the US government receives an additional fifty million American dollars from the German government as debt repayment.



Chicago, Illinois, February 19th, 1917

Chicago, the biggest city in the area known as the Rust Belt or Manufacturing Belt, the part of the United States where the heavy industry was situated, was home to many of the factories that produced weapons for the British War Effort. President Hughes understood the economic importance of the Rust Belt and since the 150 million US dollars that the American government earned from selling weapons were produced in this area of the country, he saw it fit to directly invest these 150 million dollars, right into the Rust Belt. They would be used to further develop infrastructure and industry in that part of the country, as well as housing and living condition development. This was all to ensure a big economic boost in the Rust Belt over the course of Hughes’ Four Year Plan. Milwaukee, Cleveland, Columbus, Detroit, Chicago, Cincinnati, Lansing, Toledo and Pittsburgh would be the cities which were to gain the most from this investment.


Ellis Island, New York/New Jersey, March 5th, 1917

After the Great War, many Europeans saw their homes and countries wrecked. Many didn’t desire to live there no more and an increasing number of them were looking towards America. The US government felt a certain pressure of millions of possible immigrants coming to the nation. Hughes wanted to embrace this and even encourage it. Ellis Island would become THE designated spot for immigrants to first arrive in the States. The docks of the island were expanded just like the island itself where offices for the Bureau of Immigration and the Bureau of Naturalization were built to make sure the process of welcoming immigrants and extending citizenship was organized further. Additionally, the Bureau of Integration is founded, this bureau helps to teach new immigrants English for a cheap fee and also directs them into a variety of sections of the economy in case they want the Bureau to help them find a job. Furthermore, shipping from Europe to America with the purpose of transporting migrants to the US is subsidized, making the journey cheaper and thus more accessible.



New York City Branche of the Women’s Suffrage Movement, New York City, New York, April 31st, 1916

Miss Anne-Beth Schuyler walked onto the tribune. “My dear sisters! Look around, look around, the revolution’s happening in New York!” “New York!” The gathering of thousands of suffragettes exclaimed, a sound that echoed between the buildings. “Look around, look around, at how lucky we are to be alive right now! History is happening in Manhattan and we just happen to be in the greatest city in the world!” “In the greatest city in the world!” The joined in. They had practiced this speech, every one of them. And in a few minutes, they were about to march through the major streets of Manhattan, putting down traffic in the economic centre of the United States. “As stated by one of our great founding fathers.. ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal’. But if we were here with Thomas Jefferson...” “WE’D HAVE COMPELLED HIM TO INCLUDE WOMEN IN THE SEQUEL!” Thousands of women yelled. “We’ll start this revolution to cause a revelation, so listen to our declaration!” This passionate speech for women’s suffrage was one of many that day. Similar ones were being held in Washington DC, Chicago, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Boston and many more cities. All followed by a march through the city streets. Today would be the day they made clear to the American public what they wanted. Today would be the day they made clear to President Charles Evans Hughes what was to be done.






-The Four Year Plan starts. [MOD]
-The United States obtains Belize, Vancouver Island and 150 million US$ as British debt payment.
Belize and Vancouver Island are made into the territories of Belize and West Elizabeth respectively.
-150 million US$ are invested into the Manufacturing Belt. [MOD]
-With the Great War being over, the US. Army stops mobilizing and instead puts the effort previously invested in expanding the army into now maintaining the army. [MOD]
-Immigration is heavily encouraged. [MOD]
-Pressure is put on approving Women’s Suffrage in congress. [MOD]
-The US Army Engineers start work on the US Airship programme as well as other innovative measures. [MOD]
-The new Mexican government is recognized by the USA. [MOD]
-Paraguay is offered to sign the Hayes Act. [MOD]
-The Lafayette Volunteer Division is sent back to the States [FRANCE/MOD]
-Proposal of the Sleeper Act named after Governor Albert Sleeper of Michigan, which entails an 8 hour work day with additional pay for overtime. [MOD]


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Summary of Transcaucasian Federal decisions:

  • The training of all troops recruited the year prior. (mod)
  • The continued recruitment of Caucasian peoples, both local, diaspora, and foreign volunteers for the socialist cause.
  • Investment of many Baku Field Funds into modern weaponry wherever possible.
  • Continued entrenchment. 
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    • Unwillingly

      new elf place? https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/237716-a-summons-to-elvenkind-recruitment/

    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

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